#indiewebcamp 2013-06-30
2013-06-30 UTC
# sandeepshetty tantek: it's tricky to balance the need for reducing barriers to collaboration while also increasing it to avoid spam. On the IWC wiki, I got in easily with Openid but when it switched to indieauth it took me a couple of months to get around to using the wiki
# pdurbin sandeepshetty: sure. certainly on topic for #swig as well, where sivoais hangs out. if you guy have a conversation, please link to the logs. (i.e. http://chatlogs.planetrdf.com/swig/2013-06-29.html )
# sandeepshetty is there going to be remote participating allowed to IWC 2013/UK?
# sandeepshetty *participation
# tantek.com edited /2013/UK (+117) "/* IndieWebCampUK */ put consider dConstruct up at the top" (view diff)
# www.sandeep.io edited /2013/UK (+1077) "Added Remote Participation section and added myself to it." (view diff)
andreypopp and bnvk joined the channel
# @xtof_fr @lentremetteur prête pour partir sur @MyDataLabs #indieweb ?
bnvk joined the channel
# sandeepshetty tantek: dt-published might be required when you're paginating feeds.
# sandeepshetty pagination solves on problem with pull based feeds..
# sandeepshetty if you are polling at some interval and the feed has updates within that period that are pushed to the next page.. they will be missed by the poller
# sandeepshetty pagination help get all updates till the last one present locally
andreypopp, bnvk and scor joined the channel
# josephboyle What do you guys like to use for delivery of mail to your domains and spam filtering?
# josephboyle Do you only send mails that fail your personal whitelist to gmail for filtering?
# sandeepshetty aaronpk: converspace also does pagination that are permalinks (give me posts older/newer than this post_id )
# @sandeepshetty A valid Atom 1.0 feed generated from the h-feed on sandeep.io... http://www.sandeep.io/98 #indieweb /cc @t
# sandeepshetty aaronpk: first pass at h-feed to atom proxy is live! :)
# sandeepshetty only works with a proper h-feed and has no fallback yet
# sandeepshetty will clean it up later to pick up top level h-entry like on your site
bret joined the channel
bret, melvster, andreypopp, bnvk and sandeepshetty joined the channel
# sandeepshetty aaronpk: A mention showed up a little weirdly on your site: http://aaronparecki.com/replies/2013/06/28/1/indieweb
andreypopp joined the channel
# bret also, aaronpk, does pin13 parse h-cards that are on another page as described on http://indiewebcamp.com/authorship ?
tantek joined the channel
sandeepshetty joined the channel
# sandeepshetty bret: (re /authorship) the mf2-cleaner that barnabywalters is working on has a getAuthor that should do it eventually.
# sandeepshetty yeah I switched to a single h-card as well with my redesign
# sandeepshetty it was the home page I was looking at
# sandeepshetty (for the h-feed)
# sandeepshetty yes
# sandeepshetty tantek: did you see http://www.sandeep.io/98 ?
# sandeepshetty it's very basic right now and will probably only work with my site but I'm hoping to make it more robust
# sandeepshetty and provide it as a service so indiewebers don't have to worry about atom
erikmaarten joined the channel
# tantek perhaps add it to http://indiewebcamp.com/Atom ?
# sandeepshetty sure thing. Will do it on the other side of some shut eye.
# tantek !tell barnabywalters compare http://pin13.net/mf2/?url=http://tantek.com/2013/178/t1/surreal-meeting-dpdpdp-trondisc which was dt-published to http://pin13.net/mf2/?url=http://tantek.com/ which lacks dt-published.
# sandeepshetty tantek I filed a bug for it yesterday on github
# sandeepshetty good night.
# sandeepshetty sorry on my phone. it should be the top one on his project
bret joined the channel
# tantek !tell barnabywalters I've added that info the github issue 25. https://github.com/indieweb/php-mf2/issues/25
andreypopp joined the channel
# bret melvster http://indiewebcamp.com/reply#How_To
# bret melvster http://pin13.net/ is useful for checking your microformats
# bret melvster, if you want to reply to eschnou.com manually use this https://gist.github.com/aaronpk/5744879
# bret otherwise just use this http://indiewebcamp.com/webmention#Manually_sending_webmentions
caseorganic joined the channel
# Loqi PUBLIC ALL THE THINGS http://loqi.me/7ZQ
# melvster there may be some confusion with comparing http://webmention.org and http://webmention.org/ with the trailing slash
erikmaarten joined the channel
# tantek want to write something up on the /webmention page?
# melvster tantek: do you know what's more normal as a URL, http://webmention.org or http://webmention.org/ ... I wasnt sure on that one ...
# tantek melvster, I'll refer to http://tantek.com/2011/238/b1/many-ways-slice-url-name-pieces
andreypopp joined the channel
# tantek.com edited /IndieMark (+1120) "/* areas */ expand on posting UI, web actions levels of achievement" (view diff)
# tantek.com edited /IndieMark (+723) "/* areas */ resort a bit by more developed areas first, staging for inclusion into actual level definitions" (view diff)
pfefferle, catsup and friedcell joined the channel
# @AxelNennker I am wondering why #indieweb does not use Persona. #browserid
# waterpigs.co.uk uploaded /File:twitter-email-reply-context.png "[[Twitter]] is using their ellipse [[reply-context]] UI within emails."
# waterpigs.co.uk edited /reply-context (+143) "/* Twitter home page */ added twitter email usage" (view diff)
barnabywalters joined the channel
# Loqi barnabywalters: pfefferle left you a message on 6/28 at 5:38am: sandeepshetty I take everything back! I am right though!! you use a not <http://example.com> encoded instead <http://example.com>
# Loqi barnabywalters: tantek left you a message 6 hours, 52 minutes ago: compare http://pin13.net/mf2/?url=http://tantek.com/2013/178/t1/surreal-meeting-dpdpdp-trondisc which was dt-published to http://pin13.net/mf2/?url=http://tantek.com/ which lacks dt-published.
# Loqi barnabywalters: tantek left you a message 6 hours, 47 minutes ago: I've added that info the github issue 25. https://github.com/indieweb/php-mf2/issues/25
# barnabywalters okay, thanks Loqi
# erikmaarten nice slew of messages you got there, barnabywalters :)
# barnabywalters erikmaarten: working on yours first — it occurs to me I haven’t actually tried a clean composer install of mf-cleaner
# barnabywalters wait, does the second message imply it was resolved?
# erikmaarten no, I just realized I mistyped the first message a little bit
# barnabywalters ah, apparently not — okay, fixing
# erikmaarten the error message was something like that, mf-cleaner requires helpers, helpers require tantek/cassis
# barnabywalters ah, okay, I just tried installing cassis and I know why this is
# erikmaarten so I guess there's only some minor problem getting the tantek/cassis package
# erikmaarten nice!
# erikmaarten what was it?
# barnabywalters either you need to set minimum_stability: dev in your composer.json, or tantek needs to tag a release of cassis, or both
# erikmaarten right, easy to get around then
# erikmaarten thanks!
# barnabywalters might actually be a hyphen instead of an underscore
# erikmaarten so, "minimum-stability": "dev", before the requires in my composer.json, right?
# barnabywalters erikmaarten: yep, or if you don’t want that setting to apply to all your other packages then "tantek/cassis": "dev-master" might work http://getcomposer.org/doc/04-schema.md#minimum-stability
# barnabywalters prefer-stable might also be useful, I’ve never actually come across it before
# erikmaarten barnabywalters: I set minimum-stability to dev and it worked fine.
# barnabywalters erikmaarten: yay! I’ll ask tantek about tagging his releases so people don’t have to go through this little dance — I think this has happened a few times
# erikmaarten How would I use prefer-stable? I'm looking at the documentation but it doesn't make very clear how to enable prefer-stable. Would it possibly be something like "prefer-stable": "true", do you think?
# barnabywalters erikmaarten: I think so, yes. try it, we can make the docs clearer if it works
# erikmaarten oops, it wasn't :)
# erikmaarten right, so it seems a boolean value enables/disables it
# erikmaarten "prefer-stable": true, seems to work
bnvk joined the channel
# erikmaarten It's a bit confusing that the docs use "true" for some options
# erikmaarten (as a string)
# erikmaarten I added the usage to the docs and sent a pull request
# erikmaarten my first ever pull request!
# barnabywalters erikmaarten: oh brilliant! thanks for that
# erikmaarten no problem!
erikmaarten and bret joined the channel
# www.sandeep.io edited /webmention (+154) "/* Brainstorming */ I'll take up registering the webmention rel if there is enough consensus that we need it..." (view diff)
# www.sandeep.io edited /webmention (+65) "/* Brainstorming */ Forgot to sign the last commit." (view diff)
sandeepshetty joined the channel
# @sandeepshetty DRY: h-feed enabled = Atom enabled http://www.sandeep.io/98 #indieweb #microformats
Loqi joined the channel
# barnabywalters sandeepshetty: nice work getting h-entry to ATOM going!
# barnabywalters morning aaronpk :)
# sandeepshetty barnabywalters: thanks.
# sandeepshetty aaronpk: the Twitter msg formatting is nice... any way to link to original tweet permalink as well?
# sandeepshetty (context: IRC/loqi)
# pdurbin sandeepshetty: last time I'm playing messenger: http://irclog.greptilian.com/sourcefu/2013-06-30#i_9817 :)
bnvk joined the channel
# barnabywalters morning tantek
# barnabywalters easiest thing to do is, every time you push changes, tag the commit with a version number like v0.1.1
# barnabywalters so, whenever I want to push a new stable version of php-mf2 I check all the tests pass, then:
# Loqi CHECK ALL THE TESTS http://loqi.me/7ZU
# barnabywalters 1. git tag (to see what the current highest version is)
# barnabywalters 2. git tag v0.1.x (where X is one more than the current highest)
# barnabywalters 3. git push && git push --tags
# Loqi 5 files modified in aaronpk/IndieAuth/master by aaronpk https://github.com/aaronpk/IndieAuth/compare/829297bf2b44...b9dd2c367b4b
# barnabywalters tantek: well, either that or we tell everyone explicitly to require the dev version of cassis
# barnabywalters hm, should be pretty easy to create a single command which does the whole thing for you
# barnabywalters tantek: or alternatively add it to a git hook and then forget about it — it just runs automatically whenever you push
# barnabywalters aaronpk++
# barnabywalters aaronpk: localstorage caching of previously found providers?
# barnabywalters tantek: number, not 1-9 though, just incrementing
# barnabywalters e.g. php-mf2 is on v0.1.17 at the moment
# barnabywalters and v0.2.0 will include some breaking changes like encoding non e-* properties by default
tantek_ joined the channel
# barnabywalters tantek_: I don’t think packagist supports that, why do you want to use it?
# barnabywalters well you could raise it as an issue but I think people are likely to want to stick to the simpler solution
# barnabywalters ah yeah I forgot that you can actually specify the version on composer.json too, which might be easier
# barnabywalters aaronpk: at geoloqi?
sandeepshetty joined the channel
# aaronpk like this scree http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l7bfnbuDoJ1qzt3x8o1_500.png
# aaronpk so the crazy thing is the redireect URI for the wiki may be something like this: http://indiewebcamp.com/wiki/index.php?title=Special:IndieAuth&returnto=projects
sandeepshetty and andreypopp joined the channel
# Loqi 2 files modified in aaronpk/IndieAuth/master by aaronpk https://github.com/aaronpk/IndieAuth/compare/b9dd2c367b4b...5cb8670bcc9a
andreypopp joined the channel
# Loqi [mention] http://www.w3.org/community/rww/2013/06/30/read-write-web-monthly-open-thread-june-2013/ linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/Main_Page (pingback)
# Loqi [mention] http://www.w3.org/community/rww/2013/06/30/read-write-web-monthly-open-thread-june-2013/ linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/2013 (pingback)
# @Indie_Auth Just launched a change to speed up logins a *ton* by using the last known list of providers instead of scanning each time!
josephboyle, pfefferle, melvster, pfefferle_ and bnvk joined the channel
andreypopp joined the channel
andreypopp, b0bg0d and bnvk joined the channel
andreypopp joined the channel
# bret aaronpk, have you tried http://rowanj.github.io/gitx/ yet? Its kind of like gitbox but free software
heath and fmarier joined the channel
# sandeepshetty pdurbin: thanks.
# sandeepshetty +1 for gitk, git-gui & lowest common denominator
bnvk joined the channel
slvrbckt joined the channel
# @domenicoperri I liked a @YouTube video http://www.youtube.com/ IndieWeb comments, likes and events
# sandeepshetty bret: the atom from h-feed?
# sandeepshetty thanks. how does Jekyll do atom? (IIRC you have a static site?)
# sandeepshetty still a lot to do in h-reader.com before others can use it.
# sandeepshetty ah, should have known.
# sandeepshetty nice!
# bret sandeepshetty: here is my atom template. it has some issues but works for the most part. https://github.com/bcomnes/bcomnes.github.io/blob/master/atom.xml
# sandeepshetty I can see it's very easy to do. I would have
# sandeepshetty I think of it as more: just tried to make pingback simpler because I didn't want to do xmlrpc :)
# bret should we add it to here? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trackback
# sandeepshetty Yeah. Want sure what the criteria was to be included there
# sandeepshetty *not
# sandeepshetty (y)
# sandeepshetty like I said, I don't know at what point (adoption level) something qualifies to be added there
# sandeepshetty but I guess we can always edit and see what the maintainer does
tantek joined the channel
# bret sandeepshetty: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebMention there you go!
# sandeepshetty bret: awesome. thanks.
# sandeepshetty bret: re metadata, it sounds similar to what I'm doing with machine tags.
# sandeepshetty though I don't have media support yet, that is what I'll be using when I introduce them.
# sandeepshetty aaronpk: what do they use the fax line for?
# bret tantek, another alternative to the git CLI incase you missed it: http://rowanj.github.io/gitx/
caseorganic joined the channel
# sandeepshetty checked out how his feed looks in a feed reader and realized it looks like sh** :( and needs fixing.
# bret I really dig the http://fed.wiki.org/ interface! But I have no idea what is going on
# aaronpk yea, 1¢ / message http://www.twilio.com/sms/pricing
# sandeepshetty aaronpk: I was wondering about that when you added SMS support... because sending a msg to me would have been expensive
# bret aaronpk in addition to google authenticator, there is also https://www.authy.com/ ... but the fact they wanto have give me two factor authentication so badly makes me raise an eyebrow
andreypopp joined the channel