#brettrying to brainstorm where I keep all my little data piles right now
#bretso far there is a split between things I need to attend to at a later date and then dumping grounds of interesting things that I may want to reference later on if it every becomes more relevant to me
cweiske joined the channel
#tantekbret - perhaps start jotting down what you know and what you're not sure of on your User page
#tommorrisbret: my old site is still at blog.tommorris.org - I have been meaning to set up a redirect to tommorris.org
adactio joined the channel
#tommorrisand today I saw on there that Tumblr now have this stupid slidey advert on the right hand side. I thought something had gone wrong with my computer
#tommorristhat they are now attempting to monetize my content like that is the final straw to finish nudging it all over to tommorris.org
#hupili.netcreated /User_talk:Hupili.net (+539) "Created page with "Is there any test hubs for webmention? I have tried to reply someone's post but did not see any effect. I don't know whether it is because they have an approval process. Is there..."" (view diff)
#sandeepshettybarnabywalters: does php-mf2 convert relative URLs to absolute?
#sandeepshettybarnabywalters: PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method webignition\\NormalisedUrl\\Path\\Path::hasTrailingSlash() in converspace/vendor/webignition/absolute-url-deriver/src/webignition/AbsoluteUrlDeriver/AbsoluteUrlDeriver.php on line 91
#barnabywaltersoh crap it’s yet another bloody versioning error
earplugs joined the channel
#barnabywaltersokay, that’s it, I’m getting rid of those libraries
#barnabywaltersbear with me while I implement a url resolver within php-mf2
#lionzanHi all, this is my first-time-ever on IRC 8-P I'm getting my indieweb up at lionzan.me and I'll hang around a while here to see what's going on :[] thanks bret for showing me here!
#sandeepshettyaren't you commiting the lock files to as well?
#barnabywalterssandeepshetty: sandeepshetty yeah, but IIRC those libraries don’t always require the right versions
#sandeepshettybarnabywalters: should I wait for you to implement it or hack something up? (currently stuck at implementing /authorship and need to follow the rel="author" which is/could-be relative
#pfefferleyea, thats the article to the lib that barnabywalters found
#tommorrisbarnabywalters: you might want to have a look at Addressable - Ruby library that actually implements URIs to spec
#barnabywalterssandeepshetty: just pushed v0.1.19 which requires an @stable version of absolute url resolver — installing mf2/mf2 in a clean environment works fine for me now so hopefully it’ll work for you too
#barnabywaltersa php extension for dealing with translations and such things — for some reason the version of webignition/url which is needed for the url resolving to work requires it
#barnabywaltersit’s probably just easier to get rid of the dependency althgether
#sandeepshettyby extension you mean complied code? Can't use custom extensions on my host
#sandeepshettyit looks like an issue with either requiring or specifying the namespace
#barnabywaltersthe problem is that relative-url-resolver loosely requires the url lib, but the version of the url lib which is actually necessary to resolve urls requires the intl extension, so composer gets the latest version which *doesn’t* require the extension
#barnabywaltersthe require statement in webignition/relative-url-resolver is not strict enough
#sandeepshettyhow about filing a bug for it on webignition/relative-url-resolver ?
#barnabywalterswhich is another reason we need to get rid of that dependency
#barnabywalterssandeepshetty: that’ll make it a little easier to debug, but won’t let it work on hosts which don’t have the intl extension installed
#barnabywalterssandeepshetty: I suspect it’s for IDN -> ASCII normalisation
tilgovi, spinnerin, sandeepshetty, ozten, b0bg0d, scor, seyz and xtof joined the channel
#sandeepshettybarnabywalters: tried to require "dev-master" of webignition/url which happens to be 1.7.2 and I got the error related to ext-intl: "webignition/url 1.7.2 requires ext-intl * -> the requested PHP extension intl is missing from your system."
#barnabywalterssandeepshetty: okay so that shows us what the bug is
#sandeepshettyso it's the latest version that requires it
#tantekI believe the plan is to use this http://indiewebcamp.com/IRC-people as the connection between people here in the channel and their personal site, rel-me'd to their Twitter.
#tantekand yes, the idea is to have Loqi *only* do @-replies for people listed in http://indiewebcamp.com/IRC-people (i.e. not just anyone in the channel) as way of limiting spam/abuse.
#donpdonpthe setup has been working for a year, i suspect something on the indieauth side has changed
#demisbenwerd: I'm getting the same error on indieauth as donpdonp since I switched to Idno, could it be because my rel="me" links are now on the profile page, and that the profile page link from index.php doesn't include rel="me"?
#benwerdYeah. I ended up writing myself a small custom plugin for werd.io to push my profile block to the front page
#sandeepshetty!tell barnabywalters: See the comment I added to that issue. It looks like "1.3.*@stable" is resulting in composer downloading 1.3 of webignition/absolute-url-deriver instead of the latest version which is 1.3.4.