#aaronpktantek: I have an explicit "reply-to" text box for a URL, as well as a "tweet ID" text box. when p3k auto-detects the syndicated tweet it fills in the tweet ID, but I can always go find it manually if I want and paste it in
#aaronpk2013-08-06 looks like August 6th, 2013 to me as well
#aaronpktantek: I love the idea of all of us posting replies to each others content we post during the demos but having other presentations in between them
#tantekbenwerd: "This does not undermine the technologies and successes of the wider federated social web movement, or of other open social software projects" - uh, yes it does. :)
#@johnallsoppRT @t: Your “Open API” with proprietary TOS is not open, it's a bizdev hook.
#benwerdI chose to engage some diplomacy there. The proof will be in the pudding - or rather, the uptake
#@chiragdaveRT @t: Your “Open API” with proprietary TOS is not open, it's a bizdev hook.
#@dboundsRT @t: Your “Open API” with proprietary TOS is not open, it's a bizdev hook.
earplugs, brianloveswords and b0bg0d joined the channel
#hupili.netcreated /User:Hupili.net (+181) "Created page with " [hupili.net My IndieWeb Identity Site] following is the test region. --~~~~ ---- '''Bold text''' ''Italic text'' [[test]]"" (view diff)
#@distobjRT @t: Your “Open API” with proprietary TOS is not open, it's a bizdev hook.
#bretHas there been any interest into indiewebcamp from individuals working for facebook?
xtof joined the channel
#tantekbret - none directly that I know about - though there are some microformats advocates there like Paul Tarjan (helped co-create the original Python relmeauth library)
#@SushubhRT @t: Your “Open API” with proprietary TOS is not open, it's a bizdev hook.
#tantek.comedited /Why_web_sign-in (+1233) "/* Why not consume OpenID */ Additional reasons why not OpenID quoting from a Simon Willison comment" (view diff)
#tantek.comedited /To-do (+81) "note getting started should help nudge folks to progress towards IndieMark levels in areas" (view diff)
#tantek.comedited /User:Tantek.com (+2851) "add my indie web setup section describing my primary site + POSSE, and PESETAS for other, except Foursquare. add h-card." (view diff)
#@NicRT @t: Your “Open API” with proprietary TOS is not open, it's a bizdev hook.
#tantek.comedited /User:Tantek.com (+19) "explicit TOC part way down, note silo posting explicitly (as a public declaration of the things I need to fix/replace)" (view diff)
#hupiliIt takes time to read the materials in current "get started". There are too many pointers for first timers. e.g. syndication models, some IW projects, hCard, etc. Those are not mandatory for login the wiki. It's better to catch up gradually
#@skeptechRT @t: Your “Open API” with proprietary TOS is not open, it's a bizdev hook.
tommorris joined the channel
#tantekI'd hoped that somehow sandeepshetty had implemented POSSEing of reposts as native retweets on Twitter
julien51 joined the channel
#tantekas in, when you do a repost of an indieweb post, if that indieweb post has a rel=syndication link to a tweet, then you do a native retweet on twitter as well
#tantekwould be interesting to move "retweets" to being something you do / native on your own personal site, and then have it automatically do the POSSE equivalent on Twitter
#tantek.comedited /Falcon (+535) "/* Working On */ implement reposts of tweets and reposts of indieweb posts, with POSSE retweet functionality" (view diff)
#tantekwell I've added it to my list of Falcon "working ons"
#breti was thinking, looking at http://werd.io/, that a repost would look something like bens normal note, but with a different h-card and some kind of indication its a repost
#bretit fits the context of every item in the stream having an h-card to the right of it
#hupili.github.iocreated /User:Hupili.github.io (+953) "Created page with "# Hupili.Github.Io It just come to me that an independent domain is not mandatory.... Anyway, it's beneficial to have more people own there domain. The IndieAuth facility is c..."" (view diff)
#bretin terms of presentation, its rather similar to a repost
#tantekthe other example to look at is Tumblr and retumbles
#bretI was thinking about implementing some kind of attatchment system, where I can mix in various elements, like media, likes (/other emotional response descriptions?), replies, favorites, reposts, links, rsvps, events to the note format
#tantekbret - would that be necessary for the use-cases we have?
#bretthe idea fits around the metadata model I am experimenting with
#bretIE, I put some basic info in the meta data section of a post, and then some generic placement tag is used to determine where and how it gets placed into the html
#bretbut jekyll just mergeed include tags with variables so it should make life way easier for me
#bretthe other reason is that I am pegged to this system, and there is a lot I could do with it still. I'm not quite ready to scrap it for something else
#tanteka counter on each post of the # of reposts of that post
#barnabywaltersI’m not yet entirely convinced of the utility of likes and reposts — i.e. not sure exactly what they mean or why I want them next to my notes
#tantekso that as soon as someone supports receiving and displaying comments / webmentions, then no matter what reply types we come up with in the future, something reasonable happens on the comment receiver's site
#barnabywaltersapart from POSSE updating breaking twitter conversation views
#barnabywaltersmaybe make it optional so you only delete and post again if you’re making a big change, or a change which would be shown in the truncated copy
#barnabywaltersalthough with all the reply context goodness around now it’s debatable whether or not deletion is actually effective any more — unless every reply context implementation also supports deletion
#tantekwell, some delete is probably better than none
#tantekbarnabywalters, the other thought I had about POSSE updates, especially to Twitter, is that you really should only propagate updates within a very short time window, maybe like 2-5 minutes, because otherwise the update will be seen as a duplicate to people who are reading you on Twitter.
#barnabywalterspart of my attempt to reverse-syndicate twitter replies into comments
#tantekexcept for what to do with deletes - like if you have a reply that receives a webmention from its original post (that it's replying to), and that original post returns a 410.
#tantekwhat should you do with your reply and reply-context? leave it alone? unlink the original? note that the original appears to have been deleted, but keep the reply-context?
#tantekthis may be something we need to do individual UI experimentation on to get a feel for what are good options to consider.
musigny joined the channel
#tantekwould be nice to get full comment, POSSE, reply-context CRUD figured out and working cross-site before the W3C SocialWeb workshop - those would make for AMAZING dynamic federation/socialweb demos. The kind no one has ever seen before (or maybe even thought of - in that group).
#demisI have mongodb running and can connect to its test db over localhost, and I cloned idno into /var/www and apache2 is running, but when I open the site I just get a blank white page.
#demisPHP Warning: require_once(/var/www/idno/external/Symfony/Component/ClassLoader/UniversalClassLoader.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/idno/Idno/start.php on line 11
#demisPHP Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/var/www/idno/external/Symfony/Component/ClassLoader/UniversalClassLoader.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in /var/www/idno/Idno/start.php on line 11
#tantekbenwerd - I think tommorris was the first here to start doing indieweb checkins - he's pioneered a lot of implementation of what's documented on the wiki
#tantekgoodness - seriously long reply thread on that last tweet
#tantekbenwerd - have you thought about implementing native reposts/retweets on your own site? is that something that interests you?
#tommorristantek: translation is a derivative work legally. non-CC posts I've written, people contact me about translating them. I usually switch 'em to CC BY SA and then ask them to (a) comply with the licesne and (b) email me a link once its done
spindritf joined the channel
#tantektommorris - yeah I agree that's true per the letter, but I choose to let translations of my posts slide because I think that's a good encouragement
#tommorrisI've had Wikinews articles I've written translated to. I was amazed when I wrote an article, came back an hour or so later and someone had translated it into Farsi
#tantekreposts/retweets I see as perhaps different UI
bnvk joined the channel
#tantekbut I've already thought about how I want to make reposts/retweets on my own site work in terms of POSSE - which is important to me because it would *replace* my use of any native Twitter retweeting: http://indiewebcamp.com/Twitter#POSSE_Reposts_of_Tweets
#tanteke.g. like your recent native Twitter retweet of my post
#tantekhas anyone besides StatusNet re-engineered the Twitter API sufficiently to trick the Twitter iOS client into being a client for their own site? details: http://indiewebcamp.com/Twitter#iOS_client
#shaners@tantek I know @mislav extracted (from a client job) a Ruby Gem that does part of it. Read only.
#melvsteristr i patched it 2009 or 2010 ... needed a bit of content negotiation to get it in really good shape, but i never got round to that ... essentially so that you can have dual human and machine readable profiles
#melvsterproblem with foaf is that rdf/xml became *really* unpopular
#melvsterbut you can just embed it straight in the HTML now with the rel tag, that's the path of least resistance
#melvsterso to add slvrbckt i just need sed -i and
#melvsterso essentially uni directional friending implemented in half an hour
#benwerdI'd be inclined to use xfn, as I think it probably has more real-world use (due to WordPress, in part), but there's no harm in also including foaf attributes
#melvsterbenwerd: good point ... if people start using xfn for anything practical i can do a quick cut and paste
#melvsterright now you can actually surf through all the different profiles I link to by clicking through that data view ... the cloud actually extends for quite a few million profiles
#melvsterbenwerd: the read only version of FOAF is great, but it's essentially just a browsing tool, once you can read and write in the data view, things get slightly more interesting ...
#melvsteractually elgg had some nice forms for adding values to your profile
#melvsterso many things about elgg were great design
#benwerdisn't that what the IndieWeb is all about? your web presence being writeable, fully under your control, and also an API?
#melvsterbenwerd: yep there's a pretty big overlap with what's going on in indieweb, and it's nice to see people actually implementing stuff and testing it, so we are learning all the time :)
#melvster4 things to implement next for me are : microblogging / web of trust / micropayments / PKI
#benwerdha! 4 things to implement next for me are: retweeting / comics / friends pages / groups
#benwerdI am *very* interested to see micropayments
#melvsterbenwerd: sounds very cool ... i remember the groups system from elgg too ... micropayments are quite tricky, ive been following the space for 15 years, so I have a few ideas by now :)
#melvsteri essentially want to bootstrap existing currencies but also allow new currencies, the system will be currency agnostic
#melvstera web of trust can also help with payments
#melvsterlogrithmic trust, so that you dont get too much in one place
#benwerdI'm not sure I trust webs of trust, but that's a topic for another time