aaronpkI just wrote up a chunk on indieauth. was considering also throwing in something about distributed/syndicated comments, talking about what everyone is doing with comments on eschnou's post, and how news.indiewebcamp.com fits into the mix as well
bretpoppy: associating a domain name with the projects github page might be the simplest way to associate the project with a non-github address till you figure out your self hosted solution
aaronpk!tell poppy I run GitLab for a whole bunch of private repos. It's a bunch to run if you haven't run Ruby/Rails apps before, but pretty typical setup if you're familiar with that stack.
erikmaartenbret: yeah, definitely intriguing, I've kind of been wondering for a while now why no one seems to be using it :) Will try it out myself in a while anyway, hopeful something worth going further with
Loqipoppy: aaronpk left you a message 2 hours, 38 minutes ago: I run GitLab for a whole bunch of private repos. It's a bunch to run if you haven't run Ruby/Rails apps before, but pretty typical setup if you're familiar with that stack.
adactioIndiewebbers: I've been thinking …it might be better to have IndieWebCamp UK on Saturday, September 7th rather Sunday, September 8th, to maximise usage of people in town for dConstruct.
adactioThere's a Clearleft office-warming party on the *evening* of Saturday, September 7th, and Maker Faire would be going on all weekend, but I reckon the afternoons should be free.
adactioI'm *hoping* that we'll have connectivity at the new Clearleft office in time for IndieWebCamp, but if not, we can have it at Prem's "Institute For The Recently Possible" (across the street from the Skiff)
donpdonpin other news, my activitystream has a new trick. when my laptop turns on, it posts all nearby access points to a php endpoint which ends up in http://donp.org/as/. I hope to leverage that for some kind of automated location.
seyz, erikmaarten, texburgher and xtof joined the channel
tantekadactio, in particular, a 2 day indiewebcamp would be excellent. what with how much progress has been made even in just the past 3 months, I have a feeling we'll easily be able to make excellent use of 2 days
adactiotantek: cool. Part of the reason why I want it to be on Saturday too is that I might have to duck out on Sunday afternoon to catch a plane to Germany.
aaronpkperhaps this time since I won't be organizing it I will still be up for some post-indiewebcamp gatherings instead of going home and crashing early :)
tantek(not a typo, not sure about benward, still waiting for them to both be in the channel at the same time watching the auto-complete hilarity ensue)
texburgher_, b0bg0d, erikmaarten, spinnerin, secretmildred, benwerd and musigny joined the channel
tantek" I decided to build everything from scratch to force myself to learn Vagrant, Puppet and other general sysops stuff that was on my "to explore" list. This was dumb in terms of how long it took me to get everything up & running, but I have no regrets."
tantekaaronpk and anyone else who is POSSE threading replies, what to do when the post you're commenting on (reply to) doesn't explicitly link to its syndicated copies?
tantekOR should a posting UI (e.g. on Falcon) attempt to rel-syndication auto-detect the POSSE tweet copy, and failing than, present a simple text field to paste one in manually?
benwerdtantek: I've leaned towards simply including a second text box. I'm auto-detecting rel-syndication links these days but don't want to guess where it's not explicitly present, and would still like to reach out on Twitter where possible.