#www.sandeep.iocreated /SBCE (+1080) "Adding this to the wiki because every time I read the principles page and the point about diversity of approaches/implementations, I'm reminded of this." (view diff)
#www.sandeep.ioedited /principles (+416) "(discussion section) There seems to be an unwritten principle of focusing on UX, should be make it explicit?" (view diff)
#www.sandeep.ioedited /comments-presentation (+517) "(discussion section) Noted objection to accounting for long posts where only a part of it is in-reply-to another post." (view diff)
#tanteksandeepshetty - difference from SBCE - there is no "final solution"
#tantekin fact, that's true with anything on the web
#tantekif you ever think you've reached a "final solution" you've likely made a mistake
#sandeepshettyI think they use the term final to mean something that can ship at the time (like indie-comments for example), no car design if of course final, you always have the next design and so on...
#sandeepshetty(the customer needs and technology are also constantly evolving)
#www.sandeep.ioedited /deleted (+505) "/* No Plans To Implement */ Simple workaround to avoid 410, 404 and tombstoning. leads me to believe that update might be enough and we could skip the concept of delete altogether." (view diff)
#sandeepshettyI agree that "final" is a misnomer. Re UI converging: I think there are element that will converge like response counts, response details, etc.
#sandeepshettyOne UI problem I'm facing at the moment.. is that as I follow comment threads (by following the in-reply-to) I have to reorient myself to each commenters site and "figure" out where the in-reply-to link is...
#sandeepshettyhopefully our implementations will eventually have thread-readers which will follow the in-reply-tos and present a better view on our own sites.
#www.sandeep.ioedited /deleted (+240) "/* Discussion */ Interestingly this (delete-workaround) also gives the commenter (content-owner) more control over explaining the intent of the delete." (view diff)
b0bg0d, musigny, tantek, tantek_, pfenwick, pfefferle and cweiske joined the channel
#pfefferleis there any part in the mf2 spec that says the <div class="p-in-reply-to h-entry"> has to be inside the first h-entry or could it be also part of the p-content?
#pfefferlethe parser supports does support the p-content part… but i am not sure if it is a bug or not
gjones, poppy and b0bg0d joined the channel
#www.sandeep.ioedited /deleted (+590) "/* Discussion */ Added details of deleting non-comment responses using the workaround and converted to a list to facilitate discussion." (view diff)
#Loqibarnabywalters: aaronpk left you a message 11 hours, 58 minutes ago: thx for the idea of only showing errors if you're logged in, just implemented that in like 3 minutes
#pfefferlebarnabywalters: have a question about mf2, your parser and the reply context markup
bnvk, sandeepshetty, musigny, b0bg0d, brbcoding, gjones and sandeepshetty_ joined the channel
#tantekpfefferle - looks like barnabywalters answered your question about uf2 and h-entry vs. nested reply-context information etc. anything outstanding?
#tommorrisI was preparing to upbraid them for hypocrisy but then found they did a simple JSON export
scor joined the channel
#tommorrisbarnabywalters: I think Twitter's general approach is pretty good - having the data and having a built in HTML+JS viewer.
#tommorrisit may not be perfect but I like the idea of having the viewer distributed with the data. makes it all the more time capsule compliant. because we're likely to have working browsers in twenty years time.
#tantekif there's no use case for our own sites, then why bother?
#tantek#indiewebcamp is very much a move the web forward channel, but not just any random brainfart proposals for moving the web forward. rather, we filter web advancements by the simple question of how does it help my personal website right now?
#JonathanNeal2. random proposal assumes no conscious need
#JonathanNeal3. it helps my personal website by allowing me to control how things look based on how much room there is
#JonathanNeal4. there is no universal "right now", IE6 is right now for a lot of people, flexbox is right now for others.
musigny and bnvk joined the channel
#tantekre: 1. assumption of error of proposals is reasonable given the incredibly bad track record of w3.org/TR drafts as a whole, and IETF RFCs as a whole
#tantek2. random proposal similar is a reasonable conclusion as while not literally random, the aforementioned specs often pursue a *theoretical* need rather than an actual real-world documented use-cases based need, and thus "random" is a reasonable adjective (theory without data/research might as well be random)
#tantek3. if it helps your personal website, great, implement and deploy it!
#tantek4. you're right that "right now" is in the eye of the personal website publisher
#aaronpkwell POSSE/PESOS give us "backwards compatibility" with existing social networks today. is there something similar for .bit?
#barnabywaltersisn’t .bit essentially that anyway? a bridge between current DNS and namecoin?
#tantekat lunch at the W3C Technical Plenary 1.5 years ago, in an discussion with TBL, we proposed a hypothetical .p TLD (to be purchased) that could be used for peer-to-peer DNS
#barnabywaltershow is a TLD actually set up? who/what controls it?
#tantekhaving W3C or some similar body be the "registrar" for .p would be how you got backward compat with DNS
#aaronpkyes, it's an anti-pattern to start building things for others. but eventually software will need to be built for others because not everyone will build stuff for themselves
#tantekthe "indieweb" is a tough enough problem space that right now the only people making conceptual progress in it are the people first building for themsevles
#julien51bret: awesome! Let me know more by email if you can :)
notifix joined the channel
#bretok! its just a simple way to send update notifications that was originally a work around for a different problem, but we figured we could add a parameter to delay incoming updates for a moment until github works out their issue
#julien51aaronpk: the notifix bot also support direct messages… if you don't want to bother everyone in he room with subscriptions and notifications :)