#xtofjihaisse : Thanks. Nice work. Will come back tomorrow morning with a better connexion. I'd be happy to have a phone call if you're available during the week. I have to leave now. CU
#tantekbenwerd, since you seem to have figured out how to POSSE photos (e.g. to Flickr, Facebook), perhaps you could create a test Instagram account and figure out how/what the worm is doing :)
#neuro`WebMention receivers SHOULD moderate WebMentions, and if a link is displayed back to the source, SHOULD link to source with rel="nofollow" to prevent spam.
#tantekthe presentation/display level is handled by indieweb comments
#tantekpingback never should have mentioned display stuff - that should have been a separate spec
#neuro`Also I just can't find any way to avoid spam with Web mentions, which is the other thing that bothers me (except by manual check and heavy moderation)
#neuro`And I have some specially crafted virtual machin when I need to analyze compromized Web sites
#neuro`Used to work in comp sec a long time ago (in a not so distant galaxy)
josephboyle joined the channel
#tantekhuh, re: the Old Reader. good reason to start charging for accounts after the first n users (decided what n is for you and how much maintenance that takes, treat first n as beta testers that are doing *you* a service).
#tantek"free service" and "hobby" doesn't scale for anything with a UI.
#tantekand don't be afraid to charge a lot to limit sign-ups. do the math on support hours costs, equipment costs, and charge 10x.
josephboyle1 joined the channel
#benwerdre: the Old Reader, Pinboard is the model to watch.
#bret.iocreated /Webfist (+451) "Created page with "{stub} [[Webfist]] is the software used to run a distributed fallback network to enable webfinger on email address from providers that do not yet support webfinger. It was firs..."" (view diff)
#barnabywaltersneuro`: just saw your comments RE webmention and spam in the logs. fwiw, we’re documenting potential spam prevention methods here http://indiewebcamp.com/spam
#tantekbret when you say "biggest argument for using email for authentication" - do you have a citation for that "biggest"? all of the FAQs I've added to that page have been often questioned re: email identity
#tantekI don't see why that one in particular is any more common
#bretHow do we know we are not taking part in the eventually antipatern though?
#brettantek: unfortunately the best I can provide is hearsay, but I haven't looked into it much.
#f-abret: what the analogy is "email is like a mail address"?
#tantekf-a, a bit tired of the email as identity arguments, which tend to be mostly propagated by people on email lists.
#tantekwhich is why we're collecting a *web page* debunking them, and to describe why a *web*-based identity is better
#brettantek: I think its a matter of people (me parroting others) in this case rephrasing similar questions. But it helps iron out all possible nuances with the matter
#f-aindeed a dialogue helps getting all the little doubts out
#tantekbret - sure, we have plenty of wiki-space to debunk each variant/nuance
#tantekf-a, plus it's taken a while to build up the full set of arguments debunking email as identity
#tantek3rd parties, own domain, "everybody/massadoption" anti-pattern
#tantekthe email-as-identity crowd is kind of funny too in that most still think that email-lists are a way to be productive (about anything)
#tanteklike a bunch of fax machine hobbyists faxing each other ideas about new ways to use fax machines
#aaronpki still want to add fax as an option to indieauth
#tantekaaronpk - totally. would be funny to cluster it with sms and email in a pre-web-tech section ;)