2013-07-29 UTC
# 00:09 aaronpk wtf, my other server crashed as I was leaving sisters coffee
sandeepshetty, melvster, josephboyle and tantek joined the channel
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xtof, EHLOVader, cweiske, melvster, tantek, pfenwick, julien51, julien51_, eschnou, bnvk, pfefferle, andreypopp, adactio, josephboyle, f-a and Guest62610 joined the channel
andreypopp joined the channel
# 09:23 f-a lazy and sleepy :P
# 09:29 bret wow this is super ugly, but I learned quite a few things tonight
# 09:29 bret Got webmention counts showing on the main page: http://bret.io/ and that I should be using CORS instead of plain jsonp
xtof joined the channel
julien51, pfefferle and Guest27982 joined the channel
bnvk joined the channel
julien51, andreypopp and singpolyma joined the channel
f-a joined the channel
dpk, xtof_, julien51, bnvk, gjones, bnvk_, scor, friedcell, JonathanNeal, brianloveswords, sandeepshetty, melvster, texburgher, morrocco_mole, ozten, josephboyle, andreypopp, xtof, melvster_, spinnerin and eschnou joined the channel
jihaisse joined the channel
# 17:10 jihaisse j'ai réussi á faire marcher sharepress avec le raccourcisseur d'url "Hum"
# 17:12 xtof jihaisse "moche" : tu parles de Hum ou SharePress ?
# 17:12 jihaisse xtof: mon hack dans share press pour qu'il utilise l'url courte
# 17:13 jihaisse pour bien faire, faudrait que j'ajoute une méthode dans sharepress et une option de configuration comme il y a pour bit.ly
sandeepshetty joined the channel
# 17:21 xtof jihaisse : Thanks. Nice work. Will come back tomorrow morning with a better connexion. I'd be happy to have a phone call if you're available during the week. I have to leave now. CU
sandeepshetty and andreypopp joined the channel
benwerd and f-a joined the channel
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donpdonp, josephboyle and tantek joined the channel
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# 18:30 benwerd That Instagram worm is quite something. Another reason for diversity of platforms.
# 18:30 tantek benwerd, yeah, seriously. can't believe how many people it's hit.
# 18:31 tantek waiting for some security person to disassemble its mechanism
shaners and sandeepshetty joined the channel
# 18:35 aaronpk how does that even work? I've seen it a few times in my timeline
# 18:37 benwerd I'm tempted to click it to find out, but will abstain ;)
# 18:38 tantek so the interesting thing is - there are no instagram clients
# 18:38 tantek there are no instagram clients (that let you upload photos)
# 18:38 tantek so, this IG worm is somehow doing *what no one else has done* as an IG "client"
# 18:39 tantek and potentially provides a way to POSSE to Instagram
# 18:39 aaronpk i didnt think it was posting a photo, just commenting on something
# 18:40 tantek benwerd, since you seem to have figured out how to POSSE photos (e.g. to Flickr, Facebook), perhaps you could create a test Instagram account and figure out how/what the worm is doing :)
# 18:42 tantek yeah, the way I see it, this means someone has built a client that uploads to IG! :)
# 18:43 tantek ok since this apparently wasn't obvious perhaps I should write a short note
gjones joined the channel
# 18:46 aaronpk huh. I guess I didn't realize the photo I saw wasn't that person's own photo
# 18:47 aaronpk I should figure out the venue field and add it to the wiki
# 18:48 aaronpk funny, I was just considering using Instagram as a PESOS client to get photos on to my site. I do like the filters and such.
cweiske joined the channel
# 18:49 tantek Oh funny, Twitter errantly lost the "?" on the end of the URL
# 18:49 neuro` I was considering adding Flickr / Instagram / 500px POSSE to Publify, 90% of the code is here, we just need to connect the Api.
# 18:50 aaronpk heh, yea Loqi follows redirects now to un-shorten links before they show up here. so he saw the ? as part of the URL
# 18:51 tantek but it's not part of the URL, nor does it redirect
# 18:51 f-a I wonder who sticks to RFC standards for URLs anymore
# 18:52 tantek is amazed how many question he's been able to answer by citing that one blog post.
# 19:01 EHLOVader your drawing which showed all the nodes of a url reminded me of how that regular expression maker handles its sections
friedcell joined the channel
# 19:05 EHLOVader what is Loqi run on? because sometimes the way it picks up on information is eerily human #UncannyValley
sandeepshetty, andreypopp, eschnou, gjones, julien51, friedcell, fmarier, AndrewF, JonathanNeal, jancborchardt, benwerd, sandeepshetty_, tilgovi, melvster and f-a joined the channel
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# 21:34 tantek yeah - they're definitely good/tasty smoothie pics! almost faved one before I read the comment, and was like wait a minute.
# 21:37 aaronpk has anybody figured out how it spreads? is it a new app you authorize? or did someone's existing app get hacked and leaked a bunch of tokens?
# 21:38 tantek neuro` - whatever bothers you, add it to the wiki
# 21:38 f-a aaronpk: I suspect it spreads using the weak link of any pc, i.e. tha part which lies between the chair and they keyboard
# 21:39 tantek aaronpk - when you click on the *-bbc link presumably something happens
# 21:39 tantek my guess is a simple phishing UI that looks like the instagram app login screen
# 21:39 aaronpk oh you think it's stealing the password? that might be easier
# 21:39 aaronpk do you have a photo with the link? I want to look at the page
# 21:40 tantek that's my guess. simplest explanation. haven't tried it yet though. I figured benwerd would try it with a test account :)
wycats_ joined the channel
# 21:43 neuro` tantek: just found out there was a page on the wiki about web mention, in addition to webmention.org. These do not appear easily on Google.
# 21:44 tantek 2nd result on google is indiewebcamp wiki page on webmention
# 21:44 aaronpk those two pages are the top two results in google for me
# 21:44 neuro` aaronpk: my concern is about using rel='nofollow'. I understand the spam issue, but following links is part of the Web DNA.
# 21:44 neuro` tantek: a friend of mine launched a company called "mention" I've been beta testing for 1 year, which explains.
# 21:44 tantek huh? webmention has nothing to do with nofollow AFAIK
# 21:44 aaronpk afaik nobody actually puts rel nofollow on their links
# 21:44 neuro` WebMention receivers SHOULD moderate WebMentions, and if a link is displayed back to the source, SHOULD link to source with rel="nofollow" to prevent spam.
# 21:45 tantek ignore all presentation advice in the webmention spec - it doesn't belong there
# 21:45 tantek the presentation/display level is handled by indieweb comments
# 21:45 tantek pingback never should have mentioned display stuff - that should have been a separate spec
# 21:47 neuro` Also I just can't find any way to avoid spam with Web mentions, which is the other thing that bothers me (except by manual check and heavy moderation)
# 21:48 neuro` I know, but I'd love to see mentions last longer
# 21:49 tantek webmentions will replace pingback, it's up to us to fight the spam vectors at the same time.
# 21:49 tantek pure mentions are not interesting IMO. comments are.
# 21:49 benwerd oh, Instagram. Yeah, I'll risk getting turfed off for you guys ;)
# 21:51 benwerd I'm tied up for a while but I'll definitely try it once I've got some bandwidth.
# 21:51 benwerd fwiw idno's now doing photos to Flickr, Facebook and Twitter
# 21:53 tantek aaronpk - haven't found any still hacked ig profiles, but the links were all to domains like: portal-bbc goto-bbc links-bbc (all .co.uk)
josephboyle joined the channel
# 21:56 tantek seriously needs a tl;dr summary sentence/paragraph at the top.
# 21:56 neuro` tantek: just some BBC health clone that spams for some pills
# 21:56 tantek did another online RSS aggregator die? is that what happened?
# 21:56 tantek neuro` - be careful, might have mobile-safari specific JS exploits that get your other credentials or something,.
# 21:59 neuro` And I have some specially crafted virtual machin when I need to analyze compromized Web sites
# 22:01 neuro` Used to work in comp sec a long time ago (in a not so distant galaxy)
josephboyle joined the channel
# 22:04 tantek huh, re: the Old Reader. good reason to start charging for accounts after the first n users (decided what n is for you and how much maintenance that takes, treat first n as beta testers that are doing *you* a service).
# 22:04 tantek "free service" and "hobby" doesn't scale for anything with a UI.
# 22:05 tantek and don't be afraid to charge a lot to limit sign-ups. do the math on support hours costs, equipment costs, and charge 10x.
josephboyle1 joined the channel
# 22:09 benwerd re: the Old Reader, Pinboard is the model to watch.
gjones joined the channel
# 22:23 bret.io created /Webfist (+451) "Created page with "{stub}
[[Webfist ]] is the software used to run a distributed fallback network to enable webfinger on email address from providers that do not yet support webfinger. It was firs..."" (
view diff )
sandeepshetty joined the channel
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fmarier and barnabywalters joined the channel
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# 23:10 f-a I wouldn't know how to counter
tantek joined the channel
# 23:11 bret Don't get me wrong, I'm all for domain based authentication
# 23:12 bret but because there is so much effort behind email as an identity, everyone tends to have an email address
# 23:13 f-a I know. I praise you because the add will bring people to tackle the matter
# 23:13 tantek email has a worse spam problem than webmention, hence, not worth building on for the future IMO
# 23:14 tantek email identity is basically just for cultural backward compat
# 23:14 tantek fine if you get paid to work on it, but nothing worth spending your own time on IMO
# 23:15 tantek ah I see bret missed the many FAQs re email identity on the wiki ;)
# 23:17 tantek actually it's almost the same as the previous FAQ: "But emails are widely understood"
# 23:18 bret I guess I took the understanding as, people understand that they can use their email to identify themselves.
# 23:19 f-a it's different, tantek
# 23:19 bret whereas the argument that one might run into, everyone has email, only few have domains
# 23:20 bret the "email is like a fax machine" is one analogy that could be used I guess
# 23:21 tantek bret when you say "biggest argument for using email for authentication" - do you have a citation for that "biggest"? all of the FAQs I've added to that page have been often questioned re: email identity
# 23:22 tantek I don't see why that one in particular is any more common
# 23:22 bret How do we know we are not taking part in the eventually antipatern though?
# 23:22 bret tantek: unfortunately the best I can provide is hearsay, but I haven't looked into it much.
# 23:23 f-a bret: what the analogy is "email is like a mail address"?
# 23:23 tantek bret the "at some point" antipattern depends on things not being built / working
# 23:23 tantek we have no problem with that as long as we self-dogfood
# 23:24 bret The connotation to that, and It seems might appeal to many (again, hearsay) is that email is private, a domain is public.
# 23:24 bret but then again, these days, email aint private
# 23:26 bret Ill think on this. I tend to not think on my feet very well if I don't already understand things thoroughly when talking with people.
# 23:26 bret but I will cc some of these points over to the wiki
# 23:27 tantek which points bret? I'd advise reading the current points on the wiki first
# 23:29 tantek because all email addresses are either at a 3rd party, or a personal domain.
# 23:29 tantek by refuting both those cases, we refute the entirety of email as identity
# 23:29 f-a a bit patronising but clear, tantek :)
# 23:30 tantek f-a, a bit tired of the email as identity arguments, which tend to be mostly propagated by people on email lists.
# 23:31 tantek which is why we're collecting a *web page* debunking them, and to describe why a *web*-based identity is better
# 23:31 bret tantek: I think its a matter of people (me parroting others) in this case rephrasing similar questions. But it helps iron out all possible nuances with the matter
# 23:31 f-a indeed a dialogue helps getting all the little doubts out
# 23:31 tantek bret - sure, we have plenty of wiki-space to debunk each variant/nuance
# 23:32 tantek f-a, plus it's taken a while to build up the full set of arguments debunking email as identity
# 23:32 tantek 3rd parties, own domain, "everybody/massadoption" anti-pattern
# 23:34 tantek the email-as-identity crowd is kind of funny too in that most still think that email-lists are a way to be productive (about anything)
# 23:35 tantek like a bunch of fax machine hobbyists faxing each other ideas about new ways to use fax machines
# 23:35 aaronpk i still want to add fax as an option to indieauth
# 23:37 tantek aaronpk - totally. would be funny to cluster it with sms and email in a pre-web-tech section ;)
# 23:41 tantek are there any phishing sites that ask you to register your information so they can send you a booklet on how to avoid being phished?
# 23:42 tantek (email as identity -> usually means email + pw as identity -> phishing vulnerability)
f-a_ and f-a joined the channel
# 23:56 donpdonp aaronpk: i hope you do postcard as well, maybe a bitcoin deposit for the postage
# 23:56 aaronpk was thinking postcard, but hadn't thought about bitcoin deposit
# 23:56 donpdonp i can remember in the BBS days some sites would send a postcard with your password on it to your home address
# 23:57 tantek donpdonp you win for the most ironic juxtaposition of technologies. goodness.
# 23:58 f-a wow I want to see one of those cards, donpdonp