#donpdonpif we're going to get really modern, "a small autonomous drone will be hovering outside your door in a few minutes. flash the following QR code to it for verification."
#tantekyes, one-time auth postcard delivery via drone. love it.
#tantekeven better if you can outfit the drone with the tiny receipt printer itself.
#tantekplenty of actual attack URLs in that article to analyze
#tantekI'm assuming they've figured out a mobile-Safari-specific XSS hack that allows them to compromise a user who is already cookied into instagram.com on their browser, changing their bio (to add the link to spread), and email address (users have reported getting locked out when they hit the reset password link).
#caseorganic.comedited /business-models (+1180) "/* Hosting Services */ Added a version of a hosted service that takes care of the knowledge required to set up a domain" (view diff)
#barnabywalterstommorris: I don’t think I’ve ever seen it in the wild
#tommorrisI know tantek put lots of work into getting vCard to include sensible trans-inclusive sex and gender properties
#tommorrisFOAF has similarly enlightened gender properties - a string with two blessed values of "male" and "female" but which you can put any other value you like in
#tommorrisalso, Reeder is awesome, but I'm so patiently waiting for the guy to sort out the desktop and iPad version
#barnabywalterstommorris: I’m in the same boat — I used the iPad and desktop versions all the time
#bretbarnabywalters, there is something subtly off about the font you use below a certain text size when viewing your site in windows
#JihaisseI have a wordpress and I'm wondering if there is a plugin that fetch all comments from fb/twitter/what ever... and create a wp comment on the article ?
#Loqijulien51: bret left you a message 3 hours, 23 minutes ago: In reply to your question about how people follow indieweb people on the web: http://www.flickr.com/photos/bretc/9397720277/ Self hosted fever, read with reeder.
f-a, sandeepshetty, julien51_, bnvk, matthias_pfeffer and pfefferle joined the channel
#pfefferleJihaisse send you a webmention… seemed to work :)
sandeepshetty joined the channel
#pfefferleJihaisse if you want to answer the comment, use the "Répondre" button
#tantekbarnabywalters - yeah, that might take some work. mind filing a gh issue on it to at least capture it? thanks!@
#tantek!tell barnabywalters - yeah, that (cassis+php autolinking unicode) might take some work. mind filing a gh issue on it to at least capture it? thanks!
#hadleybeemanRight. I can see how it'd be useful. I think tommorris was working on an ontology for Wikipedia... Not sure how mature that is now?
#shanershadleybeeman: i'm thinking something like this:
#shaners"<h-card.p-name rel-me>Shane</h-card> is <p-relationship-status>in a relationship</p-relationship-status> with <h-card.p-name rel-sweetheart>Anneke</h-card>"
#hadleybeemanShaners: Ha! I've just worked out who you are. Sorry about that. :)
#hadleybeemanI was just looking to see if anyone in the semantic web world is working on it. There is a microformats page on the subject, which I missed before: http://microformats.org/wiki/relationship-status
#shanersf-a: not exactly. xfn covers the rel to a person (eg, rel-sweetheart). but not all the different ways to say what the that she is my sweetheart are covered: