2013-07-30 UTC
# 00:02 donpdonp if we're going to get really modern, "a small autonomous drone will be hovering outside your door in a few minutes. flash the following QR code to it for verification."
# 00:03 tantek yes, one-time auth postcard delivery via drone. love it.
# 00:05 tantek even better if you can outfit the drone with the tiny receipt printer itself.
andreypopp joined the channel
spinnerin, josephboyle, scor and tantek joined the channel
# 02:34 tantek plenty of actual attack URLs in that article to analyze
# 02:35 tantek I'm assuming they've figured out a mobile-Safari-specific XSS hack that allows them to compromise a user who is already cookied into instagram.com on their browser, changing their bio (to add the link to spread), and email address (users have reported getting locked out when they hit the reset password link).
scor joined the channel
DanC joined the channel
# 02:53 tantek that being said, please feel free to collect additional rationalizations you hear for using email for identity. let's collect/debunk them all.
# 02:56 bret See the "Why is email validation so hard?" header
# 03:01 tantek hah - that's another good slew of reasons not build your app's identity system on email.
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eschnou, melvster, singpolyma, gjones, xtof, earplugs, andreypopp, barnabywalters and adactio joined the channel
# 09:19 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 09:34 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 09:35 barnabywalters wild, convoluted theory: irc nick -> personal url from wiki page -> .h-card .u-photo -> facial recognition gender estimation
# 09:36 tommorris I know tantek put lots of work into getting vCard to include sensible trans-inclusive sex and gender properties
# 09:37 tommorris FOAF has similarly enlightened gender properties - a string with two blessed values of "male" and "female" but which you can put any other value you like in
# 09:37 tommorris also, Reeder is awesome, but I'm so patiently waiting for the guy to sort out the desktop and iPad version
# 09:40 barnabywalters tommorris: I’m in the same boat — I used the iPad and desktop versions all the time
# 09:40 bret barnabywalters, there is something subtly off about the font you use below a certain text size when viewing your site in windows
# 09:40 bret it looks fine on the averia site though
# 09:41 barnabywalters bret: can you send a screenshot? I don’t have access to a windows machine at the moment
# 09:44 barnabywalters bret: thanks :) looks like it’s not not antialiasing very well. I should probably just turn it off for windows
# 09:45 bret There also is that hack where you can use a subtle text shadow for simple aa, not sure what the drawback is though
# 09:47 bret looks like it came out of an old book or something
# 09:52 bret its kind of funny how different fonts display on different systems.... windows is terrible
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# 10:13 Jihaisse I have a wordpress and I'm wondering if there is a plugin that fetch all comments from fb/twitter/what ever... and create a wp comment on the article ?
# 10:16 Jihaisse I thought that webmention was doing that, but, no... ?
# 10:18 barnabywalters what you described (pulling comments in from silos) is social back-compatibility (like POSSE)
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# 10:46 Jihaisse barnabywalters: I've installed wordpress-webmention but didn't understand how it worked
# 10:51 barnabywalters yeah, from my logs it looks like it hit the pingback endpoint, not the webmention one
# 10:55 Jihaisse barnabywalters: ok, webmention is active, can you try sending me a new comment ?
melvster, scor, friedcell, barnabywalters, eschnou and josephboyle joined the channel
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# 13:59 pfefferle Jihaisse if you want to answer the comment, use the "Répondre" button
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# 14:45 Jihaisse pfefferle: ok, the "class" thing on the <a> is not really user friendly
# 14:46 Jihaisse is it possible to send a webmention to all links inside the Reply type ?
# 14:47 pfefferle not with the actual version, but it will be a feature of the new version
# 14:49 pfefferle ahh, the negative effect with pinging all links is, that they would be displayed as "mentiones" only
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# 14:52 pfefferle but i am experimenting with wordpress' custom post fields…
# 14:52 pfefferle that means that you will be able to reply to other posts by putting some links into a form field
# 14:55 Jihaisse when I will have curl installed, I will give it a try
# 14:56 Jihaisse if the one for twitter is working, I will try to adapt it for fb...
# 14:57 pfefferle i don't know if the graph-api supports something like that
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# 16:52 tantek barnabywalters - yeah, that might take some work. mind filing a gh issue on it to at least capture it? thanks!@
# 17:00 tantek !tell barnabywalters - yeah, that (cassis+php autolinking unicode) might take some work. mind filing a gh issue on it to at least capture it? thanks!
# 17:00 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 17:10 f-a what's the command to issue to check when a nick was last seen on the channel?
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# 18:55 aaronpk we've gotta get evanpro to add mf2 markup to pump.io already
# 18:56 tantek aaronpk - he said he'd accept pull requests for it
# 18:57 tantek f-a, you know what's *not* tacticool? typos in a definition like "… defacto encryption stands [sic]" ;)
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# 19:12 aaronpk I don't do a lot of node, but I'll see what I can do
# 19:15 tantek I thought I'd captured the github URL somewhere but can't find it now
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# 21:31 shaners is anyone doing anything with relationship status markup on their own site
# 21:35 hadleybeeman Shaners: XFN has values for the rel= attribute... Is that what you were thinking of?
# 21:36 shaners hadleybeeman: yeah, xfn's rel-sweethear that covers part of it.
# 21:37 shaners but there's also the common idiom of "Relationship status: single/divorced/in a relationship/it's complicated/etc"
# 21:37 hadleybeeman Facebook-style? :) I don't know if anyone is working on that. I'd be keen to hear.
# 21:39 hadleybeeman Right. I can see how it'd be useful. I think tommorris was working on an ontology for Wikipedia... Not sure how mature that is now?
# 21:41 shaners "<h-card.p-name rel-me>Shane</h-card> is <p-relationship-status>in a relationship</p-relationship-status> with <h-card.p-name rel-sweetheart>Anneke</h-card>"
# 21:49 hadleybeeman Shaners: Ha! I've just worked out who you are. Sorry about that. :)
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# 21:50 shaners yeah. i wish i could use "veganstraightedge" as my nick on freenode, but they limit it to some silly short amount of characters
# 21:50 aaronpk yea I thought that's what the whole xfn values were for
# 21:50 hadleybeeman I stopped Whois-ing people in this channel a while ago. Perhaps I should start checking again, now that I know more of you IRL
# 21:51 hadleybeeman waves to aaronpk too
# 21:55 hadleybeeman Right. Shaners, I'm no expert on microformats, but your syntax makes sense to me. Are you proposing to create "p-relationship-status"?
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# 22:02 shaners hadleybeeman: either create it, or maybe it already exists, or maybe there's another solution already
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# 22:16 hadleybeeman Looks like a good start, shaners. :) Bedtime for me. Let me know how it turns out.
# 22:16 hadleybeeman 'Night, all.
# 22:21 shaners f-a: not exactly. xfn covers the rel to a person (eg, rel-sweetheart). but not all the different ways to say what the that she is my sweetheart are covered:
# 22:21 f-a indeed, thanks for the clarification!
# 22:22 shaners but as hadleybeeman showed, work's already been done about this on the mf site:
jfranusic, f-a, jfranusi_, tantek, bnvk, fmarier and caseorganic joined the channel