2013-07-31 UTC
josephboyle, demis, jfranusic, jfranusi_, poppy, f-a, benwerd, melvster and xtof joined the channel
melvster joined the channel
josephboyle, andreypopp, fmarier, gjones, cweiske, xtof, 13WAAVPRC and pfefferle joined the channel
eschnou joined the channel
friedcell, bnvk, erikmaarten_ and andreypopp joined the channel
barnabywalters joined the channel
# 09:08 Loqi barnabywalters: tantek left you a message on 7/30 at 10:00am: - yeah, that (cassis+php autolinking unicode) might take some work. mind filing a gh issue on it to at least capture it? thanks!
andreypopp and milk joined the channel
pfefferle joined the channel
# 10:17 Jihaisse pfefferle: the archive of semPress on wordpress is wrong
# 10:19 Jihaisse pfefferle: strange, I've just try it now, it's working...
# 10:20 Jihaisse I will try it later directly from the update manager in wordpress
adactio joined the channel
# 11:03 pfefferle hmmm… i updated it via the update mechanism and it worked perfectly
# 11:05 pfefferle oh, have you installed a github version and tried to update via update-mechanism?
# 11:07 pfefferle wordpress should search the new theme by the folder name of the installed one...
gjones, erikmaarten_, f-a, andreypopp_, xtof, scor, bnvk and tantek joined the channel
# 15:44 tantek we have an informal #indiewebcamp hack day coming up next week in SF on 2013-08-06, just before the W3C socialweb summit
# 15:45 tantek who here is in the SF bay area and/or is interested in remote participating?
# 15:49 gjones tantek I should be able to remote in, also do you need any help with the UK event or is it all sorted
# 15:49 tantek gjones - can definitely use help with the UK event
# 15:50 tantek need a co-organizer on the ground who can be here on IRC as well to coordinate
# 15:50 tantek Aral is taking care of some things, but AFAIK he's never on IRC.
# 15:52 gjones More than happy to help, but dyslexia makes me a little slow on IRC front
ozten joined the channel
# 15:52 tantek gjones - slow on IRC is no problem at all. as long as there is at least some contact. :)
# 15:53 gjones Yes I do see Aral around we are often only working streets apart
# 15:55 gjones will do, I drop Aral a line off the list and see if there are things I can pick up
# 15:55 tantek also if you could get Aral to login to the wiki and add his user page that would be great too!
# 15:55 tantek (co-organizers of indiewebcamp ought to all have a user page on indiewebcamp.com :) )
Loqi, eschnou, josephboyle and melvster joined the channel
andreypopp joined the channel
spinnerin joined the channel
Loqi, xtof, tantek, donpdonp and f-a joined the channel
# 17:58 tantek oh weird, people have to web enable their profiles?
# 17:59 tantek I just reloaded it on my ipod and got user not found
# 18:00 tantek anyway I have the link - screenshotted his profile before it disappeared
# 18:01 tantek aaronpk - sending to you via Messages / iPod txt
# 18:01 tantek screenshots of dburka's profile both before deletion, and after
# 18:12 tantek and in going through some of my old hand-written "in-reply-to: " links in notes, I'm finding 404s
# 18:12 tantek yet more real world examples of why it's good to copy reply-context content into your local content store
# 18:13 tantek the person's twitter account still exists, but they deleted 3 tweets that I'd responded to
# 18:14 aaronpk well if they deleted them, that also begs the question of whether you should continue displaying them on your site
# 18:16 tantek for something like a tweet - I think of it as fair-use (IANAL) - similar to a blockquote from part of an article
# 18:17 tantek yet from a social convention perspective, if someone has deleted something you replied to, does that mean they no longer believe what they said?
# 18:17 tantek even if we do choose to store/display such reply-contexts, would be useful to indicate that the original has been deleted?
# 18:18 tantek also - this is why h-cite has a dt-accessed property
# 18:18 tantek perhaps reply-contexts should be marked up with h-cite
# 18:18 tantek since they are a citation of content from elsewhere
# 18:20 aaronpk interesting. I like the idea of showing "deleted"
# 18:20 tantek and you could even display *when* you / your cms retrieved the reply-context info
# 18:21 tantek and thus mark it up visibly with class="dt-accessed"
# 18:21 aaronpk I kind of feel like the implication is if you share it publicly then anybody may copy/cite/etc the content, and you can only indicate you deleted it, but you can have no guarantee that it will actually be deleted
# 18:21 tantek I'm thinking also from a social etiquette perspective
# 18:22 tantek I believe part of the Twitter API TOS requires respecting delete requests
# 18:22 tantek so yet another reason to not use the Twitter API to retrieve tweet content
# 18:22 aaronpk yea, it's at least as much a social convention as it is a technical issue
# 18:22 tantek might be interesting to consider annotating reply-contexts with something like "Apparently deleted" (maybe even with a date) in such cases
# 18:23 tantek I'm more interested in the social convention questions
# 18:23 tantek anyway, we can start with marking up the dt-accessed
# 18:23 tantek note that the entirety of the reply-context content can be marked up as a p-content
# 18:23 aaronpk oh, reply contexts should be marked up with h-cite?
# 18:24 barnabywalters requiring people to remove any record of a piece of content is the equivalent of requesting people’s minds be wiped after a conversation if you changed your mind afterwards
# 18:24 barnabywalters if you changed your mind — great! publish something new, mention known replies to the original
# 18:24 tantek barnabywalters - though I do think suggesting deletion can be helpful, e.g. comment CRUD
# 18:25 barnabywalters then the clarification will pop up as a mention/comment on the note commenting on the original, outdated content
# 18:26 tantek I'm editing the reply-context markup suggestion accordingly
# 18:26 tantek I think h-cite is more appropriate than h-entry in this case
# 18:26 aaronpk I do like the idea of h-cite for the reply context
# 18:26 aaronpk I avoided marking up the reply ocntext on my site because I didn't want parsers to think the reply was my content
# 18:27 aaronpk I didn't think of using cite as an explicit way to mark that up
# 18:27 barnabywalters tantek: if you’re publishing entry data, using h-entry properties, then may as well say it’s a h-entry
# 18:27 tantek as I was going through more of my in-reply-to code
# 18:27 tantek aaronpk - no, h-cite inside the h-entry of your note
# 18:27 tantek h-entry for your reply, and embedded inside, h-cite for the reply-context
# 18:28 aaronpk right, would the h-cite have an h-entry inside with the reply context?
# 18:28 tantek barnabywalters - it's more accurate to claim you're citing content from that author, than propagating content from that author
# 18:28 tantek especially given that you don't want to follow delete semantics
# 18:28 tantek aaronpk - no need for an h-entry inside the h-cite
# 18:31 tantek barnabywalters - I know, still, no need for that
# 18:31 tantek and h-entry implies syndication semantics, which are incorrect in that case
# 18:35 tantek (see this is why it takes me so long to implement things :) )
# 18:35 tantek is thinking too hard, and spilling his brain onto the wiki. Pardon the mess.
# 18:37 tantek ooh - all I have to do is add h-cite to my existing u-in-reply-to! and the u-url and p-name is implied :)
# 18:38 aaronpk er barnabywalters your notes list lost the permalink to your own note. the whole thing links to the reply
# 18:38 aaronpk oh, no, my bad. the whole thing underlines on hover, but it links correctly
# 18:39 tantek in-feed reply contexts now make a lot more sense as citations
# 18:40 tantek not sure why it took me so long to connect those two things
# 18:47 tantek aaronpk - I think the h-entry semantic implies you can syndicate *from* it as well
# 18:48 tantek not just that it was syndicated from others' sites
# 18:49 barnabywalters posting in this IRC channel is probably the easiest, quickest way on the web to publish h-entry data
eschnou joined the channel
# 18:58 aaronpk barnabywalters: we talked about sending webmentions before, and decided it would need to be restricted to a whitelist of people whose IRC lines got sent out
# 18:58 aaronpk that would also mean the h-entries published could link to the person's website and image URL
# 19:01 f-a nice article, aaronpk
# 19:01 aaronpk hah awesome, I pasted in his tweet in my site and it auto-corrected the reply-to URL to his own domain
BjornW joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
# 20:58 tantek catches up on the IRC references that barnabywalters made
# 20:58 tantek goodness a third day of indiewebcamp on design!
pfenwick joined the channel
# 21:03 tantek great - looking forward to seeing the workshop/design clinic posted on indiewebcamp.com/events
pfenwick joined the channel
# 21:06 bret oh its apart of the UK camp :) Not going to be able to make that one :(
indiewebcamp-vis joined the channel
# 21:10 aaronpk sounds like the benefit most people are getting out of it is the distribution network
# 21:11 aaronpk oh nice, he's also using the landowner/tenant analogy
# 21:12 tantek we have a name for people just looking for a blanket "audience" of randoms rather than connecting with people through relevance (read: search and word-of-mouth discovery of your content). Spammers.
# 21:17 tantek aaronpk - what else do you call people indiscriminately looking for an audience? what else is sending messages without consideration to the relevance of those messages to the sender besides spamming?
josephboyle joined the channel
# 21:18 neuro` Shouting in a forest hoping someone's gonna hear you?
# 21:18 f-a especially that tree which is falling
# 21:18 aaronpk I think you just said it. Using a platform like medium, forbes, wired, etc, is not "without consideration" since they have an established audience that has certain expectations, and the people writing are trying to follow those expectations
# 21:20 tantek really? I'm not sure what specific expectation is being set/met by medium. Forbes means somewhat of a business filter. Wired means somewhat of a tech filter. But medium? It's just … misc.
# 21:20 aaronpk currently that is things I've replied to or replies to my posts
# 21:21 tantek I don't think Medium has a specific audience except "readers" - which means pure numbers. Just like spam doesn't have a specific audience except email readers.
# 21:21 aaronpk considering adding things I've "starred" on Twitter as well
# 21:21 tantek aaronpk - whoa - really - you're aggregating comments / others posts into that too
# 21:22 aaronpk yea, it was kind of a side effect of something else and I kind of liked it so I left it
# 21:24 aaronpk "Editor's Picks" <-- validation from an outside party. everybody always likes that
# 21:25 tantek why not do Editor's Picks from across the web?
# 21:25 aaronpk i'm bringing it to attention because these are things we'll need to be able to address
# 21:25 tantek "give you exposure" - more spammer like language
benwerd joined the channel
# 22:11 neuro` aaronpk: your site theme is a little bit confusing if I may: you're using the same underlined color for links, hashtags with links, Twitter accounts without links and hashtags without links. Hard to know where to click
# 22:12 aaronpk neuro`: can you give me an example of twitter accounts without links and hashtags without links?
# 22:13 aaronpk afaik anything that looks like a link should be a link. it's basically just default bootstrap
# 22:14 aaronpk they are links. something else is blocking the click
# 22:15 aaronpk huh, it has something to do with the profile picture covering up the link
# 22:15 neuro` Oh yes. Didn't even check the source I must say
# 22:15 aaronpk and there's sometimes like 1 pixel that's clickable
# 22:15 aaronpk I have no idea why that is. my CSS is not very good anymore.
tantek joined the channel
tantek and fmarier joined the channel