melvster, josephboyle, bnvk and shaners joined the channel
#shanersaaronpk: i've got question about / maybe a feature request for
#shanersif i ran my own oauth2 provider at, could somehow detect that and delegate back to me for signing into, instead of requiring a silo?
#aaronpkI'll noodle on it for a while though, because I'm curious about the implications of this
#aaronpklike chances are, not everyone would set up a provider on their domain, more likely a group of people would end up using a shared provider, like a tribe
#shanersand you could only show as auth provider to me, or people who try to login as, right?
#aaronpkwell it would only show up if they have a profile link at
#aaronpkbut for the small group use case you'd end up with a profile like and could choose to auth with that one
#aaronpkin my case my family would be using etc
#aaronpkthe main question is how do I know I can trust the OAuth provider?
#aaronpkI can trust twitter, github, google, etc because there are only a few of them and they're big enough that security problems are pointed out and corrected quickly
#aaronpkbut how do I trust that your oauth provider isn't compromised, letting someone else log in as you?
#aaronpkyea have her look at the openid connect stuff, it may be what we need. not sure if it's overly complicated but iirc they've trimmed it down from the original openid
#shanersthat feels like what i remember about it too
#shanerssecurity: if gets pwned, does that affect me or all of
#aaronpkI think just you. because someone would have to put a link to on their site in order to let it be a provider in the first place
#shanersso. Jane puts a link to on her site. she tries to log in as "" on indiewebcamp. indiewebcamp => indieauth =>
#shanersshe'd still need to be able to log in to, right?
#shanersshe'd have to also make a user/pw at iamshane for that to work
#aaronpkyea, indieauth would redirect to asking her to log in. the response from that would have to indicate that she is "jane" in order for indieauth to confirm the login
#aaronpkso if an attacker can log in as you (either by knowing your password or by hacking the system) then they can log in as to anything that uses indieauth
#Loqiaaronpk meant to say: so if an attacker can log in as you (either by knowing your password or by hacking then they can log in as to anything that uses indieauth
#shanersaaronpk: how does know that Jane is trying to login as and not me as
#aaronpkwell in the case of github for example, it found on so it expects the result of the oauth flow to come back with a username of vegenstraightedge
#aaronpkin the case of a root domain like that, there would only ever be one account at, and the "username" returned by the "who am i" query would have to be ""
#shanersaaronpk: (when you get back) i'm gonna have jls build this as a little stand alone rails app + oauth2 provider on its own domain (for initial testing).
#shanersso we don't have to deal with trying to integrate with my monkey mess of a codebase :D
#shanersrel-me links to your external accounts: twitter, github, facebook
#shaners.h-card with contact info on your homepage
#shaners.h-entry microformats on your stream posts
#f-aproblem with rel="me" stuff is: I don't have an account on any of those sites yet. I will soon contribute (or plan to contribute) to, so github seems the way to go.
#shanersbret no idea what the znc stufff there talking about is
#shanersaaronpk that's what i was using until a few minutes ago. trying textual.
#aaronpkbret: you can run a znc on a server somewhere and then you'll always be signed in to IRC and when you re-connect to the ZNC thing it'll do tihngs like show you who's mentioned you while you were offline
#tantekbut there's no need for a u-canonical because that would be redundant (a second name for the same thing)
#tantek("uid" comes from vCard/iCalendar and predates rel-canonical by many many years)
#aaronpkquestion: on my tag page I have other peoples' posts, the permalinks to their domains are marked up as u-url, is that correct?
#tantekironic that @schofeld is linking to winer, then mentioning #indieweb - whereas winer seems to be stuck on RSS, while the #indieweb has leapfrogged far past RSS (which is just legacy XML at this point)
#tantekif you're only linking to one URL via u-url, then you don't really need to specify u-uid as well
#tantekshaners - ironic about the winer post you reference, he says "choose to invest in user freedom" - but he isn't really. he's explicitly investing (or asking others to invest) in "RSS" and making RSS competitive - but RSS is already so much legacy XML that is has nothing to do with "user freedom" any more.
#shanerstantek: i agree. the intent is in the right place. even if he's totally lost/invested in RSS land.
#tantekif all you're looking for is wistful posts about user freedom (without any actual action to back it up), the W3C Federated Social Web mailing list is good for that too.
#tantekanyway, I guess I just got tired of such noise without action about 2+ years ago