aaronpkoh this is fun, with distributed-indieauth and indieweb-messaging in place, it's not a huge step to combine them and build a debt ledger between people
Loqieschnou: bret left you a message 9 hours, 26 minutes ago: Firefox beta has become really aggressive about http embeds on https pages, looks like quite a few things are not showing up on your page due to this new policy.
eschnou!tell aaronpk, I can't login, indieauth is broken for me due to my site in https, although I do link to https site from twitter/github. Need to debug this with you when online.
Loqiaaronpk: eschnou left you a message 7 hours, 29 minutes ago: I can't login, indieauth is broken for me due to my site in https, although I do link to https site from twitter/github. Need to debug this with you when online.
eschnouaaronpk, I'm not sure, I wonder if you are not caching something somewhere... it complains that I link to http in my twitter/github profile, wich was true, but I have since then updated to https, it seems it didn't refresh that.
Loqibret: eschnou left you a message 10 hours, 1 minute ago: I know need to force https on external stuff I embed, although not always possible (e.g. avatar of users having sent a webmention).
@brennannovak@benwerd thanks for backing #Mailpile i've seen your name in IndieWebCamp for awhile- we definitely want to make MP play nice with IW sites
bnvkbret: our goal (ambitious, yes) is to make #mailpile quite easy- think one click desktop installer style. But, at first it will only be a mail client not a full on server!
tantekI think the #1 competitive problem with mail is coming up with automatic spam filtering better than gmail. from what I can tell - no one else is even close.
aaronpkalso, this comment: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6160323 "Would someone please invent or do a kickstarter project for an "email server in a box" project. A plug and play email server with webmail, TLS, etc? Maybe running the whole thing on a pi that you just plug in to your home network so you can host your own mail?"
aaronpktantek: yes totally agree. that's ultimately why I'm using gmail. i have all my domains forward to my gmail account which I don't give out the address to
aaronpkbenwerd: the problem with an anti-spam service is it would involve sending all your mail through it :) kind of defeats the purpose of self-hosting email
eschnouwrt email, the main issue I ever had hosting it myself was outbound, not inbound. Receiving email is easy, but sending emails and not being treated as spam is really hard (MX, SPF, etc etc)
aaronpkif you look closely you'll see a www-authenticate header when you make the first unauthenticated request, but I made it "fall back" to support browser logins so you can also auth through that form that's displayed
aaronpkso as I was implementing this, I realized that indieauth is basically the first step of OAuth, where you get the authorization_code. the indieauth token isn't an access token.
aaronpkthat's why the browser login works on my site, because after you pass in the indieauth token, the response has a Set-Cookie header with a php session ID
bnvkaaronpk: tantek: yah, we Mailpilers definitely need to figure out how to handle spam in some clever ways and we're really into the idea plug & play Rasberi Pi type mailserver idea
barnabywaltersI would contend the “first” claim (I implemented indieauth-protected notes ages ago) but a) it’s no longer live and b) it didn’t have threading, so you’re way ahead of me :)
barnabywaltersI’ve been either sick or busy entertaining my family for the past week — I skimmed the logs, but has anything super exciting happened? other than distributed-indieauth and indieweb-messaging?
barnabywaltersoh yeah the social web thingie where you’re going to blow everyone away with amazing demos of stuff which actually works! hope it goes well
barnabywaltersit’s unclear about whether or not they have a lot of the abstraction and debugging tools I want to have in a spatial programming environment