2013-08-04 UTC
xtof and melvster joined the channel
josephboyle joined the channel
# 03:39 pdurbin I enjoyed the "Let's Make Mistakes" interview linked from http://shellen.com and somehow it seems on topic for this channel. Lot of talk about social media and such from one of the guys behind Google Reader.
# 05:58 f-a is there any transcript?
# 06:01 bret Do you think google will ever shut blogger down?
# 06:01 f-a would not surprise me
# 06:01 f-a with "whether the window for consumer adoption of RSS has passed (spoiler: It has)" attitude, fo' shizzle
# 06:02 bret holy shit, there is an rss reader built into blogger
# 06:04 f-a with blogger they would have a bigger problem though
# 06:05 f-a since there is content there
# 06:05 f-a but I guess if yahoo dumped geocities...
# 06:05 bret right. Maybe it will be like google video, where they kill any new activity but keep it around
# 06:06 f-a could be, could be
# 06:06 bret that would be the better thing, but yeah, cant count on it
# 06:06 f-a ranting a bit more on the rss stuff
# 06:06 f-a I can't follow g+ public feed via rss
# 06:08 f-a and on other sites, even "foss friendly ones", I have to use oAuth (twitter, pump.io)
# 06:08 f-a facebook really hides the option
# 06:17 bret Continuous integration. Github only says, the page built, or it didnt, now I can tell why it didnt build
andreypopp, singpolyma, eschnou and catsup joined the channel
andreypopp, melvster, scor, josephboyle and f-a joined the channel
bret, erikmaarten_ and julien51 joined the channel
bnvk, andreypopp, spinnerin, earplugs, josephboyle, f-a, julien51, donpdonp, eschnou and singpolyma joined the channel
# 20:59 eschnou aaronpk, fyi, my RSS reader fails on your stream from time to time. This time it is about a 'cent entity not defined', my guess is that you have html entities in text node and xml parsers don't like that. Solution could be to either parse the entities to text before outputting the text, or encapsulating text in CDATA.
# 20:59 eschnou aaronpk, I'm using tiny-tiny-rss.
f-a joined the channel
# 21:07 eschnou yeah, one day I'll ditch rss in favor of polling pages directly and extracting json from mf2 markup :-) But too sunny and warm outside, will have to wait for cold winter nights :-)
# 21:30 bret no love for rss, but we have nothing to replace it with :(
# 21:32 f-a much love for rss (hey, I am just a consumer and my only patch to an OSS project was an one liner!) :)
# 21:34 f-a can't yet (must make an account on those pesky silos!)
# 21:34 bret make an account on github, authroize on indie auth, add
# 21:34 bret add a google authenticator to your indie auth
# 21:36 f-a say I make a github account and delete it
# 21:37 aaronpk email is probably the best, using mozilla persona
# 21:37 f-a will I be able to authorise myself in future times?
# 21:37 aaronpk f-a: yes if you add something like SMS or google authenticator
# 21:37 bret I would just do email and sms, and google authenticator
# 21:37 f-a I don't have a smartphone (yes, I am a challenged individual :P)
# 21:37 bret you can get a dekstop client for google authenticator
# 21:38 f-a opens a github account
# 21:38 bret well then you have no excuse to not open a throw away email account and use persona :)
# 21:39 bret github isnt so bad, its git, so you can take your toys somewhere else if they get crappy
# 21:55 bret !tell eschnou Firefox beta has become really aggressive about http embeds on https pages, looks like quite a few things are not showing up on your page due to this new policy.
# 21:55 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 22:51 melvster e.g. if i put google analytics on my homepage would that be discouraged?
# 22:51 f-a that's an interesting question
fmarier joined the channel
# 23:23 aaronpk melvster: so far nobody here has really focused much on privacy, given that everyone is primarily posting public stuff
# 23:24 aaronpk if it's important to you, then by all means don't use google analytics on your site
# 23:24 aaronpk so far most people here that I know of have chosen to self-host their analytics because they want to own the data, not because of privacy concerns
# 23:35 f-a well if privacy is one of your concerns
# 23:35 f-a I would find strange you allow google to check who reads your website
# 23:45 melvster f-a: true, ill use the self hosted in that case, just wondering what other people's views were ...
# 23:45 aaronpk is tempted to start an analytics page on the wiki so we can document this