#benwerdJust had a discussion over lunch with someone about this too. Can't assume, at least right now, that people will upgrade their servers or their server software.
#neuro`benwerd: even worse, all the uncomplete cut and paste tutorials on how to setup your Apache
#benwerdall of these things are things people are paid to do for a living. there's no way to expect other users to do it well (or care about doing it well)
#benwerdI'm still waiting for my server that works like an iPhone ;)
#benwerdBecause, honestly, that mobile device workflow is absolutely perfect. Software is, generally, up to date, because updating it is trivial (and actually feels good)
#benwerd(Although I don't mean to suggest that perfect means it couldn't be improved. But it does work well.)
#aaronpkjust like getting a website is not as simple as a rental agreement, it involves a domain registrar, a name server, a DNS server, a hosting company or an internet connection and your own server
#benwerdgoodnight neuro`. I enjoy how you mark up your IRC lines btw :)
#f-aaaronpk: it's remarkably easier if buy, say, shared hosting, much more difficult if you plan to do stuff yourself
#tantekaaronpk, benwerd, btw - video of my microformats2 talk is now up - wherein I use screenshots of your awesome indieweb implementations as examples of microformats2 deployment
#aaronpkshared hosting is more like renting an apartment
#aaronpksweet. that's step 1. somewhat required for the private messaging
#shanersaaronpk: what happens when "iamshane.com" tries to login into indiewebcamp.com and iamshane.com[rel=indieauth][href=http://iamshane.com]?
#aaronpkright now all the endpoints are hard-coded, so it would expect iamshane.com/auth and iamshane.com/verify to work as expected
#shanersassuming those were there, i could use iamshane.com's indieauth to login as proxy out to twitter, etc to login to indiewebcamp as iamshane.com?
#aaronpkhaven't fully thought through the implications of that yet
#aaronpkbut the nice thing is it works with static sites
#neuro`Security through obscurity? Where? Actually, retuning a 401 on unauthenticated call is OK on the protocol side, but means "Hey men, there's something hidden here and you don't have access to it"
#bretI don't think I would want to store anything private on my site, since the source is all in github
#neuro`aaronpk: on a static site, authentication can be done at the Web server level. Give Alice a directory, and use Apache authentication (require user Alice)
#neuro`The only issue I see there is that Apache will expect a specially crafted string, which is not an indieauth token
#aaronpkneuro`: yea but what's the password database behind that? how would that work with indieauth?
#shanersand you want the data as js instead of html?
#bretI would love if it was just json, because easy, but being able to pull it out of MF2 would be even better
#bretshaners: it seems like it would be easier than supporting some kind of jsonp api on a site, but I dont know the security implications of enabling public CORS
#shanersbret: i don't understand. why can't you fetch the html/mf2 straight away?
#shanersit's late and i'm tired. brain is firing slowly.
#bretI host on github pages, and display webmentions using an external service (pingback.me for now, but eventually it will be hosted on my own space)
#aaronpkyea wait a sec, i thought there was no problem with JS making get requests to other domains. it's only a problem if you need to send headers or handle other HTTP codes and such
#breti though that you cant get anything from another site unless they have CORS turned on for you
#bretanyway shaners, that external service will be used to collect mentions. my client side JS then retrieves that data and displays it: http://bret.io/2013/07/25/t1/ The next step is to make that display the actual reply context
#shanersbret: have you tried fetching a page from me/aaronpk/etc to see if it works without cors on on our ends?
#bretEventually, I want to build an IRC bot like website bot that can handle actually committing that data to the repository, and perform other actions that need to happen, like send webmentions
#bretshaners: not yet, never done it before, reading about it trying to figure it out. I was just probing to see if it was worth even trying
#aaronpkbret: oh p.s. today I demo'd the new deploy server at the office! creating a new branch spins up an EC2 server and launches the site there, pushing to a branch updates the corresdponding web server
#aaronpk"This model is beautiful. It's a bunch of email privacy advocates hiring a couple of skilled guys for a year to write the open source software we all wish existed. And I explicitly _don't_ want them to make a business of it, because that changes the incentives completely."
#f-aI personally use mutt. If I were to encrypt mails via a web client, I think I would need to trust the server the client is running from? Am I wrong?
#barnabywaltersf-a: the idea is that you run mailpile on your own computer, or one close to you