#indiewebcamp 2013-08-07
2013-08-07 UTC
jfranusic joined the channel
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# A quick introduction to idno #indieweb http://werd.io/slides/52019c62bed7de435aa329dc
# RT @benwerd: A quick introduction to idno #indieweb http://werd.io/slides/52019c62bed7de435aa329dc
reidab and neuro` joined the channel
# RT @MozSF: #indiewebcamp SF hack day in full swing! Join @t Bret.io @brianloveswords in the 1st floor commons http://indiewebcamp.com/2013sfhd
icco joined the channel
# Looking forward to talking social, enterprise and #indieweb at #osfw3c this week.
# @janaboruta @lstoll I'm writing up a talk proposal about the burgeoning #indieweb software movement to submit to #FutureStack. :D
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# @Patrick_Sansom yea hopefully. Ill also be down for @dconstruct and #indieweb camp in September
julien51 joined the channel
gjones, seyz and eschnou joined the channel
# Good article on implementing "Prism Break" https://eschnou.com/entry/implementing-prism-break-62-25013.html #PrismBreak #IndieWeb
tantek joined the channel
# @jmsmcfrlnd Tent.io is cool. It's a splinter off of the FedSocWeb. We Mailpilers are more keen on the #IndieWeb http://indiewebcamp.com
mapkyca and julien51 joined the channel
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friedcell, andreypopp and Jihaisse joined the channel
andreypopp joined the channel
barnabywalters, julien51, tantek and friedcell joined the channel
# @mbjunior what permission do you talk about? Ideally:people should set up own #friendica, #statusnet instances: #ownYourData cc @Metztli_IT
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bnvk, barnabywalters, smari, friedcell, tigerfinch and josephboyle joined the channel
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# #blog Easily add support for Pingback and Webmentions and Webhooks http://www.marcus-povey.co.uk/2013/08/07/easily-add-support-for-pingback-and-webmentions-and-webhooks/?utm_content=buffer3941a&utm_source=buffer&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Buffer #indieweb
pius joined the channel
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# RT @rawn: Tweeting here from #osfw3c #socbiz workshop for today/tomorrow alongside @lehawes @katmandelstein @dhinchcliffe and others
# Folks interested in #socbiz should be checking #osfw3c for live tweets from W3C open standards workshop http://www.w3.org/2013/socialweb/agenda.html
# RT @anadatagirl: Folks interested in #socbiz should be checking #osfw3c for live tweets from W3C open standards workshop...
# On RSS: "We never had anybody call us up and ask, 'hey, can we get a SOAP feed?'" If they ever do, call an exorcist. #osfw3c
# #osfw3c Dion Hinchcliffe. big questions on social standards. problem? motivation? reuse or create? apps?
# "There is a strong tendency in people to adopt new technology when they see other people like them doing the same. " -Geoffrey Moore #osfw3c
# @dhinchcliffe "Successful standards are hard to create. Most standards have very low level of adoption" #osfw3c
# @dhinchcliffe: "The chance for a standard to be successfully adopted in inversely proportional to its complexity-George Morimosato" #osfw3c
# W3C / Open Social Foundation workshop on Social Business standards just starting #osfw3c #w3c
benwerd_ joined the channel
# Failure of the business is to deploy social networks on the side, not where work gets done, not a part of the work to achieve #osfw3c
# One of the biggest challenges in #socialbiz is that in practice there is still isolation instead of integration via @dhinchcliffe #osfw3C
# @dhinchcliffe "Much of the recent focus has been connecting Social Media with the flow of work" #osfw3c - Note socmedia, not #socbiz
# Just kicked off the #osfw3c workshop. Now @dhinchcliffe talking about importance of social standards in the enterprise.
# #osfw3c good example of connecting walled garden: it would be great to bridge tweets and the IRC channel
voidfiles joined the channel
# @dhinchcliffe - What if we could extend our social platforms as easily as plugging in a USB stick in our computer? #osfw3c
# Just realized that I have sent a few tweets tagged #oscw3c, instead of #osfw3c. Fat fingered the tag the first time and copied and pasted it
# Great talk on Dion on social standards, looking at how simple RSS, unlike Web Services, enabled a social web #osfw3c #w3c
# @lidingpku Yep! We're doing that with the #osfw3c tweets right now, feel free to join #indiewebcamp on... http://aaronparecki.com/replies/2013/08/07/1/osfw3c-indiewebcamp
# Glad to hear @dhinchcliffe discussing social federation. I will be building on this later today http://t.co/WZLIAxJD37. #osfw3c
# RT @opensocial: @dhinchcliffe - What if we could extend our social platforms as easily as plugging in a USB stick in our computer? #osfw3c
# 90% of organizations will *require* BYOD by 2020, according to Gartner. I think that's a relief: much less of an IT bottleneck. #osfw3c
# #osfw3c @dhinchcliffe Who are the audiences for #socbiz standards?
# @dhinchcliffe Fragmentation, walled gardens, biz models, lack of awareness/critical mass/'killer app' social standards are obstacles #osfw3c
# #osfw3c Who are the audiences for #socbiz standards? Consumer social networks - very difficult to convince to adopt
# #osfw3c Who are the audiences for #socbiz standards? Enterprise social media vendors - very accepting, but also most to loose
# Looking forward to demoing a lot of what @dhinchcliffe is talking about at #osfw3c tomorrow. #indieweb
# #osfw3c Who are the audiences for #socbiz standards?
# #osfw3c Who are the audiences for #socbiz standards? End-users - we are going to a world that end-users are the IT selectors
# So does the Social Web need an open implementation analogous to an SMTP server. #osfw3c
# #osfw3c Who are the audiences for standards? IT managers - inside orgs, not a lot of competition
# RT @opensocial: Just kicked off the #osfw3c workshop. Now @dhinchcliffe talking about importance of social standards in the enterprise. ( twitter.com/weitzelm/status/365149111051227138)
# @benwerd many manufacturers offer tool subsidies to mechanics in the form of grants and matched funds #osfw3c ( twitter.com/natematias/status/365149145318690816)
# For those that want to follow the discussion for the social workshop, check out http://irc.w3.org channel #osfw3c for live minutes ( twitter.com/harryhalpin/status/365149222959452160)
# RT @natematias: @benwerd many manufacturers offer tool subsidies to mechanics in the form of grants and matched funds #osfw3c ( twitter.com/benwerd/status/365149244853723138)
# Point being made at #osfw3c as to the value of closed, private groups. How can we balance needs of openly-shared and private work? ( twitter.com/lehawes/status/365149555538407424)
# We need open #social standards to bridge walled communities/groups/teams working in different proprietary systems. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/lehawes/status/365150063686725633)
# RT @lehawes: We need open #social standards to bridge walled communities/groups/teams working in different proprietary systems. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/AnaDataGirl/status/365150208097017856)
# Hearing @eric_meeks from UCSF Medical talking about needing federated social. My mom is literally there right now. Want to help. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/benwerd/status/365150288543358976)
# RT @opensocial: @dhinchcliffe - What if we could extend our social platforms as easily as plugging in a USB stick in our computer? #osfw3c ( twitter.com/weitzelm/status/365150377177387011)
# #osfw3c workshop (@ Tank 18 w/ 7 others) https://foursquare.com/kevinmarks/checkin/5202788b498ea7d8d3bff615?s=ZGmyTSEQdpvOVCww9mKEO20N92A&ref=tw ( twitter.com/kevinmarks/status/365150528138776577)
# @billchristian Not sure what you mean by last sentence. Be glad to discuss in-person, if you're at the #osfw3c workshop. :>) ( twitter.com/lehawes/status/365151257339506689)
pius joined the channel
# "Simple standards are critical." Please check out http://indiewebcamp.com/ #osfw3c ( twitter.com/benwerd/status/365151782869024768)
# #osfw3c workshop participant correctly says that any #social standards need to be dead simple if they are to be adopted. Like email and RSS. ( twitter.com/lehawes/status/365151811511914498)
# #osfw3c #socbiz standards "It's easy to talk about generalities, but we will need to get to specific contexts/interactions of the problem." ( twitter.com/rawn/status/365152049140215808)
# RT @lehawes: #osfw3c workshop participant correctly says that any #social standards need to be dead simple if they are to be adopted.... ( twitter.com/katmandelstein/status/365152196918120449)
# @lehawes #osfw3c Perfect is the enemy of good enough too - cf. RSS vs. ATOM vs. etc. ( twitter.com/jessewilkins/status/365152240236892160)
# What we need is "connections in all directions" by Ann Bassetti, Boeing #osfw3c #SocBiz ( twitter.com/vassko/status/365152389122101250)
# RT @vassko: What we need is "connections in all directions" by Ann Bassetti, Boeing #osfw3c #SocBiz ( twitter.com/katmandelstein/status/365152724028887040)
# #osfw3c ironic that at a standards meeting the power adaptor sockets are spaced too tightly to plug into ( twitter.com/kevinmarks/status/365152752701145089)
# RT @jessewilkins "#osfw3c Perfect is the enemy of good enough too - cf. RSS vs. ATOM vs. etc." Good point! ( twitter.com/lehawes/status/365153231543877632)
# Best quote so far at #osfw3c: "We need open connections in all directions." #socbiz #EnSw ( twitter.com/dhinchcliffe/status/365153281913262080)
# Collaborative solutions include employees, customer, partners, and suppliers with appropriate social context #osfw3c ( twitter.com/billchristian/status/365153334832799744)
# RT @billchristian: Collaborative solutions include employees, customer, partners, and suppliers with appropriate social context #osfw3c ( twitter.com/katmandelstein/status/365153468354273280)
# RT @dhinchcliffe: Best quote so far at #osfw3c: "We need open connections in all directions." #socbiz #EnSw ( twitter.com/lidingpku/status/365153713251295234)
# #osfw3c Mark Crawford (SAP): about 85% of business activity is non-transactional, and this is why we need social tools ( twitter.com/kevinmarks/status/365153976628416512)
# RT @kevinmarks: #osfw3c Mark Crawford (SAP): about 85% of business activity is non-transactional, and this is why we need social tools ( twitter.com/toddbarnard/status/365154102272991232)
# RT @kevinmarks: #osfw3c Mark Crawford (SAP): about 85% of business activity is non-transactional, and this is why we need social tools ( twitter.com/vassko/status/365154175585222656)
# RT @benwerd: "Simple standards are critical." Please check out http://indiewebcamp.com/ #osfw3c ( twitter.com/kevinmarks/status/365154177409753088)
# Antisocially late to #osfw3c. Hoping the APIs are not yet in place for people to unfriend me. ( twitter.com/sutrosoftware/status/365154184410038273)
# 80% employees do not use enterprise social network. not useful. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/lidingpku/status/365154485619798017)
# RT @dhinchcliffe: Best quote so far at #osfw3c: "We need open connections in all directions." #socbiz #EnSw ( twitter.com/iSocial_Fanz/status/365154494356529152)
# #osfw3c or, is there a strong enough need for social standards in enterprise. I bet not many bosses want employees to run twitter at work ( twitter.com/lidingpku/status/365154841519063040)
# RT @lehawes: RT @jessewilkins "#osfw3c Perfect is the enemy of good enough too - cf. RSS vs. ATOM vs. etc." Good point! ( twitter.com/rawn/status/365154893419790336)
# "About 85% of business activity is non-transactional, and this is why we need social tools.” - @MCrawfordUSNvet HT @kevinmarks #osfw3c ( twitter.com/dhinchcliffe/status/365155031156137984)
# "We think that's needed going forward is a set of web-based content standards." Microformats! http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats-2 #osfw3c ( twitter.com/benwerd/status/365155107911897088)
# RT @kevinmarks: #osfw3c Mark Crawford (SAP): about 85% of business activity is non-transactional, and this is why we need social tools ( twitter.com/lehawes/status/365155437894582272)
pius joined the channel
# #osfw3c essential components diagram has so much on it, it's illegible from the back of the room. Hmm. ( twitter.com/kevinmarks/status/365156131535978497)
# Very kind mention by @edkrebs at his #osfw3c session about my #socbiz visuals. Most of my library here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/dionh ( twitter.com/dhinchcliffe/status/365156324750798849)
# #osfw3c Are the slides being shared? Would be helpful to take back and educate others ( twitter.com/billchristian/status/365156556754522114)
# RT @dhinchcliffe: Best quote so far at #osfw3c: "We need open connections in all directions." #socbiz #EnSw ( twitter.com/adamboyet/status/365156562207129600)
# Compelling to hear @Ford's @edkrebs say that he insists his #socbiz solutions are based on open standards. A great example. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/dhinchcliffe/status/365156759813373953)
# Reference architecture, Ford Motor co #osfw3c #SocBiz https://twitter.com/vassko/status/365156870547202049/photo/1 ( twitter.com/vassko/status/365156870547202049)
# RT @kevinmarks: #osfw3c #SAP Mark Crawford: about 85% of business activity is non-transactional, this is why we need #socialbiz tools ( twitter.com/ASUG_Michigan/status/365156908434329603)
# RT @ASUG_Michigan: RT @kevinmarks: #osfw3c #SAP Mark Crawford: about 85% of business activity is non-transactional, this is why we need #so… ( twitter.com/William_Newman/status/365156993012469761)
# great quote from my peer @annbass #osfw3c: "We need open connections in all directions." #socbiz #EnSw ( twitter.com/adamboyet/status/365157194934657024)
# @katmandelstein oh my! #osfw3c looks amazing! ( twitter.com/newmediatwee/status/365157347699605504)
# Ford Motor Company's Ed Krebs: "we don't design cars in SharePoint." Social platforms need to connect with other enterprise systems. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/lehawes/status/365157424304369667)
# RT @rawn: #osfw3c "The power of social is to connect w/ people I didn't know before. That's where I'm going to get my new value" - @EdKrebs ( twitter.com/dhinchcliffe/status/365157682115641344)
# #osfw3c Not to be a wet towel, but we are advocating use of social standards on unfriendly platform. Versus like appdotnet. ( twitter.com/billchristian/status/365157731474223104)
# "Social needs to be in the tools we already use." Great presentation from Ford. Enterprise social is evolving. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/benwerd/status/365157876332904448)
# "I need to be connected to people in the placed where they are getting their work done." - @edkrebs #socbiz #osfw3c ( twitter.com/dhinchcliffe/status/365158000022929408)
# "I need to be connected to people in the places where they are getting their work done." - @edkrebs #socbiz #osfw3c ( twitter.com/dhinchcliffe/status/365158177945296896)
# #osfw3c classic enterprise use case: document management. I've already store the file in three places, want me upload it at new location? ( twitter.com/lidingpku/status/365158181007142913)
# RT @dhinchcliffe: "I need to be connected to people in the places where they are getting their work done." - @edkrebs #socbiz #osfw3c ( twitter.com/katmandelstein/status/365158342198435841)
# The problems in enterprise social in 2013 are identical to the problems in 2006. But people seem to be moving on them now. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/benwerd/status/365158704447893505)
# "I need access to social data in a very well defined way... to pull out valuable nuggets... using a suite of tools." - @edkrebs #osfw3c ( twitter.com/dhinchcliffe/status/365158743442325504)
# #osfw3c use case: how twitter help logging a workshop: segment talk notes, link alt hasTags/time, add resource links, discussion, notes, q/a ( twitter.com/lidingpku/status/365158865421082624)
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# RT @benwerd: "Social needs to be in the tools we already use." Great presentation from Ford. Enterprise social is evolving. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/kevinmarks/status/365159191859572736)
pius joined the channel
# RT @benwerd: "Social needs to be in the tools we already use." Great presentation from Ford. Enterprise social is evolving. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/lehawes/status/365159288198533120)
# eg over at @latakoo, we're integrating with video editing software, news management systems, etc. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/benwerd/status/365159876617449472)
# #osfw3c : i'm pretty sure a random passer-by just came in here, got some breakfast, and wandered out again #open #social #public ( twitter.com/kevinmarks/status/365160134676201472)
# @rawn @lehawes @katmandelstein @dhinchcliffe #osfw3c #envy :-). Will participate vicariously through your tweets! ( twitter.com/kapilgupta/status/365160142293049344)
# @dansilva I don't know. @edkrebs verbally stated it in his #osfw3c presentation. You could ask him if it's published somewhere. ( twitter.com/lehawes/status/365160238812368897)
# Seems like pump.io is well-placed to integrate across software in this sort of platform-centric way. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/benwerd/status/365160333607841792)
# "enrichment" and "composition" seem like the correct mental approach to building a simple and attractive std. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/billchristian/status/365160367002882048)
# #osfw3c IBM's enterprise social business seems to be yet another name of "enterprise data integration problem" (maybe v1.1) ( twitter.com/lidingpku/status/365160483302547456)
# @rawn @dhinchcliffe Hope it is going well. Enterprises need to be very careful when looking at Consulting firms for Open Social dev #osfw3c ( twitter.com/JimLundy/status/365160690887045122)
# #osfw3c : it would be handy if http://www.w3.org/2013/socialweb/agenda.html had personal URLs for the speakers on ( twitter.com/kevinmarks/status/365160856792739841)
# #osfw3c "We need #socbiz capabilities that can be both loosely coupled and tightly integrated" admittedly an oxymoron - Jeff Calusinski IBM ( twitter.com/rawn/status/365160887692165120)
# RT @dhinchcliffe: Best quote so far at #osfw3c: "We need open connections in all directions." #socbiz #EnSw ( twitter.com/ohadyas/status/365160896982949888)
# RT @dhinchcliffe: Very kind mention by @edkrebs at his #osfw3c session about my #socbiz visuals. Most of my library here: http://t.co/xtuUZ… ( twitter.com/ohadyas/status/365160954168098816)
# RT @dhinchcliffe: "I need to be connected to people in the places where they are getting their work done." - @edkrebs #socbiz #osfw3c ( twitter.com/ohadyas/status/365161029388754944)
# It's the classic #EnSw problem: Aligning business architecture and technical architecture is key to #socbiz adoption. #osfw3c @DonBuddenbaum ( twitter.com/dhinchcliffe/status/365161106014093312)
# RT @opensocial: Just kicked off the #osfw3c workshop. Now @dhinchcliffe talking about importance of social standards in the enterprise. ( twitter.com/ohadyas/status/365161118878412801)
# RT @kevinmarks: #osfw3c : it would be handy if http://www.w3.org/2013/socialweb/agenda.html had personal URLs for the speakers on ( twitter.com/lidingpku/status/365161448328011777)
# Point made>RT @jimlundy: rawn @dhinchcliffe Enterprises need to be very careful when looking at Consulting firms for Open Social dev #osfw3c ( twitter.com/rawn/status/365161674145153024)
# RT @rawn: #osfw3c "We need #socbiz capabilities that can be both loosely coupled and tightly integrated" admittedly an oxymoron - Jeff Calu… ( twitter.com/kevinmarks/status/365161712766287872)
# IBM's @DonBuddenbaum says social technologies must become fundamental building blocks of business apps. I completely agree. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/lehawes/status/365161733595213824)
# #osfw3c @LloydFassett: A lot of the questions for qualifying candidates in healthcare staffing are common, standard between companies ( twitter.com/kevinmarks/status/365162238585221120)
# Torn if a grand reconciliation of #socbiz "block architecture" reference models is right. Perhaps a more organic approach at first. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/dhinchcliffe/status/365162243882618880)
# RT @rawn: #osfw3c "We need #socbiz capabilities that can be both loosely coupled and tightly integrated" admittedly an oxymoron - Jeff... ( twitter.com/lehawes/status/365162270013128706)
# RT @ASUG_Michigan: RT @kevinmarks: #osfw3c #SAP Mark Crawford: about 85% of business activity is non-transactional, this is why we need #so… ( twitter.com/ASUG365/status/365162289944866816)
# @lehawes @DonBuddenbaum Our tools (browsers, user-agents) need a better sense of context and a better sense of identity. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/jasnell/status/365162385901756417)
# @jasnell @DonBuddenbaum Yes, that's part of what we need to accomplish in this workshop. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/lehawes/status/365162586884419584)
# @rawn @JimLundy IMO most #EnSw vendors should just offer compelling @OpenSocial wrappers for their biz apps. Only build if you must. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/dhinchcliffe/status/365162841331859456)
# @jasnell @DonBuddenbaum Yep. Portals are useful in that regard. I'm also excited about promise/possibilities of Apache Rave as well. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/lehawes/status/365163453746393089)
# #osfw3c IMHO, I feel that orgs here are de-emphasizing that success w/ Social Foremost depends on what users want to do. ( twitter.com/rawn/status/365163523208261633)
# @dhinchcliffe @rawn @opensocial Focus was on Enterprises that are doing their own widgets. Lots are. #socbiz #osfw3c ( twitter.com/JimLundy/status/365163637649850368)
# @lloydfassett is spot on that the real value of #socialbiz is not connecting internally, but connecting businesses across ecosystem #osfw3c ( twitter.com/katmandelstein/status/365163773494951936)
# #osfw3c 1999 Evans Wurster "Economics of information", the traditional economics of information ( twitter.com/lidingpku/status/365163910795501568)
# #osfw3c @LloydFassett: A standard moves the richness and reach graph up to the right. A standard between businesses will have impact ( twitter.com/kevinmarks/status/365163961341067264)
barnabywalters joined the channel
# I think the #indieweb has a lot of potential to be the basis of that extensible set of standards. http://www.w3.org/2013/socialweb/papers/MVP.html #osfw3c ( twitter.com/benwerd/status/365164803678945280)
# Now discussing / arguing the difference between social and collaboration. I'd argue that both are elements of the other. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365165538122547201)
# #osfw3c : Collaboration is about working within your team. Social is about connecting to people that you may not even have heard of. ( twitter.com/_/status/365165689771786240)
# RT @kevinmarks: #osfw3c : Collaboration is about working within your team. Social is about connecting to people that you may not even have … ( twitter.com/_/status/365165806016937984)
andreypopp joined the channel
# @jdcalus nails it, saying combination of automated processes + ad hoc collaboration across functions and orgs is what biz needs. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365165853190266881)
# RT @kevinmarks: #osfw3c : Collaboration is about working within your team. Social is about connecting to people that you may not even have … ( twitter.com/_/status/365165897251831808)
# IMO, #socbiz has matured enough that we need to bridge Systems of Record and Systems of Engagement. Now. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365166286545747970)
# @benwerd @vassko Workforce collaboration can be social. But it certainly can use other models not based on social media. #osfw3c #socbiz ( twitter.com/_/status/365166316082044929)
# RT @kevinmarks: #osfw3c : Collaboration is about working within your team. Social is about connecting to people that you may not even have … ( twitter.com/_/status/365166330523033602)
# #osfw3c inter-connecting people, systems, documents in enterprise is always needed in enterprise, regardless how the solution is called ( twitter.com/_/status/365167203861004288)
# RT @dhinchcliffe: "I need to be connected to people in the places where they are getting their work done." - @edkrebs #socbiz #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365167288653066242)
# "We're asking 'is this social.' WHO CARES?" Exactly. What the hell. Build software that solves problems. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365167745362440192)
# Good question: when does the internet of things become social? #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365167881056559104)
KevinMarks joined the channel
# #osfw3c "open" implies unexpected connections. e.g. "within a team" vs. "throughout the company". "within a system" vs "across systems" ( twitter.com/_/status/365167974811844608)
# RT @benwerd: "We're asking 'is this social.' WHO CARES?" Exactly. What the hell. Build software that solves problems. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365168116508004353)
# RT @benwerd: "We're asking 'is this social.' WHO CARES?" Exactly. What the hell. Build software that solves problems. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365168250264363008)
# "I can't get even get two people together to agree on what federated social media is." - @edkrebs A great place to start today IMO. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365168286767390720)
# MT @lidingpku: #osfw3c "open" implies unexpected connections. e.g. "within a team" vs. "throughout the company". ( twitter.com/_/status/365168344044802049)
# RT @kevinmarks: #osfw3c : Collaboration is about working within your team. Social is about connecting to people that you may not even have … ( twitter.com/_/status/365168714813296640)
# RT @lidingpku: #osfw3c "open" implies unexpected connections. e.g. "within a team" vs. "throughout the company". "within a system" vs "acr… ( twitter.com/_/status/365168907415326722)
# @rawn points out social is a "blackhole" when we are talking about combining unstructured with the structure of standards. #osfw3C ( twitter.com/_/status/365169031214403585)
# To follow the OpenSocial W3C Workshop context, IRC: http://irc.w3.org port:6665 channel# osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365169585227436032)
# App•net follows up on promises to support more open standards! Great work, @daltonc and team!... #indieweb #appnet http://aaronparecki.com/notes/2013/08/07/2/appnet-indieweb ( twitter.com/_/status/365169808351830017)
# To the #osfw3c attendees - a 2nd wifi network was opened - should be faster now! :) #win ( twitter.com/_/status/365169891491315712)
# @osfw3c when we go social, we got *flexibility* of incredible data integration, but also want to *control* over, e.g. privacy and security ( twitter.com/_/status/365170007539322880)
# #osfw3c when we go social, we got *flexibility* of incredible data integration, but also want to *control* over, e.g. privacy and security ( twitter.com/_/status/365170072081281024)
# "Social analytics are a key part of a #socbiz solution." - @MCrawfordUSNvet #osfw3c Yep. Here's why: http://dachisgroup.com/2011/08/social-business-intelligence-positioning-a-strategic-lens-on-opportunity/ #bigdata #EnSw ( twitter.com/_/status/365170072446173184)
# RT @ellenfeaheny: To follow the OpenSocial W3C Workshop context, IRC: http://irc.w3.org port:6665 channel# osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365170254810320896)
# RT @aaronpk: App•net follows up on promises to support more open standards! Great work, @daltonc and team!... #indieweb #appnet http://t.co… ( twitter.com/_/status/365170503277092864)
# #osfw3c "Wikipedia as a process that replaced formal processes" - see http://microformats.org/wiki/Main_Page for replacing standards processes… ( twitter.com/_/status/365170535249887234)
pius joined the channel
# #osfw3c use case: the share button shows the need for porting data across system boundary. what's next? better control, provenance... ( twitter.com/_/status/365170685464678400)
# #osfw3c ...but more so Companies want to _trust that the system will continue drive business_ regardless of predictable Process vs Adhoc ( twitter.com/_/status/365171492864012290)
# RT @billchristian: Good question: when does the internet of things become social? #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365171493065732096)
scor joined the channel
# #osfw3c attendees from Ford, Jive, IBM, Boeing, Apache, UCSF, BroadVision, Apache, Mozilla, SugarCRM, AT&T, TIBCO, Orange, Mitre, Forbes... ( twitter.com/_/status/365172268797673474)
# @rawn As @jhagel has noted, it's not process but exception handling where #socbiz often shines. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365172289999872000)
# #osfw3c @rawn processes are the frozen history of previous mistakes. more and more business is exception handling to processes ( twitter.com/_/status/365172455477739520)
# A lot of these enterprise topics also apply to institutions like universities, too. Worth talking across sectors. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365172481792802816)
# RT @ellenfeaheny: #osfw3c attendees from Ford, Jive, IBM, Boeing, Apache, UCSF, BroadVision, Apache, Mozilla, SugarCRM, AT&T, TIBCO, Orange… ( twitter.com/_/status/365172540982833152)
# MITRE employee at #osfw3c says common identity and security permissions across SoR and SoE are needed standards. I wholeheartedly agree. ( twitter.com/_/status/365172732800929797)
# RT @benwerd: I think the #indieweb has a lot of potential to be the basis of that extensible set of standards. http://www.w3.org/2013/socialweb/papers/MVP.html ( twitter.com/_/status/365172894214520833)
tantek joined the channel
# RT @benwerd: "We're asking 'is this social.' WHO CARES?" Exactly. What the hell. Build software that solves problems. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365173144203427841)
# #osfw3c key elements of social standards: capture(import), organize(identity,link,search), exchange(filter, security) ( twitter.com/_/status/365173150255808512)
# RT @lehawes: MITRE employee at #osfw3c says common identity and security permissions across SoR and SoE are needed standards. I wholehearte… ( twitter.com/_/status/365173171705487361)
# #osfw3c attendees cont: SAP, eBay, Dachis, Dow Brook, Adjuvi,PWC, ... ( twitter.com/_/status/365173312327925760)
julien51, mixedpuppy and pius joined the channel
# RT @kevinmarks: #osfw3c "Wikipedia as a process that replaced formal processes" - see http://microformats.org/wiki/Main_Page for replacing standards proces… ( twitter.com/_/status/365176815624531969)
# Great convo today with @Boeing's @annbass re: their #EnSw integrated Insite #socbiz platform used by 80K+ workers. A great story. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365178416128983040)
# Impressed by @daltonc and the https://join.app.net/ crew for embracing #IndieWeb standards and writing a... http://bnvk.me/ws4 ( twitter.com/_/status/365178926542241792)
# Nice compliment from @malexander1219 about the "#socbiz canvas" concept I mentioned here at #osfw3c. Backstory: http://www.ebizq.net/blogs/enterprise/2011/08/why_the_next_app_you_use_might_be_in_a_social_network.php #EnSw ( twitter.com/_/status/365180088511246336)
# RT @kevinmarks: #osfw3c @rawn processes are the frozen history of previous mistakes. more and more business is exception handling to proces… ( twitter.com/_/status/365181981463965696)
# RT @ellenfeaheny "#osfw3c attendees cont: SAP, eBay, Dachis, Dow Brook, Adjuvi,PWC, ..." Pleased to be here, Ellen. Thanks for hosting! ( twitter.com/_/status/365182057741172736)
# RT @ellenfeaheny "#osfw3c attendees cont: SAP, eBay, Dachis, Dow Brook, Adjuvi,PWC, ..." Pleased to be here, Ellen. Thanks for hosting! ( twitter.com/_/status/365182060027052033)
benwerd joined the channel
# #osfw3c @ciberch: when I was at MySpace I started using the Activity Stream Atom spec in production, then did it at Facebook too ( twitter.com/_/status/365183900043059200)
# #osfw3c @ciberch: we decided that Atom was very heavyweight and moved to JSON, and then worked on common objects in activitystrea.ms ( twitter.com/_/status/365184053692993537)
# #osfw3c Open Graph or http://Schema.org Are the two solving the same problem? Which would I adopt for green field apps? ( twitter.com/_/status/365184190368591872)
# #osfw3c ciberch: when I was at MySpace I started using the Activity Stream Atom spec in production, then did it at Facebook too ( twitter.com/_/status/365184260757393409)
# #osfw3c @ciberch: Crushpath shifted from activity streams to setting up a pitch site for anything eg http://crushpath.me/monica pitches me ( twitter.com/_/status/365184475388317696)
# RT @kevinmarks: #osfw3c ciberch: when I was at MySpace I started using the Activity Stream Atom spec in production, then did it at Facebook… ( twitter.com/_/status/365184641314988032)
# #osfw3c @ciberch: the users we have at crushpath are not super techy - we do client-side integrations to Facebook, Twitter etc ( twitter.com/_/status/365184650114629633)
# RT @kevinmarks: #osfw3c @rawn processes are the frozen history of previous mistakes. more and more business is exception handling to proces… ( twitter.com/_/status/365184796940447745)
# RT @dhinchcliffe: Nice compliment from @malexander1219 about the "#socbiz canvas" concept I mentioned here at #osfw3c. Backstory: http://t.… ( twitter.com/_/status/365184841047736322)
# #osfw3c @ciberch: we want people to login with systems they are familiar with like Twitter and Facebook, but Google forces a plus profile ( twitter.com/_/status/365184960820285442)
# #osfw3c @ciberch: we put activity streams everywhere, because it is very general. I can map FB OGP to activity streams if I need to ( twitter.com/_/status/365185207915134978)
# RT @lehawes: MITRE employee at #osfw3c says common identity and security permissions across SoR and SoE are needed standards. I wholehearte… ( twitter.com/_/status/365185292853972992)
# @ciberch talking about @crushpath's use of activitystrea.ms for common UX across integrations with multiple social sites/services. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365185320582512641)
mixedpuppy_ joined the channel
# RT @kevinmarks: #osfw3c @ciberch: the users we have at crushpath are not super techy - we do client-side integrations to Facebook, Twitter … ( twitter.com/_/status/365185483300544514)
# #osfw3c @ciberch: I use PubSubHubbub to alert customers about new information. It was great that there were so many Open Source tools ( twitter.com/_/status/365185487029288963)
# #osfw3c @ciberch: Standards help me develop faster, because there is a lot of existing code and examples to work with ( twitter.com/_/status/365185663332651008)
# RT @kevinmarks: #osfw3c @ciberch: we put activity streams everywhere, because it is very general. I can map FB OGP to activity streams if … ( twitter.com/_/status/365185741258625024)
# Interesting to hear @ciberch's list of #socbiz standards she's used including OAuth, Pubsubhubbub, Open Graph. and Activity Streams. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365185823571836928)
# Best quote from @ciberch from her @crushpath experiences: "I believe open #socbiz standards help people ship products faster." #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365186135032467456)
# Enjoying listening to enthusiasm of @ciberch talking about the innovative use of activity stream models @Crushpath. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365186169379631104)
# Refreshing listening to @ciberch talking about Crushpath: very on-point examples, and sensible asks of the w3c. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365186238199775234)
# Enjoying listening to enthusiasm of @ciberch talking about the innovative use of activity stream models @crushpath. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365186303786090496)
# True. What happens to Business when majority are exceptn?>RT @dhinchcliffe: Not process but Exceptions where #socbiz shines #osfw3c @jhagel ( twitter.com/_/status/365186417753722880)
# Hearing desire for basic social functions (e.g. liking, sharing) to be standardized and built into web browsers. HTML5 Components? #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365186604123439104)
# #osfw3c Eric Meeks: UCSF profiles are based on open source code from Harvard. We added Shindig to an unofficial version of the source ( twitter.com/_/status/365186823338721280)
# MT @dhinchcliffe: Best quote from @ciberch of @crushpath "I believe open #socbiz standards help people ship products faster." #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365186938707247104)
# RT @kevinmarks: #osfw3c Mark Crawford (SAP): about 85% of business activity is non-transactional, and this is why we need social tools ( twitter.com/_/status/365187079011303424)
# RT @rawn: What happens to Business when majority are exceptn?>RT @dhinchcliffe: Not process but Exceptions where #socbiz shines #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365187123814465536)
# #osfw3c Eric Meeks: the OpenSocial Person data model was not a good match for researchers - a PR and technical challenge ( twitter.com/_/status/365187349111521280)
# RT @kevinmarks: #osfw3c Mark Crawford (SAP): about 85% of business activity is non-transactional, and this is why we need social tools ( twitter.com/_/status/365187536206831616)
# RT @kevinmarks: #osfw3c Eric Meeks: UCSF profiles are based on open source code from Harvard. We added Shindig to an unofficial version of … ( twitter.com/_/status/365187663692697600)
# Linked Open Data is a standard supported by many publicly funded institutions for expressing semantic data. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365187862427213825)
# made it to #osfw3c workshop. Those of us with our own #indieweb domains are writing them on our badges in red Sharpie. (ttk.me t4RQ3) ( twitter.com/_/status/365188320319377408)
morrocco_mole joined the channel
# The IndieWeb as a minimally viable social web ecosystem - http://www.w3.org/2013/socialweb/papers/MVP.html ( twitter.com/_/status/365188723199066112)
# Eric Meeks: 'developers not being intimidated counts for a lot' #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365188968066711553)
# Eric Meeks just described very nice use case exs of OpenSocial integrations in play at UCSF. #momentum #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365189223067824128)
# RT @kevinmarks: #osfw3c @ciberch: I use PubSubHubbub to alert customers about new information. It was great that there were so many Open So… ( twitter.com/_/status/365189437367795712)
# Core! "RT @annbass: Eric Meeks: 'developers not being intimidated counts for a lot' #osfw3c " ( twitter.com/_/status/365189465259520000)
# Interesting. Boeing makes creation of a profile in their ent. social network an opt-in process. Half of employees have done so. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365189638987583488)
# #osfw3c from what I'm hearing, the activity streams 2.0 proposal fits right in with requirements being discussed ( twitter.com/_/status/365189913244729344)
# just learned about a #fatberg equivalent of web tech: Open Social + LinkedData/JSONLD + RDF. docs are in PDF. #osfw3c (ttk.me t4RQ4) ( twitter.com/_/status/365190025815666689)
# Great talk by @ciberch about how ActivistyStreams allows Crushpath noticing that having OGP process owned by Facebook is a pain #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365190057205837825)
# RT @t: just learned about a #fatberg equivalent of web tech: Open Social + LinkedData/JSONLD + RDF. docs are in PDF. #osfw3c (ttk.me t4RQ4) ( twitter.com/_/status/365190361591058432)
# Its live! Workshop on Social Standards: The Future of Business follow #osfw3c for live streaming http://www.w3.org/2013/socialweb/agenda.html #social #bpm ( twitter.com/_/status/365190638620258304)
# Boeing's inSite ESN built on JAVA and Apache tools. No login needed. It does have SSO, but also supports anonymous users. inSite #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365190867234992128)
# MT @lehawes: Interesting. Boeing makes creation of profile in their ent. social network opt-in process.1/2 employees have done so. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365191045266411520)
# The Boeing Insight enterprise social network uses widgets to make it easy for users to add content to the network. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365191434594291712)
# Federatd user profiles continually brought up as major pain point w/ #socbiz (Big request we get alot too. Single userbase of truth) #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365191439375798275)
# #osfw3c Thinking aloud: "What are 3 social objects (technical) would you say are absolutely essential to your use case / scenario?" ( twitter.com/_/status/365191568543592448)
# Done with #osfw3c talk. I hope it was useful to other implementors. Thanks @kevinmarks for your live tweeting - lets catch up ! ( twitter.com/_/status/365191584746192896)
# #osfw3c From Boeing prez, it sounds like top 3 things: profile, expertise, and ??? More thoughts @annbass ? ( twitter.com/_/status/365191902993186816)
# Much utility of enterprise social networks is finding the right people to talk to within an organization. #osfw3c (http://aaronparecki.com/notes/2013/08/07/3/osfw3c) ( twitter.com/_/status/365192171449618432)
# I heard auth ? RT @rawn: #osfw3c From Boeing prez, it sounds like top 3 things: profile, expertise, and ??? More thoughts @annbass ? ( twitter.com/_/status/365192174972833792)
tilgovi joined the channel
# #osfw3c @eric_meeks UCSF #top3 seems: profiles, data integration (linked data/Opensocial) and ??? ( twitter.com/_/status/365192523347537920)
# RT @appfusions: Federatd user profiles continually brought up as major pain point w/ #socbiz #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365192605782384640)
# W/ every #osfw3c speaker, heat goes up - very interesting to be in same room w/so many people committed to solving integrated social biz. ( twitter.com/_/status/365192846623518720)
# RT @aaronpk: Much utility of enterprise social networks is finding the right people to talk to within an organization. #osfw3c (http://t.co… ( twitter.com/_/status/365192852612988928)
# RT @katmandelstein: RT @appfusions: Federatd user profiles continually brought up as major pain point w/ #socbiz #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365193131224211456)
# RT @katmandelstein: Boeing's 3 tenets for their enterprise social network: Find something, Share something, Ask something. #socbiz #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365193388389187584)
# RT @ellenfeaheny: I heard auth ? RT @rawn: #osfw3c From Boeing prez, it sounds like top 3 things: profile, expertise, and ??? More thought… ( twitter.com/_/status/365193404218867712)
# RT @benwerd: On RSS: "We never had anybody call us up and ask, 'hey, can we get a SOAP feed?'" If they ever do, call an exorcist. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365193727251595264)
josephboyle joined the channel
# People are central to social computing. So, IMO, standards dev should focus first on profile and identity. Then system interop. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365193757949313025)
# if you're publishing your *web* "standard" docs/specs in PDF not HTML, you're doing it wrong. #osfw3c (ttk.me t4RQ5) ( twitter.com/_/status/365194315774963712)
# RT @lehawes Ford Motor Co's Ed Krebs "we don't design cars in SharePoint." Social platforms need to connect w/ other enterprise syst #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365194370938454016)
# RT @t: if you're publishing your *web* "standard" docs/specs in PDF not HTML, you're doing it wrong. #osfw3c (ttk.me t4RQ5) ( twitter.com/_/status/365194377418641408)
# RT @t: if you're publishing your *web* "standard" docs/specs in PDF not HTML, you're doing it wrong. #osfw3c (ttk.me t4RQ5) ( twitter.com/_/status/365194379176468480)
# RT @t: if you're publishing your *web* "standard" docs/specs in PDF not HTML, you're doing it wrong. #osfw3c (ttk.me t4RQ5) ( twitter.com/_/status/365194405033951233)
# RT @jasnell: @rawn @annbass Profile is a function of Identity. Expertise is a function of Network and Context. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365194526668767232)
# RT @t: if you're publishing your *web* "standard" docs/specs in PDF not HTML, you're doing it wrong. #osfw3c (ttk.me t4RQ5) ( twitter.com/_/status/365194534101073920)
# So @jasnell, you're saying the atomic objects are: identity, network, context #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365194574706122752)
# RT @t: if you're publishing your *web* "standard" docs/specs in PDF not HTML, you're doing it wrong. #osfw3c (ttk.me t4RQ5) ( twitter.com/_/status/365195138789679106)
# RT @t: if you're publishing your *web* "standard" docs/specs in PDF not HTML, you're doing it wrong. #osfw3c (ttk.me t4RQ5) ( twitter.com/_/status/365195144988860417)
# RT @t: if you're publishing your *web* "standard" docs/specs in PDF not HTML, you're doing it wrong. #osfw3c (ttk.me t4RQ5) ( twitter.com/_/status/365195183719448576)
# RT @t: if you're publishing your *web* "standard" docs/specs in PDF not HTML, you're doing it wrong. #osfw3c (ttk.me t4RQ5) ( twitter.com/_/status/365195234096844801)
# @rawn @jasnell I'd suggest the #socbiz base objects are 1) identity 2) structure (social graph, context), 3) flow (activity streams) #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365195252425953280)
# @manusporny - am not going to link to a *PDF* about proposed *web* technologies (however bloated). #osfw3c (ttk.me t4RQ6) ( twitter.com/_/status/365195271489077248)
# Ghost of Doug Engelbart pervading Memect presentation at #osfw3c. Talking about extended and collective memory created by working socially. ( twitter.com/_/status/365195533121368064)
mixedpuppy_ joined the channel
# new rule: if you can't publish your *web* "standard" doc/spec in *HTML*, go learn HTML before trying innovate. #osfw3c (ttk.me t4RQ7) ( twitter.com/_/status/365195886940258304)
# RT @t: if you're publishing your *web* "standard" docs/specs in PDF not HTML, you're doing it wrong. #osfw3c (ttk.me t4RQ5) ( twitter.com/_/status/365195923032248320)
# RT @lehawes: Ghost of Doug Engelbart pervading Memect presentation at #osfw3c. Talking about extended and collective memory created by work… ( twitter.com/_/status/365196008466038785)
# RT @dhinchcliffe I'd suggest #socbiz base objects are 1) identity 2) structure (social graph, context) 3) flow (activity streams). #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365196065328214016)
# RT @t: if you're publishing your *web* "standard" docs/specs in PDF not HTML, you're doing it wrong. #osfw3c (ttk.me t4RQ5) ( twitter.com/_/status/365196074455416832)
# Interesting: Bank of America now has more customers accessing via #mobile than traditional PC or laptop web connectivity. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365196228683776000)
# RT @t: if you're publishing your *web* "standard" docs/specs in PDF not HTML, you're doing it wrong. #osfw3c (ttk.me t4RQ5) ( twitter.com/_/status/365196237399523328)
# debated yesterday Activity streams turning into sewers. Filters may work then we have freq filter failure @dhinchcliffe @jasnell #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365196521026752512)
# RT @t: if you're publishing your *web* "standard" docs/specs in PDF not HTML, you're doing it wrong. #osfw3c (ttk.me t4RQ5) ( twitter.com/_/status/365196673988829184)
# @dhinchcliffe @jasnell "context" is structure but can be heavily overloaded. Or perhaps there's a BNF or RDF for that #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365196789248311297)
# RT @t: new rule: if you can't publish your *web* "standard" doc/spec in *HTML*, go learn HTML before trying innovate. #osfw3c (ttk.me t4RQ7) ( twitter.com/_/status/365196847574290434)
# Fitting that conversation fragmentation exists at #osfw3c discussion on social standards. Some using Twitter, others IRC backchannel. ( twitter.com/_/status/365196982362456064)
# #osfw3c Dan Schutzer /BITS is literally describing Project VRM right now ( twitter.com/_/status/365197125774090240)
# @lehawes and some are using both! http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2013-08-07/line/1375904709 #osfw3c (http://aaronparecki.com/replies/2013/08/07/3/osfw3c) ( twitter.com/_/status/365197218841497600)
# @Tank18SF Thanks for hosting #osfw3c! Cool space for the event. ( twitter.com/_/status/365197301666414594)
# RT @t: new rule: if you can't publish your *web* "standard" doc/spec in *HTML*, go learn HTML before trying innovate. #osfw3c (ttk.me t4RQ7) ( twitter.com/_/status/365197556826902529)
# @dhinchcliffe Run into multiple user profile issues at clients all the time. This should be table stakes...we need a solution. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365198062622216193)
# Our brains can host about 2.5 pedabytes, but information is contained in silos with small amounts of information #osfw3c @lidingpku ( twitter.com/_/status/365198075184152576)
# RT @t: just learned about a #fatberg equivalent of web tech: Open Social + LinkedData/JSONLD + RDF. docs are in PDF. #osfw3c (ttk.me t4RQ4) ( twitter.com/_/status/365198228951924736)
# RT @t: if you're publishing your *web* "standard" docs/specs in PDF not HTML, you're doing it wrong. #osfw3c (ttk.me t4RQ5) ( twitter.com/_/status/365198243254517760)
# RT @annbass: Our brains can host about 2.5 pedabytes, but information is contained in silos with small amounts of information #osfw3c... ( twitter.com/_/status/365198270567419905)
# #osfw3c Q: the 'teenager' data model baked into the standard discourages adoption [er, optional fields are optional] ( twitter.com/_/status/365198437077090304)
# @annbass here's a good start: http://indiewebcamp.com/social-standards #microformats #hcard #hentry #webmention #xfn #osfw3c (ttk.me t4RQ8) ( twitter.com/_/status/365198561807306753)
# We don't have a data model for that :) RT @annbass: Our brains can host 2.5 petabytes, but information is in silos #osfw3c @lidingpku ( twitter.com/_/status/365198684222267392)
# RT @t: @annbass here's a good start: http://indiewebcamp.com/social-standards #microformats #hcard #hentry #webmention #xfn #osfw3c (ttk.me t4RQ8) ( twitter.com/_/status/365198880066899969)
# RT @t: new rule: if you can't publish your *web* "standard" doc/spec in *HTML*, go learn HTML before trying innovate. #osfw3c (ttk.me t4RQ7) ( twitter.com/_/status/365198993162121216)
# RT @t: if you're publishing your *web* "standard" docs/specs in PDF not HTML, you're doing it wrong. #osfw3c (ttk.me t4RQ5) ( twitter.com/_/status/365199052335362048)
# #osfw3c Q: one of the immense pains in the butt of working for a big company is the lawyers - wouldn't even let us donate test cases to w3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365199248163213312)
# RT @t: if you're publishing your *web* "standard" docs/specs in PDF not HTML, you're doing it wrong. #osfw3c (ttk.me t4RQ5) ( twitter.com/_/status/365199372306231297)
mixedpuppy joined the channel
# really wondering, who at #osfw3c actually ships code/products that create permalinks on the web vs. behind a firewall? (ttk.me t4RQ9) ( twitter.com/_/status/365200805986447363)
# Impressed with the amount of Enterprise Linked Data and RDF/OWL adoption being shared today. More than I expected. Good to see. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365201346707722241)
# RT @t: new rule: if you can't publish your *web* "standard" doc/spec in *HTML*, go learn HTML before trying innovate. #osfw3c (ttk.me t4RQ7) ( twitter.com/_/status/365201347554979842)
# RT @t: really wondering, who at #osfw3c actually ships code/products that create permalinks on the web vs. behind a firewall? (ttk.me t4RQ9) ( twitter.com/_/status/365201690804641792)
# RT @t: if you're publishing your *web* "standard" docs/specs in PDF not HTML, you're doing it wrong. #osfw3c (ttk.me t4RQ5) ( twitter.com/_/status/365201865967169536)
# @annbass if someone does not know enough HTML to publish specs+slides, they know not enough to innovate on top #osfw3c (ttk.me t4RQA) ( twitter.com/_/status/365202589417091072)
benwerd joined the channel
# RT @t: if you're publishing your *web* "standard" docs/specs in PDF not HTML, you're doing it wrong. #osfw3c (ttk.me t4RQ5) ( twitter.com/_/status/365204086570098688)
# RT @t: if you're publishing your *web* "standard" docs/specs in PDF not HTML, you're doing it wrong. #osfw3c (ttk.me t4RQ5) ( twitter.com/_/status/365204742303002625)
# RT @t: if you're publishing your *web* "standard" docs/specs in PDF not HTML, you're doing it wrong. #osfw3c (ttk.me t4RQ5) ( twitter.com/_/status/365205496719872000)
# RT @t: if you're publishing your *web* "standard" docs/specs in PDF not HTML, you're doing it wrong. #osfw3c (ttk.me t4RQ5) ( twitter.com/_/status/365205796075732992)
# RT @t: if you're publishing your *web* "standard" docs/specs in PDF not HTML, you're doing it wrong. #osfw3c (ttk.me t4RQ5) ( twitter.com/_/status/365206887601807360)
# Tasty Mayan food from http://pocchuc.com for lunch, interesting seasonings. Thanks for supporting #osfw3c! ( twitter.com/_/status/365207828589322240)
# RT @t: if you're publishing your *web* "standard" docs/specs in PDF not HTML, you're doing it wrong. #osfw3c (ttk.me t4RQ5) ( twitter.com/_/status/365209312219910144)
benwerd joined the channel
# RT @t: if you're publishing your *web* "standard" docs/specs in PDF not HTML, you're doing it wrong. #osfw3c (ttk.me t4RQ5) ( twitter.com/_/status/365213066021306368)
# “@katmandelstein: RT @appfusions: Federatd user profiles continually brought up as major pain point w/ #socbiz #osfw3c” ( twitter.com/_/status/365213356518416384)
# @t do you mean that #osfw3c actually stands for Open Source FireWall 3 something? (fv.gs ZzixyV) ( twitter.com/_/status/365213761570746370)
# RT @JimLundy: @dhinchcliffe @rawn @opensocial Focus was on Enterprises that are doing their own widgets. Lots are. #socbiz #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365214140819718144)
# #osfw3c the day when men form a line. should we pay advance for unexpected use? https://twitter.com/lidingpku/status/365215112556052482/photo/1 ( twitter.com/_/status/365215112556052482)
benwerd joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
# RT @t: if you're publishing your *web* "standard" docs/specs in PDF not HTML, you're doing it wrong. #osfw3c (ttk.me t4RQ5) ( twitter.com/_/status/365218036883939328)
# #osfw3c challenges in mobile social web: trust, scalability, ux . #att https://twitter.com/lidingpku/status/365218149727076352/photo/1 ( twitter.com/_/status/365218149727076352)
# #osfw3c "challenges for mobile social networks" by Laurent-Walter Goix (Telecom Italia) and Bryan Sullivan (AT&T) http://www.w3.org/2013/socialweb/papers/Opportunities%20and%20challenges%20for%20standard%20Mobile%20Social%20Networks.pdf ( twitter.com/_/status/365218962314760193)
# Fantastic food from http://pocchuc.com for #osfw3c workshop. YUM! ( twitter.com/_/status/365219329316372480)
# RT @eric_meeks: If JSON-LD were a stock, I'd buy it #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365219500594954241)
# RT @jasnell: #osfw3c from what I'm hearing, the activity streams 2.0 proposal fits right in with requirements being discussed ( twitter.com/_/status/365219641544548352)
# RT @t: if you're publishing your *web* "standard" docs/specs in PDF not HTML, you're doing it wrong. #osfw3c (ttk.me t4RQ5) ( twitter.com/_/status/365219841491210241)
# RT @harryhalpin: For those that want to follow the discussion for the social workshop, check out http://irc.w3.org channel #osfw3c for… ( twitter.com/_/status/365220282396454913)
# At #osfw3c, @eric_meeks rocking with JSON-LD at UCSF for social applications: http://www.w3.org/2013/socialweb/papers/LinkedDataOpenSocial.pdf ( twitter.com/_/status/365220290009104384)
# Listening to the eCousin project http://www.ict-ecousin.eu/ on making Content Distribution services more social-aware #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365220558574587906)
scor joined the channel
# Interesting ideas from Telecom Italia about prefetching content based on your social interests using unused bandwidth. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365220921633546241)
# I absolutely do not want my devices to prefetch content that I haven't explicitly indicated I'm interested in subscribing to. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365221109123133440)
# #osfw3c the eCousin approach vaguely reminds me of Blackberry content distribution mgmt and prefetching info http://ow.ly/nJ7jS ( twitter.com/_/status/365221300500836352)
tantek_ joined the channel
# @benwerd HTTP/2 server push might mean you wouldn't have a choice in the matter #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365222567495208962)
# RT @jasnell: @benwerd HTTP/2 server push might mean you wouldn't have a choice in the matter #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365222627285020672)
# #osfw3c I don't recall that story from Marty Cooper but I get to play with that very cellphone of his. :) ( twitter.com/_/status/365222717173137408)
# IBM using pubsubhub, ActivityStreams and JSON-LD to solve real-world problems #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365223278723342336)
# RT @Gkellogg: IBM using pubsubhub, ActivityStreams and JSON-LD to solve real-world problems #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365223566704246785)
# RT @eric_meeks: If JSON-LD were a stock, I'd buy it #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365223601005268994)
# #osfw3c @jasonroygary "I think roles are one of the killer app of social" I'd say there's no such thing as a role. it's a limit on reality ( twitter.com/_/status/365223725131501568)
# RT @Gkellogg: IBM using pubsubhub, ActivityStreams and JSON-LD to solve real-world problems #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365224238094888960)
# RT @t: if you're publishing your *web* "standard" docs/specs in PDF not HTML, you're doing it wrong. #osfw3c (ttk.me t4RQ5) ( twitter.com/_/status/365224324585631744)
# @rawn @jasonroygary Roles emerge at the intersection of Identity and Context. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365224424741416961)
# @Gkellogg pubsub also mqtt at IBM Collaboration Group /cc @andypiper @jasnell #osfw3c #makessense ( twitter.com/_/status/365224735962972160)
# @ciberch @Gkellogg @andypiper Activity Streams + JSON-LD + MQTT is a very compelling story... #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365225202059182080)
# Context can be highly variable >>RT @jasnell: @jasonroygary Roles emerge at intersection of Identity and Context. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365225235072557056)
# Thanks, but I still don't want to write RDF #osfw3c JSON-LD now is starting to intrigue me... ( twitter.com/_/status/365225498818777089)
# @appfusions Federated User Profiles in Social Software could happen with an extended version of #gravatar in the Enterprise #osfw3c #socbiz ( twitter.com/_/status/365226006635753474)
# @jasnell It's Predefined / expected in-advance roles vs. Context-derived roles w/ highly varaible/unique scenarios #osfw3c @jasonroygary ( twitter.com/_/status/365226016978907137)
# @ciberch I don't think any sane person would ever want to write RDF. JSON-LD gives us something more tangible and immediately useful #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365226092979695616)
jfranusic joined the channel
# Learned at #osfw3c: @W3C should start a CG that can teach how to put HTML slides on the web instead of Powerpoint/PDF. (ttk.me t4RQB) ( twitter.com/_/status/365226452943249408)
# @rawn @jasonroygary What are the real differences between those? #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365226490352250881)
# RT @rawn: Context can be highly variable >>RT @jasnell: @jasonroygary Roles emerge at intersection of Identity and Context. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365226580215218178)
# @benwerd Agreed for un-related content, but the use cases described in HTTP 2.0 push seem reasonable... #osfw3c http://aaronparecki.com/replies/2013/08/07/4/osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365226938324877312)
# RT @t: Learned at #osfw3c: @W3C should start a CG that can teach how to put HTML slides on the web instead of Powerpoint/PDF. (ttk.me t4RQB) ( twitter.com/_/status/365227004913664001)
# @aaronpk Agree with you. HTTP 2.0 is about faster delivery, not pre-emptively sending you completely unrelated content. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365227193384710144)
# RT @t: Learned at #osfw3c: @W3C should start a CG that can teach how to put HTML slides on the web instead of Powerpoint/PDF. (ttk.me t4RQB) ( twitter.com/_/status/365227467088199681)
# RT @t: Learned at #osfw3c: @W3C should start a CG that can teach how to put HTML slides on the web instead of Powerpoint/PDF. (ttk.me t4RQB) ( twitter.com/_/status/365227573678063617)
# @jasnell Are you here in the osfw3c workshop in person or listening in? ( twitter.com/_/status/365228023903039489)
# @jasnell I still prefer our simple http://activitystrea.ms JSON best. Less "developer friction" /cc @kevinmarks #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365228864621912065)
# Roles fundamentally don't fit into my view of the world, but I grudgingly understand the need in traditional enterprise structures. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365229099540676608)
# @ciberch yeah which is why the AS 2.0 proposal is defined the way it is... aligned with JSON-LD without going all in /cc @kevinmarks #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365229488059072513)
# @kevinmarks @jasnell meh with @'s in front of key names, code like obj = Hashie::Mash.new(JSON.parse(response)) will fail #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365229823280414720)
# @ciberch No, AS 2.0 doesn't use the @'s. /cc #osfw3c @kevinmarks ( twitter.com/_/status/365230103686430723)
# #osfw3c sameas + provenance again. key to data integration in social web. ( twitter.com/_/status/365230649629618177)
# @jasnell ok cool I approve :) Have we found people who want to be asms 2.0 implementors ? #osfw3c /cc @kevinmarks ( twitter.com/_/status/365230706370166784)
# Btw, the current Activity Streams 2.0 draft spec is here: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-snell-activitystreams-02 #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365230726720925696)
# Discussing concept of 'roles' at #osfw3c workshop. Tough to understand what role someone in an organization is playing, as it can shift. ( twitter.com/_/status/365230772598214658)
spinnerin joined the channel
# Predictions of the death of Active Directory and LDAP. "Those are dinosaurs", to be replaced by rich profiles. Amen. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365231202510180353)
# @ciberch which specs in what open web sites? URLs? @harryhalpin intranet-only specs are as dead as ActiveX. #osfw3c (ttk.me t4RQC) ( twitter.com/_/status/365231367031767041)
# RT @jasnell: Btw, the current Activity Streams 2.0 draft spec is here: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-snell-activitystreams-02 #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365231369028251648)
# @ciberch @jasnell question is backwards compatibility. JSON-LD wants @ context in header for JSON. Try as a AS default, no header? #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365231431401750528)
# @jasnell @jasonroygary Are we making roles/context/interaction from social now sound too much like roles/Transactions/processes? #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365231443443597312)
# Thinking out loud: Could a Profile standard contain user information that could be used to understand contextual role? Tough nut. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365231478730276864)
# @jasnell @jasonroygary ie, Rather than dealing w/ the adhoc/variability of social, we're turning it into predictable process model #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365232105216671744)
# @rawn Is there really a difference? /cc #osfw3c @jasonroygary ( twitter.com/_/status/365232190004531202)
# @t https://developers.google.com/+/api/latest/activities is using activitystrea.ms JSON #osfw3c - I was using their API yesterday. Superfeeder uses pubsubhubub ( twitter.com/_/status/365232337128132609)
eschnou joined the channel
# @rawn I would argue that social in business is likely already a predictable process model /cc #osfw3c @jasonroygary ( twitter.com/_/status/365232509568561152)
# @t uses on the intranet and enterprise are valid as well and there are plenty #osfw3c IBM uses asms, Yammer's stream API and Chatter also ( twitter.com/_/status/365232675352612865)
# @lehawes sounds like @jasnell are saying Roles are the intersection btwn Identity and Context objs in Opensocial. #osfw3c ie. they exist ( twitter.com/_/status/365233113619636224)
# #osfw3c workshop discussing benefits/challenges of a single, standardized web browser. IMO, social standards baked into HTML5 = better. ( twitter.com/_/status/365233182502699008)
# RT @jasnell: Btw, the current Activity Streams 2.0 draft spec is here: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-snell-activitystreams-02 #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365233588947521539)
# @jasnell @rawn Not sure social is a 'process', but there are definitely 'patterns' that can be defined and leveraged. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365233643142119425)
pius joined the channel
# @jasnell @ciberch Link headers are rare, try as @context a default in AS spec. Perhaps discourage @ convention and assume default. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365233703204560898)
# @t @kevinmarks and I are sitting at the same table arguing back and forth about specs via Twitter #polite #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365233707440799745)
shaners joined the channel
# RT @ciberch: @t @kevinmarks and I are sitting at the same table arguing back and forth about specs via Twitter #polite #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365234113856282625)
# @harryhalpin PuSH yes. OGP? Who consumes besides FB (+ some Twitter)? Rest are dead or intranet-only (dying). #osfw3c (ttk.me t4RQD) ( twitter.com/_/status/365234556183384065)
# hmm, http://www.w3.org/2013/socialweb/papers/schema.pdf says it can't load the PDF. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365234674538262529)
# @kevinmarks If only there was another format to represent textual information on the web. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365234905896062977)
# RT @t: if you're publishing your *web* "standard" docs/specs in PDF not HTML, you're doing it wrong. #osfw3c (ttk.me t4RQ5) ( twitter.com/_/status/365237577030172672)
# RT @t: if you're publishing your *web* "standard" docs/specs in PDF not HTML, you're doing it wrong. #osfw3c (ttk.me t4RQ5) ( twitter.com/_/status/365237621842128896)
# One notable absence from #osfw3c - where are the browser vendors?? (Mozilla aside - and kudos to them for being here.) ( twitter.com/_/status/365238100118601728)
# @jdcalus @jasnell @rawn Patterns are less rigid than processes. They're repeatable, but at more abstract level of detail. Agree? #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365239932094132226)
# It's semantics>RT @jdcalus: @lehawes @jasnell If social is a repeatable approach to solving a problem, doesn't it become a process? #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365240659248021505)
# RT @jasnell: Btw, the current Activity Streams 2.0 draft spec is here: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-snell-activitystreams-02 #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365241629315047424)
brianloveswords joined the channel
# @benwerd Shane from Mozilla is here, and Dmitri from Chrome will be here tomorrow. We did ask MS to send us an IE guy but no show. #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365242410994896896)
# Thanks Everyone for The Kind Attention from Fabio and the whole e-cousin Group I represented here! #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365242683918270464)
# RT @jasnell: Btw, the current Activity Streams 2.0 draft spec is here: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-snell-activitystreams-02 #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365242835806601216)
# RT @lidingpku: #osfw3c "challenges for mobile social networks" by Laurent-Walter Goix (Telecom Italia) and Bryan Sullivan (AT&T) http://t.… ( twitter.com/_/status/365243323327328257)
# Vibrant discussions and coverage of the day so far via Twitter is going on at #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365243502017257472)
# @kevinmarks http://www.w3.org/2013/socialweb/papers/schema.pdf should work now. There was some odd error on W3C site, just reloaded file. Its his slides #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365243829986656260)
smari joined the channel
# @ciberch thanks for G+ API link. Looks proprietary, based on but not actually ActivityStreams: http://indiewebcamp.com/Google%2B#Activities (ttk.me t4RQE) ( twitter.com/_/status/365244072635547648)
# Two interesting sites built the morning of #osfw3c day 1: http://twtr.io/ and http://www.fatberg.org/ (http://aaronparecki.com/notes/2013/08/07/5/osfw3c) ( twitter.com/_/status/365244344325771264)
npdoty joined the channel
# Sitting here amusing myself imagining @t cursing quietly to himself every time a PPT or PDF presentation goes up on the screen... ;) #osfw3c ( twitter.com/_/status/365244490098806784)
# Learning about JSON-LD at #osfw3c. Way down in the weeds for me, but very useful all the same. ( twitter.com/_/status/365244710371074048)