tantekis going through that page and creating stub/definition pages on the indiewebcamp wiki to try to help with understanding terms/phrases and their relation to the indieweb
tantek.comedited /social-business (+650) "add other definitions of social business - clearly means different things to different people / contexts" (view diff)
benwerdPondering IndieWeb Hangouts using Webmention to initiate the call request and a Node.js / Holla install to actually make the video / audio happen.
tantekok I've written a function to pull my old style "in-reply-to: http://example.com/post" inline text references into actual reply-contexts with rel=in-reply-to etc. links
pfefferlethe reason is that the other post types have less text in common… so i thought it would be good to show a smaller image… do you prefer a full version?
SRCRI have an IndieAuth question, what would you suggest as being properly authenticated, the HTTP 200 is good enough or should I also do something with the JSON i get back?
aaronpkSRCR: so for example if bret.io logs in, he'll be redirected to your site with "me=bret.io" in the URL, you'd go check the bret.io home page and look for rel="indieauth" and use the server pointed to there to verify the code
tantekimagine you changed your permalink URL structure at sometime in the future, but left redirects in place for your existing permalinks, you'd still want to receive webmention updates to them right?
aaronpkthe development process. the redirect issue occurred to me while I was building it, but I chose to gloss over it instead of overthink it in favor of getting something working
aaronpknow I also need to go implement the webmention verification step (including looking for redirects) on an async queue, because checking all those redirects would take too long on the http post
aaronpkinterestingly, processing that on a queue means the only response my webmention endpoint would ever return to the POST request is a "202 Accepted". I would never have the opportunity to respond with an error.
aaronpkit's like I tell you "Hey X just linked to Y", and Y redirects to Z. You say "really? let me check if X linked to Y" and then look for Y on the page. you don't need to look for Z
tantek.comedited /webmention (+207) "/* Protocol Summary */ clarify what source and target are set to, and precisely where redirects must be supported" (view diff)
aaronpkso assuming I move this to be processed on a background queue, which I will do for a number of reasons, the only response I can return is "202 Accepted" even for invalid links
tantekI suppose the only errors we can return are for malformed webmentions, e.g. missing/invalid source param, missing/invalid target param - where invalid means invalid URL
tantekaaronpk - nope, HTML5 rel values are officially registered on the microformats wiki. The HTMLWG tried an experiment with using IETF/IANA and it was so much of a pain that the alternative of using an open wiki won out :)
tantekaaronpk - I agree with the asynchronicity and queuing, however, ideally we'd like webmentions to work fairly realtime - similar to silo-ux of leaving a comment and having it show-up others' view of the same post.
barnabywalterswhen I eventually move things async I’m probably just going to either call it via an AJAX request or just make the request on the server side and then immediately close it
benwerdbarnabywalters: I use (not for idno) a signed HTTP request method for dealing with asynchronous processing, which also has the benefit of (1) being able to execute on other servers (2) not necessarily needing a queue
benwerdat the point where you want to launch something, a cURL request is made to the script, via actual HTTP. (You could even do this via webmention.) The signing is for authentication to prove that it's a safe call
aaronpkunless you send a connection: close header an http client will still keep the connection open. and either way you end up with the server maintaining the resources it used to handle the request.
aaronpkthe other thing this queue gives me is I can run the web server as the "apache" user and run the queue as the "aaron" user and I don't need to give apache write permissions to anything
tantekaaronpk - another thought for target URL verification - if URLs "typically" on your site support receiving webmentions then you could just check to see if it links to your domain or your short-domain
tantekit's to get every other player smaller than them to adopt what you want and get others to talk about how the other smaller players are doing a better job
tantekI went through my old posts, and the only Falcon posts where I have in-reply-to: replies to indie domains are that one to aaronpk's post, and this one http://tantek.com/2011/010/b1/owning-your-data to zeldman.com
tantekso I can start properly posting replies to all of your awesome indieweb posts (e.g. eschnou's original post that's aggregating indieweb comments).
aaronpkalso I set up pingback.me to help make it easier to build, before sandeep came along and simplified the whole thing by rewriting pingback as webmention :)