2013-08-19 UTC
smus and shaners joined the channel
josephboyle, scor, inimino, rburns and smus joined the channel
smus, rburns, rknLA and Phae joined the channel
shaners, bnvk and rburns joined the channel
tantek and hadleybeeman joined the channel
# 05:53 tantek and the retweets continue apparently. any new folks here from the WIRED article?
# 05:56 hadleybeeman I've been meaning to post it. The non-technical world could do with a read of it.
rburns joined the channel
andreypopp joined the channel
xtof joined the channel
# 06:13 hadleybeeman Hey Tantek (and Bay Area #indiewebcamp-ers): I'm in SF next week. Let me know if there is anything useful going on?
cweiske and jancborchardt joined the channel
eschnou, rburns, bnvk, andreypopp, poppy, shaners and Jihaisse joined the channel
andreypopp, smus, bnvk, pfefferle and MattJ joined the channel
smus and xtof joined the channel
barnabywalters, MattJ, eschnou, melvster, smus, earplugs, bnvk, josephboyle, matthewlmcclure, rburns and scor joined the channel
# 11:54 bnvk Just spent some time doing damage control on the mostly hideous comments of that Wired post!
xtof joined the channel
# 12:05 bnvk is IndieAuth borked for anyone else? I keep getting a Ruby error "RelParser::InsecureRedirectError at /auth/start" which ever 3rd party service I try to connect with
smus and eschnou joined the channel
# 12:16 bnvk It's really fascinating how haters come out of the woodwork and start complaining that apples are oranges!
# 12:16 cweiske kind of funny that someone builds a google reader replacement that only works with google sign in and on google app engine
# 12:16 neuro` bnvk: haters and morons are the reason why I don't read comments anymore.
# 12:17 neuro` I think I'll close them as soon as I implement Web mention: if you want to comment, do it from your place.
# 12:17 barnabywalters bnvk: which IA auth providers were you trying? github just worked fine for me
# 12:18 barnabywalters bnvk: yeah, and getting thoroughly confused (“they got $200,000 and they still haven’t built anything”)
# 12:18 bnvk Yah... Web Mentions are the most exciting thing to combat spam & trolls I'm aware of
# 12:18 bnvk barnabywalters: I tried Twitter and Github
# 12:18 barnabywalters bnvk: hm, weird. from the exception it sounds like there’s a https -> http redirect going on somewhere
# 12:19 neuro` bnvk: unfortunately, I already built a spam machine using Web mention :(
# 12:19 bnvk barnabywalters: all my links are HTTPS
# 12:20 neuro` barnabywalters: I wanted to POC a theory I had about Webmention.
# 12:22 cweiske but you could actually send the author of the mention a mail, asking for verification
hidgw joined the channel
# 12:30 bnvk barnabywalters: it was a different error when I used Twitter
smus joined the channel
dim_fiber joined the channel
barnabywalters_, smus, earplugs1 and termie joined the channel
eschnou joined the channel
# 13:43 Jihaisse neuro`: it's seems unatural to me to not be able to comment directly from the website
# 13:47 neuro` Jihaisse: I understand, but to be honnest, I'm more than sick with all the legit looking spam comments I get everyday
# 13:47 neuro` Just because some SEO companies have noticed that I didn't want to break the Web going nofollow.
# 13:49 Jihaisse but it's a mess for now to write a webmention (with wordpress)
# 13:52 barnabywalters Jihaisse: cool, let me know if you want to try setting it up. adding action markup to your own site is super-easy, setting up your browser to actually use the markup is slightly more tricky
smus and bnvk joined the channel
# 14:19 pfefferle Jihaisse let me know if you have some ideas to improve the webmention wordpress plugin
# 14:20 hidgw I noticed that <link rel="me"/> support is mentioned in a pretty recent commit to IndieAuth. How long until such a thing is likely to be supported on the IWC site?
# 14:20 hidgw Procrastinating on modifying my homepage, I am
# 14:26 barnabywalters hidgw: if it’s in the indieauth repo it should be actively supported on indieauth.com too
# 14:27 hidgw barnabywalters: I have suddenly lost any reason to procrastinate on this… :)
# 14:28 tommorris has fun and games with SiloAuth, brought to you by Facebook®.
Game_Freak joined the channel
# 14:47 hidgw I just realized I might have signed into the IWC site back when it supported OpenID. If I make IndieAuth work, will I get back into my old account after signing in with the same domain?
# 14:48 tantek hidgw - so few people signed in with openid back in the day that aaronpk just does manual merges (I think)
# 14:48 tantek or maybe we just redirected our old user pages to the new ones
# 14:48 tantek the openid login for mediawiki was a very odd flow - didn't make much sense
# 14:48 hidgw tantek: Thanks. I'll see what happens when I get the proper links set up.
# 14:49 hidgw There are a lot of things about mediawiki that don't make much sense, I've found
# 14:49 hidgw The Vector skin appears not to even show MediaWiki:Loginprompt any more
xtof, smus and friedcell joined the channel
Acidnerd and smus joined the channel
# 15:43 aaronpk bnvk: there's still a caching bug with indieauth.com, but if you click the second github link on your login page it should work
benprew joined the channel
# 15:44 bnvk aaronpk: hrm, i'm pretty sure I tried both
# 15:44 aaronpk bnvk: it looks like you logged in successfully a couple hours ago?
# 15:44 bnvk yah, I manually changed the redirect URL in query string and pasted it in the browser :)
# 15:45 bnvk yah, that github link is what the error was screenshotted from
# 15:49 bnvk yah, I was a bit stumped, glad i'm not the only one :)
# 15:49 bnvk if it's at all helpful- the one odd thing is the step 1 (select provider) shows my Icelandic #
# 15:49 bnvk but my site doesn't have that number listed in the sources
# 15:50 aaronpk if you hit re-scan it will go fetch your home page again
# 15:52 aaronpk oh yea you have to enter explicitly https:// if your site redirects
# 15:53 aaronpk weird, it's like it's not finding the links on the remote site
# 16:04 aaronpk cweiske: just pushed up the changes from a couple days ago, so yes i believe so
# 16:08 bnvk yes in the query string then pressing enter
# 16:09 aaronpk bnvk: you have to also enter https in the login box for it to work, did you do that too?
# 16:09 bnvk does the same as when I enter brennannovak.com
perfmode and smus joined the channel
# 16:14 aaronpk apparently there is a smaller scope now, so I will change it
# 16:14 aaronpk but yes what barnabywalters said. it's already public
# 16:15 barnabywalters I have spoken to people who are put off by apps listing the permissions they demand
# 16:15 aaronpk because i'm not providing a scope parameter right now
# 16:16 barnabywalters aaronpk: it’s more of a “wall of things” problem — twitter’s asking for all this stuff, I can’t be bothered to read through it and decide whether or not I’m actually in danger
# 16:16 aaronpk i've seen various different approaches to that problem
# 16:17 aaronpk bnvk: i have to get back to work. but I think if you type https://brennannovak.com into the login box, then press re-scan (or choose the second github link) it will work
morrocco_mole and tantek joined the channel
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# 16:50 aaronpk really want to post my trip itinerary for iwcUK as a private message on my site for people to see
# 16:52 aaronpk right now everyone on that page is listed as an attendee
# 16:53 aaronpk which is great for an event, but I can imagine pretty quickly wanting to use it for access control that is not just event based, primary a "group"
# 16:53 barnabywalters I hate the term “group” when applied to this sort of access control use case
# 16:53 aaronpk i know, terminology is tricky, but this is a good use case
# 16:54 aaronpk i also don't like managing groups in my facebook or g+ account
# 16:55 aaronpk interestingly, in both of these examples, I'm basically delegating the management of the group to a third party
# 16:55 barnabywalters aaronpk: I don’t see how letting a URL be used for non-event based auth is a problem
# 16:55 aaronpk not a problem, just need a way to list people under something other than "attendees"
# 16:56 barnabywalters just say “any h-cards with urls and/or urls with XFN” found at this URL are in the group
# 16:56 aaronpk hm, you think the "attendee" semantic is unnecessary?
benwerd joined the channel
# 16:56 Loqi benwerd: tantek left you a message 2 days, 1 hour ago: let's for sure do an indiewebcampsf dinner monday night. adactio (Jeremy Keith) will also be in town.
# 16:57 benwerd whoa, and that's what happens when I don't log in all weekend
# 16:57 Loqi benwerd: tantek left you a message 1 day ago: with this 2nd burst of wired coverage we should definitely do dinner tomorrow!
tantek and nicknovitski joined the channel
# 16:57 benwerd hey, right on time. tantek, still up for dinner tonight?
# 16:58 benwerd barnabywalters: thanks for writing that up! makes sense.
# 16:58 tantek can do - maybe on the later side - what's the word from kevinmarks or shanley?
smus joined the channel
# 17:04 benwerd I'm up for anything, anyhoo - so if it works, cool. Might come in and work from SF a little later regardless
spinnerin and morrocco_mole joined the channel
# 17:08 tantek I'm thinking around 20:30 if we can find some place convenient to downtownish, maybe near Embarcadero or Montgomery stations.
# 17:13 tantek benwerd - have any spots you've been wanting to try thereabouts?
# 17:13 tantek could also do a cafe in north beach - like the old beat poets.
xtof joined the channel
# 17:14 benwerd tantek - Depends what we're after! north beach is also good (& I really like that neighborhood), although I only really know Vesuvio offhand.
# 17:15 benwerd I haven't explored down there enough, and tend to gravitate to Local Edition in the center ;)
# 17:18 benwerd 8:30 is actually a really great time, too. I've got some stuff that I need to shovel away first.
# 17:20 tantek shall we do IndieWebCampSF drinkup at Local Edition 20:30 then?
friedcell joined the channel
# 17:20 tantek going to try to get Jeremy Keith to stop by as well
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# 17:30 rknLA benwerd, tantek: may i invite myself along?
tilgovi joined the channel
# 17:31 benwerd rknLA: I think the idea is that it's a drinkup! No need to invite yourself
# 17:35 rknLA I wasn't sure if Local Edition also served food, and it still sorta sounded like a dinner, so i figured asking couldn't hurt
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josephboyle, erikmaarten_, bnvk, smus, state and Acidnerd joined the channel
# 18:23 tantek benwerd - great - shall we start a wiki page?
bnvk joined the channel
# 18:35 rknLA josephg: fwiw, i am also planning to eat dinner at some point this evening. ;)
# 18:35 josephg I'm keen - I actually have an idea that I need to run past a few people to make sure I'm not nuts
barnabywalters, xtof and smus joined the channel
# 18:49 rknLA i will probably be heading to the soma streatfood park thingy beforehand to grab a bite if anyone is interested in joining
# 18:50 RedType jeu o, pme tje mew irc people
# 18:50 RedType hey i'm one of the new irc people
# 18:51 RedType my right hand was misaligned
# 18:51 bret welcome :) How did you make your way here?
# 18:51 RedType ive been following the iwc site and stuff for a while
# 18:51 aaronpk it still surprises me that bars can not serve food
# 18:51 aaronpk i do kind of like that law in oregon, everything has food
# 18:52 bret Sweet RedType what do you think so far?
# 18:52 RedType bret: it's good things
# 18:52 bret anything particularly interesting you?
# 18:53 RedType ui/ux stuff, some of the authentication stuff
# 18:53 RedType decentralized secure web auth with the capability for anonymity
# 18:54 RedType actually owncloud is what got my attention
# 18:54 bret Decentralized yes, I'm not sure if anyone has done much with anonymity
# 18:54 bret aaronpk: has been working on decentralized privacy though
# 18:54 RedType yeah it's not a necessary thing. it's just stuff that got me interested
# 18:54 bret own cloud is way cool, I want to check that out eventually
# 18:55 RedType i kind of sketched out what would be needed for something like that, then someone did it
# 18:56 bret The primary focus for most people recently seems to be replacing what Silos provide to them
smus joined the channel
# 18:57 RedType i have my own short name
# 18:58 RedType i actually am thinking of using a url scheme for my personal stuff in the form of domain.tld/verb/noun/subnoun/#pagelocation
# 19:00 RedType anyways i am going to grab lunch but i might go the drinkup if that's a thing
# 19:00 bret yeah! beyond that whole list, the best way to get involved is to meet up with folkd
# 19:00 bret (although I won't be there, I'm in portland)
andreypopp joined the channel
# 19:09 tantek is a fan of the "bars have food" law in Portland.
# 19:10 bret We need to implement IndieRSVPs on that events page
# 19:12 bret i need to start to remember doing that
nicknovitski joined the channel
# 19:13 aaronpk " links to websites where the Tweet was embedded" whoa
# 19:14 tantek aaronpk, that's basically like showing pingbacks/mentions right?
# 19:14 aaronpk espn.com linked to this tweet, so the tweet shows the link from espn.com
# 19:15 tantek so I wonder if this is whitelisted or does everyone who embed a tweet get to show up on the tweet permalink
# 19:16 aaronpk seems like it would be a ton of work to whitelist that
smus joined the channel
# 19:16 aaronpk their examples are sites that also have twitter accounts, maybe it's limited to domains that map to a twitter account
# 19:16 tantek aaronpk - or they just use their existing TwitterCards whitelist :/
# 19:18 aaronpk tantek: normally i'd agree, but since they have infinite scrolling on the reply list it make ssense to have the headlines above
# 19:18 bret aaronpk: also, you totally link to a silo instead of your primary identity on the web on your business profile :p
# 19:22 tantek so how is twitter notified of the embedding? does it require someone to view the article that embeds the tweet and thus execute the Twitter embed JS?
# 19:22 aaronpk especially cause the first thing you're going to do when embeddeing a tweet is go look at it yourself
# 19:23 tantek so … what would happen if the IndieWebCamp IRC logs used the Twitter embed JS for blockquoted tweets?
# 19:25 tantek Do the articles themselves have to use TwitterCards?
shaners joined the channel
# 19:26 aaronpk also not sure how long it will take before it's picked up. I know the twitter cards themselves have a short delay before the tweet permalink shows the card
# 19:26 aaronpk my guess is twitter card is required which is where it gets the page title from
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# 19:33 aaronpk interestingly the techcrunch story does not appear on that tweet yet
# 19:38 tantek aaronpk - indeed - especially since that tweet of mine was a "reply" on Twitter
# 19:38 aaronpk oh interesting point, i should have tested with an original
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# 19:54 aaronpk oh hey look at the nice xfn links on iamshane.com
# 19:54 aaronpk in other words, I answered my own question with the INTERNET
# 19:55 aaronpk shaners: that's awesome. you should put your name somewhere on farmhouse.la tho!
# 19:55 shaners i think everyone should come to it, and then the day after we can do actual indiewebCAMP in my backyard.
# 19:56 shaners aaronpk: part of the reason for that was to make it not about me.
# 19:57 rknLA everyone should go to farmhouse. it's one of the best things i've ever been to.
# 19:59 RedType i'm going to reconfigure irssi to use a better nick
# 19:59 rknLA shaners: you're welcome, and thank _you_ for putting it all together
morrocco_mole joined the channel
# 20:02 shaners would people be into doing an IndieWebCamp::Hollywood on 2013-11-03?
# 20:02 aaronpk shaners: awesome. i'm going to try to go to that too then!
# 20:03 rknLA shaners: i'd be into that. might want to figure out borrowing a tent or something for while i'm down there.
# 20:03 shaners camping is welcome. there'll likely be leftover food and drinks from Farmhouse Conf 5. I'll have 4 VIP portapots and 150 wooden folding chairs. no projector. but there is a 110 ten year old avocado tree. and a barn.
# 20:05 tantek aaronpk, speaking of ISO dates - am I the only one that experiences cognitive dissonance on tweet permalinks when they say things like "15 Aug 13" and I think, August 13th?
# 20:06 tantek shaners - like any barcamp, I'd suggest getting a co-organizer or a few and collectively driving details like that.
# 20:07 shaners i'm taking a straw poll right now of attendees. who would STAY for monday? are most people weekend only.
# 20:07 aaronpk shaners: I would probably not stay for monday. If I go I'd likely be going to Redlands on Monday with Davy
# 20:07 tantek shaners - maybe create a draft wiki page gauge attendee interest
Sparverius joined the channel
# 20:08 tantek and then co-organizers adactio and aral drove it to become two days
npdoty joined the channel
# 20:13 rknLA i'm not sure if i would stay for monday either. depends if i would have to take vacation time to do it :\
# 20:13 aaronpk is setting things in motion to be able to go to LA that weekend
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# 20:31 aaronpk whoa, do you think they're able to block some of the replies now?
# 20:34 tantek aaronpk - I don't know - I wish I'd used a separate tab
# 20:35 neuro` shaners: using a CNAME when pointing to an external resource is the less crappy way to ensure consistency in your resources URLs
# 20:36 neuro` (I backport the conversation here because it's indie web related)
vrypan joined the channel
# 20:37 shaners right. my S3 urls were never meant to be permanent. it's on The List to be done. :/
# 20:39 bret shaners: IWC at the farmhouse sounds way cool but I get super busy in november with school
# 20:39 neuro` That's the reason why I advice people who want to use service like Feedburner to use a CNAME / redirect from their domain name like feed.mydomain.com -> feeds.feedburner.com/mysite (it's already on the wiki tantek, no need to mention :))
# 20:39 shaners bret: maybe you could take a short whirlwind get away for a 3 day weekend?
# 20:40 tantek neuro` - if it's already on the wiki, why not link to it instead of repeating it? ;)
# 20:40 tantek Sparverius - you can always check indiewebcamp.com/events :)
# 20:41 neuro` tantek: speaking about it, do you know when you're free during your Paris trip?
# 20:42 bret shaners: maybe, I will have to see how my budget and TA schedule looks. I will def remote in and see what I can do to make it
# 20:43 bret are there any non proprietary ways to do realtime video on the web?
# 20:46 shaners aaronpk: i left you on the page (copy/pasted from 2013/IWCUK) to save you some typing, since you already said you'd likely be coming.
# 20:49 tantek vrypan - how much of your distributed query system have you implemented on vrypan.net?
# 20:51 vrypan tantek, unfortunately, zero. I had written some code (WP plugin) that could be a start, but it's been many years since, I don't even know where the code is.
# 20:55 bret Sounds like a neat idea, maybe it could become the basis of some kind of distributed consumption tool
smus joined the channel
# 21:00 vrypan bret - If it was used, I could search indiewebcamp.com for, say, "rss" and get answers from sites that are related to indieweb and have written something about RSS. Much more relevant for me than googling "rss".
julien51 joined the channel
# 21:08 barnabywalters at some point I’m going to make script which creates new blekko slashtags from URLs with XFN or h-cards in
# 21:09 barnabywalters otherwise, a combination of opensearch and microformats could be used to search many sites at once and accumulate the results
# 21:09 vrypan barnabywalters: that would be cool. But blekko is sitll centralised. And it has little knowledge of what my site thinks is important.
smus joined the channel
# 21:11 vrypan Google is trying to do it too, by relating sites and +1s to your social network.
benwerd joined the channel
state, smus and morrocco_mole joined the channel
# 21:37 tantek aaronpk - hmm - isn't blogspot a silo? should we be allowing *.blogspot.com sign-ins for indieauth for indiewebcamp.com?
KevinMarks joined the channel
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# 22:42 vrypan permashortcitations are a bit cryptic for the uninitiated. Have you tried alternative forms?
# 22:43 vrypan For example it looks like .example.me/123 is not auto linked by twitter (and it's easier for someone to get the hint and copy-paste to the browser)
# 22:48 aaronpk vrypan: look at my tweets, I always include a full URL (aaron.pk/xxxxx)
# 22:50 vrypan aaronpk: yes, but yours are auto-linked by twitter (t.co)
# 22:53 aaronpk but my short URLs are still visible in the tweet text, just not in the href attribute
wardn joined the channel
# 23:02 aaronpk tantek and I use an algorithm so that there is no database backing it
# 23:02 vrypan aaronpk: yes, I've read about it, I like the idea.
abrereton and benwerd joined the channel
# 23:18 shaners rknLA: i use the same enshortening algorithm using NewBase60
# 23:19 rknLA do you run analytics on the endpoints that do the shortlink processing, or just let it run free?
# 23:20 rknLA analytics as in, how many people have clicked through your shortlink
# 23:21 rknLA hmm. in explaining, i think i am answering my own question,
# 23:21 rknLA basically i was wondering about link tracking,
# 23:21 rknLA but you could just shortlink with a tracking parameter?
# 23:31 Loqi shaners meant to say: tantek: is your site's content CC?
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# 23:49 tantek shaners - nicely done with your reply tweets.
# 23:49 tantek no my site content is by default all rights reserved
# 23:49 Loqi tantek meant to say: though I put my slide decks into PD via CC0
# 23:50 tantek I think. Hmm. maybe they're CC-by and I just ask for people to link/attribute tantek.com
# 23:50 shaners tantek: i certainly don't care if you CC your site content or not. I was just surprised.
# 23:50 tantek shaners - enough of it is "personal" in nature that doesn't quite feel right to CC.
# 23:50 tantek I try to explicitly CC (by or 0) the professional / how-to stuff.
# 23:51 tantek all the stuff others might actually find useful :)
# 23:51 shaners i'm always surprised by what others find useful of mine
cldstr joined the channel
# 23:52 tantek funny thing about anil's question, despite its negative framing, I think he has no idea that there is a whole legion of indieweb "apps" (as he put it) that are slowing growing stronger, richer, and will inevitably eclipse all of the closed "apps" (silos UIs).
# 23:53 shaners tantek: while i agree with you, there's no proof that we'll eclipse all of those silos yet. ;)
# 23:53 tantek also funny that he got not one by *two* reply tweets saying no idea what he's talking about.
smus joined the channel
# 23:53 tantek shaners - we're going to eclipse them because they're actually quite slow to innovate.
# 23:53 tantek and we can pick and choose the best UI ideas from them, and ignore their mistakes
# 23:54 tantek I have no doubt that at least 2+ indieweb projects will eclipse Twitter UI functionality by IndieWebCamp 2014
# 23:54 npdoty I've been responding to Anil as well, but I think the most interesting thing about the question is the framing of "apps"
# 23:54 shaners i'm not surprised that people don't know what he's talking about. we have yet to do much outreach/marketing/branding
# 23:54 npdoty what's most advantageous about indieweb projects is that they're generally interoperable rather than self-contained, like the Web
# 23:54 tantek npdoty - yeah - did you ask him? what does he mean by "app"?
# 23:55 tantek shaners - it's ok people don't know what he's talking about - his question was poorly worded in the first place.
# 23:55 npdoty while I had doubts about the question, I tried to respond positively, by suggesting email, IRC, personal blogs, etc.
# 23:56 npdoty also, in his follow up he specifically asked for non-commercial applications
# 23:56 tantek shaners - so as far as outreach/marketing/branding - the greatest hack of all is just getting people like Anil to user our language, to user our brand.
# 23:57 npdoty ... and while that's generally an interesting question, I think indieweb doesn't mean non-profit
# 23:57 tantek we don't need him or any other "pundit" to do or say anything else. the indieweb meme takes care of itself.
# 23:59 tantek It's the question that drives us. It's the question that brought you here. You know the question, just as I did. What is the IndieWeb?