2013-08-20 UTC
earplugs and erlehmann joined the channel
# 00:00 erlehmann hlllo indieweb
# 00:00 erlehmann aaronpk, tantek, i worked on my uncomplicated web test case
# 00:03 Loqi [@npdoty] @anildash I hear confusion over "app" which implies self-containment
# 00:05 erlehmann anil “i use facebook comments to show i am not an extremist” dash
# 00:05 tantek aaronpk - I've written a blog post summary of all the Twitter Related headlines questions I asked above (and a few more)
# 00:06 npdoty anil's response to me: "@npdoty that I understand, but I'm interested in the domain of apps here."
# 00:06 erlehmann tantek, apart ffrom the fact that it looks like unit tests (because it is), does a simple yes/no suffice for such tests?
# 00:07 tantek erlehmann - yes, it's good to start with a simple yes/no for any kind of validator/test service
# 00:07 tantek and a simple form where you can put in a URL and it tells you what the results are
# 00:07 erlehmann transfer size is going through the roof
# 00:08 erlehmann tantek, currently i only have this script. but i'll make it a web service
# 00:08 erlehmann as soon as i am done with the tests.
# 00:08 tantek why wait to be "done" ? why not start with a few and iterate?
# 00:08 erlehmann i wonder what anil dash means with ”žinferiour“ clone
# 00:08 erlehmann because i wrote this in the last two hours. and i want to go to sleep
# 00:09 erlehmann and i already have a list of criteria to test.
# 00:09 erlehmann also, a friend of mine wants to adopt the uncomplicated web design criteria for her web development process.
# 00:09 erlehmann so having a command line validator that has more tests is more useful than having a web version that has less tests.
# 00:10 erlehmann who of you runs that site?
# 00:10 erlehmann FAIL: test_transfer_size (__main__.LoadingTestCase)
# 00:10 erlehmann AssertionError: 100418 not less than or equal to 20000
# 00:11 erlehmann let me find what makes this website so bloaty
# 00:12 erlehmann more like, jquery
# 00:12 erlehmann in my circle of friends there is a line of jokes starting with ”žjust use jquery“, ”žjust use wordpress“, ”žjust use bootstrap“, ”žjust use mediawiki“
# 00:13 erlehmann disclaimer: i wrote php code for monies, so i am allowed to make those jokes!
# 00:14 erlehmann regarding anil dash, i found that my hipster news microblog is way superiour to twitter. for example, i do not get spam followers (since i don't care about who reads the feed) and can post more than 140 characters
# 00:15 erlehmann i have used twitter and more than 50% of the people i know could built a better web page
# 00:15 erlehmann i suspect the mobile apps do it for the service
# 00:15 erlehmann they must be good (i have not tested)
pdurbin and morrocco_mole joined the channel
# 00:15 erlehmann with instagram i saw that. the website is abysmal, but everyone apparently uses the app.
smus joined the channel
# 00:25 erlehmann > @anildash MediaWiki, WordPress, EtherPad, OpenStreetMap, LiveJournal, Mister Muffin Pastebin, Hipster News.
caseorganic joined the channel
# 00:28 rknLA i'm a bit confused by the "RSVP + contribution for food" though..
# 00:29 cldstr rknLA: it's a community event, and we like to have some drinks and food, so we are asking for donations (but they are entirely voluntary)
# 00:37 rknLA interesting. seems like a strange approach without context in the description.
# 00:37 rknLA like, i don't mind contributing, but i have no idea how much to contribute,
npdoty joined the channel
KevinMarks and abrereton joined the channel
# 01:08 tantek shaners, well done with the incremental encouragement of anildash as well.
# 01:08 tantek shaners - also, Jay Allen, who you met at YxYY in the pool, is also one of the original awesome MT hackers.
# 01:09 tantek he's @jayallen and more importantly jayallen.org
scor joined the channel
# 01:22 shaners rknLA: how about your grab your twitter avatar photo, resize it 128px and throw it in your h-card on your site. then use it on the 2013/Hollywood page. ;)
# 01:22 rknLA i'm not supremely confident in that photo.
# 01:23 rknLA therein lies the problem. i need a new headshot.
smus, state and andreypopp joined the channel
# 01:36 rknLA am i gonna be chastised for using a gravatar url for an avatar photo ;)
# 01:37 shaners rknLA: i don't care. but it's prolly easy enough for you to toss it up on your site too, right?
# 01:38 shaners rknLA: what's your work email? i wanna send you a thing.
morrocco_mole joined the channel
# 01:55 benwerd off to find food and head to the meetup @ Local Edition a little later
melvster joined the channel
state joined the channel
# 02:11 tantek shaners - the "largely theoretical" comment belies a certain cluelessness about how much microformats have been "obviously" consumed for quite some time, e.g. *four* years of Google consuming them for search results.
# 02:12 shaners this isn't a cross examination. it's a friendly conversation.
# 02:12 tantek I can't tell if Anil is being deliberately obtuse with such statements or trolling or … ?
# 02:12 shaners i think he just doesn't know me and is keeping his guard up
# 02:12 tantek yes, perhaps you'll have better luck than me :)
# 02:13 shaners sometimes it just takes hearing it from a different person. you and he have all this history. so things get messy.
josephboyle joined the channel
# 02:21 bret shaners, good news! girlfriend is down to go to LA in november
rburns joined the channel
# 02:25 rknLA aright, i'm off to food then Local Edition.
# 02:25 bret so, hopefully she has her job situation settled out before that, and I can work out my shit, we can make it
# 02:25 bret someone be sure to itemise the ideas you guys talk about tonight
# 02:34 bret does he actually make anything anymore?
# 02:38 shaners bret: i don't know. but it's never too late to make stuff / make stuff again.
# 02:39 shaners but ultimately, who cares. we just keep plugging along building our things and welcoming new people who come along. some people will join in. some won't.
spinnerin joined the channel
# 03:15 josephg how do I find the indieweb people at the local edition?
smus, rburns and tantek joined the channel
termie and tantek joined the channel
melvster, wardn_ and kevinmarks joined the channel
benwerd joined the channel
# 04:07 benwerd Never in my wildest dreams as a teenager did I think I'd connect to IRC on my phone.
abrereton, dgroves, rburns and tantek joined the channel
rburns joined the channel
# 05:01 melvster "The idea is to have a week where we improve our skills, collaborate with each other on prototypes and fun projects that help W3C, and to come up for air from our everyday duties"
cweiske, eschnou, smus, rburns, npdoty and perfmode joined the channel
wardn_ and eschnou joined the channel
# 06:11 shaners josephg: did anything cool come of the drink up? or was it just drink up?
# 06:14 josephg we talked about ways to reply with linkback stuff
perfmode, melvster and tantek joined the channel
friedcell and Jihaisse joined the channel
benwerd, perfmode, smus, rburns, andreypopp, MattJ, pfefferle, josephboyle, bnvk, Slyphoria, randy-waterhouse, barnabywalters and tpinto joined the channel
# 10:21 tpinto Hi guys. I can't seem to get IndieAuth working with my domain, www.tiagopinto.pt
# 10:22 tpinto I checked out the code from github to try it on irb
# 10:22 tpinto is this because www.tiagopinto.pt is a CNAME to an S3 bucket?
bnvk joined the channel
# 10:23 tommorris tpinto: aaronpk is the person to talk to about indieauth issues. ;)
perfmode joined the channel
# 10:24 tpinto I should have guessed that because the github's repo I cloned is his but I thought someone else could know the answer ;)
# 10:25 tpinto href, i get the same output either with or without the protocol
# 10:27 tpinto and I have a couple rel="me" links there, not sure if it is some dumb error on my markup or something else
donpdonp joined the channel
# 10:35 tpinto misconfigurated http headers on my s3 bucket that serves the static files
# 10:37 tpinto btw, I just came across the movement a few weeks ago
jontyw joined the channel
# 10:38 tpinto and discovered that an itch and some thoughts I've been having for some months have been your battle for some time now
# 10:38 tpinto was thiking about joining you in Brighton in september
# 10:39 tpinto but I'm not sure if I have something useful to add to the conversation. are participants required to bring work or presentations to IndieWebCamp?
# 10:40 tpinto well, at least I have no code to show and no extensive work like the one I've been discovering from a lot of you
# 10:41 tommorris tpinto: you may be inspired to jump in and do that stuff. I was when I attended last year.
# 10:41 tpinto ok cool. we should meet there then, I'm keen to join the debate :)
# 10:41 tommorris (even though I've been kind of busy since then and haven't been able to do as much as I'd like.)
# 10:41 tpinto sure, I was just sorting out this problem with my domain and IndieAuth in order to add me to the RSVP
abrereton joined the channel
xtof and h1ro joined the channel
# 11:36 Jihaisse barnabywalters: I'm trying to configure the webaction tool belt with firefox
# 11:36 Jihaisse it goes to : chrome://webnactions_kango/content/options.html
# 11:38 Jihaisse maybe I missed something before loading the .xpi file
# 11:40 barnabywalters wow, my non-nightly install is back at version 17! give me a minute to upgrade
# 11:43 barnabywalters Jihaisse: okay, confirmed that that’s an issue. if you press the toolbar button it should take you to the right page
# 11:51 barnabywalters !tell tantek ever come across neo4j.org? graph database with semantic HTML-based interactive REST interface.
# 11:51 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 11:52 tommorris barnabywalters: I have. It's very useful for certain types of analysis
# 11:52 barnabywalters tommorris: I’m playing around with it, wanting to try using it for my degrees-of-separation spam prevention code
scor joined the channel
# 11:53 tommorris I've looked at using it at work for doing visitor path analysis.
# 11:54 tommorris Indeed. It's almost as if one of the benefits of a REST interface is that it is *just* an HTTP interface, and HTML+JS is well suited to building a client for an HTTP interface. ;)
# 12:00 barnabywalters Jihaisse: okay. do you know if you can pre-fill content into the wordpress “new content” UI via query string params?
scor joined the channel
# 12:05 barnabywalters the actions in Twitter.com allow you to replace buttons on twitter.com with your own
# 12:05 pfefferle if you install the oexchange plugin, the press-this ui also supports the more descriptive oexchange params like "url" and "title"
# 12:06 barnabywalters the ones in Social Buttons allow you to do the same for tweet, like and +1 buttons across the web
# 12:06 barnabywalters and selection allows you to take actions on selected text, as {text} or {html}
# 12:08 barnabywalters each of which launches a new note form auto-filled in a slightly different way
# 12:09 pfefferle barnabywalters btw. thanks for pointing me on that, this might be a way to fix the reply problem with the wordpress ui...
# 12:11 pfefferle adding a reply-to field and auto generate the html for the output
smus joined the channel
andreypopp joined the channel
# 13:24 hidgw Think I've confirmed that I did not, in fact, sign in to IndieWebCamp.com using OpenID. I guess aaronpk doesn't have to do a manual merge for me. :)
cyberjar09 joined the channel
# 13:30 cyberjar09 hello world
# 13:31 cyberjar09 first timer here. great to be here
# 13:31 cyberjar09 im going through the "getting started" guide on the site
# 13:33 cyberjar09 Any Domain providers to recommend?
# 13:33 cyberjar09 Ive read a little about dyndns. Can I use that?
# 13:34 barnabywalters by dyndns do you mean Dyn the company, or do you want to host your site on your own machine?
# 13:35 cyberjar09 on my own machine
# 13:37 cyberjar09 ok I will check back with more questions if I have any
# 13:37 cyberjar09 Thanks @barnabywalters
bnvk, friedcell and andreypopp joined the channel
matthewlmcclure and smus joined the channel
xrchz joined the channel
# 15:04 Jihaisse for twitter : reply, ok I have the button, but for RT and favorite, no buttons
smus joined the channel
mapkyca joined the channel
# 15:18 mapkyca evening, morning all :) quick question, is there some guidance/best practice anywhere for how to render webmentions/pingbacks - mf2 classes, etc etc?
# 15:24 mapkyca cheers :) ... having a slow brain day... :/ (and I was just wondering why it was h-entry and not h-cite) ;)
# 15:34 barnabywalters !tell Jihaisse I updated web action toolbelt to work with new twitter.com markup, haven’t looked at like buttons yet. thanks for the heads-up!
# 15:34 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
tantek joined the channel
# 15:38 Loqi tantek: barnabywalters left you a message 3 hours, 47 minutes ago: ever come across neo4j.org? graph database with semantic HTML-based interactive REST interface.
cldstr, npdoty, benprew, ozten and tantek joined the channel
friedcell joined the channel
tigerfinch joined the channel
# 16:12 barnabywalters the REST interface can be accessed as JSON, but if you look at it in a browser it’s all semantic HTML and forms
# 16:12 tantek that's one of the problems with the database anti-pattern
# 16:13 barnabywalters tantek: yeah, the big-magic-file problem is the one thing keeping me from using DBs to store my content
# 16:15 tantek it's perhaps the biggest problem with using DBs for anything persistent
# 16:16 tantek however that's ok if you're only using it as a cache for performance reasons
# 16:16 tommorris problem with that logic is it is what Daniel Dennett called a universal acid
# 16:16 tantek and keep your "real storage" in proper easily readable/maintainable flat files
# 16:16 tommorris if you can't trust the database, you can't trust the filesystem
# 16:16 tommorris whatever you create in place of the database is itself a database. ;)
# 16:16 tantek tommorris - false. databases have proprietary poorly maintained file formats.
# 16:16 barnabywalters yeah, the two things I’m considering trying to use it for are foundation for a personal indieweb structured search engine and degrees-of-separation based spam filtering
# 16:17 tantek whereas (presumably) your flat files use standard open human readable/writeable formats like HTML
# 16:17 tommorris but they also have tooling that allows backup and distribution
# 16:17 tantek hah! "allows backup" = you mean a *separate* back up task from the backup you're already doing of your files.
# 16:18 tommorris what databases lack is simple, zero-configuration backup process, sort of like Time Machine on the Mac
# 16:18 tantek "allows … distribution" = irrelevant for the indieweb use-case
# 16:18 aaronpk streaming replication of a filesystem would be pretty cool
smus joined the channel
# 16:18 tantek sounds like I need to add these to the anti-pattern page
# 16:18 tantek because they sounds like quick quips that db-apologists may promote
# 16:18 tantek aaronpk - indeed - that's the right level to do it
# 16:18 tommorris of course, I think most shared web hosts also lack simple, zero-configuration backup processes.
# 16:19 aaronpk i've been running an rsync backup of all my shared hosting environments for like 8 years now
smus joined the channel
# 16:19 tommorris if you can rsync files, you can rsync the result of mysqldump
perfmode joined the channel
# 16:20 tantek tommorris - so why add the extra step of remembering to or setting a process to do mysqldumps?
# 16:20 wardn databases provide indexing... what you're really looking for is a good indexer
# 16:20 aaronpk i would rather not back up my database because i could always re-create it from the data in the filesystem at will
# 16:21 tantek wardn - sure, indexing is a nice feature … for a *cache* of your data. not the persistent store.
# 16:21 wardn with a good indexer over file storage you could rsync your *data* and still have quick access to it
# 16:21 tantek so sure, if you have performance issues (measure it), and a database would help improve those issues (test it), then setup a db as a cache in front of your persistent store.
# 16:22 wardn and it'd still be archeology-friendly
# 16:22 tantek btw - for those following along re: Twitter's "Related headlines" feature - the answers are coming and they're quite indie-unfriendly.
# 16:24 aaronpk "Thank you for your interest in Twitter Headlines."
# 16:25 wardn or maybe they already knew who you were...
# 16:26 wardn hi btw... I'm new here
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 16:27 wardn registered one for this purpose... edwardsheffler.com
# 16:27 wardn working on the content
benwerd joined the channel
# 16:27 wardn just found you guys the other day
# 16:27 wardn golang -> bradfitz -> camlistore -> indieweb
# 16:28 wardn a rather circuitous route
# 16:28 wardn I have friends at google but I'm a programmer at heart
# 16:29 wardn not that they're mutually exclusive
# 16:29 wardn my interest is mostly hobby
smus joined the channel
# 16:34 wardn happily... I like the way you all think
# 16:34 tantek a lot of what gets done here is simple and very minimalist because it is precisely that - mostly hobby - time constrained
# 16:34 wardn if it's not simple it's not maintainable
# 16:34 tantek = no time for any extra bullshit (e.g. just one little extra mysqldump task every once in a while)
# 16:35 tantek hobby (personal time constraint) + selfdogfood = much better constrained and focused design and discussions
# 16:36 tantek hey benwerd, you've been #socialmedia tagged :)
aral joined the channel
smus joined the channel
# 16:39 barnabywalters I want to bring back duckrolling. it sounds infinitely more entertaining than rickrolling
# 16:39 aral Hey folks, I’ve set up a sign up form for the Terms and Conditions May Apply screening on the 7th (4PM-6PM) that will be taking place during Indie Web Camp UK — here’s the link for you guys before I tweet it. Please sign up separate if you’d like to attend even if you’ve already signed up on the Wiki for Indie Web Camp as seating is limited to 30 people.http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/event/5655728436
# 16:40 aral As far as I know, this will the first time the film is screened in the UK.
# 16:41 tommorris Are there any terms and conditions one must agree to before signing up for the screening?
# 16:41 aral Yes. We own your first born.
# 16:42 aral Or your Star Trek collection.
josephboyle, smus, tantek and tantek_ joined the channel
# 17:17 tantek signed-up for the screening of Terms and Conditions May Apply Film Screening during IndieWebCampUK
spinnerin, smus and smus_ joined the channel
# 17:23 aaronpk tantek: I just discovered a problem with my URL scheme for notes
# 17:23 aaronpk I want to go back and import all my instagram photos as notes
# 17:24 aaronpk but because they're numbered sequentially, if I add my old photos they will be out of order with the text notes on the same day
# 17:24 tantek aaronpk - this reminds me of the one of the original use cases I came up with for my own different URL short codes / post types
# 17:25 tantek different storage / service / posting processes
# 17:25 aaronpk yes, it wouldn't be a problem if I use a different post type prefix for photos
# 17:25 tantek this is in fact perhaps the biggest reason I have for a separate /p short code for photos
# 17:26 tantek perhaps a reason to POSSE to G+ via a G+ +1 button.
# 17:26 aaronpk having a +1 button on all my notes would be interesting
# 17:27 aaronpk oh! "Google has been using Google+ to discover new content, and many web professionals have discovered that URLs shared on Google+ are crawled and indexed very quickly."
# 17:27 tantek I'm thinking of having a +1 button only on my posts that have yet to be POSSEd to G+, and only have it show up when I'm signed-in to my site.
# 17:27 tantek I really dislike how much overhead G+'s JS/iframe adds
# 17:27 tantek yes - it becomes a semi-automatic POSSE UI for me
# 17:28 tantek and then I would show a simple "View on Google+" link to the rel=syndication copy
# 17:28 tantek rather than execute Google's horrible javascript
# 17:28 aaronpk but just +1'ing a post doesn't give it a permalink on G+ does it?
# 17:29 tantek if they happen to be a G+ user, they can click the "View on Google+" link and then click +1 there.
# 17:29 tantek aaronpk - pretty sure it does if you're the first
# 17:29 tantek but yes - getting the syndicated copy permalink is the challenge
# 17:29 tantek there should be some way to automatically do so by polling their read-only API
aral joined the channel
# 17:31 aaronpk I would suspect if you started +1'ing all your own posts it wouldn't really help their rankings
# 17:32 tantek aaronpk - I think it may share it to your G+ stream?
# 17:33 tantek experiment, yes. slowing down everyone's experience who reads my site, no.
smus joined the channel
# 17:39 tantek barnabywalters - yeah, I have other priorities as well. I may still write it up on the wiki however in case it's a priority for someone else, or perhaps some indieweb googlers want to try it (since googlers in general apparently use G+ directly in all seriousness)
friedcell joined the channel
state joined the channel
smus, tilgovi, smus_ and shaners joined the channel
# 18:46 tantek looks like benward answered some of my questions about Twitter
# 18:48 shaners yep. maybe, embed those tweets in your blog post? #meta
# 18:50 tantek shaners - that was my first thought too (actually to do a second blog post with just the questions that he answered)
# 18:51 tantek but then I realized that that would result in too much repeated text. so I'm likely to just blockquote the answers from his tweets
rknLA, smus, andreypopp, smus_ and benwerd joined the channel
# 19:04 SRCR Is there a directory of indieweb sites ?
aral joined the channel
# 19:08 aral Hey folks, anyone know if Brad (Fitzpatrick) is in the house? The installation instructions for Camlistore should include a line about setting the PCK_CONFIG_PATH — otherwise the build fails (at least when go is installed via brew). This worked for me: export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/Cellar/sqlite/3.7.17/lib/pkgconfig (you’ll have to change the version). Best thing would be to add this to the build script if possible.
cweiske joined the channel
tpinto joined the channel
# 19:26 aral Hey Tantek, any chance you can bring Brad with you when you pop over for Indie Web Camp? :) Wondering if we can’t build the file system for Prometheus on top of Camlistore… *goes back to playing with it*
andreypopp, smus, kevinmarks2, tantek and eschnou joined the channel
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benwerd joined the channel
# 20:04 bret melvster: no indieweb games that I have seen. You have some ideas?
# 20:04 aaronpk melvster: we were toying with the idea of indieweb chess, each person makes a move by publishing a post on their site
# 20:05 bret has anyone made progress with webactions?
# 20:06 bret Should I add some action buttons to my site?
# 20:07 bret benwerd: do you have any suggestions for realtime video on the web?
# 20:08 bret I'm working on a project to put an Scanning electron microscope online for educational purposes, was eying webrtc
# 20:08 aaronpk lol I like the "for educational purposes" disclaimer. makes it sound way more insidious.
# 20:09 bret Its kind of the only excuse in academia to work on a project that increases accesss
# 20:11 bret It says waiting for someone to join: URL
julien51 joined the channel
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# 20:18 wardn says I'm currently sharing my microphone... although there's no microphone attached
barnabywalters joined the channel
# 20:25 barnabywalters bret: in reply to your earlier question: yes, please go ahead and put <action> markup on your site
# 20:26 barnabywalters bret: I have <action> buttons for post, reply and bookmark verbs on note permalink pages
# 20:26 aaronpk i'm still on the fence about web action markup within the site
spinnerin joined the channel
# 20:26 aaronpk so far i've been happy with my bookmark toolbar method
aral joined the channel
# 20:27 barnabywalters in-page markup does have some advantages, e.g. replying to a note in a feed without having to go to the permalink page
# 20:27 eschnou bret, my site also has actions enabled on items, would love feedback on this. Note that I took the choice to style them (and still wait for barnaby to show some love to his own buttons :-)
# 20:29 barnabywalters where is the algorithm for fetching a original post URL from a syndicated copy?
# 20:30 eschnou just passing by following benwerd post and realizing there are 73 users on this channel?? Is it a consequence of the wired article? Really cool anyway!
# 20:30 aaronpk eschnou: yes I believe so! lots of new people joining the last couple days!
# 20:30 barnabywalters aaronpk: are you doing original post discovery on all URLs or filtering by known silos e.g. twitter?
# 20:30 bret eschnou: i don't see the action buttons
# 20:31 eschnou bret, should be on every item, reply and share. Do you see them on barnabywalters site? Mine are re-styled in blue links that matches the page styling.
# 20:32 aaronpk hm no actually it's just doing it for tweets right now, although the code is basically set up to handle it for everything
# 20:32 eschnou bret, huh? I just realized they are gone...
# 20:32 bret I see "Reply Tweet Favourite" below barnaby's notes and just a comment box on your site
# 20:33 eschnou barnabywalters, could my site moving to https have an impact on your app?
# 20:33 bret but they are wrapped in the action tags
# 20:33 eschnou barnabywalters, my bad, I was in firefox, had forgotten it was a chrome extension :-)
# 20:34 eschnou and I don't use chrome anymore :-D
# 20:34 eschnou barnabywalters, really? never realized that, I'll try out in FF then!
# 20:35 barnabywalters eschnou: yep, I use the kango framework which builds extensions for opera, ff, chrome and safari from one codebase
# 20:36 barnabywalters it’s not *actually* a proper open source framework, but works really well and is free as in beer, which is good enough for the moment
# 20:36 bret Not supporting IE is a feature in my book
caseorganic, julien51, state, abrereton, bnvk, smus, benwerd, andreypopp, smus_ and cyberjar09 joined the channel
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tantek joined the channel
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smus, npdoty, smus_, bnvk, josephboyle, andreypopp and benprew joined the channel
# 23:44 bret someone running new chrome and or firefox wanna test webRTC with me?
donpdonp joined the channel
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