#tantekall the spam posts do actually link back, hence pingback verification succeeds. however the spam blogs are adding no original content to the post, and they simply have spam links in the "furniture" markup around the posts.
#tanteksome even use a plugin to help automate this: e.g. the rehavapress site from today: <!-- This site is optimized with the Yoast WordPress SEO plugin v1.4.6 - http://yoast.com/wordpress/seo/ -->
#tanteka couple of the pingbacks from the host shamelessly note in their header that they're a "
#tantekWordpress CMS test / Just another WordPress site"
#tantekthis is just a small sample of what is to come when there is an easy to install WordPress plugin for webmention / indieweb comments. this kind of spam is coming.
#tantekIf we don't figure out a defense for it, it may pollute indieweb comments as badly as any other attempt at comments.
#tantekneuro` the "testing your code in production" started as humor - I moved it to the bottom :)
#neuro`BTW, on the home page, shouldn't we move What is the IndieWeb? juste under the definition of IndieWebcamp, and have the IndieWebCampUK 2013 on the bottom?
#tantekneuro` - no, it's important to have the very next event be up at the top because when people are searching for event details, that is more urgent than people just trying to find out about the indieweb
#neuro`Crap, I have a hard time turning thoughts into words, need to move to an English speaking country soon.
#tantekpeople trying to find out about the indieweb will have the patience to scoll past the next event details if they're not interested in the event
#tanteklike yes, there are REAL PEOPLE working on this, and you can see them smiling and happy! :)
#tantekwonders if we should capture these home page design nuances anywhere on the wiki in case the questions come up again, or people want to redesign the home page in the future (and don't know why we designed it the way it is)
#neuro`BTW, Publify now uses notes instead of statuses. I pushed it sooner today
#pdurbintantek: I find it interesting that IRC is only mentioned in terms of PM (private messaging) at http://indiewebcamp.com/messaging because I think of IRC as messaging. I guess at the top it clarifies that the topic is "personal messaging." One to one messaging, I guess.
#pdurbinI guess the point is I was looking at the table of contents and scratching my head a bit thinking, "Where is IRC on this list?" And then saying, "Ohhhhh, it's under PM."
#tantekpdurbin - indeed, chatrooms/forums/boards/lists are another use-case
#barnabywaltersI’m too tired to focus on anything right now and need to go to bed :)
#aaronpk#indiewebcamp is the chat room for the indieweb community. our wiki is http://indiewebcamp.com/ where you can read more about the stuff we're working on
#ScottJensonI'll do that later, right now I'd like to move towards the reason we came here, which was Messina's contention that federation is likely doomed as the UX is so bad
#ScottJensonthat's all good stuff but getting ANYTHING indie up and running is a massive engineering ask right now
#aaronpki'm curious about your impressions of mine and barnabywalters' interjections into your twitter conversation, since ours were coming from our own sites first
#ScottJensonI was hoping someone would have had a service setup (that others could copy) to get this 'one click' startup for indieweb working
#aaronpkScottJenson: yeah, that's #2 in that list: "Build tools for yourself, not for all of your friends..."
#aaronpkthere are a couple of projects aiming to be just that
#aaronpksince we're all building things for our own sites first, we focus on the UX of our sites because they are things we use every day
#aaronpki.e. if I use my posting interface to publish to my site, I'm going to get annoyed very fast at things that are clunky about it
#aaronpkalso from the principles page, "We're much more likely to advance the state of the art by encouraging everyone to build what works for them, and then figure out how to interoperate between different coding/implementation approaches."
#ScottJensonthat's fine, can't really argue with that
#ScottJensonagreed, I guess I'm not as excited by the first point (build your own tools)
#ScottJensonIt seems to be missing the forest from the trees
#aaronpksure. I don't think "build your own tools" is a goal on its own, it's the way we're getting there
#ScottJensonAs google/facebook are 10 steps ahead in terms of ease of use (but not proper structure, Im' still on your side on that point)
#ScottJensonI want to make it clear I'm very sympathetic to your goals
#ScottJensonI'm just saying that it's such a HUGELY complex beast and I don't see the IW community making big strides in that direction
#aaronpkok, so as far as functionality goes, there's a few things going on
#aaronpkwe're right now at the foundation level, we've got a few things figured out and working well across many implementations and sites. mainly webmention (notifying server x about an inbound link) and h-entry, the microformat markup of a "post"
#aaronpkturns out those two things can be built on to do lots of interesting things like:
#aaronpkprivate messaging can easily be extended to private group messaging (like sharing with circles in g+)
#aaronpkprivate messaging can also be extended to do micro loans between small groups, something I'm personally very interested in
#ScottJensonall good stuff, I'm just making sure we don't forget the web>blog>microblog history was mostly one of convenience. If you're just working on the basic tinker toys, that's ok, but I hope there is some effort to take *whatever* you have and make it easy for others to get started
#aaronpktrying to build something that others might reasonably install and use, whereas I have no expectation that anybody will run my software other than me