2013-08-26 UTC
# 00:00 aaronpk companies like dreamhost have done a good job of making it easy to install wordpress, so that model has already been proven out
# 00:02 scottjenson_ This is a negative way of saying it but why don't we have more examples of this?
# 00:04 scottjenson_ We need to find the ways in which federated systems outrun proprietary systems, much like the web did
# 00:04 aaronpk I think we're at a breaking point for silos though, there have been a lot of negative effects of them in the last couple years and I think people are getting tired
# 00:06 scottjenson_ yes, and the recent NSA issue has raised encryption as another leverage point (although I'm not sure most consumers really care)
# 00:07 scottjenson_ I would argue that making systems that are close to today's products but 'open' or even a 'bit better' is the wrong approach
# 00:07 scottjenson_ we need to be experimenting making completely new systems that the silos can't touch
caseorganic joined the channel
# 00:08 scottjenson_ I think Camlistore, as low level as it is, has HUGE potential to make entirely new collection/storage/sharing apps
icco joined the channel
# 00:10 scottjenson_ You're just joining us in the middle of 'will federated sw every beat the evil silos' conversation
# 00:11 aaronpk scottjenson_: I'd be curious to collect some ideas on "completely new systems"
# 00:11 abrereton hi guys. can i just say that this conversation was a great introduction into what you guys are doing. very insightful
# 00:12 aaronpk abrereton: thanks! it's hard to present this all on the wiki in a concise way.
# 00:12 scottjenson_ I've been ranting on a discovery API for smart devices so my mobile browser and 'control' anything nearby (but I don't think that's really interesting to the IW group)
# 00:13 scottjenson_ I would think that a federated ID system (or the moral equivialent) would unlock all sorts of interesting things (like spam reduction for one) as well as banning passwords forever
# 00:13 scottjenson_ And a centralized storage system allows me to store everything, on all servers on MY storage, not others so I have everythign in one please
# 00:15 aaronpk speaking of federated IDs, your site is your login to the wiki
# 00:16 aaronpk baby steps! this is a huge improvement over explaining how to delegate your domain to an openid provider
# 00:21 scottjenson_ wow, that's embarrassing, each edit gets dumped here (wikis and I don't get along…)
# 00:22 scottjenson_ ok, I'm going to have to bug out soon, I just wanted to say thanks aaron for the very patient conversation from your side
icco joined the channel
# 00:22 neuro` Wiki syntax is a pain, I think that's the reason why I avoid them like plague.
# 00:23 scottjenson_ I'm looking forward to the results from the next IndieWeb camp in the UK. Hope you cover some very exciting ground
caseorganic and scor joined the channel
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caseorganic, barneybook, josephboyle, smus and tantek joined the channel
# 04:25 tantek thought I saw a few things worthy of adding to the FAQ
cweiske and tantek joined the channel
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KevinMarks, pazz0, smus, julien51, andreypopp, fmarier, bnvk, friedcell, bnvk_, MattJ and musigny joined the channel
bnvk, abrereton, smus, barnabywalters, BjornW and matthewlmcclure joined the channel
# 11:16 Loqi [@aral] Quick reminder: don’t forget to sign up for @indiewebcamp — I know the sign up process is a bitch
# 11:32 Loqi [@honorharger] In Brighton for #dConstruct or #ireality? Then come along to IndieWebCamp at @LighthouseArts, with @aral &
# 11:33 barnabywalters RE ^: I was thinking about that. silo-specific issues aside, if adding 6 characters to your personal site is “a bitch” there are other issues which need fixing
# 11:33 Loqi [@CoolBrighton] RT @honorharger: In Brighton for #dConstruct or #ireality? Then come along to IndieWebCamp at @LighthouseArts, with @aral &
# 11:33 Loqi [@nd_kane] RT @honorharger: In Brighton for #dConstruct or #ireality? Then come along to IndieWebCamp at @LighthouseArts, with @aral &
# 11:33 neuro` barnabywalters: talking about last night rel="me" discussion?
bnvk joined the channel
# 11:35 Loqi [@TBOBrightonHove] RT @honorharger: In Brighton for #dConstruct or #ireality? Then come along to IndieWebCamp at @LighthouseArts, with @aral &
# 11:37 barnabywalters is there no service which does the simplest possible "put your desired domain, links to social profles and credit card details in these boxes and it is all set up”
# 11:38 neuro` The authentication mode is "a bitch" because it's not the usual "give us your credential and we take care of it for you" thing
musigny joined the channel
# 11:39 neuro` But I'm actually quite happy with that rel="me" thing
# 11:40 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 11:40 cweiske neuro`, openid also allows you to change your auth provider whenever you want
# 11:58 Loqi [@laurakalbag] RT @honorharger: In Brighton for #dConstruct or #ireality? Then come along to IndieWebCamp at @LighthouseArts, with @aral &
# 11:58 Loqi [@laurakalbag] RT @aral: Quick reminder: don’t forget to sign up for @indiewebcamp — I know the sign up process is a bitch
# 11:59 neuro` barnabywalters: do you plan to setup a camera / online something for IWC Brighton? I'm stuck at work all the week-end so I will only be available on IRC / hangout / whatever you use.
scor joined the channel
# 12:03 aaronpk barnabywalters: I think also editing the wiki with its obtuse syntax may be contributing to the signup UX problems
# 12:05 aaronpk cweiske: looks like you added a "/" to your github profile at some point recently?
# 12:06 aaronpk if github properly redirected github.com/username/ to github.com/username instead of serving your profile from both URLs that wouldn't be a problem
julien51, pfefferle and sandeepshetty joined the channel
# 12:20 Loqi sandeepshetty: tantek left you a message 2 weeks, 4 days ago: - any chance you could license webmention with CC0+OWFa? CC0 is an internationally-aware public domain declaration, and OWFa provides RF patent IP declaration.
# 12:21 Loqi sandeepshetty: tantek left you a message 2 weeks ago: I've officially added rel=webmention to the HTML5 rel registry and linked to webmention.org as the specification. Would you consider allowing rel=webmention in the spec? I think webmention deserves a keyword rel value like that.
andreypopp joined the channel
# 12:34 barnabywalters aaronpk: RE wiki syntax: very true. we should make something where you click a button and it scrapes your h-card
# 12:35 barnabywalters neuro`: we’ll have etherpads for each session, will be very active in IRC and I’ll set up a G+ hangout if noone else does :)
# 12:36 aaronpk barnabywalters: yeah that would make a lot of sense
# 12:36 neuro` barnabywalters: thank you. I have a huge operatio all over the wek-end but most of it will be about waiting for things to happen so I'll be very active
# 12:36 aaronpk so the requirements would be to set up indieauth as well as put an h-card on your home page
# 12:37 barnabywalters no, that wouldn’t be the requirement, just an added bonus if you have h-card markup
# 12:39 aaronpk well, being a *creator* is an intentional selection
# 12:39 neuro` barnabywalters: no, moving our application from one platform to another.
# 12:39 aaronpk although we are not intending to exclude non-coders
# 12:40 neuro` aaronpk: I know that, I just fear it makes #indiewebcamp too software centric because only people using the soft that has implemented webmention rsvp will be able to join
# 12:40 barnabywalters that is the challenge: include non-coders whilst still retaining the creators-only barrier to entry
# 12:40 neuro` Last night, we were discussing about that and self dogfooding.
# 12:40 aaronpk although technically you don't need to write any software to do webmention rsvps. all you need is the ability to create an HTML post and use curl :D
# 12:41 barnabywalters aaronpk: IIRC we’ve both got easy webmention sending UIs on our todo lists, reducing the barrier to “be able to write or copy/paste HTML and press a button”
# 12:42 barnabywalters sure, mine have always been. I still want to make a “paste a URL in here and we’ll send it’s webmentions for you” thing though
# 12:43 neuro` I need to implement Webmention on Publify. Maybe I can do that during #indiewebcamp UK
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# 12:44 barnabywalters neuro`: there are several OS PHP libraries, should make it fairly easy to port to ruby
# 12:45 neuro` barnabywalters: I have already started to port the webmention-client library, but didn't finish it yet :(
# 12:45 aaronpk i haven't had time to review the pull request yet but it's done in theory!
# 12:48 barnabywalters main pain points seem to be small differences between the various urls involved
# 12:53 aaronpk i finally fixed all the redirect issues which solved a lot of that, but then there's providers that serve duplicate content
# 12:55 aaronpk e.g. github.com/username/ and github.com/username serve the same content but they really should redirect username/ to username
# 12:55 julien51 Ok, people, I'll be in Brighton next weekend :) Booked at Ibis and flying Easyjet from LYS.
# 12:56 julien51 barnabywalters same same!
# 12:59 aaronpk direct to the domain verification pageg since they've done a great job with rel-me verification of app.net profiles
# 13:02 barnabywalters great. flickr isn’t on the indieauth supported provider list, can I take it off the setup guide?
# 13:03 aaronpk is considering dropping the http/https redirect restriction
# 13:04 cweiske i'd not allow http->https redirection, but the other way round is ok
# 13:05 aaronpk if https redirects to http, then you've got a potential problem because the HTML is coming from http instead
# 13:06 aaronpk so the theory about why http->https is not ok is that there's a potential attack vector there where someone could redirect http to something else
# 13:07 aaronpk but I suppose that's no less secure than an http link already is
# 13:07 aaronpk the primary thing is that if you specify https, it should never allow downgrading to http because you explicitly specified you want to be secure
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# 13:07 aaronpk so in that way I suppose an http->https link isn't introducing any new danger so it should be allowed
# 13:08 Jihaisse aaronpk: I will try to make a indieauth plugin for wordpress with <link>
# 13:09 aaronpk Jihaisse: awesome! that would add the <link> tag to the head of the template?
# 13:13 aaronpk barnabywalters: re: signups, I don't think it would be easy or fun to make a thing that automatically adds you to the wiki, probably better is to have a separate subsystem for RSVPing, like indienews
# 13:14 barnabywalters aaronpk: yeah, the wiki is not going to be the best place to implement fancy webmention hcard crawling niceness
# 13:15 aaronpk even if the crawling happened outside mediawiki I still don't really want to make something go make a wiki edit
# 13:15 aaronpk pretty much I want to avoid the internals of mediawiki if at all possible
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# 13:18 aaronpk I feel bad about the @indiewebcamp and @indiewebcampuk accounts tweeting instead of posting to their own sites
# 13:19 aaronpk we need a way to allow a few people to sign in via indieauth and post for it
# 13:20 barnabywalters aaronpk: yeah, I’ve been thinking about that for a while. I’d potentially be up for setting up Taproot instances for them
# 13:21 aaronpk i suppose p3k could support multiple authors fairly easily too... just add a few other domains to my whitelist of who's allowed to access the admin interface
# 13:22 barnabywalters another option would be to make it so that certain people can post notes from their own accounts, which (if they webmention some URL) get tweeted by @indiewebcamp
# 13:23 aaronpk if there was an @indienews twiter account that tweeted out new posts
# 13:24 aaronpk neuro`: the publify demo wants me to migrate the database. is that safe?
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# 13:34 neuro` aaronpk: I need to upgrade the demo database, I pushed lots of code yesterday
# 13:36 barnabywalters aaronpk: I wonder if adding a “last scanned 5 mins ago” to the rescan button would help people
# 13:37 aaronpk yeah probably. last time he tried was when the t.co redirect broke everything
# 13:40 neuro` aaronpk: I was kidding about Publify, I was in the MP "spam spam spam" mood
# 13:41 neuro` aaronpk: thank you. It works (for me) but is not exempt of bugs
# 13:41 neuro` But well, it works for me and I can tweet with it
# 13:42 aaronpk idno seems to be doing rather well too. I wonder what benwerd's thoughts are for multi-authors
# 13:42 neuro` If you want to play with it, I can setup one for you within minutes on my server
# 13:43 aaronpk neuro`: the posting interface is very clean! I like it
# 13:43 neuro` aaronpk: thank you. And it works nice with a mobile phone too
# 13:43 barnabywalters neuro`: hm, so Publify is another potential candidate for “one click install indieweb solution“ then?
# 13:43 aaronpk i like the push to heroku instructions! That makes it pretty easy
# 13:44 neuro` barnabywalters: it's pretty simple to install
# 13:48 aaronpk barnabywalters: I don't know how to make "last checked 5 minutes ago" look good there
# 13:57 neuro` Question: what would be the most useful feature on a Publify like platform: photo albums (we already have image upload), web mentions or lists of links?
# 13:57 aaronpk neuro`: if you haven't got webmentions working yet that would definitely be the next thing I'd add
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# 14:03 barnabywalters in this case the the absolute time doesn’t matter, what matters is allowing the user to immediately see whether or not the results they’re seeing reflect the changes they’ve just made
# 14:05 Loqi [@seb_ly] RT @honorharger: In Brighton for #dConstruct or #ireality? Then come along to IndieWebCamp at @LighthouseArts, with @aral &
# 14:05 cweiske one of the cases aaronpk mentioned was screenshots, and that the relative timestamp broke context
# 14:06 aaronpk relative if <24 hours ago, otherwise show the date
# 14:08 neuro` Passed 1 week, relative time is a real pain to decode. Even worst are articles posted "more than 1 year ago". *sob*
# 14:08 barnabywalters aaronpk: that’s the kind of thing which causes some *weird* mysterious test failures ;)
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# 14:14 aaronpk barnabywalters: building on your idea of posting to your own site and syndicating to the @indiewebcamp account, it could even do a proper re-tweet if it finds the rel-syndication link!
# 14:16 aaronpk yeah pretty much if I remove the ranking system from indienews and change the home page to a recent-first stream, I would just have to add the twitter syndication bit and we'd have a pretty good setup
# 14:18 aaronpk then you could "tweet" as @indiewebcamp by posting a rel-syndication link to something like posts.indiewebcamp.com/post/example.com/notes/xxx
# 14:24 tantek do we need to better document *why* we have a deliberate barrier to sign-up?
# 14:25 tantek barnabywalters - really? I must have missed the productive points ;)
# 14:25 barnabywalters that thread is an excellent overview of “where’re we are, where we’re going”
# 14:25 aaronpk tantek: definitely need to document why, but also clarify that the wiki syntax bit is not an intended barrier
# 14:25 tantek then again if someone signs-in and screws up the wiki syntax, one of us will fix it :)
# 14:25 aaronpk yeah but it's just unnecessary complicatedness for people
# 14:26 aaronpk we're not trying to make people learn mediawiki table syntax, we want people to have a domain under their control
# 14:27 tantek barnabywalters, re: "up for setting up Taproot instances for them" - then you're teaching them as apprentices
# 14:27 tantek setting up XYZ instance is just step one, then they have to maintain it
# 14:28 tantek well, that's even worse! it's yet another community resource to maintain
# 14:28 tantek we have a hard enough time maintaining the wiki and such
# 14:28 barnabywalters tantek: hence the idea of posting to our own sites and having those accounts retweet/post announcements
# 14:29 tantek aaronpk - I noticed even ScottJenson got upset about having the login/edit link at the bottom of the page
# 14:30 tantek ScottJenson kept making statements about what "should" be done, and no one challenged him to try doing so on his own site.
# 14:33 tantek cweiske - openid delegation is MUCH harder for people to configure than web-sign-in.
# 14:33 cweiske we talked about providing additional data to the consuming website
# 14:33 tantek and ax (attribute exchange) was yet another bad divergence from vCard
# 14:34 cweiske tantek, I would not want to provide my credit card details in my hcard
# 14:34 cweiske but i'd be fine if an online shop asked for it during login
# 14:34 aaronpk also, an h-card that only returns CC data if requested with an indieauth token would work :)
# 14:35 tantek cweiske - when you start building an online shop on your own site that needs CC info, let us know ;)
# 14:37 aaronpk maybe in 2015 we should charge admission for indiewebcamp and accept payments via this method :D
# 14:38 cweiske "dear marketeers, you may have my contact data if you pay 100€"
# 14:41 tantek aaronpk - if blaine wants to support a plurality of sign-in methods, that's up to him
# 14:41 tantek funny thing is that he says poetica supports openid and indieauth, yet their UI fails to accept "tantek.com"
# 14:41 tantek (it says email address required = I close that tab)
# 14:41 aaronpk what do you mean? he's complaining that twitter signin doesn't work, and says he won't link his twitter account to his own site
# 14:41 tantek to respond to that "not going to link" tweet ...
# 14:42 tantek the answer is - then use a different auth provider other than Twitter
# 14:42 tantek that you *are* going to link back to your personal site with
# 14:42 barnabywalters when I try to log in to poetica.com as my domain… nothing happens. no feedback, no console error output, nothing
# 14:42 tantek and the changes to fix it on their side shouldn't be hard
# 14:43 aaronpk yeah I can't remember what broke about flickr auth
# 14:43 aaronpk I know their profile URLs are really weird though
# 14:44 tantek and re: that blog post and Tim Bray's followup. just went to http://findidp.com/ and nothing there. so much for good intentions (and that was two months ago).
# 14:45 tantek aaronpk - still that's an inconvenience for the user (you), so that's not good
# 14:45 tantek especially since you make it a visible link etc.
# 14:46 tantek last time I remember discussing this we had Flickr put in a rel=me on your photos page to your profile page, which then had your URL
# 14:46 tantek aaronpk - exactly that's the same problem I get
# 14:47 tantek so that's probably what broke in some iteration
# 14:47 aaronpk indieauth isn't following that level of redirect yet anyway
# 14:47 barnabywalters ah, I was lookin on old safari which by default doesn’t give any feedback that a type=email input field is invalid
# 14:50 aaronpk heh all my alarms are going off. here I was thinking I'd have trouble getting up this morning, but really I woke up at 4am instead :/
# 14:57 tantek aaronpk - what do you think of special-casing Flickr to check to follow one rel-me on their own domain when looking for a rel-me back to the user's personal domain?
# 14:58 aaronpk flickr.com/aaronpk doesn't have any rel-me links at all. I'd have to special-case it to swap out "flickr.com/photos/aaronpk" for "flickr.com/people/aaronpk"
# 14:59 tantek aaronpk - my point is that we can likely get Flickr to add rel=me to lickr.com/aaronpk
# 15:00 aaronpk I'm hesitant to search all rel-me links because it adds an exponential amount of complexity. but limiting it to flickr URLs would keep it reasonable.
# 15:01 aaronpk let me check... i thought something wasn't working with it
# 15:02 tantek right - let's see if we can get the pieces working on the indieauth side
# 15:02 tantek and then it will be easier to get Flickr to fix their end
# 15:03 tantek hah - blaine and julien51 didn't sort themselves ;)
# 15:04 barnabywalters I don’t really blame them. MW table syntax is nasty enough to append, let alone navigate and insert
# 15:04 tantek barnabywalters - I too wouldn't blame them, except they *are* programmers, and programmers are expected to pick up any odd random syntax quite quickly.
# 15:05 aaronpk oh yeah, some people have IDs and some have usernames
# 15:06 aaronpk I think i'd have to add some logic to check if there is a custom username set and if not use the flickr ID
# 15:07 aaronpk the omniauth gem doesn't seem to be doing that very well
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# 15:18 cweiske should indieauth automatically redirect to the first provider if there is only one?
# 15:18 aaronpk that would prevent you from ever being able to click re-scan to add new profiles
# 15:19 cweiske if login with that provider fails, indieauth should show the rescan option
# 15:19 aaronpk you can do that on your implementation of indieauth :)
# 15:20 tantek which gives the user more confidence, yes, I asked for this
# 15:20 tantek so no - cweiske what you suggest actually causes *discomfort*
# 15:20 aaronpk yeah actually it would be quite jarring to jump straight to a twitter auth screen after entering your domain
# 15:20 tantek others have tried it and it freaks people out
# 15:21 cweiske tantek, I want to login. I don't want to click the only button the interface offers me anyway again and again
# 15:21 tantek keeping the user informed and in the loop is quite key
# 15:21 aaronpk checkbox for "always log in" is a better solution
# 15:21 aaronpk and then if it failed in the future it would just un-check the box internally and re-prompt the user
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# 15:22 aaronpk oh, problem with that though is I may want to log in with different providers in differenc circumstances
# 15:23 aaronpk on my personal laptop I would prefer to use github because i'm always logged in to github so it's fast. but on a shared computer I would want to use TOTP or SMS so I don't have to sign in to any providers
# 15:23 cweiske and thus reduces the need for server-side storage
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# 15:24 aaronpk doing it in a cookie would mean I'd have to let the initial page render, then basically "click" the specified button with javascript
# 15:24 aaronpk then add logic for deleting the cookie on an auth failure
# 15:25 aaronpk i think you'd end up seeing a brief flash of the chooser screen
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# 15:27 aaronpk $("[data-profile='"+cookieval+"'] a")[0].click() <-- would work!
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# 15:36 tantek looks for yesterday's discussion on main page design
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# 18:01 Loqi sandeepshetty meant to say: I don't know enough about openid so just curious
# 18:03 barnabywalters sandeepshetty: count the elements :) you have to add 5 lengthy, fairly complex elements to the head of your site
# 18:03 aaronpk that's if you delegate! if you are your own provider it's even more difficult
# 18:04 barnabywalters as opposed to adding 6 characters to a link(s) you probably already have to twitter, gh, etc profiles, email
# 18:05 aaronpk good luck trying to understand all the crypto needed to do it. so instead you find a library like phpmyopenid, and cross your fingers that it does what it's supposed to do
# 18:05 aaronpk sandeepshetty: there are now several ways to auth without silos, including mozilla persona
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# 18:06 aaronpk also, check out spec.indieauth.com, I added a bunch of stuff there
# 18:06 aaronpk technically now you don't need to rely on silos at all with the stuff documented there
# 18:06 aaronpk you can be your own indieauth provider and use whatever auth to your own site that you want. passwords even
# 18:06 barnabywalters between persona and SMS auth, with silos for speed/fallback, I think indieauth at the moment is an acceptable compromise between complexity and silo-reliance
# 18:08 aaronpk the updated indieauth spec actually covers that use case now
# 18:09 sandeepshetty haven't thought enough about it and don't enough about openid but something simple like publish a link rel for a an auth url that you get redirected to with a token and return on login with the token
# 18:10 sandeepshetty nope.. but what I'm thinking should be like 4-5 lines of code (Given we all have some means to auth on our site for publishing as admin)
# 18:10 aaronpk yeah, that totally falls under the scope of the spec now
# 18:11 aaronpk because not everyone wants to build an auth server
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# 18:12 aaronpk and thinking about how to store passwords and keep it safe
# 18:12 sandeepshetty the 4-5 lines is just to receive the redirect and send the user back on sucessful login
# 18:14 aaronpk really what I should do is describe the minimum viable indieauth implementation and you'd see how simple it actually is
# 18:14 aaronpk because that would require a password database on your own site
# 18:14 sandeepshetty why do we need to worry about silos not working etc. adn hacks for them.. etc (like I'm seeing the logs today)?
# 18:15 sandeepshetty again everyone already have a way to auth to their site (except maybe static sites)
# 18:15 Loqi sandeepshetty meant to say: again everyone already will have a way to auth to their site (except maybe static sites)
# 18:16 aaronpk so no, I don't think having a login form is a valid assumption to base things off of
# 18:16 sandeepshetty (right I acknowledged static sites, that is surely something to think about further)
# 18:18 barnabywalters sandeepshetty: let’s back up a minute. what problem are you trying to solve here?
# 18:19 barnabywalters as far as I can tell you’re describing a way of using the login form on your own site to log in everywhere
# 18:19 aaronpk ok yea, you can definitely do that with the indieauth spec (not indieauth.com, that would be out of the picture)
# 18:19 sandeepshetty external sites redirect to my auth url (based on link tag/header I puoblish)
# 18:20 aaronpk check out the distributed-indieauth page, it's a shorter version
# 18:21 aaronpk covers fewer use cases but is what you're describing
# 18:23 aaronpk yeah pretty much exactly what you were describing
# 18:23 sandeepshetty but I think you can remove step 4 and 5 if you send a short-lived token in the redirect
# 18:23 aaronpk spec.indieauth.com is a rounded out version of that along with describing the actual "log in" step which is glossed over between steps 2-3 in the other page
# 18:23 barnabywalters aaronpk: what would it take to implement distributed indieauth discovery on the wiki?
# 18:23 aaronpk how do you know the token is valid, or which domain it refers to?
# 18:24 aaronpk sandeepshetty: you could skip the discovery step in #4 if you had some session state on the server
# 18:25 aaronpk but you'd still need to verify it against the indieauth server as #5 says
# 18:26 sandeepshetty whats the attack vector if the sender sends a short lived token (< 60 secs) and gets back a hash based on the token after auth that it uses to verify the payload?
# 18:27 sandeepshetty when my site redirects back to the sender it sens a hash(domain+toekn) + domain
# 18:27 Loqi sandeepshetty meant to say: when my site redirects back to the sender it sends a hash(domain+toekn) + domain
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# 18:30 sandeepshetty you could skip the hash actually.. the receiver just needs to associate the incoming redirect with the outgoing one
# 18:30 aaronpk right :) and now you've described the distributed-indieauth page!
# 18:31 sandeepshetty so it doesn't need to verify. unless I'm missing some other use of the verification step
# 18:31 aaronpk put it into more concrete terms, let's use the indiewebcamp wiki as the example of the thing you're signing in to
# 18:32 aaronpk 1) you type "sandeep.io" into the sign-in form on the wiki. 2) the wiki finds the rel=indieauth link on sandeep.io and redirects you to "http://sandeep.io/auth?me=sandeep.io&redirectURI=indiewebcamp.com/signin"
# 18:33 aaronpk 3) you log in on your site however you want (password, cookie, persona, TOTP, whatever) and your site redirects your browser to indiewebcamp.com/signin?me=sandeep.io&token=xxxxx
# 18:34 aaronpk ok now the wiki is getting a request with a token and a "me" parameter, and it has no reason to trust that yet
# 18:34 aaronpk so it has to go verify that token is valid and find out the domain behind it
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# 18:35 aaronpk so it makes a request to sandeep.io/auth?token=xxxxx which returns the response {"me":"sandeep.io"}
# 18:35 aaronpk it knows to use sandeep.io/auth one of two ways. it could a) do the discovery step again or b) use the auth server it had previously stored in a session for example. (a) is more stateless
# 18:36 sandeepshetty the problem you are trying to solve is how to stop the user from just visitin the redirect url manually
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# 18:38 aaronpk the nice thing is that either using a session or not is ok. both work, and different implementations will have preferences for each.
# 18:39 aaronpk large-scale systems tend to prefer to have things be as stateless as possible
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# 18:39 sandeepshetty how did this solve the problem of sites that don't have built in auth (Static sites, git pushes)
# 18:40 aaronpk also because the token is opaque to the wiki, you can put whatever you want in the token as long as your site can verify it. again, large-scale systems will prefer to use signed tokens rather than a token database
# 18:40 aaronpk it helps those sites because the auth server does not have to be the same domain as the user signing in
# 18:41 aaronpk so I can use indieauth.com as my auth provider for aaronparecki.com
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# 18:42 aaronpk provides silo auth as an option. but it also provides sms, totp and persona options
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# 18:43 aaronpk cool. Yea I definitely want to make the wiki support it.
# 18:44 tantek hey sandeepshetty - didn't get a chance to say welcome back :)
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# 18:58 aaronpk interesting, realized we don't need to hard-code paths or have two separate paths for the indieauth server
# 18:58 aaronpk so the rel=indieauth value can be a full URL and the client will just append query string variables
# 18:59 aaronpk 1) sandeep.io/indieauth?me=sandeep.io&redirect_uri=xxxxx and 2) sandeep.io/indieauth?code=xxxxxxxx
# 19:02 sandeepshetty Re LINK method, James Snell's solution is very elegant (one less protocol in the stack by making webmention redundant) except for delegation.... been thinking about a way around that...
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# 19:02 aaronpk yeah i'm totally meh on LINK. GET/POST are the only http verbs that exist to me :)
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# 19:04 cweiske_ on could still 301/302/307 LINK requests, but that means htaccess or server config, which is not everywhere
# 19:04 sandeepshetty I used to be a regular on rest-discuss so you know I like the semantics and other properties (safe, idempotent) of having different methods that they give :)
# 19:05 aaronpk heh i'm totally going to stay out of this discussion. i'm firmly anti-rest at this point.
# 19:06 barnabywalters aaronpk: I would be interested in reading a blog post or some such thing detailing why
# 19:06 sandeepshetty interesting thinking about all this got me looking into bi-directional links (xanadu, etc) and how webmention is just a hack to make the webs unidirectional links bidirectional
# 19:08 tantek aaronpk are you anti-rest or merely an advocate of a subset of REST?
# 19:10 sandeepshetty I've seen some awesome advantages.. with uniform urls, methods and status codes.. for example I've implemented revisioning as an orthogonal convern by just intercepting put request and checking for status codes
# 19:10 Loqi sandeepshetty meant to say: I've seen some awesome advantages.. with uniform urls, methods and status codes.. for example I've implemented revisioning as an orthogonal concern by just intercepting put request and checking for status codes
# 19:10 tantek did you see brett slatkin's rant about HTTP2.0 being too big?
# 19:13 barnabywalters that PUT knows the url of content beforehand whereas the server decides on a POST
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# 19:15 barnabywalters I like the title of that blog post — it sounds like he wants to remove all the verbs :)
# 19:15 tantek barnabywalters - kind of like what we did with/to ActivityStreams
# 19:17 tantek aaronpk any chance of adding a checkbox to http://pin13.net/ 's microformats parser feature to "[x] Convert Classic Microformats" ?
# 19:18 tantek except wants them to the left of the label as it typical in UI design ;)
# 19:18 sandeepshetty tantek (by pointing to the as verbs vs just post) are you implying we need just one verb in http?
# 19:18 tantek like "[x] Convert Twitter classnames to Microformats "
# 19:18 tantek sandeepshetty I'm saying (repeating?) that we likely don't need (or want) verbs in ActivityStreams
# 19:19 tantek also it's always seemed like a layer violation to me
# 19:19 tantek verbs belong in a protocol, objects in a format
# 19:19 tantek how much does HTTP need more than verbs for CRUD?
# 19:19 tantek and how much of CRUD is verbs vs. state on the nouns?
# 19:20 neuro` Follow up to our conversation this afternoon: the next feature will most probably be indieauth support
# 19:20 neuro` Unless my comaintainers make me a surprise, which may happen
# 19:21 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 19:22 barnabywalters tantek: if you’re on a desktop browser, I can recommend getting a browser extension which pretty-prints, unescapes allows collapsing of JSON
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# 19:24 barnabywalters related: squarespace’s sign up process is lovely, it’s actual editing process clunky, slow and buggy
# 19:24 barnabywalters is doing research into existing create-a-personal-site-with-one-click type services
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# 19:25 barnabywalters I found wordpress.com quite confusing, with multiple completely different ways of doing the same thing, e.g. posting a new blog post
# 19:26 neuro` I know some French ISP do it / used to do it, I'll dig this for you
# 19:26 tantek is pinging a Flickr contact about repairing their rel=me support.
# 19:27 barnabywalters I’m going to try eschnou’s storytlr+comodit 1-click installer next, provided I don’t have to pay :)
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# 19:29 tantek aaronpk - I hope you have some moments real soon now to add that special case Flickr rel=me / auth code...
# 19:29 eschnou barnabywalters, there is also a oneclick for wordpress etc... it is all free up to managing 5 hosts, enjoy and please ping if issues!
# 19:30 barnabywalters eschnou: just giving it a go — at the “installing” shiny animated arrows stage
# 19:31 sandeepshetty one click install is actually a special case of being able to easily move between hosts?
# 19:32 eschnou barnabywalters, the other one requires you to have configured something like your amazon ec2 account
# 19:33 tantek sandeepshetty - or moving between hosts is part of one-click-install - an optional import step
# 19:33 eschnou sandeepshetty, yes, we enable to move easily by makign it easy to re-deploy elsewhere, there is a screencast on the site showing a move from ec2 to rackspace.
# 19:34 sandeepshetty one-click install is not a problem i have... being able to move easily is.
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# 19:35 eschnou sandeepshetty, I can move in one click :-) Recently did the test moving from a VM to a docker instance.
# 19:35 tantek sandeepshetty - I disagree - one doesn't necessarily solve the other
# 19:35 tantek they're related and overlapping, but not supersetting either way
# 19:35 eschnou sandeepshetty, I mean, moving the same stack (storytlr) from one host to another, not moving from one software to another, which of course ask the question of data portability
# 19:38 barnabywalters eschnou: overall I’m impressed — install took a little while but worked nicely, account signup was a wall but not too awkward, Storytlr itself is great — very easy to change themes, widgets etc
# 19:39 barnabywalters it’s clearly a great way to demo storytlr, but doesn’t handle the most important part — getting a domain name/redirecting an existing one
# 19:40 eschnou barnabywalters, thanks, we are working on improving speed by switching the demo platform from AWS to docker.io instances.
# 19:41 eschnou barnabywalters, not sure I understand your question. You could deploy on your own Amazon EC2 account (or elsewhere) with comodit. Then up to you to setup dns of course.
# 19:41 barnabywalters eschnou: I mean incorporating the domain-getting process into the install process
# 19:42 eschnou barnabywalters, well, comodit is a generic infrastructure automation platform, so someone could use it to orchestrate something that also takes care of the domain etc.
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# 19:54 bret Sweet, Just realized I get native IPv6 at my apartment
# 19:55 bret also, sandeepshetty is here :) Nice to see you again
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# 20:10 Loqi [@LighthouseArts] In Brighton for #dConstruct or #ireality? Come along to IndieWebCamp happening here, with @aral &
eschnou and barnabywalters joined the channel
# 20:22 tantek barnabywalters - I got to about minute 20 last Friday. maybe I'll finish watching it now.
# 20:23 tantek sandeepshetty - link? we have a whole page now
# 20:25 Loqi [@aral] RT @LighthouseArts: In Brighton for #dConstruct or #ireality? Come along to IndieWebCamp happening here, with @aral &
# 20:25 tantek ah retweet-fail - the truncated t.co YgiVk goes to a 404
# 20:26 tantek anyone else here put in any effort at making sure their tweets are retweet-length-safe?
# 20:26 tantek my POSSE UI has a counter which turns different colors depending on length
# 20:26 Loqi [@Brighton_RT] RT @LighthouseArts: In Brighton for #dConstruct or #ireality? Come along to IndieWebCamp happening here, with @aral &
# 20:27 tantek precisely retweet-length-safe (maximum) = green with a solid green border
# 20:27 tantek less than retweet-length-safe, but still tweet-length-safe = yellow
# 20:27 tantek precisely tweet-length-safe (maximum) = yellow with a solid yellow border
# 20:28 tantek barnabywalters - the code I use for this is in function note_length_check() in cassis.js :)
# 20:29 tantek oh actually you may want the tweet-specific one
# 20:30 tantek which also converts URLs in a note to their minimum length tco equivalents to get a more accurate count of effective tweet length
# 20:31 barnabywalters yep, my truncenating code does a similar thing, but seems to have broken recently
# 20:31 barnabywalters not to the point that it’s problematic enough for me to want to try to fix it
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# 20:33 tantek anyway - thought I would share that in case anyone else found it useful in their UI/code
# 20:37 tantek minute 21:06 of that video - mentions how all but the youngest member of the Supreme Court does not have email.
# 20:37 Loqi [@kelvinnewman] RT @LighthouseArts: In Brighton for #dConstruct or #ireality? Come along to IndieWebCamp happening here, with @aral &
# 20:40 tantek would really love to see a transcript of this video.
# 20:43 tantek She added that while clerks email each other, "the court hasn't really 'gotten to' email."
# 20:45 tommorris thinks it is probably a blessing that Justice Scalia has yet to discover the ability to forward emails around only to have the other justices send him Scopes.com and Wikipedia links debunking said emails.
# 20:46 hadleybeeman sighs. The courts are progressing — slowly. Happy to take suggestions on how to encourage them along.
# 20:46 tommorris oh, hadleybeeman, I have a question for you. I'll ask it elsewhere.
# 20:47 tantek hadleybeeman - get them to skip email go straight to having their own websites :)
# 20:47 hadleybeeman tantek: to put what on them?
# 20:47 tantek or perhaps I interpreted "application" differently
# 20:48 barnabywalters tantek: probably, I heard him say “one application which everyone uses” and the monoculture bell went off
# 20:48 barnabywalters talking of indieweb and legal stuff: briansuda and I are working on making some icelandic laws more accessible, starting by publishing them online
# 20:49 barnabywalters I realised that indieweb commenting has a lot of useful features for discussing laws
# 20:50 tantek barnabywalters - I think I interpreted that "one application" fairly liberally, like "indieweb commenting" being one "application"
# 20:52 hadleybeeman Sorry, tantek: what content did you have in mind for these sites? "...that they own and control (empower them)" implies you want them to do something with them, yes?
# 20:53 tantek even just personal sites with h-cards would be a good start
# 20:54 tantek sometimes wonders if Twitter has trained people to stop reading after the first 140 characters of a paragraph.
# 20:54 tommorris the Scalia blog would be fairly unpleasant to read. it'd alternate from entries complaining about women being able to vote and gay people not being arrested, to idolising the Founding Fathers in a creepy way.
# 20:54 hadleybeeman Blogs... Can you imagine them live-blogging a case? "Defense attorney speaking now. He left his fly open. Hard to concentrate on his argument."
# 20:56 tantek so as long as we're talking lofty goals like "one-click-install" and instead of referring to dated stereotypes of elder women family members, how about:
# 20:56 tantek an indieweb solution that even a US supreme court justice could setup and use.
# 20:57 hadleybeeman I'll champion it to them, tantek. We just need to come up with a good argument for why it would be in their favour.
# 20:57 neuro` Funny, but maybe too US centric. Not every people in the world is aware of the US supreme court
# 20:57 hadleybeeman neuro`, what country are you in?
# 20:58 tantek hadleybeeman, easy. just as owning a house helps you better understand property rights (and why they matter), owning your own site and data helps you better understand virtual property rights (privacy) and why they matter.
# 20:59 tommorris I think a compelling place to try and sell indieweb is to journalists
# 20:59 tantek maybe they'll even make the 4th amendment connection
# 20:59 neuro` Replace MP / justice with "your local representative" and I'll be fully with you.
# 21:00 neuro` But maybe translated pages can help with localization.
# 21:00 tantek except many of them *do* already have their own sites.
# 21:00 tommorris lots of journalists are using Twitter. but Twitter-on-your-own-site means they have more control.
# 21:00 hadleybeeman Ah, okay, neuro`. Another European. :)
# 21:00 tantek tommorris - re: journalists on Twitter, did you see Dan Gillmor's anger over "Related Headlines" ?
# 21:01 neuro` hadleybeeman: we're actually a bunch of European and even French people around.
# 21:01 hadleybeeman tantek, we can actually do something with that. I'll add to the strategy.
# 21:01 tantek as people that engage in some virtual behavior (video games), but not email
# 21:02 hadleybeeman neuro`: fantastic! Let me know if you ever come over to London. :)
# 21:02 tommorris tantek: I saw a bit of discussion of Related Headlines. I'm reaching the point where I know that Twitter and other sites are doing bad shit and I'm ceasing to care.
# 21:02 tantek hadleybeeman - when you say "add to strategy" I'm hoping you mean , link to in the strategy, rather than add tl;dr prose?
# 21:02 neuro` tantek: we'll do the localization on the French page then.
# 21:02 tommorris Apparently, I've become a pragmatist in that I don't care about something unless I can find a solution to it.
# 21:02 hadleybeeman tantek: Is there something to link to?
# 21:03 tantek hadleybeeman - as a "linked data" advocate I'm surprised to hear you ask that.
# 21:03 tantek as in, if you're not linking to something, you're doing it wrong. or have I mistaken the assumptions of linked data?
# 21:07 tantek would love to see a psych study of how often people actually read more than 140 characters into a paragraph.
# 21:07 tantek reading comprehension/retention and all that.
# 21:08 tantek or rather, at various character lengths into a paragraph, and chart retention accordingly.
# 21:09 tantek wonders if Twitter/txting has altered reading behaviors, or if Twitter/txting tapped into pre-existing reading behaviors (perhaps reinforcing them) ?
# 21:11 tantek "The most common cause is an outdated, hacked CMS such as Joomla, Drupal, or WordPress"
# 21:14 tommorris I seem to have managed to have attained a reasonable knowledge of technology without also acquiring an unhealthy addiction to texting and mobile gadgets.
# 21:14 tantek tommorris - I'd say an external citation is needed for "without also acquiring an unhealthy addiction to texting and mobile gadgets" ;)
# 21:14 tommorris It's weird. I'll be at an event with a bunch of non-techy non-geeky people, and I'll be the only person who isn't frantically tweeting/texting/instagramming/whatever.
# 21:15 tantek since you say "unhealthy", perhaps a note from your doctor :D
# 21:15 tantek it's been quite weird watching SF turn into a city of people walking staring at glowing rectangles.
# 21:16 tommorris I see people in London walking down the street watching TV on tablets.
# 21:17 tantek the funny thing is, I don't remember ever seeing any sci-fi movies (even B-rate) that predicted this
# 21:18 tommorris Perhaps I should pull out my Nokia 100 more and post to my site with it, just to mindfuck people
# 21:18 tantek perhaps it's one of those things that if written down in a movie script, no one would believe
# 21:18 tommorris I don't need no apps, I have a phone that cost £10, with a battery life that lasts nearly two weeks and I can post to my own site with it
# 21:19 tantek tommorris - I'm thinking a Nokia 9000, Val Kilmer / The Saint style, would be pretty sweet
# 21:21 tantek whoa - the Nokia 9210 can send and receive fax!
# 21:22 tantek expects to see aaronpk to get one to test IndieAuth via fax.
# 21:25 tommorris there are a few which integrate with online fax services like eFax and iFax
# 21:26 tommorris or impractical to implement on the locked-down phone platforms
# 21:27 tommorris certainly compared to flinging it up to a third-party anyway
smus, smus_, friedcell, pippinlee, abrereton, spinnerin, barnabywalters, andreypopp, friedcell1, tantek and josephboyle joined the channel
# 22:25 bret sorry, can someone fill me in on the ws-{{ absurdly lofty goal }}
# 22:29 aaronpk tommorris: lol i probably should actually go implement fax auth on indieauth like i've been joking about
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# 22:30 tantek donpdonp - how do you expect to use camlistore for your own site?
# 22:30 bret its like, one of those blob stores donpdonp
# 22:30 donpdonp tantek: im not sure. thats the problem, yet i feel something immensely cool is in there
# 22:30 bret where data is turned into blobs and addressed with sha1's n stuff
# 22:31 bret and you can play with the content address rather than the content
# 22:31 donpdonp it still makes a permanode address, for when you want to keep the user pointed at the same data even after it changed
# 22:32 tantek donpdonp let me try another line of questioning. what is the next most important thing you want to add to your personal site?
# 22:32 aaronpk tantek: wtf how did you get flickr to add that link so quickly
# 22:32 bret camlistor sounds like it could lay the foundation for the worlds most robust file sharing network ever known
# 22:33 donpdonp but mostly im trying to understand how camlistore is different/useful than a nosql server
# 22:33 tantek donpdonp - that is an excellent next goal for sure
# 22:34 bret tantek: sorry I meant to go over that at some point, but fiancé just moved in and have been busy once going home.
# 22:34 tantek would I be correct in assuming that if you could create notes on your own site, and POSSE to Twitter, that you would do so on your own site instead of posting directly to Twitter?
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# 22:34 tantek bret - np. was just trying to redirect you from less productive (WS-*) things to more productive :)
# 22:35 bret tantek: eyes glazed over back to irc after the first paragraph of that wikipedia article
# 22:35 tantek bret - some might say, as much WS as you could fit into a Deathstar™.
# 22:37 bret wonders, similar to the guestimate of the wage/hour at #osfw3c, how much money lose links represent
# 22:37 tantek bret - billions of dollars have been spent on XML and SOAP. what could possibly go wrong?
# 22:42 donpdonp ... add yourself (and sort yourself into the above, unless your IRC nickname really is last alphabetically :)
# 22:43 aaronpk should I just move all the wiki tools into the sidebar?
# 22:43 tantek aaronpk - or put them in the header where people are used to seeing them e.g. Wikipedia, microformats wiki, WHATWG wiki, W3C wiki?
# 22:44 aaronpk how far in the header? this design doesn't have the same "page" look as wikipedia
# 22:44 tantek aaronpk - at least the page specific set: Page Discussion Edit History Delete Move Protect Unwatch
# 22:45 tantek aaronpk - even just to have the same font size/color/alignment of existing page tools links but just below the black header bar
# 22:46 bret tantek: reading through indiemark again. I wonder if this would map better to a real-time-strategy like tech-tree structure rather than linear levels?
# 22:46 tantek with level 0 at the core, level 1 around that etc.
# 22:48 bret Maybe we could have some kind of additional technology relationship path?
# 22:48 bret Because something thing don't relate to other things
# 22:48 tantek my goal with indiemark was to keep the levels and pieces as simple as possible, and each justified by a UX advancement
# 22:49 tantek I fear that anything that focuses on "technology relationship" will detract from user-centric (experience-centric) focus.
# 22:49 bret The reason would be that POSSE and Commenting are kind of different, but ill take the simplicity reason. I haven't really thought this out
# 22:50 tantek to be clear - POSSE is a means to the ends of "staying in touch with friends"
# 22:50 tantek whereas "commenting" is actually a user face feature that people understand
# 22:50 Loqi tantek meant to say: whereas "commenting" is actually a user-facing feature that people understand
# 22:52 tantek would like to solidify Indiemark levels 0 and 1 before IndieWebCampUK, and preferably most of levels 2 & 3 as well.
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# 22:53 bret I'll try to go through before that and actually score out what I have
# 22:53 tantek exactly - see how you do, and if you don't score on something, see if it make sense that you *should* or if not, note why not
# 22:53 tantek or if something is too easy/hard note that too
# 22:54 bret Looking over, one rational for paths would be that I am closer to high level features like reply contexts and reply contents than say, automatic web mention sending
# 22:54 bret but that could be fixed with ordering
# 22:55 tantek I think reply stuff is all in level 2 (reply contexts and reply contents and automatic web mention sending)
# 22:55 tantek so they're not really ordered - they're all in the level 2 "cluster"
# 22:57 bret if I add in a CORS request to display actual reply context on my site, it would similar crud, but maybe that won't count
# 22:58 tantek yes there's plenty of challenges with replies
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# 23:05 tantek oh hey - Twitter sign-in failed for me with: "Parameter "profile" must be one of the rel=me links in the site specified in the "me" parameter"
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# 23:15 tantek I think there's something really powerful about the three stacked images of groups of smiling people.
# 23:15 tantek aaronpk - let's remember to take such a photo at IndieWebCampUK
# 23:18 bret were there any group shots from osf23c or any other meet ups?
# 23:19 tantek no group shots per se. some audience / room shots
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# 23:23 tantek grew the home page slightly to link to more events (just in case people can't make it to the next camp, or they want to do something smaller/sooner)
# 23:24 Loqi [@PulpoSolutions1] RT @LighthouseArts: In Brighton for #dConstruct or #ireality? Come along to IndieWebCamp happening here, with @aral &
pippinlee joined the channel
# 23:27 bret I think its great. Though part of me wants to clarify that the ultimate goal of selfdogfooding isn't a utopia where everyone is a web developer though, or that we are just a developer centric project.
# 23:28 aaronpk i think i was getting at that with my conversation with scottjenson
# 23:28 bret It seems like people (citation needed) sometimes react with "I don't wanna make my own CMS"
# 23:28 tantek but right now we're definitely at the selfdogfood phase
# 23:29 tantek it's just that currently, if you want to help solve indieweb problems, you need to have your own site and be selfdogfooding on it to understand the problems well enough to help solve them.
# 23:29 tantek bret - it doesn't fit in, because there's no "consumer-grade" indieweb "solution" yet
# 23:29 bret i think most reasonable people will see that its a means, but the world is full of unreasonable people
# 23:29 tantek all we can do is steer them to the least harmful silos for now
# 23:29 tantek bret - that's ok, we're documenting responses with permalinks to all the unreasonable people
# 23:32 tantek bret - how about we use actual question wording from someone?
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# 23:32 bret did you say we have a page with links to naysayers?
# 23:36 tantek you mean those who whine by sharecropping their naysaying on silos?
# 23:37 bret the th documenting responses with permalinks to all the unreasonable people
# 23:37 aaronpk I found the permalinks to our wiki pages super helpful for my discussion with scott!
# 23:37 aaronpk even using some of the pages inline in a sentence!
# 23:38 tantek we simply document each piece of information / FAQ by topic where it is relevant
# 23:39 tantek we don't focus on naysaying. we focus on the topics we find productive, and reframe questions accordingly.
# 23:39 bret shaming probably would prob cause problems
# 23:40 tantek aaronpk - Scott still brought up some (semi-novel) misconceptions that deserve their own FAQ entries
# 23:40 tantek I think the tricky thing is figuring out productive reframings of people's statements / questions.
# 23:41 tantek one of the big misframings is federation-centrism
# 23:42 tantek Chris did ask a lot of the right questions at least
# 23:45 tantek BTW - anybody ever find the "original" branch conversation they keep referring to?
# 23:45 aaronpk I misunderstood, I think scott tried moving over to branch part way through
# 23:46 aaronpk yea you can see the tweets branch made from his account when he added people
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