2013-09-09 UTC
# 00:18 bret whew… catching up on all the IRC logs and either pads
matthewlmcclure, ruiramos and wardn_ joined the channel
# 00:52 bret IRC logs get kind of sparse, time to check out the eitherpads
# 00:54 aaronpk the etherpads have good notes, we will be moving them into the wiki soon
# 00:54 bret the second day is super overwhelming, iirc
caseorganic joined the channel
# 00:55 bret what is the popular way to share collections of photos into common pool?
# 00:55 bret like, if you want folks to upload photos and then add them into a pool
# 00:55 tantek embed all the photos on the wiki page for the event
# 01:02 bret the IRC logs do a pretty sweet job of getting the twitter action
# 01:02 bret also, caseorganic running p3k? gangster!
# 01:02 caseorganic bret: such a relief not to have to use Twitter UI or site anymore
# 01:03 bret aaronpk: get ready for the onslaught of GH issues ;p
# 01:04 aaronpk oh also I used you as a prime example of a static indieweb site the whole time
# 01:05 bret i have quite a few more things to add when I get time
# 01:06 bret web actions on my site + configuring prose to consume them'
# 01:06 bret I also still need to try CORS for display contexts
# 01:06 aaronpk returning the h-entry ontent is going to be a thing in webmention.io soon
# 01:07 bret that would be easiest, but it would be cool to use CORS as a fallback
# 01:08 bret aaronpk: I'm super excited for that, should do the trick for a while
# 01:09 bret still want to do pump.io stuff but getting that up and running has been a challenge for me
# 01:10 bret evan won't respond to my GH issue on pump app fog deployment
# 01:12 Loqi IndieAuth OpenID Hackathon on Sunday, Sep 15, 10:00am at Sisters Coffee
# 01:13 bret way cool aaronpk, i might show up to root you on
barneybook, barneybook|2, scor and matthewlmcclure joined the channel
# 02:06 bret "dickheads" "tcdisrup" ? can anyone explain?
tantek, josephboyle, fmarier and matthewlmcclure joined the channel
# 03:26 bret did indiedata find common ground with indieweb over the last two days?
LauraJ, jgraham909, cweiske, pfefferle, tom__, eschnou, bnvk and smus joined the channel
jschweinsberg and smus joined the channel
abrereton and mime joined the channel
rvaldes__ joined the channel
tpinto, catsup, Lorn, bnvk and melvster joined the channel
friedcell, josephboyle, abrereton, mime and LauraJ joined the channel
bnvk joined the channel
# 12:34 tantek did anyone see or meet Corey Pein this weekend?
# 12:35 tantek goes well - just checking off a few more that showed up
scor joined the channel
# 12:38 bnvk tantek: what are you up today? I'm hangin out with Bjarni hackin on Mailpile stuff, but will be bouncing around later
# 12:39 tantek though I think I'll go for a run soon (haven't gone since I got to the UK)
# 12:39 tantek might pop by the Clearleft office for a bit to do some travel planning
# 12:39 bnvk Cool. Let's touch base a lil bit later and hopefully meetup :)
# 12:40 tantek did anyone at indiewebcampuk meet Mike Atkins or David Kendal?
matthewlmcclure joined the channel
# 12:43 tantek !tell barnabywalters did you remember meeting or seeing Corey Pein, Mike Atkins, or David Kendal? They're the only ones signedup or waitlisted that are not checked off!
# 12:43 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 12:45 tantek bnvk if my count is right, we had 38 people this weekend, including 5 apprentices. and that's not counting folks like k3r3n3 & nadav, or russ & jonty who just stopped by to hang out and chat with folks.
cyberjar09 joined the channel
# 12:46 bnvk Seeing this thing grow the way it has is super inspiring and neat!
# 12:52 tantek bnvk - indeed. 2013 looks to be the year the IndieWeb tipped.
# 12:53 neuro` Been backlogging, seems to have been lots of interesting things
# 12:57 neuro` tantek: if the weather keeps being that crappy yes. I'm engaged in a tennis tournament and am supposed to play tomorrow night. But the weather is crappy so my match will probably be delayed.
andreypopp joined the channel
# 13:19 tantek so counting Simon and Jim, we had at least 40 people
# 13:27 tantek wow the guy that showed up and did the callme demo didn't even sign up!
# 13:31 tantek.com edited /2013/UK (+314) "/* Apprentices */ adding Sam Machin as Aaron Parecki's apprentice after the fact since Aaron did a session on indieweb replacement for phone numbers 2 years ago!" (
view diff )
# 13:56 tantek need to go through the demo notes/tweets and see who else showed up and got stuff done that wasn't signed up! (and add them retroactively to the wiki)
gjones joined the channel
Acidnerd1 joined the channel
# 14:10 bnvk !tell barnabywalters can you email or SMS me the name of that hostel you stayed at in Brighton?
# 14:10 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
ruiramos, jschweinsberg, ozten and tantek joined the channel
# 15:53 tantek !tell bnvk heading to central Brighton, ETA ~17:30. Let me know if you want to grab dinner (and any other #indiewebcamp'ers still around).
# 15:54 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
npdoty, jschweinsberg, smus, smus_, josephboyle and bnvk joined the channel
# 16:43 Loqi bnvk: tantek left you a message 49 minutes ago: heading to central Brighton, ETA ~17:30. Let me know if you want to grab dinner (and any other #indiewebcamp'ers still around).
tilgovi, smus, tantek, spinnerin, jgraham909 and benprew joined the channel
# 17:40 tantek !tell bnvk hanging out at Clearleft with Jason Garber. Where are you at?
# 17:40 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
shaners joined the channel
jgraham909 joined the channel
# 17:51 shaners So now that IWC:UK is come and gone, let's focus on the next event. Just a couple months away.
# 17:52 shaners In a backyard of a 1903 farmhouse underneath a 110 year old avocado tree!
# 17:52 shaners If you're gonna attend, please add yourself to the page on the wiki.
# 18:02 tantek I'm still catching up on documenting everything from IWCUK2013
# 18:02 tantek gotta embed/hotlink all the awesome photos people took and posted on their own sites, Flickr, Instagram, Twitter
# 18:03 tantek !tell bnvk a few of us (Jason Garber, Paul) are heading to The Basketmakers Arms for dinner.
# 18:03 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 18:04 tantek you'll know when you see me added to the wiki :D
smus joined the channel
BjornW and jasnell joined the channel
julien51, eschnou, tpinto, fmarier, josephboyle, abrereton, LauraJ, scor, tilgovi and barnabywalters joined the channel
# 20:22 Loqi barnabywalters: tantek left you a message 7 hours, 39 minutes ago: did you remember meeting or seeing Corey Pein, Mike Atkins, or David Kendal? They're the only ones signedup or waitlisted that are not checked off!
# 20:22 Loqi barnabywalters: bnvk left you a message 6 hours, 12 minutes ago: can you email or SMS me the name of that hostel you stayed at in Brighton?
jgraham909 joined the channel
# 20:24 dpk !tell tantek "did you remember meeting or seeing Corey Pein, Mike Atkins, or David Kendal?" — i was not there, sad to say, as i mentioned. Sunday turned out not to be possible either for family reasons. sad i missed it, maybe next year!
# 20:24 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
LauraJ joined the channel
# 20:30 barnabywalters not only is the announcement a selfdogfood fail, they didn’t even embed a post in the announcement
dgroves and josephg joined the channel
cyberjar09 and ruiramos joined the channel
barnabywalters joined the channel
# 21:21 josephg ... and I met the guys who made etherpad lite at an etherpad event a few months ago
# 21:21 dpk i've been trying to work out how Wave worked recently
# 21:22 dpk collaborative editing of structured documents (in the sense of having markup) is a hard problem, as i've found out
# 21:22 josephg some of wave's internals are really awesome, and some of it is horrifying.
# 21:22 josephg well, editing things with markup is different from things with rich text
# 21:23 josephg in my experience, the hardest part of all is doing it in a browser with contenteditable
# 21:23 dpk internally it has markup, of course, and managing that is what makes it hard
# 21:23 josephg the OT part is pretty easy though actually, if you know what you're doing
# 21:24 josephg a couple weekends ago I got about 1/3rd of the way through a rich text implementation for sharejs
# 21:24 josephg the algorithms seem fancy because most of us havn't come across them before
# 21:24 barnabywalters there was an IWCUK session on collaborative editing, I’m not sure if anyone logged it
# 21:24 dpk barnabywalters, blastisement, now i *really* wish i could have gone
# 21:24 dpk i've been looking hard at this lately
# 21:24 barnabywalters yeah, apparently the mailpile guys have had some requests for collaborative email writing
# 21:25 barnabywalters but it was one of the first sessions and we forgot to stress how important it was to log session notes at the beginning of the day
# 21:25 josephg yeah, the dream is to have the glorious messaging bus in the sky
# 21:27 dpk etherpad's approach ("easysync") is nice and simple. i'm guessing wave uses a variant of that? i tried to look at the source but it's a lot of Java in a lot of different files
# 21:28 dpk i couldn't work out how to get it to apply to anything other than plain text with basic styles (bold, italic), though
# 21:28 josephg hah - yeah its simple, but they have a really stupidly complicated wire protocol to shave off a few bytes
# 21:28 josephg I haven't looked into it that much - its a variant on what wave used
# 21:28 josephg there's a few talks floating around the web from the etherpad meetup in (march?)
# 21:28 josephg .. one of which includes david greenspan talking through the OT algorithm
# 21:29 dpk yeah, i noticed that. the only documentation of the actual algorithm is the draft of an academic paper about it which was hacked into something resembling documentation
# 21:30 josephg um, so one of the really nice things about OT is that you can separate out the actual operation format & transform code from how the operations are managed
# 21:30 josephg one of the nice things about that fact is that you can learn OT using a really stupid data model
# 21:30 josephg then just change your operations to easysync's ops or whatever and the rest of your code / understanding will translate straight across
# 21:30 josephg once you understand how easysync (or whatever) works
# 21:32 josephg anyway, whatever. I lurk here if you're curious about stuff.
fmarier joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
# 21:38 Loqi tantek: dpk left you a message 1 hour, 13 minutes ago: "did you remember meeting or seeing Corey Pein, Mike Atkins, or David Kendal?" — i was not there, sad to say, as i mentioned. Sunday turned out not to be possible either for family reasons. sad i missed it, maybe next year!
tantek, abrereton, tilgovi, ruiramos, fmarier, abrereton1 and bnvk joined the channel
# 23:07 Loqi bnvk: tantek left you a message 5 hours, 26 minutes ago: hanging out at Clearleft with Jason Garber. Where are you at?
# 23:07 Loqi bnvk: tantek left you a message 5 hours, 3 minutes ago: a few of us (Jason Garber, Paul) are heading to The Basketmakers Arms for dinner.
# 23:10 bnvk tantek: heya, shucks. I wasn't sure how to connect earlier when I got your msg at 5:00 and ended up returning to London
caseorganic, tantek, matthewlmcclure, tilgovi, ozten and bnvk joined the channel