caseorganictantek: it was perfect to have this discussion early on, as it set the roadmap for where people currently where and where they wanted to go, as well as educated newer attendees
gjonesslowly getting there - building a blog engine from zero is always a bigger job than you think - noted image size issue, trying to fix the file uploading to add a different image size at the moment : )
@aralWorking on my new talk on avoiding Digital Feudalism by making Experience-driven Open (#xo) products to realise the goals of #indiedata (
ShaneHudsonHas anybody yet done POSSE and/or web mentions with a flat file cms? I'm making my own and not sure whether to make it hybrid, with a database, or not
pfenwickHow to get rick-rolled (multiple times) in one easy step: Tell the world that tweeting to you with a #todo tag will add that tweet to your todo list automatically.
barnabywaltersI’ve just learnt that lack of a good relative URL resolving technique plagues javascript as well — apparently this is a widespread issue :/
barnabywaltersit mods, detects which notes are POSSEd copies of content you own on your own domain, pulls the original in and corrects permalinks and such things
barnabywaltersit works for aaronpk and my own notes, not for tantek’s yet because of the extra complexity and large quantities of extra HTTP requests required
@aralComing to the sad realisation that UK is basically as bad as US (if not worse in some ways). Which sucks ’cos I love Brighton. #indiedata (
barnabywalterstantek: I have to request each trailing URL in tweets, which I’m doing at the moment. In your case I also have to resolve all the rel-syndication URLs on the potential POSSE to see what they redirect to
barnabywaltersif the webignition url library is okay, why not just copy+paste their URL resolving code? the dependency problem they have is nothing to do with URL resolving
barnabywalterstantek: it’s fine for my original post discovery endpoint because I’m caching the results, but for browser-side code it’s going to be making a *lot* of requests
tantek.comedited /original-post-discovery (+453) "/* Algorithm */ check syndication URLs one at a time and stop when match is found, add more detail to the algorithm and nesting of steps too" (view diff)
barnabywalterstantek: looks good, might benefit from added separation between candidate URL discovery and validation process. I might write a pseudocode version
tantek.comedited /original-post-discovery (+1228) "add Algorithm Notes and Use-cases used to design/add the "syndication URL has the same domain as the POSSE permalink" steps" (view diff)
ShaneHudsonI've always been careful to avoid posting about chess though... once upon a time someone called Shane Hudson was a programmer/chess player/scammer. It took a lot to knock him off of google lol
tantek.comedited /original-post-discovery (+140) "bold terms in algorithm (and make them consistent) to make them easier to follow (almost like variables / parameters!)" (view diff)
bnvkMet some guy from Harvard's Berkman Internet & Society who has some open social / decentralized project yesterday I told him about IndieWeb and was showing him demos
barnabywaltersaaronpk: from what I can see of the test results, the failing tests aren’t a huge deal. I can’t see any which are in common use which are deal-breaking
barnabywaltersthere are two things which need doing for php-mf2 v1.0.0 — making the URL resolving work, which aaronpk seems to have a handle on, and making consistently escaped output the default (only) behaviour
barnabywaltersaaronpk: absolutely. want to do a functional URL-focused lib? there are a bunch of smaller things I’ve implemented which need a better home
bnvktantek: yah, I find the anti-pattern concept really useful. This fellow definitely does not "dogfood" he wants to create a shiny, polished, beautiful, and widely used product- immediately, heh!
barnabywalters!tell tantek your homepage feed permalink URL mf are parsing strangely, did you change it recently? Looks like you have class=value on children of the .u-url element, and I’m applying value-class pattern to everything, not just datetimes. Pretty sure what I’m doing is spec compliant, do we need to change anything?
barnabywaltersaaronpk: okay, php-mf2 v0.1.21 has NO DEPENDENCIES YAY thanks to you. It seems to work fine, I’ve deployed it. when can we expect to see pin13 pick it up?
Loqitantek: barnabywalters left you a message 5 minutes ago: your homepage feed permalink URL mf are parsing strangely, did you change it recently? Looks like you have class=value on children of the .u-url element, and I’m applying value-class pattern to everything, not just datetimes. Pretty sure what I’m doing is spec compliant, do we need to change anything?