smus, smus_, wardn_, tantek, tpinto, npdoty, andreypopp, pfenwick, barneybook|2, catsup, abrereton, poppy, termie, sdboyer, julien51, benward, gjones, eschnou, LauraJ and adactio joined the channel
#pfenwickFinally have callbacks from Beeminder working. Now when I floss my teeth, my exobrain gets a ping (which then triggers it to update HabitRPG, and finally send me a reward tweet with XP and GP).
#pfenwicktantek: It's getting to the point where I'm almost happy to show it off to others. :) I really want things to go to my pebble watch, but I haven't busted out the pebble SDK yet.
#tantekI know aaronpk has got bunches of cool things working with his pebble watch.
LauraJ, bnvk, matthewlmcclure and squeakytoy joined the channel
#squeakytoyHey all. I got recommended to visit indiewebcamp, since I have a project idea that might align with indiewebcamp's own cause. However, reading the website.. I have to admit. I am a bit confused what indiewebcamp is all about, and how :-)
#squeakytoyAnyone got a good resource that I can read?
eschnou, barneybook|2, barneybook, tantek, XgF and melvster joined the channel
#aaronpk!tell pfenwick that is awesome! Also for the pebble, if you have iOS 7 or Android, it's easy to make any notifications show up on the pebble without writing code for the pebble!
#tanteksqueakytoy re: "a bit confused what indiewebcamp is all about" - what in particular from do you find confusing? E.g. start from the top.
#squeakytoyGarbee, gave me a better explaination thanks :)
#Garbeetantek, I misunderstood what he was saying. Which led me to recommend using Microformats and talking with this group, which they weren't understanding why I was recommending it.
#GarbeePretty long odd conversation bread from a mis-understanding of word choice.
#Garbeetantek, Also I am using Blogger since I figured out the cname issue I was having.
#GarbeeNot self-done, but still exportable if I decide to move.
#GarbeeI really just don't want to build/install/maintain yet another piece of software.
#tantekGarbee - excellent - perhaps you could document the issue and what you figured out here … (goes to create Blogger page on the indiewebcamp wiki)
#tantekGarbee - totally reasonable and one of the reasons we have such cname hosting as one of the options to consider when getting started on the indieweb.
#GarbeeSure, my issue though was from the host I was using.
#GarbeeThey setup MX records and all kinds of other stuff automatically.
#shanersin other news. i built my girlfriend a website for her painting stuff. and her show tonight. added rel-me links, h-card and h-event. because that's what nerd boyfriends do.
#tantekno seriously - take a look at the specific items in the home page TOC - can you actually imagine anyone wanting to jump to one of them in particular rather than scroll down?
#aaronpkyeah it's short enough to just scroll down
#Loqipfenwick: aaronpk left you a message 7 hours, 1 minute ago: that is awesome! Also for the pebble, if you have iOS 7 or Android, it's easy to make any notifications show up on the pebble without writing code for the pebble!
#wyomingpleasehi there, folks! I'm new here, so I though it would be nice to introduce myself and tell you some relevant info, since I'd really like to join this community. So, basically, I'm a software engineering student from Serbia (not to be confused with Siberia or Syria or whatever) and I've spent the last 10 years building my own web stacks. Currently, all my content is offline due to various circumstances, but I am working on
#wyomingpleaserestoring my independent web presence ASAP. I'd like to say that I am extremely glad that I am not alone in this thing and I'd really like to jump in and become a member of this community. :-)
#wyomingpleasebut I find it too minimalistic for my needs
#wyomingpleasebasically I'd like something in the middle and to be able to POSSE easily
#wyomingpleasecan someone give me any recommendation? I have a Linode VPS so it doesn't matter what language/framework is used
#ShaneHudsonAh yes that is the problem I found, Wordpress is amazing but cluttered. Everything else is amazing if you want to do purely what they are made for.
#tantekindeed, as ShaneHudson says, we're currently a community of mostly craftsman - building our own solutions because we're just not satisfied with what's out there
#wyomingpleaseShaneHudson - yeah, I thought about that, too, but currently I don't have a lot of time to pursue such a venture, but I think that eventually I'll just have to do just that
#ShaneHudsonAt one point (aka, until last weekend) I was going to write a plugin for Ghost for POSSE and just use that. It is a really nice node.js blogging system. Brand new so the code is pretty good
#tantekwyomingplease - funny, a lot of us decided we didn't have the time to futz with installing, configuring, maintaining existing solutions
#wyomingpleasetantek - experience has taught me that it's easier to just write your own stuff instead of spending vast amount of time studying others codebases
#tantekand then iterate on the next most important thing you want to fix
smus joined the channel
#wyomingpleasetantek - yeah, that's a way to do it, but the problem is I know so many languages and frameworks that I just can't decide which one to pick up, because I am a software engineer that has been trained to look at a bunch of aspects :)
#tantekwyomingplease indeed - it's why I prefer to code in #cassis.js
jernst joined the channel
#tantekI'm tired of new languages, so I'm writing code in a language that works today across the most computers and will likely last forever (JS-compat)
#wyomingpleasetantek - I've been playing around with Ruby on Rails for some time now, but I find it too complex for a relatively basic blogging needs...
#ShaneHudsonRight I'm going to head off now.. trying to get this chapter finished by this time tomorrow! Nice to meet you wyomingplease :)
#tantekwyomingplease - there are some other ruby/rails folks here too
#wyomingpleasetantek - that's great, I am looking forward to meet as many folks here as possible
#tantekI for one think the interpreted-language-battle is over, and that JS has won (long term view). There rest is just short/medium term momentum that's playing itself out.