2013-09-15 UTC
pdurbin, smus, bnvk, pfenwick and tpinto joined the channel
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# 05:20 aaronpk ah my site must be pulling in the github URL from the calagator URL parameter
caseorganic and bnvk joined the channel
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LauraJ, pfenwick, earplugs, squeakytoy, gjones, caseorganic, melvster, bnvk and catsup joined the channel
eschnou, andreypopp, LauraJ, barneybook, tantek, squeakytoy, earplugs, pfenwick, matthewlmcclure, tpinto, bnvk, adactio, christoffer__ and jschweinsberg joined the channel
tpinto, squeakytoy, tpinto_, matthewlmcclure, adactio and christoffer__ joined the channel
# 16:55 bret ill be heading over to sisters in a few mins
barryf, wyomingplease, adactio and matthewlmcclure joined the channel
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# 17:26 peat ... fixing my Jekyll site to do the basic IndieAuth thing.
# 17:26 donpdonp neuro`: hello. there is a gathering this morning (10:26am localtime) to work on indieauth
caseorganic joined the channel
# 17:29 neuro` donpdonp: awesome! Unfortunately I'm 8681.09km (5394.32 miles) from Portland, so I won't make it.
squeakytoy joined the channel
# 17:34 neuro` donpdonp: I'm releasing Publify 7.0 otnight, after a 1 week beta
shaners joined the channel
jokerswild663 joined the channel
# 17:39 aaronpk donpdonp: indieauth.com uses datamapper, so it should work with anything datamapper supports in theory
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tlehman joined the channel
# 17:46 tlehman jokerswild663: ahoy
# 17:46 shaners donpdonp: it'd be very loud. with background coffeeshop noise.
barnabywalters joined the channel
# 17:51 tlehman aaronpk: got it, thanks
# 17:55 donpdonp aaronpk: i think config.yml.template needs a database_url example
christoffer__ joined the channel
squeakytoy and tlehman joined the channel
# 18:15 tlehman learned the hard way not to Command-K clear a curses application
barnabywalters joined the channel
# 18:22 dpk tlehman: if you do that in screen or irssi you can fix it by changing window back and forth
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# 18:24 tlehman dpk: Screen rules
# 18:29 tlehman aaronpk: I have successfully authenticated tobilehman.com on indiauth, but I have not been able to log into to slashdot or pragprog
# 18:30 aaronpk great. you should be able to log in to sites that support indieauth now
barnabywalters, pdxleif and adactio joined the channel
# 18:55 aaronpk it's hard-coded for google scopes right now, need to add a case for github
tantek joined the channel
_6a68 joined the channel
# 19:09 peat aaronpk: Lines 206 - 220 in local-openid/lib/local_openid.rb has the signing and response code. "#server" provides a singleton at line 167.
_6a68 joined the channel
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# 19:31 _6a68 first time dropping by, have been poking at the wiki a bit
# 19:31 _6a68 i've got an idea for an app that lets you make artisanal handmade recommendations
# 19:31 _6a68 as opposed to the current trend of machine learning algo-mediated recommendations
# 19:31 _6a68 i haven't started writing code yet, and this would be my first little app with indie web in mind
# 19:32 _6a68 in particular, since this doesn't cleanly hook into existing services, it'll probably start out as its own silo
# 19:32 _6a68 but i want to make sure it's friendly for POSSE syndication from the start
# 19:33 _6a68 s the best way to support existing tools/microformats?
# 19:33 _6a68 i'll be in and out all day, feel free to throw links/ideas at me
# 19:34 _6a68 aaronpk: so, suppose I want to build a simple API with messages of the form, "if you like X, you should check out Y"
# 19:35 _6a68 aaronpk: is there any direct path to implementing that with existing formats?
# 19:36 _6a68 I suppose I could always just construct a JSON API, but I was hoping for something that would just work for people already syndicating
# 19:36 aaronpk i guess what would this look like on your own site?
# 19:36 aaronpk what is your personal domain? and what would you publish on it?
# 19:37 _6a68 aaronpk: i'm still figuring out the ideas, haven't really considered UX yet
# 19:37 _6a68 aaronpk: ah, i haven't done work to set up any identity tools
# 19:38 _6a68 aaronpk: i'd probably use 6a68.net for this
# 19:38 _6a68 aaronpk: btw i hack on mozilla persona with ozten who was at the camp a few months ago, that's how i heard about indie web
# 19:39 _6a68 aaronpk: anyway, use cases are along the lines of "I write a book/magazine review, then add a few 'if you liked books A, B, or C, you'll love this book X"
# 19:39 _6a68 aaronpk: and so on for other media, like comparing songs/albums or movies or web content (blog posts)
# 19:41 _6a68 aaronpk: but maybe i need to set up some kind of identity stuff at my domain, which currently is just running github pages?
# 19:42 tommorris _6a68: awesome that you work on Persona. I use it on my site for login.
# 19:42 _6a68 tommorris: OT but if you have a bit of time, we'd love to hear your pro/con thoughts on your experience integrating and thoughts on the feature set
# 19:43 _6a68 tommorris: we've been talking about evolving the APIs to make them simpler, over on the dev-identity list
# 19:43 tommorris it was very easy. I'm using Rails, and Omniauth, the plug'n'play auth library for Rails has a Persona module
# 19:43 tommorris so does Allauth, the Django auth library we use at work for social login
# 19:44 tommorris (sadly, the app I'm using Allauth for is Facebook-only, but that's because it's a Facebook-based social media campaign.)
# 19:47 tommorris but in general, I love Persona. I have Firefox Mobile on my Android phone, and I have also tested it from my iPad and it works seamlessly
jokerswild663 and tlehman joined the channel
# 19:49 _6a68 thanks again. great to hear your experiences have been solid.
# 19:57 jokerswild663 so, I am just getting started. I already have a domain. How do I simply test things and get started with the app
# 19:58 tommorris there are people building indieweb-type projects in all sorts of apps, jokerswild663. some are open source, some are just homebrewed and private, some sit on top of platforms like Wordpress.
# 19:58 jokerswild663 IndieAuth
# 19:58 tommorris oh, you want to authenticate with indieauth or run your own indieauth setup?
# 19:59 jokerswild663 hey aaronpk, how do I get setup for testing.
# 19:59 jokerswild663 have the domain setup
# 19:59 aaronpk jokerswild663: are you able to log in at indieauth.com yet?
# 19:59 aaronpk cool, that's all you can do for now until we finish signing the openid request :)
# 20:00 jokerswild663 any tasks / files to investigate?
barnabywalters and tantek joined the channel
# 20:08 barnabywalters btw tommorris, loving the new design! what do the different permalink star colours signify?
# 20:10 neuro` donpdonp: do you know you can push them to Twitter (needs some configuration) and even add them to your main feed?
# 20:10 donpdonp neuro`: i saw the twitter flag. didnt know about the main stream.
# 20:11 donpdonp neuro`: is there/will there be a way to add an in-reply-to
# 20:11 neuro` donpdonp: already the case with reply to from Twitter
# 20:12 neuro` donpdonp: in-reply-to using microformats will be added in the next major version
# 20:16 tantek is checking out the indieauth-openid work in progress
# 20:16 bret aaronpk forgot tantek in brighton! Crap!
# 20:16 tantek and even got diverted to Paris for a few days
# 20:17 bret my favorite section: === Minimum Implementation ===
bnvk and adactio joined the channel
# 20:25 bret sooooo, once this works, we can use indieauth on stack overflow
# 20:25 bret actually bringing this list to the either pad
# 20:26 ShaneHudson We've implemented OpenID recently on the project at work. Not particularly happy about it, but at least we don't have to handle people's data
# 20:28 bret it would be nice to note where IndieAuth is now supported once its working
# 20:29 ShaneHudson Has anyone done any interviews about IndieWeb? To get it more well known?
# 20:32 tantek should we make a separate page on interviews in particular? or are videos good enough?
# 20:32 barnabywalters _6a68: a good place to start for your use case would be to find some real world examples of people publishing this sort of data
# 20:33 ShaneHudson I used to run an interview site (which my mum now runs) so got lots of contacts if you are ever wanting to promote anything
# 20:35 _6a68 barnabywalters: it's funny, people tend to either publish an event stream (like scrobbling/last.fm) but leave it to machines to analyze, or their recs are buried in lots of prose (eg, blog posts or even amazon reviews).
# 20:35 _6a68 barnabywalters: your advice is really good, though--I should do some digging. thanks for the recommendation ;-)
# 20:37 _6a68 tantek: i tend to lurk more than publish, but often it's nestled in a tweet when i do review something
# 20:38 tantek _6a68 have you considered posting tweets to your own site?
# 20:38 _6a68 tantek: yes, i'm definitely interested in exploring the indie web tech that's already available
# 20:39 _6a68 tantek: the idea of decentralizing/distirbuting non-algorithmically-generated recommendations is partly an excuse to get into indie web stuff
# 20:41 _6a68 tantek: I like how adding myself => need to sign into wiki => how to set up domain-based sign-in. that's a great onboarding step
# 20:41 ShaneHudson Hah there are so many pages on the wiki I've not come across! That is my main problem with wikis, so hard to find stuff without knowing what you're looking for
# 20:48 _6a68 tantek: just updated my homepage + logged into wiki \o/
# 20:49 tantek ShaneHudson - it's ok, when you need something, you search for it, and you find it
# 20:50 tantek and yes, you figured out our onboarding hack ;)
# 20:51 _6a68 thanks for the input, y'all. have to run for the afternoon, i'll be around later on
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# 21:17 barnabywalters just successfully logged in to stackoverflow and OSM using indieauth — amazing work aaronpk peat!
# 21:17 barnabywalters tangent: stackoverflow didn’t even pre-fill my “website” profile field with my openid. wat.
# 21:32 pdxleif When did indieauth's openid consumer support break?
# 21:32 pdxleif There was issues with omniauth's support?
# 21:33 pdxleif openid seems to work well enough for all those sites out there
# 21:34 tantek pdxleif - nah - it's been a pain in every instance I know (to get consuming working)
# 21:34 aaronpk __NOTOC__ <- kills the toc or __TOC__ forces it to that location
# 21:34 tantek and most of us here who bothered to try gave up
# 21:35 pdxleif Doing auth is more complicated than delegating auth, yes.
# 21:38 tantek pdxleif - however, now IndieAuth is simpler than OpenID Connect
# 21:40 pdxleif Would like to see some representation at the internet identity workshop
# 21:42 pdxleif Next one after that is May 6-8. It's bi-yearly. An unconference, just go and put some cards up on the wall for a talk.
# 21:43 aaronpk i'm already going to SF twice in october and LA at the end
# 21:44 pdxleif more travel = more interesting geodata for you to track
# 21:44 pdxleif Can't you get your work to sponsor "travel in general" for you, in the name of geo-stuff?
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# 21:49 pdxleif tantek: Just the one in Oct 2012. Work sponsored me. A good portion of it was over my head - spec authors and such.
# 21:49 tantek pdxleif - I've been several times previously and have given up on IIW
# 21:52 pdxleif Figure it's a good place to interact with identity people from companies from all over.
# 21:52 tommorris new rule: anything that has "identity" in the title will most likely end up being filled with people explaining that identity is a hard problem to solve rather than doing anything to try and solve it.
# 21:55 tommorris IIW is $375 despite also being sponsored by companies including Microsoft and Google.
# 21:55 tommorris That virtually guarantees it'll be filled only with people mouthing pieties about how difficult it is to solve the problems of identity without trying to solve them.
# 21:55 tantek $375 is NOT an unconference - it's a professional pay-for conference
# 21:55 tantek yeah I agree, $375 filter in enterprise blowhards
# 21:56 tommorris this is why many years ago I instituted my 20-rule. I don't pay more than £20/$20/€20 to attend events.
# 21:56 tantek tommorris - yeah - I make exceptions for conferences with very high concentrations of awesome creative people. E.g. dConstruct, XOXO, YxYY
# 21:57 tommorris I pay a tiny amount more for Wikimania when I attend. that's usually like €40-50, but it's run by a non-profit.
# 21:57 aaronpk esri is actually a really good citizen in the identity space. for example you can delegate arcgis.com logins to your own enterprise infrastructure using saml, which means you can even auth against arcgis.com from an auth server that's behind a firewall
# 21:59 pdxleif Well, then the people in those circles will go on not knowing you exist. It's all OpenID Connect and NSTIC and stuff, there.
# 22:00 tantek pdxleif - the beauty of mostly-talker (rather than creator) conferences, is that they don't actually end up making a difference in terms of what gets created. what gets talked about maybe. but not created.
# 22:01 pdxleif OAuth and Google exist.
# 22:02 tantek OAuth happened because of a small number of creators on a mailing list - nothing to do with IIW
# 22:02 tantek Google was pressured publicly and at Social Graph Foo 2008 into implementing OAuth
# 22:02 pdxleif People working on OAuth specs are well-represented at IIW
# 22:05 tommorris They produced a simple, workable spec. Then the corporate identity working group type people got involved and fucked it all the way to Jupiter and back.
# 22:06 pdxleif Well, OAuth2 is easier to work with, and I find the spec more readable.
# 22:07 aaronpk same thing happened with oauth2 though. it was simple until the corporate identity people got involved, now there's like 5 different branches of it
# 22:07 pdxleif I'm simply saying that engaging people is better for proselytizing than withdrawing.
# 22:08 tommorris reminds me of the first time I saw a W3C working group that had a representative from Agfa. You know, the German photographic film manufacturer.
# 22:08 tantek best way to proselytize is to just ship. especially on your own site.
# 22:08 tommorris I was like "wait, what exactly are they doing on a working group?" ;)
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# 22:14 tommorris the closure of myopenid is one reason I'm very glad I used tommorris.org and delegated rather than using tommorris.myopenid.com...
# 22:14 aaronpk the delegation tags look even better than when using a provider like myopenid, because there is no concept of an "indieauth account" you link to, there's just your own domain
# 22:15 shaners aaronpk: kudos for your work on indieauth + openid, but i have zero need for signin with opened anymore. :/
# 22:15 aaronpk shaners: there's still several sites out there that consume openid that I want to keep signing in to
# 22:16 shaners sure. totally fair. makes sense for you (and others). just saying, i'm not adding the delegate tags back to iamshane.com
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# 22:17 shaners IWC was the last site i personally needed it for. and that's long since moved on.
# 22:17 aaronpk i should have added a disclaimer. *if you currently use openid
# 22:18 tommorris if you point your domain to myopenid, it's worth switching to something else, so someone else can't pinch myopenid.com when it expires and log into stuff with your domain
# 22:19 tantek and boom - just signed into OSBridge wiki via IndieAuth
# 22:20 tommorris doesn't wish good riddance, but is rather sad that it didn't work out
# 22:20 tommorris myopenid were pretty innovative and did things like two-factor auth long before Google got around to it
# 22:21 ShaneHudson I wish there was a way to own domains. If for some reason we lose our domain, going this route, we lose our entire web identity
# 22:21 tommorris yeah, they did over-the-phone verification. they'd phone you up and read a code out which you typed in
# 22:21 pdxleif And client certs, if you wanted
# 22:22 aaronpk client certs would be fun to add to indieauth.com
# 22:22 tantek ShaneHudson - we need a way to easily buy domains for a ridiculous number of years, and then share access to it with power of attorney
# 22:22 tantek and I'd like to see the Internet Archive become a registrar, and accept donations / willings of domains
# 22:22 aaronpk last time I renewed aaronparecki.com I renewed it to the max, so it's good til 2016 now
# 22:22 tommorris they also did botbouncer which had one of the best ways of doing CAPTCHA - they showed you a grid of images, and three keywords. you had to pick which keyword was represented by the images.
# 22:22 tantek with redirects to their latest archive of all your stuff
# 22:23 tantek I'm going to keep bugging Brewster about it and any other Internet Archive folks until it happens.
# 22:23 tommorris trusts the Internet Archive a lot more than he trusts ICANN.
# 22:23 tantek I'd like to see it happen with aaronsw.com for example - not sure who has the keys to it.
# 22:24 ShaneHudson Yeah I wish we could remove the trust of ICANN, why should they need to own domains to make DNS work? Doesn't make sense
# 22:24 tommorris To be fair, I trust the sleazy dude who sells drugs under railway bridges more than I trust ICANN.
# 22:25 tommorris But, yes, I think a lot of people would be happy to fling a few dollars each year to keep aaronsw's site going.
# 22:28 ShaneHudson Yeah.. there are so many websites that deserve to be around for the lifetime of the Web
# 22:28 tlehman those guys seem legit
# 22:29 ShaneHudson I own books that are hundreds of years old. I doubt any website will become that old
# 22:29 pdxleif I use to use an alternate root - AlterNIC I think.
# 22:31 tantek Google doesn't care about federated/distributed/decentralized/user-owned identity
# 22:31 tantek I went to all the identity-related sessions at Google IO this year
# 22:32 tantek and ALL of them were all about how to add Google+ sign-in
# 22:32 tantek Google's answer to identity is "Add Google+ Sign-in because here are the benefits you get as a consumer of Google+ identities"
# 22:33 tommorris Google+ identities are awesome. They'll call up my closeted trans friends' Christian fundamentalist parents and ask them to send a scan of their passport and/or delete their Gmail.
# 22:34 pdurbin well, at least sites like Stack Overflow allow you associate multiple OpenIDs with your account... maybe other systems too such as OAuth these days...
# 22:34 aaronpk tantek: wow how many sessions can you have about adding google+ sign-in?
# 22:35 tommorris But I know people who will have all sorts of fun with sites like Google+ when they change their name and public gender ascription.
# 22:35 pdxleif G+ is implementing OpenID Connect.
# 22:36 tantek all of them want you to use them as your provider - so they own you
# 22:36 tommorris just logged into openstreetmap with tommorris.org openid-ed through indieauth
# 22:36 tantek so who cares if G+ is implementing OpenID Connect?
# 22:39 tommorris The OpenID Foundation's Intellectual Property Rights Policy is only available as... PDF or Word.
# 22:41 tantek and this is why we don't waste our time with more new foundations
# 22:47 tommorris didn't know that pdxleif is a fellow linked-data freak. :)
# 22:47 tantek aaronpk - yeah, he kept uttering bubble after bubble after bubble :(
# 22:49 tantek so here's the question, why are people so susceptible into buying into $375 unconference bullshit?
# 22:51 tommorris tantek: working in a big company, want to do something good, get offered the chance to be on some kind of collaborative working group on something. it may get nothing done, but if you are in a big enough company, you probably don't get a huge amount done internally anyway.
# 22:55 ShaneHudson Not sure I know him.. only got three people in common on twitter (although one is stephen fry lol). Appears to be very into indie web though
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# 23:21 tantek tommorris - you're right, it's sad to see myopenid go. They did *ship* after all, and never pulled any evil stunts
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# 23:24 aaronpk did you send the webmention from the indiewebcamp irc logs?
# 23:26 tommorris prints out the dodgeball-syntax page from µfwiki to think about on the train
# 23:36 shaners adactio: do you have a visual redesign cooking too?
# 23:37 tantek hey - we should get github to markup gists with h-entry
# 23:37 adactio shaners: I don't. But when I redesign, I don't replace the existing design
# 23:37 adactio I add the new design as a theme (see the "customise" widget on my site)
# 23:37 tantek dt-published: Created 3 minutes ago (converted to ISO obv)
# 23:37 tantek p-name: The form I put at the end of every blog post I make so that you can ping my webmention endpoint with your response.
# 23:38 shaners tantek: mark it up in a gist and i'll get some friends there to look at it
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# 23:41 tantek and looks like the <td class="line-data"> would be <td class="line-data p-content">
# 23:42 tantek a gist that has all the markup of a gist would be very wordy
# 23:43 tantek easier to just point out the bits to be marked up like the above in plain text
# 23:44 tantek shaners - and on our end, if there's *any* questions or issues or complaints about h-entry spec (even just - "this is not obvious" type stuff) - please pass along so we can improve it
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