2013-09-17 UTC
matthewlmcclure, earplugs, wardn, caseorganic, tantek and earplugs1 joined the channel
# 01:29 tantek shaners - yeah - and aaronpk's comment too (he's right)
# 01:36 tantek the geo/lat/lon stuff just confuses folks and is rarely useful in practice
# 01:36 shaners aaronpk: which markup on the h-event page are you referring in your comment?
# 01:37 ShaneHudson I was doing lat/long converstions to a simple grid earlier.. should be simple, really wasn't
# 01:38 shaners i don't want parsers to confuse that h-card as the author of the post
# 01:39 tantek shaners - that's why you have to mark it up as the p-location instead of the p-author
# 01:39 tantek not sure why you would suspect confusion there
# 01:39 shaners because before today's conversation there was no location on h-entry
# 01:40 tantek shaners, but before today there has always been p-author on h-entry
# 01:40 tantek thus I don't know where the confusion would come from
# 01:41 shaners what do parsers do with h-cards (that aren't p-author) in an h-entry?
# 01:41 tantek depends, if they're part of some other p-* property, they get placed accordingly
# 01:42 tantek and if just nested inside, without an explicit p-* property, then they just get added to the children collection
fmarier and jgraham909 joined the channel
# 02:03 shaners portland folks, i'll be in town for XOXO. let's hang out. :D
wardn_, caseorganic, tpinto, squeakytoy, jernst, LauraJ and poppy joined the channel
# 04:44 pfenwick My YAPC::Asia talk is really taking an IndieWeb theme. I'm listing services which have died, and stressing the importance of owning one's data.
# 04:45 pfenwick And it's hard to pitch. I'll be speaking to a mostly Japanese audience and relying upon subtitles. At the same time, the conference usually puts talks online the next day, and I can make a much more compelling talk at native English audiences.
barneybook, shaners, cweiske, earplugs, lukebrooker and caseorganic joined the channel
a___, marjolein_, christoffer__, tantek, joshr___ and Loqi joined the channel
# 10:40 tantek perhaps we need "how to leave slios" transition instructions
# 10:46 ShaneHudson I mostly use it for messaging, so I've thought about just using it through Skype. But then I miss events etc
christoffer__, melvster and LauraJ joined the channel
# 11:04 ShaneHudson Do we still need to worry about search engines if duplicating posts? I had written a lot of guest posts and on forums too that I would like to keep a backup of
# 11:08 tantek ShaneHudson - that's why the POSSE copies SHOULD link back to the originals
# 11:08 tantek so that search engines can infer that the copies are just copies
icco joined the channel
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# 11:20 ShaneHudson tantek: Ok, makes sense. Might do that this evening, once I fix the horrid webrtc bug
icco joined the channel
# 11:34 tantek (and apparently as of Sept 1 it was still functioning for some users)
icco, pfefferle, christoffer__, eschnou, andreypopp, abrereton, tantek and matthewlmcclure joined the channel
tantek, pfefferle and Jihaisse joined the channel
tantek_, squeakytoy, christoffer__ and bnvk joined the channel
josephboyle, pfenwick, LauraJ, tantek and jschweinsberg joined the channel
# 14:51 aaronpk pfenwick: oh man I totally forgot about rememberthemilk!
# 14:51 aaronpk tantek: I don't even know what I want out of a to-do list system, probably the thing preventing me from even considering building an "indieweb" version of onw
# 14:53 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 14:56 tantek not only is there a use-case for private indieweb to-dos, but public!
# 14:56 aaronpk well that's only half a to-do list app. the other half is knowing when you completed something
# 14:56 aaronpk you don't think checking things off of a list is an important part of a todo list app?
# 14:56 tantek it's a "did it" web action from the "to do list" app to the "personal log" app.
# 14:57 aaronpk ok well in that case you at least need a "delete" action on the todo list
# 14:57 tantek the "checking it off" is a web action that goes cross apps
# 14:58 tantek aaronpk - not sure about "delete" vs. resolve won't fix ;)
# 14:58 aaronpk yeah see this is why I'm not going anywhere near this yet
# 15:02 barnabywalters ?tagged=todo is my “I’m bored and want to make something, what do I do next” list
href joined the channel
# 15:04 aaronpk huh, i opened a facebook.com tab for something, and now i can't remember what
# 15:05 barnabywalters aaronpk: RE redis inter-app communication stuff. specifically what I’m wanting to do is have one app running on my Pi reading accelerometer, ADC etc. data from I2C bus and allowing multiple other applications to read those values in real time without having to do low level interfacing
# 15:06 aaronpk you can give redis as much as you want, it can be a database if you want. but as a pub/sub only thing, it doesn't use much
# 15:07 aaronpk there are similar things like 0mq, but all the other seem too low level or too over-optimized, and redis has a lot of nice stuff
# 15:13 tantek aaronpk - good suggestion for making "done" like annotations replies to original "to-do" posts
# 15:13 tantek this is approaching the level of thinking worth capturing
# 15:14 Loqi aaronpk meant to say: i don't need another itch
# 15:15 aaronpk i've been using a private gitlab install kind of like this already
# 15:15 tantek I just think that so many to-dos end up being nice public posts when you're done that it's worth incorporating the collection step in the flow
# 15:17 aaronpk git(hub|lab) issues works well for this actually. each issue is a post (could easily be marked up as an h-entry), and posts can collect replies. eventually there is a "closed" post which closes the issue.
# 15:25 aaronpk it's hard to find a good TLD that has "launchpad.*" available
andreypopp joined the channel
# 15:53 aaronpk also it's so much easier posting articles now that i have a web ui
# 15:53 barnabywalters IIRC the PHP sabredav vobject library eases handling of ICAL format datetimes and associated timezone mess
npdoty joined the channel
# 15:55 barnabywalters I don’t use ical much but it’s nice to have my notes in there as extra context for other events
# 15:56 aaronpk yeah I should just add that as another output filter like I do for my *.json URLs
LauraJ joined the channel
# 16:02 tantek aaronpk, barnabywalters best place to start with an h-event to iCal converter is with the existing hCalendar to iCal converter: H2VX
# 16:06 tantek aaronpk - back on the geo for posts discussion - is anyone actually posting geo/lat/long today on their posts?
eschnou and wyomingplease joined the channel
# 16:14 aaronpk I was on my notes until you pointed out I needed to separate locality/region/country better
ozten joined the channel
# 16:15 tantek this is odd: "name": ["Albany Villas,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tBrighton and Hove"],
# 16:16 ozten tantek: do you think Skype with 10 people will work?
# 16:16 ozten I'm thinking Hangout, which I'm a dolt to setup
# 16:16 ozten Last time I ended up with people in ski masks
# 16:17 aaronpk oh yea that happened with indiewebcamp last year.
# 16:17 ozten Ya, I think I accidentally made one that was put onto the hangouts feed or something
# 16:17 tantek presumably there's a way to create a hangout that DOESN'T have this problem?
# 16:18 barnabywalters tantek: yeah, you create a private hangout then give out the URL to people you trust
# 16:20 tantek well Google calls them Hangouts so let's go plural
# 16:22 tantek Barnaby - yes this should be using an embedded h-card with explicit name rather than h-adr/h-geo
matthewlmcclure joined the channel
# 16:26 tantek ok I'm going to drop p-geo p-latitude p-longitude p-altitude from h-entry and add back just p-location (re-use from h-event)
# 16:26 aaronpk great. i think it makes sense to match the h-event format too
# 16:28 tantek so given that - should we drop p-geo p-latitude p-longitude from h-event as well, and instead suggest using a "p-location h-geo" for any such needs?
# 16:29 tantek (I don't know of any use-cases that require flat geo/lat/long directly inside h-event)
# 16:29 aaronpk barnabywalters: is that basically to avoid nesting lat/lng inside the geo property?
# 16:30 barnabywalters aaronpk: seeing as geo and addresses are often published together, seems silly to nest them unnecessarily
# 16:30 aaronpk what happens when you want to publish lat/lng but no address?
# 16:31 tantek "are often published together" is not really good enough - need actual examples
# 16:32 aaronpk i just realized i have lat/lng on my home page, but forgot to at the p- prefix
# 16:32 tantek barnabywalters who? "people are explicitly looking for h-geo"
# 16:32 tantek why bother with markup without an actual known use-case
# 16:33 tantek not sure "just in case" is suffiicent justification to add more markup
# 16:33 tantek the primary use-case for all the event / geo stuff is iCalendar output
# 16:33 tantek h-adr already includes them in flattened form :)
# 16:34 tantek h-card is a superset of h-adr is a superset of h-geo
# 16:34 tantek because there are pages that *only* publish lat/long
# 16:34 tantek which people then use just to plot points on a mpa
# 16:35 Loqi tantek meant to say: which people then use just to plot points on a map
# 16:35 barnabywalters hm, that means if I want to, for e.g. plot all coordinates on a webpage on a map, I have to look for h-geo, h-adr and h-card
# 16:35 tantek yes, convenience for the publisher trumps convenience for potential/theoretical applications
# 16:36 barnabywalters it would be a good idea to clarify this for consumers on the relevant vocab pages
habitmelon joined the channel
# 16:55 aaronpk wow, almost 50 new people used indieauth.com yesterday
catsup and spinnerin joined the channel
# 17:40 ShaneHudson You mark a little X on the floor.. then we send drones to the location and use computer vision to find the X
# 17:43 aaronpk barnabywalters: no really, what do you mean by verify?
# 17:43 aaronpk tantek: holy cow is that an xslt file that outputs an ical file?
# 17:45 barnabywalters RE verify: so, foursquare allows businesses to give out freebies to regular check-inners
# 17:46 aaronpk technically foursquare checkins are easily forged, there isn't really much verificatino you can do
# 17:48 aaronpk i think this verification problem applies to other post types besides just location, and we should probably treat it as a separate problem
# 17:49 barnabywalters idno thought my comments were from Jovian Salak because his h-card is on all of my pages
# 17:49 aaronpk oh, and also kevinmarks was POSSE'ing to xtof's account during indiewebcamp uk!
shaners joined the channel
# 17:59 waterpigs.co.uk created /hangouts (+703) "Created page with "Hangouts are [[Google+ ]]’s videoconferencing tool. Creating public hangouts has resulted in hangout [[spam ]] in the past — typically this takes the form of random people pop..."" (
view diff )
earplugs joined the channel
tilgovi joined the channel
# 18:55 shaners aaronpk: indieauth rescan isn't finding any rel-me links on my site. is it timing out? my site IS being slow right now.
# 18:55 tantek what's the free/indie version of github you can install on your own server? gitorius?
# 18:56 shaners tantek: gitlab is also one. that's why i mentioned it.
# 18:57 shaners i know people who run both gitosis and gitourious
# 19:02 shaners am trying to, but indieauth.com is timing out on reading my site :/
# 19:16 tantek shaners I added the raw URLs, but figured you could provide context / prose for each
texburgher, ozten and dietrich joined the channel
# 19:45 aaronpk and shaners your site is ridiculously slow for me
# 19:50 shaners I made a few changes a few days ago. and fucked something up. i need to do some spelunking.
# 19:51 shaners how do i find out what ip block my site is coming from?
# 19:51 aaronpk eh, I think it depends on what is trying to connect to it
josephboyle, _6a68, earplugs, tantek, barneybook|2, BjornW and vrypan joined the channel
# 21:04 vrypan Hi aaronpk. Thanks for the webmention.io account but it looks like I need a token? Or some other way to auth? I read the docs, but couldn't find any reference to authentication.
morrocco_mole joined the channel
# 21:34 aaronpk vrypan: ah yea you need a token to get stuff out of the API, or I can make it public so no token is needed
# 21:35 aaronpk you'd need to put the token in JS so it doesn't really protect anything
# 21:50 aaronpk vrypan: I made it public so you can just use the sample code on webmention.io now
# 21:54 aaronpk ah, yeah apparently the access control is set so you can only retrieve mentions of a specific URL with no token
# 21:55 vrypan BTW, I don't want to use the JS. I want to query web mention.io every say 30 minutes for the whole blog.vrypan.net domain and "distribute" any mentions to the posts.
# 21:56 vrypan I want to make the mentions part of the static html of my blog.
# 21:56 vrypan So, I only have to make one call for the whole domain.
# 21:57 vrypan Great! I'll work on it the next days and let you know how it went. Thank you!
# 21:58 aaronpk the API supports paging too, so you can do limit=10&offset=2 for example
# 22:04 tantek cc: aaronpk, barnabywalters - do those updates help your use-cases of posts with locations?
# 22:05 aaronpk i may have to try adding that markup before I can give a good answer
abrereton joined the channel
lukebrooker, tilgovi and _6a68 joined the channel
# 22:31 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
fmarier joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
# 23:10 Loqi tantek: shaners left you a message 39 minutes ago: thanks!
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bnvk and morrocco_mole joined the channel