#shanersportland folks, i'll be in town for XOXO. let's hang out. :D
wardn_, caseorganic, tpinto, squeakytoy, jernst, LauraJ and poppy joined the channel
#pfenwickMy YAPC::Asia talk is really taking an IndieWeb theme. I'm listing services which have died, and stressing the importance of owning one's data.
#pfenwickAnd it's hard to pitch. I'll be speaking to a mostly Japanese audience and relying upon subtitles. At the same time, the conference usually puts talks online the next day, and I can make a much more compelling talk at native English audiences.
barneybook, shaners, cweiske, earplugs, lukebrooker and caseorganic joined the channel
a___, marjolein_, christoffer__, tantek, joshr___ and Loqi joined the channel
#tantekperhaps we need "how to leave slios" transition instructions
#ShaneHudsonI mostly use it for messaging, so I've thought about just using it through Skype. But then I miss events etc
christoffer__, melvster and LauraJ joined the channel
#ShaneHudsonDo we still need to worry about search engines if duplicating posts? I had written a lot of guest posts and on forums too that I would like to keep a backup of
#tantekShaneHudson - that's why the POSSE copies SHOULD link back to the originals
#tantekso that search engines can infer that the copies are just copies
josephboyle, pfenwick, LauraJ, tantek and jschweinsberg joined the channel
#aaronpkpfenwick: oh man I totally forgot about rememberthemilk!
#aaronpktantek: I don't even know what I want out of a to-do list system, probably the thing preventing me from even considering building an "indieweb" version of onw
#aaronpkbarnabywalters: do you follow up with those ever? like posting a reply with a link to code or a demo if your todo was to build something? http://waterpigs.co.uk/notes/4QTDDt/
#barnabywaltersbut I don’t think I’ve yet used that to follow up a todo
#barnabywalters?tagged=todo is my “I’m bored and want to make something, what do I do next” list
href joined the channel
#aaronpkhuh, i opened a facebook.com tab for something, and now i can't remember what
#barnabywaltersaaronpk: RE redis inter-app communication stuff. specifically what I’m wanting to do is have one app running on my Pi reading accelerometer, ADC etc. data from I2C bus and allowing multiple other applications to read those values in real time without having to do low level interfacing
#aaronpkgit(hub|lab) issues works well for this actually. each issue is a post (could easily be marked up as an h-entry), and posts can collect replies. eventually there is a "closed" post which closes the issue.
#aaronpkI've even closed some issues with photo posts
#aaronpkgreat. i think it makes sense to match the h-event format too
#tantekso given that - should we drop p-geo p-latitude p-longitude from h-event as well, and instead suggest using a "p-location h-geo" for any such needs?
#tantek(I don't know of any use-cases that require flat geo/lat/long directly inside h-event)
#barnabywalterstantek: would dropping h-geo and just using h-adr p-lat/long be too much?
#aaronpkbarnabywalters: is that basically to avoid nesting lat/lng inside the geo property?
#barnabywaltersaaronpk: seeing as geo and addresses are often published together, seems silly to nest them unnecessarily
#Loqishaners: aaronpk left you a message 3 hours, 2 minutes ago: looks better! try pasting it in to http://waterpigs.co.uk/php-mf2/ and you'll see why that works
#waterpigs.co.ukcreated /hangouts (+703) "Created page with "Hangouts are [[Google+]]’s videoconferencing tool. Creating public hangouts has resulted in hangout [[spam]] in the past — typically this takes the form of random people pop..."" (view diff)
josephboyle, _6a68, earplugs, tantek, barneybook|2, BjornW and vrypan joined the channel
#vrypanHi aaronpk. Thanks for the webmention.io account but it looks like I need a token? Or some other way to auth? I read the docs, but couldn't find any reference to authentication.
morrocco_mole joined the channel
#aaronpkvrypan: ah yea you need a token to get stuff out of the API, or I can make it public so no token is needed
#aaronpkyou'd need to put the token in JS so it doesn't really protect anything
#aaronpkvrypan: I made it public so you can just use the sample code on webmention.io now
#aaronpkah, yeah apparently the access control is set so you can only retrieve mentions of a specific URL with no token
#vrypanBTW, I don't want to use the JS. I want to query web mention.io every say 30 minutes for the whole blog.vrypan.net domain and "distribute" any mentions to the posts.