2013-09-19 UTC
vrypan_, tantek, ozten, poppy, barneybook, tpinto and jgraham909 joined the channel
# 01:45 ShaneHudson Just a quick note... looks like .net magazine have 'moved' their digital presence and appears to have broken all links to their posts!
donpdonp, tpinto, acegiak, wardn_, spinnerin, josephboyle, singpolyma, morrocco_mole, pfenwick, LauraJ and cweiske joined the channel
icco, wardn_, josephboyle, pfenwick, fmarier, Slyphoria and jschweinsberg joined the channel
melvster, eschnou and LauraJ joined the channel
tpinto, poppy, jschweinsberg, gjones and andreypopp joined the channel
# 09:07 tantek I was going to say add it to the page as an FAQ
pfefferle, LauraJ, tpinto and caseorganic joined the channel
# 10:09 cweiske same for the html link tag. the pingback spec explicitely states that the attributes may not be swapped
# 10:10 cweiske the webmention spec doesn't say anything about that
LauraJ, aaronpk, barnabywalters, abrereton, bnvk, squeakytoy and andreypopp joined the channel
# 11:29 ShaneHudson I'm trying to get .net to put all of their data on github or somewhere. So many articles lost :(
# 11:34 ShaneHudson it is a magazine. They have just 'merged' with a blog, so that the .net magazine is physical only. Moved over some content but most links broken and thousands of articles lost
# 11:35 ShaneHudson They had so many guest posts and interviews etc. They should not be lost
josephboyle and barnabywalters joined the channel
# 12:25 tommorris ShaneHudson: sigh. am I going to have to go on an archive.org replacement hunt on Wikipedia? I've done that before. so dull.
friedcell and indiewebcamp-vis joined the channel
acegiak and LauraJ joined the channel
bnvk joined the channel
# 13:43 tommorris ShaneHudson: Sigh. Looks like a chunk of my weekend will be fixing links to netmag
# 13:43 cweiske do you know about simple to setup single-site mirror scripts?
barnabywalters joined the channel
# 13:48 ShaneHudson tommorris: that's a handy search page. Luckily wikipedia only links to 41. There will be thousands of links on the web broken because of it :(
# 13:56 tommorris ShaneHudson: it's worth using when you want to make the case against people stupidly deleting content. I spent weeks fixing links when PinkPaper, a UK LGBT newspaper, went offline.
# 14:00 tommorris neither did I until I had to fix lots of links and found someone had backed lots up there
igalic, icco and LauraJ joined the channel
icco and _6a68 joined the channel
# 14:37 ShaneHudson Looks like a few of us are going to try putting the articles on github. So what about IP lol authors can remove if they want, not be forced to have it deleted
icco joined the channel
igalic, pfenwick1 and indiewebcamp-vis joined the channel
# 15:32 veldenz so I just wanted to get some confirmation on my understanding of the concept as english is not my mother tongue
# 15:32 veldenz of the concept of indie web i mean
# 15:32 waterpigs.co.uk edited /IRC (-13) "/* Quick Start */ removed #microformats from webchat room list as people keep on not realizing they’re in #microformats when they’re expecting #indiewebcamp" (
view diff )
# 15:33 veldenz the idea is to encourage people to build website and host them through hosting companies rather than relying on corporations like FB or Tumblr ?
# 15:34 barnabywalters veldenz: that’s pretty much it, yes — to encourage and empower people to own their identity and content on the web
# 15:35 veldenz i've built one for friends
# 15:36 veldenz we debatted wether to host it on wordpress.com (as it's running with wordpress software) or get a host and choose the hosting solution because we wanted to tweak it too much for wordpress.com limitations
# 15:37 veldenz but then we're not professionals, and i sometimes think : aren't we somehow tied to the hosting company ? because if they dispute the domain for example I wouldn' t know what to do
# 15:38 barnabywalters the nice thing is that there are so many, they have to compete on price and service
# 15:39 barnabywalters some people do host everything themselves — for example BjarniRunar hosts his personal site on a computer in his basement using Pagekite
# 15:40 veldenz A friend of mine used to run his own server as well, Thor though
# 15:40 veldenz got troubled by Interpol :/
# 15:40 veldenz too much avengers for me
# 15:41 veldenz what kind of mastery level would one need to contribute to the project ?
# 15:41 veldenz like, I tried to find a french version of the concept when stumbling upon it and google has nothing
# 15:42 veldenz i'm not a developper in any fashion, but are there other ways to get involved ?
# 15:42 barnabywalters veldenz: really? actually there are quite a few wiki pages and articles which have been translated into french
# 15:42 veldenz weird :/ google kept getting me articles about french indie bands
# 15:44 veldenz the translation is interesting, but could use a few tweaks
# 15:45 veldenz i need to find a way to sign in first, as the one domain I helped set up is not mine
# 15:46 barnabywalters veldenz: setting up a domain to sign in is really easy. you just need to have a simple HTML page with some links to your accounts elsewhere, or email address
# 15:46 veldenz i actually have a domain ! he :) it host my portfolio
# 15:47 veldenz i forgot about it
# 15:47 veldenz www.tigerturtle.net
# 15:48 veldenz was supposed to host my band website but the project didnt go through
# 15:51 veldenz ok ! I'll have to look into it later, the school i'm connected in holds a meeting in the computer room :)
# 15:52 veldenz thanks ! see you soon :) gotta run
tilgovi, benprew and ozten joined the channel
# 16:11 aaronpk ShaneHudson: nice you're on the front page of hackernews!
# 16:18 ShaneHudson I've always got on great with Oliver and now he probably hates me! But it needed to be said.
# 16:20 aaronpk cause this problem isn't going away any time soon
# 16:22 ShaneHudson .net apparently cannot release an archive because of IP but the authors also cannot republish without asking permission!
# 16:22 aaronpk either the authors own the copyright and so they can republish however they want, or .net owns the copyright so they can republish however they want
# 16:23 ShaneHudson I *think* it is to do with the merge... lots of legal complexities
# 16:23 ShaneHudson Kind of becomes a different company? Because it was owned by Future.. but they are print only now.
# 16:23 aaronpk ah yeah, licenses get tricky when a company is bought/merged/etc
# 16:23 aaronpk either way, you'd think someone would want to figure it out
# 16:24 ShaneHudson Yeah, they don't have the man power apparently. My reply was if they asked on twitter for help.. they would have got it easily
# 16:24 ShaneHudson There are plenty of us with the skill to write scripts to automate it etc
jernst_ joined the channel
# 16:27 ShaneHudson It's wound me up. And I never even wrote anything there.. can only imagine how the authors feel!
# 16:54 ShaneHudson I don't get how famous people cope on twitter. In the last hour, I've had 94 mentions lol
# 16:58 ShaneHudson Are you on a fast connection? I could pop back to work and download if we need it quick (140mb down)
# 16:58 barnabywalters I need to be more careful about backing up people’s sites — I made the mistake of leaving one job running and ended up downloading almost 1GB of content from one personal domain!
# 16:59 ShaneHudson haha I did that once! Think it was Eric Meyer's site, downloaded his entire server xD
# 16:59 barnabywalters this site in particular is one of the most valuable and complete collections of period books, music and other manuscripts on the web
# 17:00 ShaneHudson Yeah it is resolving for me too, just not the page I was looking at
# 17:01 barnabywalters lol, I just looked in my terminal output and saw an article called “make your own SOAP API”
# 17:03 ShaneHudson 900 visits so far to my article... seems to have struck a nerve with people. Good.
# 17:28 bret any crashable xoxo events in portland coming up?
# 17:33 barnabywalters it’s skipping the images and articles which already redirect to the new location
# 17:37 barnabywalters too much effort to figure out every CDN domain they’re using and add it to the whitelist
# 17:37 ShaneHudson I think the best idea would probably be github pages? That way we can offer a way to take articles down if the IP owner wishes.
caseorganic joined the channel
# 17:38 barnabywalters oh yeah, I hadn’t really thought about actually republishing all this :) GH pages probably a good plan
# 17:38 ShaneHudson Think I might head to the gym to calm down a bit lol.. still semi-raging.
# 17:39 ShaneHudson barnabywalters: feel free to compress as small as possible and send to me if you don't have time/bandwidth to upload
melvster joined the channel
# 18:05 barnabywalters unfortunately 50MB of that is redirect URLs which all resolved to the creative bloq page
cweiske joined the channel
# 18:06 ShaneHudson if they are redirected then that's fine. We can backup those whenever
# 18:06 ShaneHudson It's the ones that they haven't bothered the backup that are the worry
# 18:07 barnabywalters ShaneHudson: nope, all of the 600 redirects go to the “we’ve moved” landing page :/
# 18:09 barnabywalters ah, scratch that, looks like the actual content behind most of those splash page redirects was saved
# 18:09 barnabywalters the redirects were to the desktop version of the site from the mobile articles
# 18:09 aaronpk cweiske: i'm kind of inclined to require the syntax described in the webmention spec as opposed to any rfc format
# 18:12 ShaneHudson Yeah I wouldn't mind it if you could :) .tar.gz probably do better though
bnvk joined the channel
fmarier joined the channel
jgraham909 joined the channel
indiewebcamp-vis joined the channel
josephboyle joined the channel
barnabywalters, jernst and indiewebcamp-vis joined the channel
jschweinsberg joined the channel
poppy joined the channel
# 19:11 vrypan_ I'm trying to parse reply-context. I'm a bit lost, it seems there are so many ways to describe it. p-in-reply-to and u-url? u-in-reply-to? (Same with author info)
eschnou joined the channel
# 19:18 bret what is the easiest way to bind a keyboard button to a form button on a page?
tantek joined the channel
bnvk joined the channel
# 19:38 bnvk tantek: nope, London! Are you got to XOXO?
# 19:40 ShaneHudson I was hoping to go to the Ghost launch party, but sadly it is tonight and not a weekend!
# 19:40 tantek tommorris - LOL - site-deaths already had *TWO* links to "our incredible journey" so you added a third? ;)
# 19:40 tantek ShaneHudson - WTF? A launch party? Who's actually running it?
# 19:41 tantek as in, are the creators of Ghost self-dogfooding yet?
# 19:41 ShaneHudson Trafalgar Square roof gardens... should be amazing. I went to the original meetup, that was incredible
# 19:41 tantek ShaneHudson - there's been no evidence to date of that
# 19:42 tantek seems like another hyped monoculture effort :/
# 19:42 ShaneHudson but they've definitely been using it. I've got a copy running locally, it is very good
# 19:43 tantek if they're not selfdogfooding on their own primary personal URL - who cares?
# 19:44 ShaneHudson I expect that will change now it is launching.. probably means it is stable enough to use
# 19:45 aaronpk at least it's on his own TLD, not onolan.ghost.org or whatever
# 19:46 tantek yeah - it's why I haven't bothered with node yet and went the cassis.js route instead
# 19:46 ShaneHudson well, it's not hard. But I can't even on mine as I use a shared server
# 19:46 tantek cassis.js doesn't require that you install anything on your web server
# 19:46 tantek it's basically a subset of JS that runs in both browsers (obv) and natively on PHP.
# 19:46 tantek and I'm selfdogfooding it in Falcon and on tantek.com
# 19:47 tantek without any interepretation - i.e. not like coffeescript
caseorganic joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
# 20:01 tommorris tantek: good call on the revert. I got over-excited about that link. :)
# 20:01 bret anyone want to help me test something really quick?
# 20:04 bret pressing the buttons is working, as in, its making stuff blink over here
# 20:04 ShaneHudson WebRTC should work fine in this browser, it is what I've been working on.
# 20:09 bret ShaneHudson technically the arduino was just controlled via sockets.io + node
spinnerin joined the channel
# 20:11 bret adrenaline rush :) thanks ShaneHudson
# 20:12 ShaneHudson bret: Ah... you should try it over WebRTC alone. Then it is peer to peer :D
# 20:13 bret i want to put the signaling server on appfog or heroku or something
# 20:13 bret and then do pure webRTC, but it would be slick if I didn't have to run a browser on the SEM control computer
# 20:14 bret video over websockets is weird though. so meh. ship something now refine later
tantek joined the channel
# 20:23 donpdonp bret: i want to encode webrtc from a webcam on an rPi for streaming to a browser. have you done that?
# 20:26 bret donpdonp exactly... no idea. I have only seen websockets + ffmpeg + javascript mpeg decoder
# 20:26 donpdonp bret: i saw that blog post too! works sort of maybe okay
ozten, LauraJ, josephboyle, barneybook|2, caseorga_, tpinto, jontyw, bnvk, abrereton, tantek, abrereton1 and andreypopp joined the channel
# 22:33 tantek they have wifi+power so if anyone wants to catchup on what happened in IndieWebCampUK 2013 etc.
# 22:33 tantek at a minimum myself and shaners will be there
# 22:43 tantek aaronpk - this is a pre-party before the opening party
# 22:43 aaronpk i'm giving a talk at the quantified self meetup tonight
# 22:44 aaronpk right now i'm having a pre-pre-party with my slide deck
# 22:45 bret I was thinking of going to the sidedoor for the node meetup
spinnerin joined the channel
fu9ar, tilgovi and spinnerin joined the channel
# 22:54 bret is the official xoxo party open to the public?
vrypan_, _6a68 and pfenwick joined the channel
# 23:05 jernst ShaneHudson: thanks!
# 23:06 jernst Imagine if all the stuff we're discussing here was installable by anybody with a single command.
tantek joined the channel
# 23:23 jernst This is a trivial hello world app, but illustrates the principle.
# 23:23 bret reminds me of a package.json from node :)
# 23:24 bret (doing a bunch of node work the last few days)
# 23:24 bret which is a good thing. NPM is amazing
# 23:24 jernst Lots of similarities. dpkg, packman, etc etc
# 23:24 jernst Big difference: this is about "N installs of the same app on the same machine" aka virtual hosts
# 23:25 jernst So I can have one box for my family, and run a blog for everybody in the family, for example
ozten joined the channel
# 23:26 jernst me neither :-) I keep waiting but for some reason it just isn't intelligent enough to develop itself :-)
# 23:27 bret Evan P was talking about selling plug servers with pump.io pre-setup
# 23:27 jernst I know. I've been trying to talk him into doing it a way that we don't end up with one box per app
# 23:28 jernst somehow I don't want to have one Wordpress box for each family member, one Owncloud, one Trovebox nee OpenPhoto etc.
# 23:28 bret i want to jump into that project and do some PR's to get mf2's onto the post permalink pages
# 23:29 jernst that project being pump?
# 23:29 bret im hoping that once people startin using pump notes in their own reply context, that evan will start processing webmentions and consuming mf2
# 23:31 jernst I'd love to have that. essentially my own version of twitter, plus the entire conversation of the universe around what i said, residing on a box under my desk that I can unplug and take with me
# 23:32 jernst and everybody else I know can do it, too, without having to be a geek
# 23:32 jernst that's the kind of web I thought we were building 20 years ago
# 23:49 bret tantek: are peopel already at the sidedoor?
# 23:52 tantek jernst - a bunch of us our building our own versions of twitter on our websites
# 23:52 tantek and they have favorite/reteweet/reply buttons right there on my own website
# 23:53 jernst tantek: do you think those private "twitters" will remain exclusive to their creators or become "products" of some kind that others can use?
# 23:53 aaronpk jernst: have you seen the work benwerd has done with idno? several people are using it now
# 23:54 aaronpk there are like half a dozen other projects that are turning into real products too
# 23:54 jernst yes I have. I know he wants it to be a product that others can use
# 23:54 bret jernst: it depends on the creator. I think ben werdimuler and idno wants to make something for lots of people to use
# 23:54 jernst cool! I'd like them all to be installable and upgradeable via Indie Box!
# 23:54 bret pump.io is another one that has a wide appeal but is kind of doing its own thing still
# 23:55 bret having a meta project to make using tools easy to use is importaint too
# 23:56 jernst we need an entire stack
# 23:56 bret i guess not meta, but focused on ease of deployment
# 23:57 jernst from OS (linux, easy) via middleware (need conventions, so different applications don't step on each other's feet) over management (e.g. IndieBox) to shared services (e.g. single-sign-on, shared data elements across apps)
# 23:58 jernst agree with the "let many flowers bloom"