#indiewebcamp 2013-09-29
2013-09-29 UTC
caseorganic, jernst_, squeakytoy, singpolyma, dpk, Nadreck and shaners joined the channel
squeakytoy2 joined the channel
# caseorganic bret: you up for an indiewebcamp dinner monday in SF?
# caseorganic !tell tantek you up for an indiewebcamp dinner monday in sf?
# caseorganic bret: yes
# caseorganic bret: lol - no, flying in monday morning for glazed conf
# caseorganic bret: tons of rain here in portland
benwerd, singpolyma and squeakytoy joined the channel
singpolyma, jgraham909, tpinto, barneybook, wardn_, eschnou, LauraJ, andreypopp, vrypan, jschweinsberg, melvster, catsup and bnvk joined the channel
# @devseo How #xoxofest and #indiewebcamp saved me, in a way. - http://werd.io/entry/5243114abed7de2970c0b2b7/how-xoxofest-and-indiewebcamp-saved-me-in-a-way #socialmedia (twitter.com/_/status/384264388813012992)
LauraJ, singpolyma, bnvk, earplugs, jschweinsberg and tpinto joined the channel
# @Rdch97 RT @sevasev: Mau buka usaha webhosting? klik https://www.indieweb.biz/reseller-business.php Diskon 50% selama berlangganan | Hanya untuk 10 order pertama Info: sm… (twitter.com/_/status/384314568778186752)
LauraJ joined the channel
# @Capucinenet1 RT @MyDataLabs: 1° projet de rentrée pour l'association : traverser la manche pour rejoindre le mouvement #indieweb #ownyourdata http://t.c… (twitter.com/_/status/384340754643955713)
barnabywalters joined the channel
# Loqi barnabywalters: bret left you a message on 9/28 at 2:54pm: If you have time, would you check out https://github.com/converspace/webmention/pull/26 and see what you think?
jschweinsberg joined the channel
# @lchasen rather than failed i would say it is BROKEN RT @rapella: "The Internet Failed." https://twitter.com/benwerd/status/383060147624353793/photo/1 #pcloud #indieweb ht @benwerd (twitter.com/_/status/384352092015828992)
tantek joined the channel
# Loqi BASICALLY ALL THE ARGUMENTS http://loqi.me/80v
# barnabywalters ATOM for notes violates DRY inside a DRY violating format
# barnabywalters DRY violation squared
# barnabywalters for each of your notes, the content is repeated 3x, datetime 2x and URL 2x
# jschweinsberg That
# jschweinsberg Whoops.
# jschweinsberg That's why I use RSS instead of ATOM. A lot of elements are optional.
# jschweinsberg No need to repeat the notes content inside of the title.
LauraJ and bnvk joined the channel
# bret tantek, its a relative difficulty. Its not that difficult, but because it involves structure and unfamiliar markup, people applying it the first time to a site would probrably have the spend the longest time reading about it, thinking about how to modify their templates, etc It seems to me. Everything else is super minimal, which is the beauty of level 1: Do these incredibly simple
caseorganic joined the channel
caseorganic joined the channel
dietrich joined the channel
# jschweinsberg tantek: I doesn't work for me, too.
# jschweinsberg It only uses the second microformat for the h-entry validation.
# barnabywalters tantek: jschweinsberg: bnvk and I are working on improving indiewebify.me
# tantek per http://indiewebcamp.com/indiemark#Level_1 point 3
# barnabywalters tantek: two URLs? what, just give two input fields?
# barnabywalters bnvk: how do you feel about doing mf finding and validation on the server side? would allow me to move much more quickly as I’ve already implemented a lot of it in PHP before, and would expose some really useful endpoints others could use
# barnabywalters bnvk: no, working on a friend’s site now but will make a start this evening
# barnabywalters okay, will do
# barnabywalters actually I’m taking an interesting approach to the site I’m working on at the moment
# barnabywalters my friend and I worked through the structure of the site, then I asked him to put together a dropbox folder mirroring the site structure, with photos in, and text files with captions
# barnabywalters so now I’m creating a tiny static site generator which looks over what he already did and makes a HTML site out if it
# tantek.com edited /IndieMark (+480) "/* To Do */ simplify descriptions, make less text" (view diff)
spinnerin joined the channel
# tantek has anyone else gotten Sandeep's h-reader to work? http://www.sandeep.io/98
dietrich joined the channel
# jschweinsberg tantek: Now it does work for your site.
caseorganic joined the channel
# barnabywalters tantek: he might be using an old version of php-mf2
# barnabywalters +1
# barnabywalters we can always do fancy js progressive enhancement stuff once the basic version is built
# barnabywalters bnvk: that can still be done
# barnabywalters not necessarily
# barnabywalters so, basic version is pure HTML form submit
# barnabywalters then, sprinkle AJAX in to load just the results div in instead of navigating to a new page
# barnabywalters URLs still all work, works without JS, but you can still smoothly scroll through and see all your results at the same time
tantek, jernst_, LauraJ, andreypopp, dietrich, caseorganic and bnvk joined the channel
# barnabywalters ping bnvk: having a look at indiewebify.me now
# barnabywalters cool — just going through and putting some more foundations in place
abrereton and tantek joined the channel
# tantek hey barnabywalters - http://indiewebify.me/ seems broken now
# barnabywalters tantek: I didn’t do anything — honest :) just working locally
# barnabywalters I know. working on it.
tantek, eschnou, abrereton1, caseorganic, singpolyma, abrereton, lukebrooker, squeakytoy, spinnerin and ozten joined the channel
# barnabywalters bret: I did indeed, not looked at it in detail, but I trust your jeykll abilities
# barnabywalters provided it’ll work when I merge it, I’ll merge it :)
# barnabywalters okay, merging
# barnabywalters bret: http://webmention.org is broken-ish now :(
# barnabywalters looks like a markdown parsing issue
sandeepshetty, Guest96962 and sandeepshetty_ joined the channel
# sandeepshetty barnabywalters, bret: What is this solving: https://github.com/converspace/webmention/issues/17?
# barnabywalters oh hi sandeepshetty
# sandeepshetty hey barnabywalters
# barnabywalters good to see you again
# sandeepshetty took a break for a bit... what's happening? what did I miss?
# barnabywalters currently frantically trying to un-mess up webmention.org. I merged bret’s PR and it broke :( I think I fixed it, you just need to regenerate the HTML in the GH UI
# sandeepshetty webmention.org is broken..
# aaronpk sandeepshetty: we'd love to be able to update webmention.org faster, moving the repo over to indieweb would mean more of us can push changes: https://github.com/converspace/webmention/issues/4
# sandeepshetty I'll just use the auto generator I was using before..
# barnabywalters bret: I undid the PR, sandeepshetty just needs to regenerate the HTML from the md files
# barnabywalters sandeepshetty: thanks :) sorry for the hassle
# sandeepshetty the auto generator is picking up the latest readme
# sandeepshetty which is now the one with the jekyll stuff
# sandeepshetty argh! and there is so much cruft now in the repo!
# sandeepshetty ideally draft should be in a branch till a version is frozen.. so you shouldn't have this problem..
# sandeepshetty I'm resetting head to a previous version for now so I can restore the old readme
# barnabywalters I thought the more common convention was to have latest (WIP) version in master and freeze versions as tags or branches
# barnabywalters that makes more sense from a practical POV — we can work on, and make PRs to, master without having to worry about other branches
squeakytoy joined the channel
# sandeepshetty the website can't show the WIP (because you need to develop against a version), the repo has the WIP.
# barnabywalters why shouldn’t the website show the WIP by default, and link so frozen versions?
# barnabywalters that’s what the W3C IIRC
# barnabywalters s/IIRC/do IIRC
# aaronpk for example this link http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2 redirects to the latest draft
# sandeepshetty thats a frozen version... not every commit is a frozen version...
# sandeepshetty Right now 0.2 is not frozen..
# sandeepshetty there are still some changes to be done
# sandeepshetty that's why it's in a branch that will be merged into master when it's frozen
# barnabywalters tantek: you’ve got the most standards experience, what version of the spec should people see when they go to webmention.org? latest commit or latest frozen version?
# sandeepshetty IMO, the website should show the latest *frozen* version
# sandeepshetty thats what the devs would want to build against
# barnabywalters that makes sense. master can still be WIP for ease of working, but gh-pages is set to whatever the latest frozen version is
# sandeepshetty I think ppl are devloping against v1 because that's what exists..
tantek-ipod joined the channel
# tantek-ipod So that's the problem with freezing
# sandeepshetty barnabywalters: I prefer working in features branches and not master..
# tantek-ipod When depending on freezing causes more problems than depending on live, devs switch to using live.
# sandeepshetty master is for forzen stuff
# tantek-ipod Experience has shown eg with this example of webmention, that "freezing" either takes too long or can be (accidentally) held up by people being missing for a while
# tantek-ipod sandeepshetty:depending on a "frozen" version sounds good in theory but I practice it has been more harmful than helpful.
# tantek-ipod So better to have home page show latest draft with latest fixes
squeakytoy joined the channel
# sandeepshetty tantek-ipod: I make my living building against facebook api (a living api) and I know how badly that sucks
# sandeepshetty master as stable works well with github autogenerators
# sandeepshetty and I prefer the autogenerator to the jekyll stuff because I can do it from anywhere...
# sandeepshetty using hooks?
# barnabywalters so there are actually fewer steps after an initial setup cost
# barnabywalters commit rather than commit, regenerate
# barnabywalters yep
# barnabywalters tantek: or, push to feature branch if you’re working that way
# sandeepshetty how do you selectively publish?
# barnabywalters I prefer as little merging as possible
jernst_ joined the channel
# barnabywalters also *much* easier to revert edits
# aaronpk here's a secret: this page, https://developers.geoloqi.com/api/trigger/create is actually pulling from a mediawiki install
# barnabywalters aaronpk: that TOC does look familiar ;)
andreypopp joined the channel
# sandeepshetty I prefer having a WIP branch.. because something you need to play around with stuff before you decide/freeze on stuff
# barnabywalters aaronpk: turns out it’s super easy to POSSE to GH issues! their API is simple and personal key auth makes authentication easy
# sandeepshetty bret pull request?
# barnabywalters aaronpk: in theory, last time I tested it it didn’t work quite right (although rely context worked perfectly), I added extra debugging for next time :)
# barnabywalters I might also implement issue creation by replying to a repo itself
# barnabywalters cool — didn’t realise you’d already implemented it :) is that documented anywhere? do you use it much?
# barnabywalters cool. should also be really easy to backfeed (pull in further comments). I have a half working implementation of that for twitter
# barnabywalters using mf2-shim
# barnabywalters goodnight all
# sandeepshetty bret: merged..
# sandeepshetty If we agree that the website is going to be the latest frozen version. can we just go back to not using jekyll?
# sandeepshetty I don't think spec repo should look so complicated: https://github.com/converspace/webmention
# sandeepshetty to contibtors..
# sandeepshetty the early version with just the readme was perfect
# bret this is what people will see when editing: https://github.com/bcomnes/webmention/blob/master/0.1.md
# bret we can arbitrary pages: http://webmention.org/IMPLEMENTATIONS/
# sandeepshetty Given the things that I've seen filed as issues.. if this were a wiki I think the "spec" would be pretty messed up by now...
# sandeepshetty I thinks it's important to have some editorial control over the spec..
# sandeepshetty hence the role of a editor
# sandeepshetty the editor wasn't away for a few months.. and he was thiking about the spec while he was away.. getting the editor back for emergencies is just an email or tweet away
# sandeepshetty bret: the arbit pages is a good pro for the jekyll appraoch
# sandeepshetty I hare git submodules
# sandeepshetty *hate
# sandeepshetty and now with composer I never to use them
# sandeepshetty bret: how does that work?
# sandeepshetty the right version of the spec will always be master
# sandeepshetty does that make it simpler?
bnvk joined the channel
# sandeepshetty hmm.... I have another simpler option.. I'll just remove the cname and instead just have the domain redirect to master/readme
# sandeepshetty that solves all issues ..