2013-10-01 UTC
# 00:00 aaronpk|m Weird, it hasn't done the reboot yet
# 00:00 aaronpk|m I wonder if the host linode died or something
# 00:03 aaronpk|m Yeah it did. Drive failures. They're fixing it now
# 00:04 aaronpk|m Er, other way around. Hardware failure and they're moving the drives
# 00:04 aaronpk|m The host that your Linode resides on experienced hardware failure. As a result, drives are being transplanted to separate, known-working standby hardware which we keep available in case of events such as this.
scor joined the channel
# 00:05 tantek wow that's particularly bad! so they don't have automatic nightly backup failovers?
# 00:06 aaronpk|m Sounds less automatic than I would have hoped
# 00:07 aaronpk|m This is only the second time this has happened to me with linode in the ~6 years I've been with them. The first time it was a complete hardware failure and they couldn't restore any of the VMs
jernst joined the channel
# 00:31 tantek aaronpk - yikes - perhaps we should link to that on the Hosting page re: Linode
aaronpk|m and lukebrooker joined the channel
# 00:43 icco tantek and aaronpk, how often do you guys have indieweb dinners in SF? I'm busy tonight, but would love to catch up with you guys one of these nights
Nadreck joined the channel
# 00:44 aaronpk|m Cool! I try to organize one whenever I'm in town. Usually every couple months
# 00:44 aaronpk|m Tho I'm actually coming back in 2 weeks
# 01:00 bret linode is awsome, but they seem to have some funky issues...
# 01:00 bret IE ColdFusion, and now stuff like this :/
tantek joined the channel
# 01:25 tantek aaronpk: Running late because I took a detour to visit a friend who got out of surgery. On my way. ETA 18:45.
scor, ozten, tantek, wardn_, jernst, bret and benwerd joined the channel
# 03:45 acegiak so indieauth doesn't like it if I have ?rel=author on the end of my google plus link?
spinnerin, julien51, barneybook, tantek, LauraJ, benwerd, friedcell, eschnou, musigny, marjolein, cweiske, BjornW, andreypopp, melvster, jschweinsberg, vrypan, barnabywalters, lukecyca, tpinto, scor, rknLA, bnvk, gjones and pfefferle joined the channel
fmarier, julien51, hadleybeeman_ and vrypan joined the channel
# 14:28 barnabywalters aaronpk: bitbucket publishes personal URL with rel=me, is there a plugin for the ruby auth library you could drop in to add support for them too?
_6a68 and julien51 joined the channel
# 14:44 bnvk barnabywalters: wholly molly, that's looking really nice
# 14:44 bnvk what does the progress bar states represent?
# 14:45 barnabywalters green = symmetric rel=me, orange = doesn’t link back, red = couldn’t be fetched
# 14:46 bnvk weird- a lot of my rel=me don't work anymore
# 14:46 barnabywalters I’m resolving redirects so it should work, unless there’s a capitalisation problem
# 14:47 barnabywalters bnvk: so, next step is to solve these problems for you, then auto-detect them and offer fixes from the tool :)
# 14:47 bnvk riiiiight- that would be super slick to offer to people :)
# 14:49 aaronpk barnabywalters: don't forget to follow redirects only until you find a match, but not farther
# 14:50 bnvk barnabywalters: I don't think it's with your code- well, hell I have no idea, but IndieAuth.com shows me all sorts of wrong responses and duplications
# 14:51 aaronpk barnabywalters: yeah, it's ridiculously complicated
# 14:51 aaronpk so twitter links to t.co -> dreev.es -> umich.edu
# 14:52 bnvk and, IndieAuth actually fails on me trying to auth in- Ruby error on signing in with Twitter- hljap aaronpk ;(
# 14:52 bnvk file: relparser.rb location: load_page line: 66
# 14:52 aaronpk bnvk: I just re-scanned your site can you try again?
# 14:54 bnvk and the only auth method it's showing is Twitter- which is odd as that the opposite of what barnabywalters: tool is showing
# 14:54 aaronpk odd..you link to https on your twitter profile right?
# 14:54 bnvk <a target="_blank" rel="me nofollow" href="https://t.co/lyJSTeQRuT" title="https://brennannovak.com"> brennannovak.com</a>
# 14:54 aaronpk if you run your site over https and redirect your http to https, then you need to enter https in the login prompt
# 14:55 bnvk I have been entering https in the login prompt at indiewebcamp.com
# 14:55 cweiske When fetching , we got this problem: (validate-h-entry)
# 14:56 bnvk also, why is it not showing all my other rel=me ?
# 14:56 aaronpk not sure, probably also because of the https thing
Phae and friedcell joined the channel
benwerd joined the channel
# 15:17 pfefferle barnabywalters let me know if something is wrong with my layout
# 15:20 barnabywalters pfefferle: fixed, was my bug. I was trying to parse entire HTTP response strings instead of just the body ;)
# 15:20 barnabywalters got to do some real work now — thanks for the immediate feedback and testing guys!
_6a68, bnvk, julien51, icco, gjones, ozten, npdoty, jschweinsberg, singpolyma, jancborchardt, hadleybeeman_, benward, joshr___, lmjabreu, benprew, rknLA, benwerd, catsup, tilgovi, metavalent_ and tantek joined the channel
# 17:20 barnabywalters aaronpk: is the full version of the relmeauth redirect handling + resolution algorithm written down somewhere?
# 17:22 aaronpk barnabywalters: yeah I think it's on the microformats wiki page
# 17:23 barnabywalters turns out Guzzle has a nice history plugin which records what all the redirect URLs are
# 17:23 aaronpk barnabywalters: it's better to step through them manually to make fewer http requests
# 17:24 aaronpk that's what I thought too, but ended up being easier to step through them instead of using a library
# 17:24 aaronpk also make sure you don't end up in circular redirect loops :)
scor joined the channel
# 17:27 barnabywalters do any relmeauth implementations actually do recursive rel-me searching? so people could use a separate page for their rel-me URLs?
# 17:27 barnabywalters if the recursion was limited to pages on the same domain it could be manageable
# 17:28 aaronpk i don't think any do yet, but that's supposed to be a thing
# 17:47 aaronpk we should first make sure indieauth.com is doing it right :)
caseorganic joined the channel
# 17:56 barnabywalters other thing: does ruby’s URI library’s equality test do special URL-specific normalisation stuff? like case-insensitive domains?
tantek joined the channel
# 17:59 tommorris barnabywalters: not sure, but the Ruby URI library is broked in some ways. There's a third-party replacement called Addressable.
# 18:00 barnabywalters tommorris: thanks — know if there’s an official algorithm for URL comparisons anywhere?
# 18:02 tommorris found an interesting use for SMS posting. changed my phone this week and O2 didn't change my data plan over. having SMS for fallback is nifty.
friedcell and caseorganic joined the channel
# 18:18 aaronpk why is it so hard to find good wifi in san francisco?
tantek joined the channel
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eschnou, friedcell, jschwein`, heathjs, hober2, singpolyma, caseorganic, melvster, brianloveswords_, Lorn_, smcgrego2, href, benprew, gjones and scor joined the channel
julien51, gjones, tantek, npdoty, bnvk, XgF, spinnerin, vrypan, abrereton, tpinto, caseorganic, lukebrooker, poppy and _6a68 joined the channel
KevinMarks, pdurbin, andreypopp and npdoty joined the channel