melvster, bnvk, tpinto, ShishKabab, vrypan and pfefferle joined the channel
#wyomingpleaseacegiak: I'm sorry for a late response, I've been AFK for the morning. Basically, I need Markdown syntax, password protected pages and mobile optimized UI, native app is not necessary, but wouldn't hurt either. :)
#tantekI'm going to email Harry and tell him that he may include all my osfw3c photos under a CC-by license attributing with my name and linking to my website.
#tantekbret - yeah - your talk summary in the report needs a major redo - it currently claims you demonstrated logging in with your watch (which was aaronpk's demo ;) )
#tantekcheck it out and send HarryH an email with suggested update when you get a chance
#tantekaaronpk, benwerd - email sent to Harry, and you two cc'd (so hopefully you can provide your photos to Harry as well)
#hadleybeemantantek: with the usual disclaimer that I've been in four countries in the past three days... (I have no tact left)
#hadleybeemanI think it's worth recording a session (and as much as comes out of it), but I think it's important to emphasise inclusivity wherever possible.
#hadleybeemanThis is a group of people (many of whom were already friends) that is already building its own vocabulary and short-hand... which is inevitable... but since the mission needs lots of help to realise, I think it's in everyone's interest to appear as open and welcoming as possible.
#tantekhadleybeeman - which "this" do you mean? (Moz? #indiewebcamp?) and which / who's "mission" needs lots of help?
#hadleybeemanThat's something I've been meaning to mention anyway. I heard some grumblings in Brighton that people didn't want to join the indiewebcamp activities because "those aren't my people".
#hadleybeemanSorry. I'm just talking about #indiewebcamp here.
#tantekif re: #indiewebcamp - it's amazing how few of us *did* know each other beforehand. obviously the indiewebcamp founders knew each other (myself, aaronpk, caseorganic, skinny), and I knew benwerd and tommorris and you, but nearly all other connections that I know of have emerged as a result of #indiewebcamp, not "already friends")
#tantekmost of us got to be friends *because* of #indiewebcamp, not "already"
#tantekdietrich - ok cool. plus people can semi-participate remotely via the etherpad
benprew, npdoty, npdoty_ and shaners joined the channel
#tantek.comedited /Events (+1991) "Add Mozilla Summit 2013: The Web We Want sessions that very much overlap with Indieweb discussions/principles - and note that they're invite only" (view diff)
#tantekaaronpk, dietrich, hadleybeeman - MozSummit The Web We Want session added, along with plenty of public URLs (including Lanyrd session URLs I just created in case you want to track them)