#neuro`Great, thank you. Love it, awesome people, great spirit (like "think it can be useful? Pick up a license and push it on our Public Github account")
benprew joined the channel
#neuro`We moved to a new flat this week-end, now I need to clean and get some rest.
#neuro`I'm writing an AWS scheduler to spawn / terminate regular and spot EC2 instances according to the number of jobs in your queue / load on your servers and other user defined params, with YAML defined thresholds
#neuro`(user defined params including indeed the hourly price of spots)
#barnabywaltersaaronpk: do you think it’s reasonable to have two forms of the relmeauth algorithms, one which demands secure redirects (which would be used for authentication stuff) and a looser one which could be used for general identity lookups?
#barnabywaltersand the *codebase* does it slightly differently depending on the direction of the rel link, but as far as I can tell that’s mainly for helpful error reporting
#aaronpkyeah, a lot of the code is dedicated to helpful error reporting.
#aaronpkit would be a much smaller algorithm if a generic "fail" was appropriate in all cases
#barnabywaltersgreat, so the prose algorithm can generalise both cases where secure redirects are handled into a single function
#barnabywalterswhich takes about 20% off the size of the spec
#aaronpkOTOH helpful error reporting is usually good
#aaronpkand if the spec doesn't suggest that, then people ahve to re-implement code that ends up following a different path than a spec
#barnabywaltersaaronpk: so also mention that the prose spec is a skeleton implementation
#aaronpkso if we put all the different error cases in the spec, then the implementations will all be closer and will all be more hepful for debugging
#barnabywaltersdigging through it all I’m having a hard time keeping track of exactly which error case is which and what needs to be done to fix it
barneybook|2, shaners, abrereton, jernst, bnvk and marjolein joined the channel
#aaronpkwell one of the first things people started saying after using indieauth is that they have a hard time figuring out how to fix a problem when there isone
#aaronpkso I started adding more helpful error messages, which also meant I had to break apart a lot of the code in order to be able to return context better
#barnabywaltersokay, so the prose spec should optimise for helpful error message handling
#aaronpki think so. otherwise, every other implementation will start getting complaints of unhelpful errors
#barnabywaltersso we need to document which errors there are, with real world examples, and what message needs to be given to the user to help them fix it