acegiaktantek: you can see from my reply to the auto comment post that I need to organise my replies so that the context isn't sent as part of the webmention comment
acegiaktantek: at the moment reblogging with whisperfollow just presents a textbox with post content as html with the existing content etc there as template
acegiakaaronpk: I think in my moving the context to a separate h-cite tag it meant that the plugin isn't finding the url to know it needs to send a webmention
tantek!tell benwerd - I think I found a bug in your checking for in-reply-to links in your webmention consuming code - appears you're only looking for them inside e-content whereas you should be looking just for a p-in-reply inside the h-entry. E.g.
tantek!tell benwerd when I curled the webmention manually to your event link (attempting to leave that as a comment), I got: {"error":"no_link_found","error_text":"The source URI does not contain a link to the target URI."}
tantek!tell caseorganic - in your presentation, rather than …2012, why do we need it, principles, what can you do - a better order: …2012, principles (how indieweb is different from prev efforts), why do we need it, what have we built, what can you do
tantek!tell caseorganic - the "future of …" slides don't seem to fit well anywhere - I'd drop them. Better to close/conclude with a solid "what can you do" call to action series, including joining the community/IRC and participating in an indiewebcamp in person.
Loqicaseorganic: tantek left you a message 2 hours, 1 minute ago: - in your presentation, rather than …2012, why do we need it, principles, what can you do - a better order: …2012, principles (how indieweb is different from prev efforts), why do we need it, what have we built, what can you do
Loqicaseorganic: tantek left you a message 2 hours ago: - the "future of …" slides don't seem to fit well anywhere - I'd drop them. Better to close/conclude with a solid "what can you do" call to action series, including joining the community/IRC and participating in an indiewebcamp in person.
barnabywaltersif an analysis app can see you’ve got two different step counts from different devices, it can decide whether to average or pick one or whatever
aaronpkoh funny, "HTTP server implementors, and in particular, CGI implementors are encouraged to support the use of `;' in place of `&' to save users the trouble of escaping `&' characters this way."
aaronpkseems like if both PHP and Rails (and presumably Ruby's Sinatra) all use [] then we should just go with that, otherwise people are going to have to write custom post request handling
aaronpkdoes that also imply we should use [] notation for nested properties, since that will most likely be handled automatically by server-side frameworks too?
aaronpkdo the indieauth dance to get a session cookie from my server, then send a URL to my phone that contains the cookie which when I open the URL on my phone saves the cookie in the app's local storage