2013-10-15 UTC
habitmelon, pfenwick and jgraham909 joined the channel
# 02:02 acegiak has anyone got posse to tumblr working? I was gonna have a go getting it working but oauth is a bit beyond me
spinnerin joined the channel
# 04:10 hupili just find that MyOpenID will stop the service..
# 04:11 acegiak hupili, yeah, indieauth apparently can now work with openid so that's neat
jernst joined the channel
# 04:23 tilgovi if I start triggering webmentions does my source uri have to have anything beyond just the link to the target?
# 04:24 tilgovi specs say just target, but the video demo on aaronpk blog seems to be scraping the content of the reply
# 04:27 acegiak tilgovi: how elese would the person receiving the webmention get the content of the reply?
# 04:29 tilgovi i had no other suggestion. that's the obvious answer.
# 04:30 tilgovi so I suppose it would be enough for a server to just link back, showing no content
# 04:30 tilgovi just wanted to check if hEntry was, in fact, the way it's being done
# 04:31 acegiak I think the point is the h-entry isn't a requirement for webmention specifically
# 04:32 acegiak but for the indieweb reply stream hentry is being used
jgraham909 joined the channel
# 04:42 hupili acegiak, does indieauth support openid2 delegation?
# 04:43 hupili when I try PyPI, it prompts "Cannot establish OpenID session: need more than 1 value to unpack
# 04:53 tilgovi acegiak: thanks. makes sense. i like that they're not bound together.
# 04:57 acegiak hupili: yeah I've had some minor issues too I'm no expert in auth stuff I just remembered seeing a post about it
# 05:12 hupili only openid1.1 is supported as the first step
# 05:19 acegiak aaronpk: did you get a webmention from me just now on the live comments test post?
cweiske, pfenwick and eschnou joined the channel
julien51, LauraJ, andreypopp, friedcell, glennjones, eschnou and melvster joined the channel
julien51, eschnou, tpinto, adactio, melvster, bnvk and barnabywalters joined the channel
glennjones, julien51 and jontangerine joined the channel
pfefferle and tantek joined the channel
# 12:29 tantek had a good meeting yesterday at the New York Times - looks like we're going to be organizing an IndieWebCampNYC there in Spring 2014. Who here would be up for that?
# 12:40 Jihaisse I wonder if there will be enought people in france to organize a IWC in france...
# 12:49 tommorris Jihaisse: I could always find an excuse to hop on the Eurostar to Paris. ;)
# 12:49 tommorris (I saw that Eurostar are going to start London to Amsterdam direct services in the next year or so. Which will be win.)
# 12:50 barnabywalters how good is rail travel between central EU countries? might be more appealing than brighton for people in Germany, Belgium, etc
# 12:53 Jihaisse barnabywalters: I don't know, I use my car when I go in Germany or in Switzerland
# 12:54 Loqi !calc 8h for going from chambery to firenze
# 12:57 tommorris Jihaisse: No, but I like Amsterdam and NL and have visited repeatedly.
# 12:58 tommorris I did overnight from Paris to Venice once. And as a kid, I did Calais to Bologna on the big sleeper you could take your car on
LauraJ joined the channel
# 13:09 acegiak pfefferle: cool, i just wanted to check i had the right address on file.
# 13:10 pfefferle I wanted to refactor the plugin and remove all mf2 so it implements only the spec
# 13:11 acegiak atm i'm adding a second hyperlink to thr content that has the markup and the text is just a dot in brackets
# 13:11 pfefferle …and move all the mf2 stuff to an extra plugin to implement all the semantic stuff
# 13:12 acegiak pfefferle: so other plugins could call the webmention function or would the webmention plugin still scan the content for links?
# 13:13 pfefferle both… it will scan the body and you can hook into all functions
# 13:15 acegiak im thinking about whether or not i can add mf2 stuff like hentry markup through plugins so that it can be template independant
squeakytoy joined the channel
# 13:21 acegiak its nearly midnight here and ive got to be up for work, but i saw you online and didnt want to miss you
# 13:22 neuro` Don't mention it, I have 2 months of branching frenzy to merge
# 13:22 pfefferle let me know if you find some bugs or feel free to contibute
# 13:23 acegiak i will, i assume you saw i forked sempress initially because the images in the blogroll were being weird for me
# 13:25 pfefferle oh! never thought about the images and never tested them...
# 13:26 acegiak just before i hit the sack, do you know a good way for a plugin to create an oauth callback url? im thinking of writing a plugin to posse to tumblr but i need to get the authentication working first
# 13:26 acegiak pfefferle, do i need to do anything to let you merge the change in github?
# 13:28 acegiak what do you think of the context metadata display?
# 13:31 acegiak dang its officially wednesday, i need to sleep. ill try and catch you again soon
melvster joined the channel
# 14:03 Jihaisse barnabywalters: do you want me to add it in the issue on github ?
# 14:08 barnabywalters Jihaisse: yeah, if you can inspect the markup in-browser and copy the HTML that would be really useful
bnvk joined the channel
# 14:49 barnabywalters too cutting edge? overprotective of classnames? on the fence about which semantic-data-in-HTML “solution” is going to “win”?
tantek-ipod joined the channel
# 14:51 tantek-ipod barnabywalters: Add it to an Issues section on our Ghost page indiewebcamp.com/Ghost
# 14:53 tantek-ipod We should track both acceptance and rejection, successes and failures.
glennjones joined the channel
# 15:02 barnabywalters what’s the wikipedia tag/template they use when an article reads too much like an advert?
# 15:05 tantek-ipod barnabywalters: Do we have any pages like that?
# 15:06 barnabywalters I knew there WP had a little box/term for it but couldn’t remember what it was
# 15:08 tantek-ipod Odd as I thought I'd created that page.
# 15:08 tommorris barnabywalters: if you log in and add "Twinkle" to your account, you get all the most frequently used tags in a JavaScript UI
# 15:09 tantek-ipod Check history
# 15:10 tantek-ipod Ah, ShaneHudson was excited about ghost
# 15:11 tantek-ipod barnabywalters: How about just moving the Development section to the end and renaming it History with subsections Kickstarter and Switch from WordPress?
_6a68 joined the channel
# 15:11 tantek-ipod To the end *of the page
# 15:11 tantek-ipod Better to fix the page than out a banner on it.
# 15:12 tommorris Yep. Fixing pages is better than "tagging" (to use Wikipedia terminology). But sometimes people take that to the ludicrous extreme of saying you should never tag, you should fix.
# 15:12 tommorris Like, if I'm reading something I know nothing about but spot an error, I'm supposed to fix that rather than tag it? Fail.
# 15:13 barnabywalters so tagging is appropriate when either your time is constrained, or you notice a bug you feel others could fix better
# 15:13 tantek-ipod I can see tagging making sense when it's too much work to fix a page possibly about a subject you have no expertise or interest in.
# 15:14 tantek-ipod barnabywalters: Perhaps ask ShaneHudson to see if he can help with getting your PR accepted.
# 15:15 tantek-ipod I think he know the ghost founders/devs
_6a68 joined the channel
# 15:17 tantek-ipod barnabywalters: Perhaps add a subhead for the specific issue Rejected microformats2 markup pull request
bnvk, josephboyle, jernst_ and bnvk_ joined the channel
benwerd joined the channel
# 16:22 Loqi benwerd: tantek left you a message on 10/13 at 7:25pm: - I think I found a bug in your checking for in-reply-to links in your webmention consuming code - appears you're only looking for them inside e-content whereas you should be looking just for a p-in-reply inside the h-entry. E.g. http://tantek.com/2013/286/t4/pcloud-indieweb-videos-posted
# 16:22 Loqi benwerd: tantek left you a message on 10/13 at 7:26pm: when I curled the webmention manually to your event link (attempting to leave that as a comment), I got: {"error":"no_link_found","error_text":"The source URI does not contain a link to the target URI."}
# 16:22 benwerd !tell tantek I saw your IM and IRC messages about my bug - will be checking it today. Thanks!
# 16:22 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 16:23 benwerd Yes, you. A tiny dinosaur or an Asgardian troublemaker? I'll never know. But thank you for being helpful.
LauraJ, squeakytoy and _6a68 joined the channel
jschweinsberg joined the channel
# 16:58 ShaneHudson Yeah, not impressed with that at all. They should have made it so you can receive replies from anyone that you have already DM'ed
# 17:01 barnabywalters if I’ve mentioned someone in a post, they should automatically be whitelisted to comment without moderation
spinnerin, josephboyle, barnabywalters, caseorganic and tantek joined the channel
# 18:17 Loqi tantek: benwerd left you a message 1 hour, 54 minutes ago: I saw your IM and IRC messages about my bug - will be checking it today. Thanks!
# 18:18 tantek ShaneHudson: You said you knew or were in touch with the Ghost folks? I think when we were chatting in Brighton.
tilgovi_, barnabywalters, tantek, tpinto, danbri, texburgher, realzies, tilgovi, musigny, julien51, glennjones, fmarier, LauraJ, bnvk and jernst joined the channel
# 20:33 tantek.com edited /Ghost (+549) "cleanup History section with some subheadings for the different events, roughly order events by actual historical order as far as can be logically gleaned, add updated criticism section with lack of selfdogfooding" (
view diff )
bnvk, tilgovi and benwerd joined the channel
# 20:39 tantek.com edited /Ghost (+32) "copy edit summary, clarify criticism founder is running WordPress on his personal domain instead of Ghost" (
view diff )
# 20:41 tantek will hold off on manual webmentions to werd.io til I hear from you
# 20:41 tantek and in the mean time working on code to send semi-automatic webmentions
# 20:42 tantek is still walking baby steps behind you trailblazers.
# 20:42 benwerd is sadly having to put all this in the cracks between other stuff, for now
julien51, abrereton and caseorganic joined the channel
julien51, lukebrooker, caseorganic, poppy, danbri and caseorga_ joined the channel