2013-10-26 UTC
bnvk joined the channel
# 00:18 tantek my goodness their actual email announcement that shaners linked to includes the literal phrase "incredible journey" (!!!)
# 00:20 tantek I want to know how much they spent on buying the domain name do.com
josephboyle joined the channel
# 01:03 tantek aaronpk - 48 line http_rels() php function ready for testing. I've been trying it on aaronparecki.com in case you've been seeing a strange useragent.
# 01:13 tantek apparently Link: header syntax can be kind a nuts - e.g.
# 01:16 tantek now should I post this function as a gist or separate file?
# 01:17 aaronpk I wouldn't mind bundling it up as its own project, adding a test suite, and publishing to composer
# 01:22 tantek reading that spec now and seeing if I missed anything obv
# 01:22 tantek e.g. "Relationship values are case-insensitive"
# 01:26 tantek aaronpk, hmm, I'm ignoring all non-rel attribute on the Link: header
mikeal joined the channel
# 01:27 tantek we ignore them there too except for special-casing alternate
# 01:27 tantek I designed that to satisfy actual use-cases, rather than full expression of what a <link> can do
# 01:28 tantek yeah - though I'm not going to bother with adding alternate-specific support
# 01:31 aaronpk well if you want, I can wrap this in a test suite real quick
# 01:33 aaronpk I can just namespace it under IndieWeb without making it into a class
# 01:33 tantek yes that would be great. in reading that spec I need to add just a bit more defensiveness.
scor joined the channel
# 01:41 tantek aaronpk - right now I'm doing the curl in the function, I wonder is it better to split it into two functions, one that just extracts the rels from a headers string.
# 01:42 aaronpk likely some people may want to fetch the headers some other way and still use the code to parse the rel values
tpinto joined the channel
# 01:45 tantek I'm going to postpone making the "extract rels from a headers string" function into CASSIS for now - but that shouldn't be too hard
# 01:47 tantek right now, just a php array, with the rel values as indices, which then are arrays of URLs themselves
# 01:50 tantek except they made the mistake of putting a registry in there (which HTML has promptly ignored and is officially using the microformats existing-rel-values registry)
# 01:51 aaronpk new rule: spec authors should be required to give a complete list of examples that can be used as tests
dybskiy joined the channel
# 02:03 tantek well alright then. ok, running some test code of my own with more examples from that spec
# 02:11 tantek should we worry about multiline header fields?
# 02:14 aaronpk oh wait you mean a header field with a newline as one of the characters? that seems weird
# 02:15 tantek newline then space is allowed as a way to break long header fields apparently
# 02:16 tantek so I'm doing this now: preg_replace('/\r\n[ \t]+/',' ',$h)
# 02:28 tantek correction: preg_replace("/(\r\n|\r|\n)[ \t]+/", " ", $h)
# 02:31 tantek well http does, but I'm coding http_rels just a bit defensively for ease of testing purposes
# 02:32 tantek so without the curl code, http_rels is 38 lines
dybskiy joined the channel
# 02:32 tantek screw commandline - I'm just going edit and copy/paste the code in
# 02:35 aaronpk you should try Gitbox, it's the best git gui i've found
# 02:36 tantek (and welcome to my classic C coding style ;) )
mikeal joined the channel
# 02:48 aaronpk oh also I was checking for an array with a 'rels' array
# 02:48 tantek e.g. this works too: head_http_rels("http://aaronparecki.com/");
# 02:48 tantek oh sorry - I simplified what http_rels returns
# 02:49 tantek it's head_http_rels that returns an array with 'status' and 'rels' array
# 02:50 tantek I figure that demonstrates how to build it up into something bigger if you want
scor joined the channel
# 02:51 tantek oh I know why - your PHP multiline string literal is not doing \n\r
# 02:57 aaronpk was throwing an error if the key doesn't exist. you must have a lower threshold of error reporting.
# 02:58 tantek technically the line-break flexibility is a change in the code to accommodate the not-quite-http-spec multiline test ;)
# 03:10 tantek aaronpk - did you notice how it parses out the X-Pingback as if it is a Link header too and returns it like a rel?
mikeal, dybskiy, josephboyle, michaelrhodes, shaners, scor, tpinto, acegiak and tantek joined the channel
# 08:49 tantek !tell aaronpk re: "must have a lower threshold of error reporting" - not sure - I was just testing it with the default php install on MacOS X 10.7
# 08:49 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
tpinto joined the channel
# 09:17 tantek tommorris - did you catch any of anildash's speaking at Mozfest on video?
# 09:19 tommorris tantek: I asked Mozilla if they are going to publish the video
andreypopp joined the channel
# 09:20 tantek yeah - saw your request. often this stuff is archived on air.mozilla.org
# 09:26 tantek tomorris I'm watching the live stream on air.mozilla.org and don't really understand what is going on
tpinto and barnabywalters joined the channel
LauraJ joined the channel
# 10:18 tantek tommoris - does Ferocity (especially the version you're running on your site) accept webmentions? or send? (or only send pingbacks?)
# 10:23 tantek.com edited /webmention (+501) "/* Discovery in PHP */ HTTP HEAD request and rel parsing library now implemented and shared on github! brief notes about how to use in this context" (
view diff )
Acidnerd, glennjones, Acidnerd1 and xtof joined the channel
# 11:03 tantek hey xtof - what are you running on your main site now?
# 11:05 xtof bonjour tantek : currently studying jekyll on a local instance. Think I should be ready next monday.
# 11:06 xtof Will start at the root name on christopheducamp.com and will describe indiemark first steps learning in french...
bnvk, Acidnerd, xtof, andreypopp, bnvk_, bnvk__, ozten, tpinto and glennjones joined the channel
xtof, LauraJ and singpolyma joined the channel
# 16:11 aaronpk I need to display "comments" under my blog posts now
# 16:12 Loqi aaronpk: tantek left you a message 7 hours, 22 minutes ago: re: "must have a lower threshold of error reporting" - not sure - I was just testing it with the default php install on MacOS X 10.7
# 16:12 aaronpk just had someone email me a link to their blog post they wrote because they "didn't find a trackback feature" on my site!
tpinto, glennjones, caseorganic, tilgovi, mikeal and barnabywalters joined the channel
caseorganic, melvster, tpinto and andreypopp joined the channel
bnvk, xtof, KevinMarks, LauraJ, Slyphoria, paulcp, caseorganic, tpinto, josephboyle and earplugs joined the channel
caseorganic, glennjones and paulcp joined the channel
aaronpk_, tpinto, jalbertbowdenii, Jeena and tobiastom joined the channel
ttepasse joined the channel
# 21:41 tobiastom I have q question about indie auth.
# 21:41 tobiastom on the website you say that persona and SMS are supported providers. How does that work?
# 21:42 bret aaronpk: I wanted to ask you about how you do flat file storage for your site... thinking of building off of my existing content that works in jekyll, and I know you had similar roots for your site
# 21:42 bret tobiastom: for SMS, you list a phone number on your site, and it sends you a one time authentication token via sms to that number
# 21:43 bret tobiastom: for persona, you list an email on your site and lets indieauth if you own it or not
# 21:43 bret tobiastom: the best way to test out those auth methods is to try it out yourself!
# 21:44 tobiastom will do, thanks.
# 21:44 bret kirby looks cool! i was looking to try and roll my own thing though in node/express
# 21:45 tobiastom there are more solutions like kirby, but I prefer that one.
# 21:48 bret it costs money though, can you hack on it?
# 21:51 tobiastom the price is just a license thing which supports the continued development of it.
aaronpk_ joined the channel
# 21:56 aaronpk bret: my file storage looks very similar to jekyll's markdown files
# 21:59 bret aaronpk: do you have any notes on how you go from the flat files the live site?
# 22:01 bret maybe next time we meet and have time we can talk about it
tpinto and tantek joined the channel
# 22:27 tantek barnabywalters - what do you think of the link rel parser I posted (with aaronpk's help) ?
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 22:32 tantek if you think of any other similar-to-rel HTTP header fields that are worth converting to rel equivalents, let meknow
# 22:32 tantek barnabywalters how does this work if $link_values is just a string? >>> $link_values = array($link_values)
# 22:32 tantek also - mine accepts a raw HTTP header block as one big string
# 22:33 barnabywalters looks like it normalises it into a list of one item instead of demanding a list
# 22:33 tantek exactly - hence I also included the function to *do* a PHP curl HEAD request to a URL for the Link headers if that's all you want to do: head_http_rels()
# 22:33 barnabywalters so crazy that PHP doesn’t have string HTTP headers -> normalised array built in
# 22:34 tantek barnabywalters - I don't see how I'd use sandeepshetty's function to parse HTTP headers - looks like you have to do some preprocessing first
# 22:35 barnabywalters tantek: not advocating its use (haven’t used it myself), just making sure you knew it existed :)
# 22:36 tantek but it's not useful on its own and it was easier to write a *38 line* function that did *all of it*
# 22:37 tantek I like functions that fit on a single screenful on my MacBook Air 11"
# 22:38 tantek doesn't understand why most code/functions takes *pages and pages*
# 22:40 tantek KevinMarks - do you mean "java" as a programming culture problem? As in, "java" programmers writing code in other languages write bloated code?
# 22:40 barnabywalters there are tradeoffs, as with anything. I find cassis extremely difficult to understand because of all the single letter variables
# 22:40 tantek barnabywalters - yeah - no argument there - the usability of cassis.js needs work
# 22:40 tantek which is why I decided to write this function as just PHP rather than cassis
# 22:41 tantek though the http_rels($h) function could easily be converted to cassis.js
# 22:41 KevinMarks yes, java trains people into insane verbosity. Also spawning needles entities
caseorganic joined the channel
# 22:46 tantek you'll never get anything done on your own site if you have to write pages and pages of code with 10-level deep code folder structures.
# 22:46 tantek no one in the indieweb community is building their own site/code with Java AFAIK.
josephboyle joined the channel
# 22:50 tantek I've been fairly convinced by Crockford's JSLint coding guidelines
# 22:52 tantek barnabywalters - how do you iterate through the hyperlinks in your posts when doing webmentions? do you iterate through the HTML output of your system, or do you iterate through some sort of pre-output like markdown etc.?
# 22:56 tantek sure - but then you'll get double mentions right? for the URL in the href and for the URL in the plain text?
# 22:57 tantek e.g. if you reply to yourself with a relative URL
# 22:57 barnabywalters usually I’m not that fussed about sending webmentions to relative URLs on my own site, but it’s a good point
# 22:58 barnabywalters I try not to use too many relative URLs, having seen how awkward it is to implement spec-compliant software which consumes them correctly
tpinto joined the channel
# 23:08 tantek yahoo pipes that you can run on your own domain
# 23:09 barnabywalters sounds like most of the original creators moved on to other stuff/away from yahoo
Acidnerd joined the channel