2013-10-25 UTC
# 00:01 tantek acegiak - moderation will get quickly overwhelmed and depressing
# 00:01 tantek that's one of the reasons Akismet is giving up on Pingback
# 00:01 tantek moderation is not a reasonable/scalable/sustainable part of the answer to defense against spam
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# 05:56 cweiske when receiving webmentions from and to fragmented URLs, shall the existance of elements with that name be checked, too?
# 05:56 cweiske example.org/foo#bar would need to contain a id="bar" html tag
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abrereton, friedcell, andreypopp, caseorganic, tpinto, Jihaisse, glennjones and pfefferle joined the channel
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# 10:18 acegiak has anyone tested semantic linkbacks with pfefferle's fix?
# 10:32 pfefferle not yet… had a lot to do the last days… perhaps on weekend
# 10:32 acegiak hmm. now im not getting anything, which is interesting
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# 11:32 pfefferle perhaps we could extract the "parser" code into an external lib to use unit testing...
# 11:43 pfefferle that's true, but I think it's easier to test the parser separately from the pingback/webmention stuff to check where the error occurs
# 11:46 acegiak I'm just replying to myself en-masse and then I'll delete them all later
Acidnerd, Jihaisse and abrereton joined the channel
# 12:13 pfefferle barnabywalters is it against the spec to extend the h-* entries with a "value" attribute that holds the complete html-code of the element?
# 12:16 acegiak ok so it's definitiely the hentry walker that's giving me trouble
# 12:16 pfefferle that would make it way easier to check if the link is inside the entry… the rest should be only to check the type of the mention
# 12:19 pfefferle there are a lot of ways to markup "replies", "likes" or "rsvps" and it is a lot to check to get the right h-entry
# 12:19 pfefferle it would be easier to get the h-entry with pregmatching the link and THEN checking for the type (like, reply, rsvp)
# 12:26 barnabywalters you should never have to do that — there should only be one top-level h-entry on post permalink pages
# 12:27 acegiak ok I need to head to bed, I'll do some more tomorrow
# 12:28 pfefferle nevertheless do i have to check a lot of attributes to be sure the link is part of the h-entry
eschnou, scor and tantek joined the channel
# 13:48 tantek pfefferle: The link doesn't have to be part of the entry. It just typically is.
# 13:50 tantek Where are you getting the impression/requirement that you have "to be sure the link is part of the h-entry"?
# 13:51 pfefferle tantek but that is a good way to spam… if someone has a link to an article of my page in a global area (for example in a blogroll), then potentially every webmention from every site is a valid reply!?!
# 13:51 tantek pfefferle: Spam has to do with *who* it is coming from, not what page.
# 13:52 pfefferle not really, because everyone could send webmentions from the command line… if it is his page or not
# 13:52 tantek And in such and example, those would only be mentions not replies.
# 13:54 tantek I would also file that "problem" aa theoretical until we see a real world example.
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# 13:57 pfefferle ok, let me summarize that… validating a request could be: check if site has mentioned the target-url anywhere on the site… get the first h-entry and use it as a for example reply?
# 14:00 pfefferle ah ok… Now I think I got it… Check if site has mentioned target-url… Check first h-entry if it has any kind of reply merkup -> it is a reply… if not it is a mention… ?!?
# 14:00 barnabywalters how to determine whether or not a page links to another, and if it does, of what type is the link
# 14:01 tantek Ok ok I'll get my laptop. Still dark outside here in SF.
# 14:02 pfefferle yes… for example a site has a rel-in-reply-to link outside the h-entry… is the h-entry a reply or not?
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# 14:02 Jihaisse why a site have an rel-in-reply-to outside the h-entry ?
# 14:03 tantek barnabywalters - it's also about keeping the specs simple
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# 14:03 pfefferle but that is a problem… there are a lot of different markups that people use...
# 14:04 tantek pfefferle, I think you are making it sound harder than it is. So we need to be more explicit.
# 14:04 tantek barnabywalters - there are three levels to this:
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# 14:04 tantek 2. does the link back have any rel semantics? if so, use them
# 14:05 tantek 3. is there an h-entry on the page? if so, use it for comment/RSVP content
# 14:05 tantek (1) is a required part of webmention - does the source actually have a link to the target
# 14:06 barnabywalters why prioritising rel values over potentially more detailed h-entry properties?
# 14:06 tantek and is required for *anything* that implements webmention, e.g. a webmention proxy
# 14:06 tantek barnabywalters - because a simple rel value is MUCH easier to publish
# 14:06 barnabywalters Jihaisse: you shouldn’t have more than one top-level h-entry on post permalink pages
# 14:06 barnabywalters tantek: understood, but if people *have* published more detailed info, why not try to consume that first
# 14:07 pfefferle tantek yes, but you can't be sure if it has a relation to the first h-entry on the page
# 14:07 tantek Jihaisse: of course it is, e.g. an archive page, but typically it doesn't make sense for those to send webmentions
# 14:07 tantek barnabywalters - that's reasonable. we can treat rel-only markup as a fallback from h-entry markup
# 14:08 tantek pfefferle - it doesn't matter - if the first h-entry on the page *doesn't* relate to that link, then people will debug that quickly
# 14:08 tantek just as barnabywalters quickly debugged the bad double-marked up hentry/h-entry problem recently
# 14:10 tantek pfefferle - now if you're trying to write a webmention *validator* for people to check their posts with - that's a different story - then you can do all kinds of "lint" like warnings etc.
# 14:11 tantek in production it's better to just implement the algorithm we figure out
# 14:11 tantek rather than add bunches of edge cases and stuff
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# 14:21 tantek.com edited /in-reply-to (+493) "/* How to consume in-reply-to */ provide more understandable summary, tweak algorithm details to make it simpler / more robust to code, note may use different algorithm if produces same results" (
view diff )
# 14:25 tantek great. I think in general we should provide brief prose summaries that help answer questions like in the discussion we just had here in IRC
# 14:26 tantek also - there's a bunch of potential FAQs up there
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# 14:45 pfefferle tantek we had a discussion about using mf2 to markup the wordpress plugins-list, to consume it on other places… do you have an ideas what to use or should i define a posh-format?
# 14:47 tantek also, might want to take a new microformats/poshformat discussion over to #microformats
# 14:48 pfefferle I want to build a wordpress plugin that lists all indieweb plugins around to make it as easy as possible to install them… and barnabywalters had the idea to use the wiki as "source"
# 14:49 tantek pfefferle - do you really want to make it that easy? I mean, won't that just help spammers spam the indieweb?
# 14:49 tantek (since spammers love to install wordpress spam blogs)
# 14:50 pfefferle not yet, the plugins are providing some helpfull stuff but you can't use them without indieweb and mf knowledge yet… and i am not sure if this will ever change...
# 14:51 barnabywalters pfefferle: start with what information do you need in order to generate the plugin installation UI and actually install the plugins?
# 14:52 barnabywalters then make a draft mf2 vocabulary out of that, reusing as appropriate from existing ones
# 14:52 tantek also - the plugins list right now is quite a hodgepodge
# 14:53 tantek plenty of things there you don't need for the indieweb - that list needs some better curation
# 14:53 tantek pfefferle - more importan than a format, is a higher quality list itself
# 14:58 tantek for example, Salmon, all the Syndication plugins
# 14:59 tantek and for Login, all you need is IndieAuth, you don't need separate OpenID or BrowserID/Persona
# 14:59 tantek when I've shown this to other folks who have Wordpress - their response is - wow I have to install all of that?!?
# 15:00 tantek and often it's not clear which plugin does what and why would you want to install it (what indieweb capabilities do you get when you install it)
# 15:00 pfefferle yes, but is that a problem? you said you want to scare spammers ;)
# 15:00 tantek maybe move some to a "Related Social Web" section below?
# 15:01 tantek pfefferle - the point about scaring spammers was a bit of a joke ;)
# 15:01 tantek the irony is that designing for ease of use for a "typical" wordpress user and a spammer is likely to be very similar
# 15:02 tantek a typical wordpress user will likely just want an "indieweb" plugin that "does all the right indieweb things"
# 15:02 pfefferle No, seriously… I like to build plugins to fit only a specific problem and not to solve all IndieWeb "problems"
# 15:02 tantek but at least we can minimize the set of plugins that are *essential* indiweb plugins
# 15:02 tantek and then maybe list optional indieweb ones below that
# 15:03 tantek and then list past/old technology ones (like Salmon, OpenID etc.) below that
# 15:03 tantek pfefferle - that's totally fine - modularity is good
# 15:03 tantek however, we should provide them in at least those priority clusterings for ease of discovery by new wordpress folks
# 15:04 pfefferle barnabywalters noone is using salmon… i built it for my ostatus plugin… long time ago...
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# 15:08 tantek thanks pfefferle - looking forward to seeing which plugins go in which set
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# 15:15 tantek we've been drawing a (minor) distinction between those who have actually made it to an event
# 15:16 barnabywalters e.g. barry frost isn’t a “community member” per se, but has been doing some awesome work and deserves to be mentioned in implementation listings
# 15:17 pfefferle am i part of the "attendies" if i attended two camps remotely?
# 15:18 tantek the realtime aspect of the participation is key - also it demonstrates a greater commitment to the community
# 15:18 barnabywalters I suppose listing them separately helps give people a sense of how easy they are to engage, how likely they are to respond to questions etc
# 15:18 tantek barnabywalters - people like to get a sense of how involved are people
# 15:18 tantek and indiewebcamp participant vs. community member vs. other independents is a good sorting for that
# 15:20 pfefferle I will add a simple description to every plugin any time soon
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# 15:32 tantek also I don't know which of those are actually essential - you would know better
# 15:32 tantek if any there should be moved to "optional" please do so!
# 15:32 tantek thanks - that will help a lot - even just a few words summary (to fit on the same line)
# 15:33 tantek and then we can start seeing what other wordpress users think when they see the page
# 15:33 tantek I know there are WordPress users that want to be "more indieweb" but they're not sure how - if this page can help them - that would be great!
# 15:34 tantek pfefferle - openid had its chance as is now a bit of a disaster (from a standards/community perspective)
# 15:34 tantek plus as a *user* of openid, I can now use indieauth as my openid provider
# 15:35 tantek pfefferle - and it's not just me - aaronpk struggled with lots of problems trying to consume OpenIDs for the wiki when we set that up at first
# 15:36 tantek thanks so much pfefferle - this will help a lot
# 15:37 tantek I know a bunch of wordpress users (e.g. at work, Mozilla) and they've been asking what they can/should install - and I honestly didn't know!
# 15:37 tantek who else here is using WordPress on their primary domain?
# 15:39 pfefferle how can i link to someones profile page on the wiki, but using the name instead of the domain?
# 15:46 tantek once you've copied them all over, we can perhaps shorten the list on the "projects" page to just IndieWebCamp participants, since the WordPress page will have the full list
# 15:58 tantek makes it easier for people to one-click go see what their wordpress usage looks like
# 15:59 tantek (and verify that yes that person is using wordpress)
# 16:00 tantek !tell skinny Looks like you haven't signed into IndieWebCamp.com since we switched over to IndieAuth - could you sign-in and create your user page (even with just your name and link to your site) so we can link you up on other pages?
# 16:00 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 16:03 tantek pfefferle - it helps to see a list of people in the broader context of projects
# 16:04 tantek to compare which projects have how much uptake/usage
# 16:04 tantek though I do like xtof's explicit listing of the plugins he uses
# 16:12 pfefferle tantek I think we should copy the research part of christophe ducamp to a "research" section on the wordpress section
# 16:13 tantek yeah I was trying to figure out what to do with that
# 16:13 tantek.com edited /projects (-463) "/* WordPress */ trim this section down to a summary and listing of IndieWebCamp participants using Wordpress since the main WordPress page is much better now!" (
view diff )
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# 16:17 tantek ok pfefferle -I'm done touching those pages for a bit - have at it
# 16:22 tantek also - we should add acegiak as a community member in that list
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# 16:30 tantek ok - *now* I'm stepping away from the keyboard ;)
# 16:31 tantek Thanks again pfefferle - I think we've made the /WordPress page *a lot* friendlier and more usable. Now to try it out with more WordPress folks and see if the indieweb plugins get more installation and feedback.
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# 21:34 mikeal brianloveswords: i really want a pirate radio station now
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# 22:00 tantek.com edited /webmention (+154) "/* IndieWeb implementations */ link to sites that accept webmentions to make it easier to check how they're publishing discovery information" (
view diff )
# 22:02 brianloveswords mikeal: it's gonna happen! Or, at the very least, I will *try* to make it happen :D
# 22:11 tantek hmm - either tommorris turned off his webmention discovery, or never had support for webmention in the first place?
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# 22:15 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 22:16 tantek.com edited /webmention (-89) "/* IndieWeb implementations */ update a few discovery implementations, can't find any sign of webmention on tommorris.org (home or permalinks) so commenting out" (
view diff )
# 22:19 tantek is there anyway on github to search a particular person's repos?
# 22:21 tantek and you have to specifically click Code to search code and not just repo names
# 22:21 tantek e.g. searching someone's repos for "curl" to see how they use it :)
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# 22:23 tantek I'm thinking of writing a small function to do a head curl and turn any Link: headers into same JSON return format as the canonical microformats2 parsing output
# 22:23 tantek wondering if that would be useful to anyone else - it's how I'm going about building a building block for my webmention discovery code
# 22:24 tantek basically just treating the HEAD like another document with microformats
# 22:24 tantek I don't know if it is useful or not, so I'm going to try building it to find out
# 22:25 tantek feels like a good way to isolate away HEAD-specific logic
# 22:26 aaronpk I feel like my coding tends to be either way more overthought or way less thought through than yours :)
# 22:26 tantek I also like small contained bits of code I feel like I can write quickly, test, and then park.
# 22:27 aaronpk totally. i've been trying to modularize more stuff that way too, like the webmention client and such.
# 22:28 tantek it's also the only way I've found so far to incrementally open source my code in a way that won't cause me huge maintenance/support headaches
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# 22:38 tantek and google is useless for searching for anything "LINK:" :P
# 22:39 pdurbin I feel like I try "link:" once every 3 years and it never works
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# 22:40 tantek pdurbin I'm actually searching for the literal "Link:" as in what most webmention implementations are returning in the HTTP HEAD
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# 23:31 peat ... the front page image is pretty dark considering the discontinuation message. "It's time to say goodbye."
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