#waterpigs.co.ukedited /h-entry (+948) "/* Using h-entry */ mentioned usage of h-entry in different contexts, stubbed how to consume section" (view diff)
#pfefferlenevertheless do i have to check a lot of attributes to be sure the link is part of the h-entry
eschnou, scor and tantek joined the channel
#tantekpfefferle: The link doesn't have to be part of the entry. It just typically is.
#tantekWhere are you getting the impression/requirement that you have "to be sure the link is part of the h-entry"?
#pfefferletantek but that is a good way to spam… if someone has a link to an article of my page in a global area (for example in a blogroll), then potentially every webmention from every site is a valid reply!?!
#tantekpfefferle: Spam has to do with *who* it is coming from, not what page.
#pfefferlenot really, because everyone could send webmentions from the command line… if it is his page or not
#tantekAnd in such and example, those would only be mentions not replies.
#pfefferleok, let me summarize that… validating a request could be: check if site has mentioned the target-url anywhere on the site… get the first h-entry and use it as a for example reply?
#pfefferleah ok… Now I think I got it… Check if site has mentioned target-url… Check first h-entry if it has any kind of reply merkup -> it is a reply… if not it is a mention… ?!?
#barnabywalterssounds like we need a new consumption algoritm
#barnabywaltershow to determine whether or not a page links to another, and if it does, of what type is the link
#tantekOk ok I'll get my laptop. Still dark outside here in SF.
#pfefferleyes… for example a site has a rel-in-reply-to link outside the h-entry… is the h-entry a reply or not?
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#Jihaissewhy a site have an rel-in-reply-to outside the h-entry ?
#barnabywaltersI would say yes, but we’d need to find and document an actual example
#barnabywalterslet’s start with what people are actually publishing at the moment
#tantekjust as barnabywalters quickly debugged the bad double-marked up hentry/h-entry problem recently
#tantekpfefferle - now if you're trying to write a webmention *validator* for people to check their posts with - that's a different story - then you can do all kinds of "lint" like warnings etc.
#tantek.comedited /in-reply-to (+493) "/* How to consume in-reply-to */ provide more understandable summary, tweak algorithm details to make it simpler / more robust to code, note may use different algorithm if produces same results" (view diff)
#pfefferletantek we had a discussion about using mf2 to markup the wordpress plugins-list, to consume it on other places… do you have an ideas what to use or should i define a posh-format?
#tantekpfefferle - not sure - what's the use case?
#pfefferleI want to build a wordpress plugin that lists all indieweb plugins around to make it as easy as possible to install them… and barnabywalters had the idea to use the wiki as "source"
#tantekpfefferle - do you really want to make it that easy? I mean, won't that just help spammers spam the indieweb?
#tantek(since spammers love to install wordpress spam blogs)
#pfefferlenot yet, the plugins are providing some helpfull stuff but you can't use them without indieweb and mf knowledge yet… and i am not sure if this will ever change...
#barnabywalterspfefferle: start with what information do you need in order to generate the plugin installation UI and actually install the plugins?
#barnabywaltersthen make a draft mf2 vocabulary out of that, reusing as appropriate from existing ones
#barnabywaltersthen implement it and fix whatever problems become obvious
#tantekalso - the plugins list right now is quite a hodgepodge
#tantekplenty of things there you don't need for the indieweb - that list needs some better curation
#tantekpfefferle - more importan than a format, is a higher quality list itself
#pfefferletantek what's the problem with the list?
#tantekand often it's not clear which plugin does what and why would you want to install it (what indieweb capabilities do you get when you install it)
#barnabywaltersthere’s a salmon comment plugin for wordpress? people actually use salmon?
#pfefferleyes, but is that a problem? you said you want to scare spammers ;)
#tantekmaybe move some to a "Related Social Web" section below?
#tantekpfefferle - the point about scaring spammers was a bit of a joke ;)
#tantekthe irony is that designing for ease of use for a "typical" wordpress user and a spammer is likely to be very similar
#barnabywalterse.g. barry frost isn’t a “community member” per se, but has been doing some awesome work and deserves to be mentioned in implementation listings
#barnabywaltersI suppose listing them separately helps give people a sense of how easy they are to engage, how likely they are to respond to questions etc
#tantekbarnabywalters - people like to get a sense of how involved are people
#pfefferleso it's easier to understand what they are doing
bnvk joined the channel
#pfefferleoh, the hashtags plugin isn't really essantial
#pfefferleand i was not sure about the url-shortener
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#tantek.comedited /WordPress (+485) "add explicit people section, break it down, group Plugins in a common heading, add subsections, trim subheads" (view diff)
#tantekonce you've copied them all over, we can perhaps shorten the list on the "projects" page to just IndieWebCamp participants, since the WordPress page will have the full list
#tantek!tell skinny Looks like you haven't signed into IndieWebCamp.com since we switched over to IndieAuth - could you sign-in and create your user page (even with just your name and link to your site) so we can link you up on other pages?
#tantek.comedited /projects (-463) "/* WordPress */ trim this section down to a summary and listing of IndieWebCamp participants using Wordpress since the main WordPress page is much better now!" (view diff)
#tantekThanks again pfefferle - I think we've made the /WordPress page *a lot* friendlier and more usable. Now to try it out with more WordPress folks and see if the indieweb plugins get more installation and feedback.
#tantek.comedited /webmention (+154) "/* IndieWeb implementations */ link to sites that accept webmentions to make it easier to check how they're publishing discovery information" (view diff)
#brianloveswordsmikeal: it's gonna happen! Or, at the very least, I will *try* to make it happen :D
#tantekhmm - either tommorris turned off his webmention discovery, or never had support for webmention in the first place?
#tantek.comedited /webmention (-89) "/* IndieWeb implementations */ update a few discovery implementations, can't find any sign of webmention on tommorris.org (home or permalinks) so commenting out" (view diff)
#tantekis there anyway on github to search a particular person's repos?
#aaronpkI believe the search bar scope can be changed
#tantekI'm thinking of writing a small function to do a head curl and turn any Link: headers into same JSON return format as the canonical microformats2 parsing output