#JonathanNealFeel free to tell me if this has no baring on the indie web way.
#acegiakif you posse out to other services then the content is still subject to their terms of service, but as long as it started on your site then you have control over he original content
#acegiakwhereas if you pesos the the way you display the content syndicated on your own site or even your ability to do so at all is controlled by those services
#JonathanNealI guess it depends. "There is no system today that enables me to share my email address with you and then simultaneously lets me control who you share it with and also lets you control what services you share it with."
#JonathanNealI'm not sure how anyone can put anything on a publicly accessible page and then hold distribution rights over it.
#JonathanNealAt least, without a lot of money and lawyers.
#JonathanNealI haven't read the online distribution rights for dummies.
#peat... I suppose you could create lots of email aliases, assign them to the people you expect to have them, and block everyone else.
#JonathanNealWhat rights do you have over what you put on your own website, is that written anywhere in plain terms?
#pdurbinJonathanNeal: are you worried someone's going to take your words and make money from them?
#JonathanNealNo, I'm trying to get a local archive to publish some of their catalog online.
#JonathanNealThey don't profit from it, but they're old and want to understand what happens to content on the internet, and they share links with me like the ones above.
#JonathanNeala historical archive of photos, text, letters, etc.
#skinnytantek: I think 90% of what I want to do with falcon with photos could be accomplished by making hashtags links that to a search results page for that hashtag.
#JonathanNealtantek: Amber's presentation was fantastic.
#tantekskinny - wow - those two things seem quite orthogonal!
#skinnyi was hoping to have everything backup to my dropbox account anyway
#JonathanNealpdurbin: do you use a numeric timestamp in your archives? If so, what system? I've always wondered how to archive my own content that extends before 1970 or past 2038.
#skinnywhat's the issue with uploading to your own server?
#tantekJonathanneal - you've create content before 1970?
#tantekJonathanNeal re: major distraction, not sure. Organizational independence is a related but different problem than personal independence. There's probably a lot that can be re-used.
#acegiakpfefferle: I'mma switch to experimental branch of the webmention plugin
#pfefferlebut it doesn't have mf2 support any more...
#acegiak!tell tantek - I totally agree about wordpress being a major threat to the indieweb, it's a major risk of homogenity. I'm just a little bit too comfortable with it to move at this point which worries me
#pfefferleacegiak I am not yet sure if it should be part of the webmention plugin or a seperate one… what do you think?
#acegiakwe don't need one to send webmentions, do we? cause if we send a webmention with the experimental plugin (by calling a do_action) and the markup is there in sempress then the sending working
#acegiakpfefferle: the mf2 plugin would be more about handling the mf2 parsing of RECEIVED webmentions, yeah?
#cweiskeacegiak, in what way threatens wordpress the indieweb?
#KevinMarksin the same way tumblr does - if it is easier to use built-in collboration over truly indie ways
#acegiakcweiske: wordpress' existing massive userbase and simplicity of setup etc make it a risk of becoming a defacto standard which has all the same issues as things like diaspora etc
#acegiakpfefferle: experimental branch has a lot of occurrences of "webfinger" is that a type or just unremoved stuff from copy-paste from webfinger plugin?
#pfefferlethis is a typo because i worked a lot on the webfinger plugin the last few days
#pdurbinJonathanNeal: numeric timestamps? our system gives data DOIs (something academic papers get these days): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_object_identifier ... the idea is that you should be able to cite data and let people get credit for it. We can take this to #dvn if you want
#acegiakpfefferle: so the webmention experimental currently saves a section of the body of the remote post as a comment
#acegiakif I hook into that action it's just going to duplicate it?
#pfefferleyou can disable that action or you can do it like i did in the last version
#pfefferleyou can use the generated comment and replace it
#barnabywalterspfefferle: RE u- vs p-, it should be a matter of checking to see if the in-reply-to property is a nested microformat, and grabbing the URL if it is
#pfefferlebecause rels are for the complete site and not h-entry specific
#acegiakpfefferle: I'm gonna adjust my template then as a short term fix
#pfefferleyes, but we have to improve the parser a lot to support as many possibilities as possible
#acegiakpfefferle: oh yeah I shouldn't have find-replaced that one
Acidnerd, skinny, LauraJ, bnvk, eschnou and tantek joined the channel
#Loqitantek: acegiak left you a message 6 hours, 3 minutes ago: - I totally agree about wordpress being a major threat to the indieweb, it's a major risk of homogenity. I'm just a little bit too comfortable with it to move at this point which worries me
#tantekacegiak - don't get me wrong - I think all the work in this channel by folks on WordPress plugins is *awesome*.
#tantekeveryone I've seen here doing so has the right attitude, it's about interoperability with the indieweb, beyond just getting something to work in WordPress.
#tantekalso, by doing everything as plugins rather than core, we do hold-off the spammers for a bit longer.
#tantek"These days almost 100% of Trackbacks and Pingbacks are spam. They are very heavily abused and the next version of Akismet will block all of them by default."
#tantekso the centralized solution (Akismet) will block the decentralized protocols.
#acegiakqe can always re-add pingbacks to wprdpress as a plugin
#tantekmcepl - we're still figuring out how to do comments well ourselves, nevermind implementing them :)
#tantekacegiak - why bother if 100% of them are spam?
#mceplmost WP-competitos seem to throw comments over the wall (aka Disqus)
#tantekwhy not only use webmention, make the webmention protocol stronger against spam to being with, and leave pingback behind to spammers spamming each other?
#cweiskeI had ~20 pingbacks and 2 of them were spam (copies of stackoverflow questions/answers)
#tantek!tell skinny thanks for the design/style feedback and suggestions. I've made most of the changes you suggested. Kept type slightly larger in a couple of cases, the better for mobile (without needing media queries). reload tantek.com
#bretJonathanNeal: we mark up our comment html with microformats 2, then notify the website we are responding to with a webmention, and that website then parses the information from our site and posts a copy to itself in the correct context
#JonathanNealdo you ping their page with a post request or what?
#bretwe use webmention, its works like a pingback, but without xml stuff
#tantek.comedited /spam (+1875) "add WordPress Spam section so we can start documenting spammer tactics in the hopes of building better defenses for the indieweb" (view diff)
#tantekacegiak - I got your webmention in my queue!