2013-10-23 UTC
tpinto, taterbase, barnabywalters and scor joined the channel
npdoty, bnvk, melvster, paulcp_, taterbase, squeakytoy2, tpinto, caseorganic, ryana, earplugs, thatryana and tantek joined the channel
# 02:52 acegiak tantek: have you gotten any webmentions from me today?
# 02:52 tantek FYI both benwerd & I are running late to the meetup. Be there in a min.
# 02:55 tantek acegiak: Webmention.io let me see my list of mentions, though presumably it's queuing them up.
# 02:56 acegiak tantek: I think my script is not picking up the server because the rel is in the new format
ryana, squeakytoy2, caseorga_, lukebrooker, scor, tpinto, dybskiy, taterbase and jgraham909 joined the channel
# 03:41 acegiak does anyone have a good example of sniffing out the webmention server endpoint in php now that the rel can be either webmention or webmention.org or any combination therein?
# 03:42 aaronpk if you use a real html parser you can just look for a rel value of webmention or webmention.org
earplugs joined the channel
# 03:47 acegiak aaronpk: yeah but that's still looking only for webmention.org
taterbase joined the channel
# 03:47 acegiak the problem lies in the oh awit no I'm reading it wrong
tantek joined the channel
lukebrooker joined the channel
# 03:59 acegiak is that happening everytime that post is updated or commented on?
# 04:00 acegiak I want "it must be a wordpress thing" on a tshirt
dybskiy, earplugs, tpinto, thatryana, earplugs1, abrereton and caseorganic joined the channel
lukebrooker and KevinMarks joined the channel
tpinto, taterbase, caseorganic and cweiske joined the channel
# 05:44 cweiske who is technically responsible for the webmention.org redirect to github?
taterbase joined the channel
# 05:55 cweiske I get a 503 when issuing a HEAD request against that domain
fmarier, tpinto and melvster joined the channel
ryana, andreypopp and friedcell joined the channel
# 07:02 icco cweiske, I've usually assumed aaronpk, but i don't know for sure
Jihaisse joined the channel
ryana, LauraJ and tpinto joined the channel
dybskiy, tantek, tpinto, andreypopp, ryana, taterbase, pfefferle and glennjones joined the channel
# 08:56 cweiske pfefferle, I don't understand what your plugin is doing by reading the description
fmarier joined the channel
# 08:58 pfefferle than it must be really bad… since both of you know indieauth :(
# 08:58 cweiske the first paragraph is a description of indieauth
# 08:59 pfefferle yes, seems a bit too wordpress specific… should write a more prosa version
# 09:04 pfefferle but every other blog user can use his domain to do so too
# 09:07 cweiske "Lets you login to the wordpress backend via indieauth. Uses the profile URL."
# 09:12 pfefferle It uses the URL from the profile-page to identify the blog-user.
LauraJ, ryana and tpinto joined the channel
# 09:21 cweiske and I wouldn't repeat the whole indieauth story in the description
taterbase joined the channel
tpinto joined the channel
# 09:54 Jihaisse pfefferle: how do you manage to have the login form on https ?
adactio, barnabywalters, LauraJ, ryana, taterbase and ttepasse joined the channel
# 11:00 pfefferle it logins in the user that has the url setup on the profile page
# 11:01 acegiak pfefferle, I was adding an action to the webmention plugin so that I could call the webmention_send_ping from my plugin, which works
# 11:02 acegiak but I noticed that the discover_webmention_server_uri only picks up rel="http://webmention.org/" and not rel="webmention" or rel="webmention http://webmention.org/"
# 11:03 acegiak I threw together this modification of the method from the default webmention php library
# 11:04 acegiak I was gonna check in the change but I guess I'll wait
# 11:04 Jihaisse pfefferle: every time I try, it login with the second user. I tried to fill the profil url with a fake, but doesn't work...
# 11:05 pfefferle Jihaisse can you give me a url where you have installed it?
# 11:08 pfefferle acegiak I am sorry that you had some extra work with the discovery
scor, bnvk, ryana, tpinto and abrereton joined the channel
abrereton joined the channel
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# 12:09 pfefferle now you can try it on your blog if it works with the right url
# 12:09 Jihaisse pfefferle: have you upadted the plugin on wordpress ?
scor joined the channel
ryana, taterbase, scor, bnvk, singpolyma, LauraJ and glennjones joined the channel
eschnou joined the channel
# 14:09 barnabywalters that phone # doesn’t actually work any more, but I did use it to log in a few times
# 14:13 pfefferle yes, but you don't have to link it, because firefox will handle it for you
# 14:15 pfefferle ah ok, to work with indieauth… if you want to implement persona it is not necessary
# 14:21 tommorris In the spirit of freeing oneself from big evil companies, I've just started the switch from Gmail to Fastmail.
melvster and taterbase joined the channel
# 14:38 tommorris Jihaisse: it's alright. it's not as advanced as Gmail, but it's cleaner and less overengineered/Ajaxy
LauraJ joined the channel
_6a68, ryana, andreypopp and ozten joined the channel
taterbase, LauraJ and dybskiy joined the channel
npdoty, taterbase, benprew and scor joined the channel
# 16:25 aaronpk it works in the reply context on the twitter permalink but not for your actual tweet content
# 16:26 barnabywalters aaronpk: oh interesting — I knew it didn’t work properly on tweet permalinks, interesting that it works for reply contexts
ttepasse joined the channel
# 16:28 barnabywalters anyone know of a good interactive graph (nodes and edges) creation JS library?
KevinMarks, npdoty, _6a68, tantek, paulcp, indiewebcamp-vis, caseorganic and caseorga_ joined the channel
# 17:10 tantek anyone know when barryfrost implemented receiving webmentions on his site?
# 17:12 tantek based on this post - which looks like a "like" of one of his own posts, that he sent himself via webmention, I'm going with 2013-09-15 for both sending & receiving
# 17:13 tantek how many u-like u-repost publishing/sending/receiving implementations do we have now?
# 17:13 aaronpk i feel like we should have an indiewebcamp.com/how-to-comment page that I can just link to on my site
# 17:14 tantek aaronpk - yeah - a "main" how-to-comment page would be great
# 17:14 tantek maybe even ask barry if we can re-use his text since he did a great job
glennjones and tantek joined the channel
ryana joined the channel
# 17:33 tantek.com edited /webactions (+313) "/* Action tag examples in the wild */ add Barry Frost as of 2013-10-07 (as based on when some of his posts have webactions)" (
view diff )
# 17:33 brianloveswords tantek: Atul (toolness) said he's also down to help organize NYC 2014! I'll get him to add his name to the list at some point.
cweiske joined the channel
# 17:54 cweiske aaronpk, did you read my webmention.org HEAD request problem message?
ryana joined the channel
# 17:59 aaronpk cweiske: webmention.org is run by sandeep. webmention.io is mine
LauraJ and taterbase joined the channel
bnvk, paulcp, paulcp_, LauraJ and taterbase joined the channel
scor and mikeal joined the channel
# 18:44 mikeal so, JSFest IndieWeb event :)
# 18:44 mikeal it doesn't have to be that *weekend*
# 18:44 mikeal we're actually filling in a week or so of events
# 18:44 mikeal if all goes well
# 18:45 aaronpk so unfortunately the following monday is one of the two big esri events per year, so amber and I will be totally booked getting ready for that and then will be out starting monday
# 18:46 aaronpk but, that doesn't mean there aren't other people who can help organize!
# 18:46 aaronpk could even do a sort of mini camp, half day or something instead of a full two days
# 18:46 mikeal i wonder what Tantek is up to :)
# 18:46 mikeal i'd like to keep it free like the previous ones so i'm trying to talk to Mozilla about using their space
ryana joined the channel
# 18:48 cweiske github.com doesn't understand HEAD requests.... answers with 404, while the GET gives a 200
# 18:49 mikeal does he hang in here ever?
# 18:49 mikeal cool, i'll just idle until he comes around then :)
# 18:50 aaronpk !tell tantek mikeal wants to talk to you about hosting an indiewebcamp at mozilla!
# 18:50 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
melvster and glennjones joined the channel
# 18:57 mikeal so, yes, i was actually hoping to get Mozilla's SF space for it
# 18:57 mikeal but my strategy to engage Mozilla is talking to Brendan directly, which has a big lag time :)
# 18:58 brianloveswords mikeal: ahh you should talk to tantek about getting the SF space! I can also talk to some people, a few of us from the badges team are in SF and can probably figure it out.
# 18:59 mikeal that would be great
# 18:59 mikeal i need someone to sort of take point and run with it
# 18:59 mikeal because i've got a bunch of other stuff going on
# 18:59 mikeal I can stick the info up on the site and link to the relevant IndieWebCamp registration stuff
# 18:59 mikeal any date around the ones we already announced
# 19:00 mikeal so like, any time between March 7th and March 15th
# 19:00 mikeal preferrably not on the 9th or 10th
# 19:01 brianloveswords mikeal: okay! I can take point on this, but I'm probably not gonna make any headway until next week – I'm flying out to London for MozFest in like four hours :)
caseorganic joined the channel
# 19:02 mikeal that's fine, stuff is getting added and announced for the next month or so
# 19:02 mikeal take that off my checklist :)
bnvk, glennjones, paulcp and tantek joined the channel
# 19:32 Loqi tantek: aaronpk left you a message 41 minutes ago: mikeal wants to talk to you about hosting an indiewebcamp at mozilla!
taterbase joined the channel
taterbase joined the channel
# 19:35 tantek aaronpk - how do I see a list of received webmentions for tantek.com on webmention.io?
# 19:38 mikeal tantek: SF, brianloveswords is on it too :)
# 19:38 tantek happy to help - let's figure out potential days that work well for either adjacency to JSFest or that work with folks' travel schedules
# 19:39 mikeal yeah, any date between March 7th and March 15th works, preferrably not the 9th or 10th but if those are the only workable dates then it's fine
# 19:42 tantek hmm - maybe I should submit my cassis.js talk ;)
# 19:44 tantek This: "JSFest is about the present more than the future" is exactly the point of CASSIS.
jfranusic joined the channel
# 19:45 tantek what if we did it the Friday / Saturday before?
# 19:45 tantek i.e. 2014-03-07..08? (IndieWebCampSF adjacent to JSFest which is 03-09..10)
bnvk_ joined the channel
# 19:47 bret "Twitter believes that your account may have been compromised by a website or service not associated with Twitter. We've reset your password to prevent others from accessing your account.
# 19:47 bret i literally made the account the other day
# 19:47 brianloveswords tantek: I think aaronpk said he was busy with ESRI stuff, but those dates tentatively work for me!
# 19:48 bret i signed in via my browser, and then the mobile web page on my phone
# 19:48 brianloveswords tantek: the only thing I have to make sure is that it doesn't overlap with DML 2014 (which I believe I'm obligated to be at)
# 19:48 mikeal tantek: Friday would be perfect actually
caseorganic joined the channel
# 19:49 tantek bret - why did you give in and create a Twitter account?
# 19:49 tantek I thought you had figured out how to get along without it!
# 19:50 tantek is it to be able to POSSE @-replies to others on Twitter?
# 19:53 bret I should practice what I preach. I dont think I'll be using it much for news/entertainment, but rather as a network for sharing things I do with people who use it
# 19:53 mikeal my last few conferences i invited all the speakers/presenters and using a private repo was great for collaborating between people
# 19:53 mikeal this being an open submission it just made sense to do it the same way
# 19:54 bret tantek: plus i think the more people who POSSE the more attention it will bring to the issues we focus on here
# 19:54 tantek bret - yeah - that's basically the motivation for POSSE: "sharing things with people who use it [silos to POSSE to]"
# 19:54 tantek bret - that's a good point too - essentially you're spreading the idea of the indieweb into the silos and the people you reply to
# 19:55 bret they will see how I do this, and maybe will be interested in doing it themselves
# 19:55 bret its kind of hard to describe it to folks, its much better if they just see it
# 19:55 brianloveswords mikeal, tantek: ARGH, 2014-03-07..08 overlaps exactly with DML 2014: http://dmlhub.net/save-date-dml2014. I will talk to my team this weekend and see if I can get out of it (I *hopefully* should be, we have enough people going and I get way more out of IndieWeb meetups)
# 19:56 tantek bret - exactly, "show don't tell" as caseorganic says ;)
# 19:57 tantek also, ironically, March 7-10 (for IWCSF + JSFest) would nearly completely overlap with SXSW Interactive 2014
# 19:57 bret tantek: having realized the staleness of rss and atom, it also doesnt seem that much of a leap to publish to twitter as 'just another channel that we have today, despite its issues'
ryana and LauraJ joined the channel
# 20:02 mikeal i don't think i know anyone that goes to SXSW anymore that is a developer
# 20:02 aaronpk brianloveswords: mikeal: tantek: I will be totally unavailable March 9-13. Before that I may be able to attend, but can't help organize.
# 20:02 mikeal and that's a great time to be in SF, we might actually be able to book a bar since 10% of SF is in Austin :)
# 20:03 mikeal we should get your band to play one of the parties :)
# 20:04 tantek (someone has to work on creating the near future of web interactivity, since SXSW is now about the business of web interactivity)
# 20:05 tantek aaronpk - I think between mikeal brianloveswords and myself we can handle the organizing - would be great if you & caseorganic could make it March 7-8 though.
# 20:05 tantek mikeal - indeed - it will be a great time to be in SF as SXSW will have honeypotted all the sales/marketing/wantrepreneur types away.
# 20:07 tantek perhaps we can have music+film tracks in the evenings on march 7-10
# 20:08 tantek brianloveswords - does your band have its own web site? :D
# 20:09 aaronpk cool. I will try to make it then, it depends on how much we're involved with the esri event. Usually amber has more stuff to do there than me, will have to play it by ear
# 20:10 bret Another issue for the why page (if it isnt alredy there). Centralized services attract all sorts of scammers and spammers! True for twitter, facebook, world of warcraft/most MMOs, ebay, craigslist ime
ryana joined the channel
# 20:10 bret im getting file extension does not match MIME type. errors
# 20:12 bret tantek: where do you think that screenshot fits best?
tpinto joined the channel
# 20:18 tantek I'd say more like "twitter-involuntary-pw-reset"
# 20:19 bret the file wasnt uploading, so I just mashed the first two words that came to mind :D
# 20:19 tantek bret - all successful services/sites attract all sorts of scammers and spammers
# 20:20 brianloveswords tantek: no real website yet, getting the design soon though and should be up in the next couple of weeks.
# 20:22 bret tantek: I was able to hear Eric Rescorla talk about webRTC last weekend :D
taterbase joined the channel
# 20:24 bret I like how fast he talks when he gets going on a passonate topic
# 20:34 hober tantek: remember that meeting at moz mv a year or two ago about login/change password/sign up forms?
# 20:34 hober tantek: i can't figure out which wiki we took notes on
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# 20:37 tantek it was after the identity workshop co-organized by Harry Halpin and Mike Hanson
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# 20:58 tantek just got an "Internal server error." when trying to send a DM on twitter
# 20:59 tantek and of course when it errors - it loses what you typed
# 20:59 tantek auto-save to draft DM? nah, that would be too kind.
tilgovi, bnvk and npdoty joined the channel
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# 23:37 ryana I had the same reaction as he did... I need to link to amber's talk in my post
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