npdoty, bnvk, melvster, paulcp_, taterbase, squeakytoy2, tpinto, caseorganic, ryana, earplugs, thatryana and tantek joined the channel
#acegiaktantek: have you gotten any webmentions from me today?
#tantekFYI both benwerd & I are running late to the meetup. Be there in a min.
#tantekacegiak: let me see my list of mentions, though presumably it's queuing them up.
#acegiaktantek: I think my script is not picking up the server because the rel is in the new format
ryana, squeakytoy2, caseorga_, lukebrooker, scor, tpinto, dybskiy, taterbase and jgraham909 joined the channel
#acegiakdoes anyone have a good example of sniffing out the webmention server endpoint in php now that the rel can be either webmention or or any combination therein?
#aaronpkif you use a real html parser you can just look for a rel value of webmention or
#aaronpkotherwise you'll have to do it with two regexes
#Jihaissebut it login with the user that don't have a url
#acegiakpfefferle, I was adding an action to the webmention plugin so that I could call the webmention_send_ping from my plugin, which works
#acegiakbut I noticed that the discover_webmention_server_uri only picks up rel="" and not rel="webmention" or rel="webmention"
#acegiakI threw together this modification of the method from the default webmention php library
#tantekbased on this post - which looks like a "like" of one of his own posts, that he sent himself via webmention, I'm going with 2013-09-15 for both sending & receiving
#tantek.comedited /webactions (+313) "/* Action tag examples in the wild */ add Barry Frost as of 2013-10-07 (as based on when some of his posts have webactions)" (view diff)
#brianloveswordstantek: Atul (toolness) said he's also down to help organize NYC 2014! I'll get him to add his name to the list at some point.
#aaronpkso unfortunately the following monday is one of the two big esri events per year, so amber and I will be totally booked getting ready for that and then will be out starting monday
#mikealso, yes, i was actually hoping to get Mozilla's SF space for it
#mikealbut my strategy to engage Mozilla is talking to Brendan directly, which has a big lag time :)
#brianloveswordsmikeal: ahh you should talk to tantek about getting the SF space! I can also talk to some people, a few of us from the badges team are in SF and can probably figure it out.
#brianloveswordsmikeal: okay! I can take point on this, but I'm probably not gonna make any headway until next week – I'm flying out to London for MozFest in like four hours :)
caseorganic joined the channel
#mikealthat's fine, stuff is getting added and announced for the next month or so
#bret"Twitter believes that your account may have been compromised by a website or service not associated with Twitter. We've reset your password to prevent others from accessing your account.
#bretI should practice what I preach. I dont think I'll be using it much for news/entertainment, but rather as a network for sharing things I do with people who use it
#mikealthis being an open submission it just made sense to do it the same way
#brettantek: plus i think the more people who POSSE the more attention it will bring to the issues we focus on here
#tantekbret - yeah - that's basically the motivation for POSSE: "sharing things with people who use it [silos to POSSE to]"
#tantekbret - that's a good point too - essentially you're spreading the idea of the indieweb into the silos and the people you reply to
#bretthey will see how I do this, and maybe will be interested in doing it themselves
#bretits kind of hard to describe it to folks, its much better if they just see it
#brianloveswordsmikeal, tantek: ARGH, 2014-03-07..08 overlaps exactly with DML 2014: I will talk to my team this weekend and see if I can get out of it (I *hopefully* should be, we have enough people going and I get way more out of IndieWeb meetups)
#tantekbret - exactly, "show don't tell" as caseorganic says ;)
#tantekalso, ironically, March 7-10 (for IWCSF + JSFest) would nearly completely overlap with SXSW Interactive 2014
#brettantek: having realized the staleness of rss and atom, it also doesnt seem that much of a leap to publish to twitter as 'just another channel that we have today, despite its issues'
#brianloveswordsAlso, yeah, totally fine missing SXSW interactive :)
#mikealwe should get your band to play one of the parties :)
#tantek(someone has to work on creating the near future of web interactivity, since SXSW is now about the business of web interactivity)
#tantekaaronpk - I think between mikeal brianloveswords and myself we can handle the organizing - would be great if you & caseorganic could make it March 7-8 though.
#tantekmikeal - indeed - it will be a great time to be in SF as SXSW will have honeypotted all the sales/marketing/wantrepreneur types away.
#tantekbrianloveswords - does your band have its own web site? :D
#aaronpkcool. I will try to make it then, it depends on how much we're involved with the esri event. Usually amber has more stuff to do there than me, will have to play it by ear
#bretAnother issue for the why page (if it isnt alredy there). Centralized services attract all sorts of scammers and spammers! True for twitter, facebook, world of warcraft/most MMOs, ebay, craigslist ime
ryana joined the channel
#bretim getting file extension does not match MIME type. errors