tantek.comedited /timeline (+694) "incorporate events mentioned by caseorganic realtimeconf 2013 slide 1997-2002: Blogs, add Wikipedia and other citations" (view diff)
tantek.comedited /history (+162) "add a few social network silos launches as listed in caseorganic realtimeconf 2013 slide Rise of Social Networks, add Wikipedia references" (view diff)
tantek.comedited /history (+371) "add implementation of XMPP PubSub Federation between silos Twitter and Jaiku, as mentioned in caseorganic realtimeconf 2013 slide 2008: Federated Twitter and Jaiku via XMPP PubSub, add citations" (view diff)
tantekcaseorganic, re: 2008 Twitter Jaiku Federation - that happened at Social Graph FooCamp. Social Web FooCamp was the one in 2009. I did some research and documented some citations: http://indiewebcamp.com/timeline#2008
JonathanNealI was having a conversation with a group that doesn't want to post anything on social networks (Facebook, Twitter, etc) because they fear the consequences of losing any rights over their data. I explained that putting anything on the internet lent itself to distribution freedom/chaos, but I wasn't sure how to address the issue. Is anyone here familiar with
aaronpkmedium, for example, is particularly bad, because they reserve the right to use your name and your content for any purpose forever. they could publish a book and use your name and content without ever telling you or giving you anything. however they do not actually claim copyright over your writing.
JonathanNealThis was the actual concern (just in my own words): "We have an archive. We are careful not to post any text or images or our own logo that is owned by the archive to Facebook. If we do, we lose control. Someone could take an archive photo, add a Nazi symbol, create controversy, and we would have no rights over that content." I thought the whole thing seemed
JonathanNealOkay, what I took away from it was 1. We don't understand how copyright works but we have things we own, and 2. We don't know what happens to content on our website versus a social network in real life, the TOS says we lose all rights.
aaronpksomeone posts a tweet, the author retains copyright ownership, but twitter has a license to display it on their site. twitter also has a license to let other people display/embed that tweet in other sites as long as they follow twitter's "display guidelines"
aaronpknow, if they had posted that content on their own site, they can choose whatever license they want tfor that content, allowing anyone to re-publish it without regards to the twitter displya guidelines
aaronpkbecause we technically can't re-publish content from twitter if it's accessed via their API, since as a developer you agree to the twitter TOS when you get an API key
JonathanNealIs there an easy-to-absorb pamphlet/chart/blog explaining the differences in rights between the indieweb => social versus the social => indieweb?
JonathanNealSo, you've been very helpful. You've taken a long meta conversation I had and helped chip it down to the essentials. Plus, you've more-or-less said that if someone posts a picture on Facebook, the rights of that photo aren't terribly worse than the photo ending up online in the first place.
Loqicaseorganic: tantek left you a message 2 hours, 49 minutes ago: re: 2008 Twitter Jaiku Federation - that happened at Social Graph FooCamp. Social Web FooCamp was the one in 2009. I did some research and documented some citations: http://indiewebcamp.com/timeline#2008 and http://indiewebcamp.com/history#2008
Loqicaseorganic: tantek left you a message 2 hours, 1 minute ago: finally finished watching your talk. WELL DONE. Totally feeling even more inspired by the end. :)
tanteknot quite - with Dopplr you received an automatic aggregation of those private posts, and your private posts would be auto-sent to those you said it was ok to share with
caseorganictantek: then i will practice on the customary 20 people from different demographics to ensure people from different backgrounds will understand
aaronpktantek: yes I believe bret was the first to RSVP. mine came later cause I had more CMS infrastructure to add before I could add the rsvp markup :/
tantek.comedited /timeline (+423) "more things to look up, indieweb posts for receiving webmention/favorites/reposts, and same for sending." (view diff)
tantek.comedited /timeline (+362) "first indieweb post open to cross-site pingback comments, and first cross-site indieweb reply sent via pingback" (view diff)
pfefferletell barnabywalters yes, acegiak already send me an email… it's because the microformats support is part of the WordPress core and the classes are not that well placed to support comments or reply-contexts… I will try to move the core classes to the same tag as the mf2 classes...
pfefferlebut i don't think the reply-context should be core part of the theme, but the theme should provide all possibilities to add the functionality with a plugin
pfefferleacegiak ah there i have seen it! I will have a look at your fork and will add some actions to the places you hacked in the reply context so we could merge your code into a seperate plugin
pfefferlebarnabywalters it's because the microformats support is part of the WordPress core and the classes are not that well placed to support comments or reply-contexts… should be fixed now!
pfefferlethere are two functions to profide semantic class names… one for the body and one for every post… and the one for the posts always adds hentry...
barnabywalterscweiske: why? pretty sure the first webmention I sent (automated) would have succeeded if cweiske.de without the trailing slash was an accepted URL
barnabywaltersif you normalise the incoming URL then you also have to apply the same normalisation to all the URLs in the document you check it against
barnabywalterscweiske: from the webmention spec: If the WebMention request was successful, the server MUST reply with an HTTP 202 Accepted response code.
JonathanNealAre there any stats for how many indie web campers are running x, y, and/or z? like apache, nginx, ruby, node, php, cake, wordpress, drupal, etc?
tantek.comedited /projects (+1161) "grammar fixes, tag instances of selfdogfooding to make it more obvious just how many projects here are being selfdogfooded, Falcon description, lists" (view diff)
andreypopp, BjornW, cweiske and tpinto joined the channel
bjb.iocreated /2014/Brooklyn (+1160) "Created page with "This is a placeholder page for the 2014 Brooklyn IndieWebCamp. '''When''': TBD, I'm thinking early Spring? NYC can be miserable in the winter. '''Where''': Brooklyn! Some optio..."" (view diff)
brettantek: RE ages ago. I wrote to harry halpin about those errors, but never sent the email XD It was sitting in my drafts box the whole time. I just sent it as of right now
bretdont get me wrong benwerd, its built to be extensible, but jumping into a large codebase you are unfamiliar with is never quite as empowering as doing everything yourself
bretPick a goal, break it out into acheivable milestones (even if its just adding a link to a page). Try to work on things that help create imediate value for yourself
barnabywalterstantek: I asked brian about tweet cc — he stopped working on it because of twitters API changes making things awkward, he didn’t know Andy had completely turned it off though