tantek!tell caseorganic I've written up a bunch of links on Atom history, including the RSS Atom wars - hope this helps in future iterations of the "What happened in 2003-2007" discussion/slides: http://indiewebcamp.com/Atom#RSS_Atom_wars
aaronpkJeena: yeah sorry about that, still working on getting context to display there. I just did it for http://aaronparecki.com/mentions so it won't be too hard now
Loqicaseorganic: tantek left you a message 3 hours, 56 minutes ago: I've written up a bunch of links on Atom history, including the RSS Atom wars - hope this helps in future iterations of the "What happened in 2003-2007" discussion/slides: http://indiewebcamp.com/Atom#RSS_Atom_wars
cweiskeit only sends me an email). could someone send a webmention to http://cweiske.de/ so we can see if my Services_Linkback library handles webmention properly?
caseorganic, caseorga_, bnvk and tantek joined the channel
tantek.comedited /Main_Page (-152) "update heading for next IndieWebCamp, add UK 2013 to Previous, rm small/neglected pages from home page" (view diff)
Loqishaners: bret left you a message on 10/18 at 9:48pm: Interested in meeting up tomorrow for some inidieweb hacking when people are off having fun at Realtime conf?
Loqishaners: tantek left you a message 1 day, 2 hours ago: I've signed up for IndieWebCampHollywood :) Do you have enough data to decide on whether to make it a one or two day event? Page makes it seem like it is still up in the air and some folks may be travel planning. ;)
aaronpkso, i'm trying to get beeminder to consume my http://aaronparecki.com/metrics page as well as any other microformats2 feeds. but I don't want to tell them to check both for an h-feed or for an array of h-entrys
shanersi think it should be required *only* if the publisher has multiple feeds on one page (like blog posts in the main, and tweets in the sidebar) and wants them parsed as separate feeds, not a zipped one
shanerstantek: "this" is the problem of => barnabywalters said: "that person can’t send someone else a URL and say “this feed’s really great” because there are too many on the page without URLs"
tantek.comedited /history (+1800) "add subsections for years along with silo info from caseorganic RealTimeConf 2013 Do you remember? slide and Wikipedia research" (view diff)
tantek.comedited /silo (+162) "provide a fairly top level History heading since caseorganic linked to this page in her realtimeconf 2013 slid Do you remember?" (view diff)
tantek.comedited /history (+522) "add AOL Hometown and Posterous per caseorganic realtimeconf 2013 slide Site Deaths and Wikipedia: Posterous" (view diff)
barnabywaltersso, taproot doesn’t auto-commit, but I have a ./sync command which commits local changes, pulls, sshes into my remote server, commits, pushes + pulls, then updates any dependencies
tantekaaronpk - any idea why the image embeds from caseorganic are so huge? they look like they may be up-sampled 4x, e.g.: http://indiewebcamp.com/Hometown
tantek.comedited /Twitter (+308) "add history section with early UI and link screenshot to caseorganic realtimeconf 2013 slide for context" (view diff)
tantekhey I documented /comics when I was the only one posting it, and that caused Ben Werdmuller to add it as well (and he's posted more comics than me at this point)