2013-10-28 UTC
earplugs joined the channel
snarfed, icco, mikeal, skinny, tpinto, swinerg and tantek joined the channel
# 03:23 aaronpk tantek: i've been experimenting with marking up flights on my site
# 03:23 aaronpk running into an issue with h-entry, because it only specifies "location" but there are two locations for a flight! the departure and arrival cities!
# 03:27 aaronpk not sure if that's enough to warrant a new microformat or not...
# 03:27 aaronpk right now I have each leg of the flight inside an h-entry
# 03:28 tantek yes it's an event with a start-location and end-location
# 03:28 aaronpk is it worth adding "start-location" and "end-location" to h-entry then?
# 03:29 tantek maybe. though what you're describing is something conceptually more than an event - it's an instance of travel / transport
# 03:29 tantek which has an event at the start and an event at the finish
# 03:30 tantek would apply to anything where you start somewhere and end somewhere else
# 03:30 aaronpk the way I was thinking about it was the whole trip was an h-entry (PDX -> DXB), and it has child h-events inside for each leg (PDX -> AMS, and AMS -> DXB)
# 03:30 aaronpk each leg has a start and end time and start and end location
# 03:31 tantek you keep saying h-entry when I don't think you mean h-entry
# 03:31 tantek everything about the h-entry applies to *posting* of that content
# 03:32 tantek e.g. "location" on h-entry is about where you were when you *published* the entry
# 03:32 tantek this is the same problem as when we were trying to figure out h-event vs. h-entry
# 03:33 tantek and we decided on h-event being separate from an h-entry
# 03:34 tantek I'd say start with documenting publishing examples
# 03:34 tantek I mean - do you mean for it to be specific to flights?
# 03:35 aaronpk my initial use will be for travel, so train rides would also fit
# 03:35 aaronpk but I suspect very quickly runs and biking, etc would use it
# 03:35 tantek yeah - and then it starts to get into QS stuff
# 03:35 aaronpk I already have a bunch of bike rides logged in Strava which I want to publish
# 03:35 tantek so you likely have a lot of existing pages to examine for publishing examples
# 03:36 tantek Strava bike rides would make sense I guess too
# 03:37 tantek though those typically end up at the same place I started
skinny joined the channel
# 03:40 tantek the other thing is - that's even more data since it has route data
# 03:40 aaronpk yeah. and technically I have a lot of route data for flights too
# 03:40 tantek technically you don't *have* route data for flights - but it is somewhat discoverable
bnvk joined the channel
# 03:43 peat aaronpk: ... still recording location data? :)
earplugs joined the channel
# 03:45 tantek aaronpk - I myself have been working on iterative improvements in what little posting UI I have
# 03:46 tantek I like the idea of having separate "save" and "publish" steps
# 03:46 tantek (where my "save" is currently the scp step, and the "publish" step is one button push in my current Falcon UI)
# 03:47 tantek publish is what actually does the PuSH notifications, POSSE to Twitter, and ...
# 03:47 aaronpk that makes sense. I combined save/publish for my notes, but it's still separate for my articles, although "save" is really "save draft" because it's not publicly visible until it's published.
skinny joined the channel
# 03:49 tantek I can see combining save/publish once I have a web UI working that supports undo.
# 03:49 aaronpk so if I start collecting examples of publishing "trips" or whatever, should I put them on the indiewebcamp wiki or on the microformats wiki?
# 03:50 tantek microformats, however step 1 is to see if anyone has started collecting such examples already!
# 04:01 aaronpk "...Tim O'Reilly engaged Bill Gates in a discussion about microformats"
# 04:03 aaronpk well crap. I was hoping to be able to get this sorted out and start documenting my upcoming flights.
# 04:03 aaronpk should I just leave out microformats from the posts and start publishing anyway?
# 04:03 tantek aaronpk - yes, just publish the human readable content
# 04:05 tantek rather than as an extension to entry or event
# 04:05 aaronpk well right now I just have my css classes to style them visually
# 04:05 tantek useful to keep those anyway - separate from microformats markup
earplugs and jschweinsberg joined the channel
# 04:08 tantek aaronpk - so in my publishing flow, as I've been looking at webmention discovery/sending, I've realized it would be useful to do all the discovery *before* I click "publish"
# 04:08 tantek even if just doing the HEAD request parts, as that way I have a "link check" function built in before I actually publish my posts.
# 04:08 Loqi tantek meant to say: even if just doing the HEAD request parts, as that way I have a "link check" feature built in before I actually publish my posts.
# 04:08 aaronpk also means you can load up your UI with preview stuff
# 04:08 tantek but I'm thinking a list of links too, with head results
# 04:09 tantek so I can quickly see if I have any broken links in my post, *before* I publish
# 04:10 tantek could even dynamically load the link checking / discovery results after loading the post-preview
# 04:11 tantek and then when I click publish, the UI already has all the webmention endpoints it needs from HEAD and skip that step
# 04:11 tantek I'd even indicate 3xx results with the destinations - as another I may want to fix before publishing
# 04:14 tantek could also do original-post-discovery and rel-syndication discovery as part of that step too - and convert in-reply-to twitter URLs to original posts, while hanging onto the twitter URLs for POSSE @-reply purposes
ryana joined the channel
# 04:15 aaronpk yes I think that is a good pattern, do as much up front as possible so the actual "publish" step does as little "magic" as possible
earplugs1 joined the channel
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# 04:42 aaronpk at some point I hope to import my whole history for the last couple years
# 04:43 aaronpk but I am definitely not doing that much data entry tonight :)
bnvk joined the channel
# 04:47 aaronpk oboy. now I want a permalink for an entire trip. it would contain: flight to the destination, one or more events at the destination, flight back home
# 04:47 Loqi gives aaronpk a permalink for an entire trip
# 04:48 aaronpk also could contain articles, notes and photos written during that trip
snarfed joined the channel
skinny and ryana joined the channel
# 05:22 aaronpk hrm... I need a plural noun to refer to: flights, train rides, bus rides, cab rides, etc
# 05:22 aaronpk and I can't use "trips" because I'm going to use that for something else
# 05:24 aaronpk maybe I don't need it to be a noun... maybe "travel" is ok
# 05:32 bret aaronpk: what about routes? travel is good too
ryana, bnvk, lukebrooker, skinny, thatryana, eschnou and mikeal joined the channel
mikeal, swinerg, ryana, andreypopp, LauraJ, bnvk, tobiastom, lukebrooker, skinny, pfefferle, tpinto and Jihaisse joined the channel
musigny, ryana, earplugs, bnvk and barnabywalters joined the channel
tpinto, ryana, skinny, adactio, josephboyle, melvster, bnvk, musigny, andreypopp and scor joined the channel
ryana and cweiske joined the channel
# 14:45 Loqi cweiske: tantek left you a message on 10/25 at 3:15pm: I'm seeing a 504 at http://cweiske.de/ - hope you get that sorted out soon!
ryana and tantek joined the channel
# 15:25 cweiske tantek, I didn't see anything in munin that explains the error
# 15:26 tantek it was a short error - didn't see anything that gave any clues.
# 15:33 cweiske btw, I saw you are thinking about moving stapibas to a different section - my plan for stapibas is actually to make it understand all the microformats and deliver a threaded comments view html for blog posts. you can then decide if you want to load it via javascript (disqus-like) or embed it statically
caseorganic joined the channel
# 15:34 cweiske you could use it for your statically hosted blog then
# 15:35 tantek and yes there are different sections for primary content hosting/managing projects, and "helper" projects that assume you already have something else for your primary content.
# 15:36 tantek cweiske - a lot of folks are going with statically hosted blogs these days, e.g. using Jekyll
# 15:36 tantek I think bret's in particular is very static / minimal and uses github pages.
# 15:36 cweiske I write html which gets postprocessed to add the navigation
# 15:37 tantek do you have a name for your static hosting system?
# 15:39 tantek consider naming it and making even just a bit of it open source
# 15:40 bnvk barnabywalters: thanks, i've started dablin and adding lil bit here and there :)
# 15:40 bnvk interesting how the "title" of my original reply context is doubled on your site
# 15:41 bnvk ooh, also it's linking back to a users "profile" page which doesn't actually exists
# 15:42 barnabywalters but you should start by marking up the actual note as a h-entry — currently the reply context is a p-in-reply-to of nothing :)
# 15:42 barnabywalters this would be a good place to start building h-entry debugging/validation into indiewebify.me
# 15:42 tantek barnabywalters - yeah I noticed that too the "p-in-reply-to" is not inside any "h-"
# 15:45 barnabywalters the reply context — i.e. do you just give your posting UI a URL and it fetches the rest by itself
josephboyle joined the channel
ozten, squeakytoy and _6a68 joined the channel
# 16:33 aaronpk tantek: I wonder if I were to include some JSON data in a <script class="p-track"> element, could that be a way to embed GPS data from flights/runs/etc in a post?
# 16:34 tantek why not display the data visibly like part of a chart or something?
# 16:34 aaronpk i'm not going to show a giant table of raw lat/lng data, that would be completely useless to viewers
tobiastom joined the channel
# 16:41 tantek ozten - is innercircle what you run on your personal site?
# 16:41 tantek is it what you use for your primary blog/posts?
# 16:41 aaronpk also you lose all the other attributes about each point like the timestamp by rendering it as a linestring
# 16:41 ozten tantek: I use Wordpress for public blog posts
# 16:42 ozten which is Persona enabled, but not webmention, etc enabled
# 16:42 tantek barnabywalters - seems like a reasonable use of data-* attributes
# 16:42 aaronpk tantek: what's a reasonable max length for a data attribute?
# 16:42 barnabywalters tantek: semantically I suppose, they’re just so long it bloats the HTML and takes a little while to parse
# 16:43 tantek don't know - would have to check the HTML5 spec to see if there's any limitation
# 16:43 barnabywalters just rendering it as an image, or saving the SVG somehow would be way more efficient
# 16:44 tantek I doubt the SVG would be more efficient than the JSON
# 16:44 barnabywalters tantek: Leaflet is parsing the JSON then rendering it as SVG, so just saving the SVG cuts out those steps
# 16:45 barnabywalters but it might be tricky to save the SVG and then composite it over the map tiles
# 16:45 aaronpk tantek: I end up with 200kb-500kb geojson easily. probably more like 1.5 megs for a flight.
# 16:45 tantek aaronpk - I suppose its the same problem as embedding a very high resolution image
# 16:45 Loqi tantek meant to say: aaronpk - I suppose it's the same problem as embedding a very high resolution image
# 16:46 barnabywalters I wrote a little python script to take the moving average of geoJSON routes, should be simple to port to PHP
# 16:46 aaronpk i feel like a data attribute is not a good place for 1.5 megs of data :/
# 16:46 barnabywalters also, cutting down on the number of decimal points in the lat/longs will cut down on bytes
# 16:46 tantek so same solution likely applies, render something lower resolution, and allow clicking through to see the higher resolution version
# 16:47 aaronpk that seems reasonable. I also don't want to serve 1.5 megs every page request to my flight permalinks
# 16:47 tantek right - the same bandwidth/presentation problems apply regardless of the media type (images or geo data etc.)
bnvk joined the channel
# 16:48 aaronpk in that case I can save the geojson as a file on disk like I do images for posts
# 16:48 barnabywalters aaronpk: flights can probably be simplified down to very few points, unless the pilot’s drunk
# 16:48 aaronpk I wonder if there's already a thing that can simplify a GPS track down to some limited number of points
# 16:48 aaronpk I wonder if there is some company that specializes in this sort of thing I could ask.... hmmMMMMmmmm
# 16:49 tantek if you really want to show a more precise route - you could pre-render into a static image on the server
# 16:49 tantek and then allow click through of that to a higher-resolution vector based dispaly
# 16:50 aaronpk yeah, but similar problems rendering 1.5megs into a static image :) I'd need a simplified version
# 16:50 tantek but you'd only have to do that rendering once and save it
# 16:50 tantek and then server that static image to your main posts pages etc.
# 16:51 aaronpk yeah, in any case it would be useful to have a static image version of the route, for inline embeds on facebook/twitter/other sites
paulcp, mikeal and ryana joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
jschweinsberg joined the channel
# 17:23 snarfed hey brnvk, just to check, you're not accepting webmentions and/or rendering replies on brennannovak.com, right?
# 17:23 snarfed just wanted to make sure it wasn't a problem on my end
paulcp joined the channel
# 17:30 snarfed yup! it's wordpress with the uf2 plugin, so the markup is far from ideal, and not always easy to change
# 17:31 snarfed but it's worked against few other sites, with different mf2 parsers
# 17:31 barnabywalters we noticed this bug on a few sites recently, I think pfefferle updated the plugin to fix it
# 17:31 snarfed yup, wordpress—, understood, but it's what i'm going with right now
# 17:32 aaronpk luckily a lot of other people are also using wordpress, so youv'e got some help with the plugins!
# 17:32 barnabywalters snarfed: it’s because php-mf2 parses classic microformats by default now, which is throwing various interesting problems to light
# 17:32 snarfed looks like pfefferle does more work on SemPress than the uf2 plugin. many of the recent uf2 changes are actually from me
# 17:32 snarfed barnabywalters, thanks. i'll look into cleaning it up
# 17:36 snarfed do people have a preference btw mf2 and uf2 as the abbreviation?
# 17:37 mikeal brianloveswords: i want to announce JSFest IndieWebCamp today, with the details still TBA
# 17:37 mikeal so, it won't not venue or dates, just have a "register to be notified" when they are decided
mikeal joined the channel
friedcell joined the channel
bnvk and tantek joined the channel
# 18:18 jessicard.com created /User:Jessicard.com (+819) "Created page with "http://jessicard.com/img/avatar.jpeg <div class="vcard h-card"> I’m <a href="http://jessicard.com" class="u-url url" rel="home me"> <span class="p-name n fn"><span class="..."" (
view diff )
friedcell joined the channel
# 18:31 tantek aaronpk, does Loqi save logs from every channel he is in?
_6a68 and tilgovi joined the channel
# 18:57 aaronpk tantek: yes he does, i just don't have them all exposed as web pages
# 19:08 aaronpk saves a step to create them capitalized then move to the lowercase :)
# 19:09 tantek right - why did you look for capitalized "Tags" first?
# 19:11 tantek barnabywalters, no one has an explicit "Tags" section I've seen. Closest is your posts with "Tagged with"
# 19:12 tantek barnabywalters - the only reason those list item headings were capitalized is that they were taken from actual publishing practices
eschnou joined the channel
# 19:13 tantek also - it's not good a11y practice to have a bunch of links all named the same thing like "example"
# 19:14 tantek thanks for starting the navigation page - a bit surprised we didn't have that already
# 19:15 tantek (since we did already have it indiemark explicitly!)
fmarier joined the channel
earplugs1, catsup and LauraJ joined the channel
neuro` joined the channel
caseorga_, tpinto and hidgw joined the channel
# 19:41 tantek aaronpk - in looking at the logs, minor microformat bug
# 19:41 tantek this: <a href="https://twitter.com/t" class="author p-author h-card p-url">@<span class="p-name p-nickname">t</span></a>
# 19:41 tantek <a href="https://twitter.com/t" class="author p-author h-card">@<span class="p-name p-nickname">t</span></a>
tpinto joined the channel
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# 19:44 tantek well - it's not clear what you're even trying to do with that p-url property. which object is it intending to add a URL for?
# 19:46 tantek so that doesn't work to put a property class name on the same element as the root class name it's supposed to apply to
# 19:47 tantek properties on a class attribute always apply to the microformat in the parent (or next ancestor up that has a microformat root class name)
# 19:48 tantek when you put a property class name and root class name on the same class attribute, it adds that root class as an embedded object of that property class, e.g. p-author h-card
# 19:48 tantek (note that the class attribute is a set, and order doesn't matter)
mikeal joined the channel
# 20:00 caseorga_ Also if anyone needs a FarmHouseConf ticket they can go in my place.
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# 20:34 mikeal caseorga_: i'm interested
# 20:34 caseorga_ mikeal: great!
# 20:37 mikeal is the address somewhere? i'm trying to plan out travel to see the costs
paulcp_ and tobiastom joined the channel
friedcell, crossdiver, paulcp, josephboyle, KevinMarks and lukebrooker joined the channel
# 21:49 caseorga_ mikeal: great - do you want to paypal me the ticket price? i can get you switched over for the ticket. if it's too late you can take my badge, cross it out and write your name on it
fmarier and barnabywalters joined the channel
# 22:24 mikeal caseorga_: I'm still figuring out the cost and logistics, i won't know if i can make it till tomorrow
# 22:24 caseorga_ mikeal: no problem! just leave me a !tell in here when you figure it out
tilgovi, dpk, lukebrooker and tantek joined the channel
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