2013-10-29 UTC
caseorganic, smus_, bnvk, paulcp and mikeal joined the channel
smus, mikeal, caseorganic, smus_, lukebrooker and shaners joined the channel
smus, ryana, skinny, ozten, caseorganic and paulcp joined the channel
# 03:51 shaners aaronpk: just catching up on a few days of logs. and noticed your flights and "trips" (or whatever) plans. i like it.
# 03:51 shaners you were searching for a good collective name for all kinds of "trips" that wasn't trips.
lukebrooker, tpinto, mikeal and tantek joined the channel
# 04:22 aaronpk shaners: thanks! yeah I've settled on "travel" now even though it's not a plural noun
# 04:26 shaners travels (noun): she amassed great wealth during her travels: journeys, expeditions, trips, tours, excursions, voyages, treks, safaris, explorations, wanderings, odysseys, pilgrimages, jaunts, junkets
# 04:26 shaners traveling, touring, sightseeing, backpacking, globe-trotting, gallivanting;
# 04:27 shaners yeah. it's cute and all. but to me "jaunt" is short.
# 04:27 aaronpk the pattern I'm trying to follow with my top-level path segments is a plural noun which when singular describes a single item
# 04:29 shaners you're not using singular nouns in your URLs, right?
# 04:33 shaners let's say you write and record a song. or a voice memo. or "this crazy noise from the construction across the street"
jschweinsberg joined the channel
# 04:34 aaronpk I have a couple dozen songs I should probably turn into "posts". right now they are all on one page.
# 04:35 aaronpk I don't currently have any voice memos I would publish.
# 04:35 shaners ok. the case of "this crazy noise from the construction across the street"
# 04:35 aaronpk I ended up posting it as a note with a URL to the audio
# 04:36 aaronpk well in this case it's hosted on soundcloud, so not ideal. but I imagine I wouldn't necessarily give the audio its own canonical URL even if it's hosted on my site.
# 04:37 aaronpk i'm not sure, it's still something I'm trying to figure out. so I'm just doing whatever in the mean time and I'll see what sticks.
# 04:38 tantek aaronpk - nice to see you expanding the boundaries with new post type experiments
caseorganic joined the channel
# 04:45 shaners aaronpk: when you're here for fhc/iwc, can i get a few minutes of your time to look at my flickr archivr setup, please? i'm doing something wrong and would like an extra set of eyes on it.
ryana joined the channel
indiewebcamp-vis joined the channel
# 04:46 aaronpk I'll be in town all Sunday. Driving east early monday morning.
izto and snarfed joined the channel
# 04:51 aaronpk this is why I needed to save the "trips" slug for my URLs
# 04:51 aaronpk I want to send you a URL with my trip itinerary that shows my flight in, my hotel info, the farmhouseconf and indiewebcamp events, and my departure
# 04:52 aaronpk it would basically look like my tag pages, showing all the various posts for that trip
# 04:53 aaronpk might even include photos and notes (probably carefully curated, since not all notes posted during a trip are relevant to that trip)
tpinto and skinny joined the channel
skinny joined the channel
# 05:04 tantek appears to be a Dopplr replacement - they support importing Dopplr data supposedly
# 05:04 aaronpk wow it looks like it's trying to completely replicate dopplr
# 05:06 tantek so the friends re-use from Twitter is not something I can work with
# 05:06 tantek sharing your trips is *very* different than following someone on Twitter
# 05:07 tantek sure there is some overlap, however there are plenty of (most?) people that the opposites apply
# 05:07 aaronpk agreed. currently I have 3 trips published on my site publicly. however, I'm waiting to make sure I've implemented authenticated trips properly before adding more flights.
# 05:07 aaronpk also I plan on showing various levels of detail for each trip and flight depending on who you are
# 05:08 tantek aaronpk, I could also see wanting to change the "public"ness of trip information based on future / past
# 05:08 aaronpk the main purpose I'm using my travel permalinks for already is telling people when I'm arriving or when I'll be in town
# 05:08 aaronpk tantek: interesting point! hadn't considered that yet.
# 05:08 tantek aaronpk - agreed - that's what Dopplr was really good for
# 05:09 tantek I'll likely make most of my *future* trip info *private*, and then as I return home, make most of my trip info *public*.
# 05:09 aaronpk it's funny that already in the day and a half these links have been live I've already shared them with 3 different people and avoided sending them emails or super long text messages
ryana joined the channel
# 05:09 tantek lower security threat model for past trips than for future trips
# 05:13 aaronpk yeah, I can totally see hiding flights/trips until after they're over. also the flight number is not really relevant after the trip is over either.
thatryana joined the channel
# 05:14 aaronpk and showing my seat is really only relevant to people i'm traveling with, so nobody else should see it even though it's not a "security" or "privacy" thing
# 05:21 tantek aaronpk - seat and flight #s are a security thing because of griefing potential
snarfed joined the channel
# 05:21 aaronpk wow you'd have to be pretty hardcore to track down my flight # and seat and buy a ticket next to me to grief me
# 05:24 tantek aaronpk - unfortunately there are other attack vectors.
# 05:27 aaronpk KevinMarks: true! at least there's some similar levels of trust in that group of people
caseorganic joined the channel
# 05:37 KevinMarks is there an indieweb pattern here of delegating friends lists?
# 05:40 shaners KevinMarks: tantek and I talked through an idea while in pdx for xoxo, but built nothing (or documented the idea). so... not really?
# 05:41 KevinMarks grrr. GoDaddy (which I have things registered at for legacy reasons) won't let me use nameservers with hyphens in
# 05:42 KevinMarks the use case is co-opting an existing friend graph (at twitter, foursquare etc) rather than having to maintain rel-friend links
# 05:43 tantek IndieAuth hides a backend auth provider though, and conditionally so, with fallbacks.
# 05:44 tantek the closest we have to re-using existing friend lists (it's not a graph, it's just a list) e.g. at Twitter is some of the spam brainstorming
# 05:44 tantek KevinMarks - stop calling it graph. That was misframing propagated by Zuck & co.
# 05:45 KevinMarks OpenSocial we had to make the ID not be a URL in the friend list
# 05:45 KevinMarks well, FB has a graph - in principle you could ask for 2nd degree connections
ryana and crossdiver joined the channel
# 05:53 KevinMarks a list of friends implicitly has multiple urls per friend due to rel-me
# 05:57 tantek KevinMarks - rel-me itself may form the basis of a graph, but that result is still a single node when you're talking about "people", which "friends" is a special case thereof.
# 05:57 tantek thus a friend list is still a list, not a graph, for any/all computational purposes.
tpinto joined the channel
# 05:58 KevinMarks the challenge is what the unambiguous representation of the friend is
# 05:58 KevinMarks if you want to do set logic on the lists (friends in common etc)
# 05:59 tantek sounds like you're making it harder than it needs to be
# 05:59 tantek I think when you focus on a specific use-case, the problem is greatly simplified
# 06:00 tantek so rather than solving anything in abstract, e.g. "friends in common", just code what you need for your next important use-case for yourself and see what you figure out.
# 06:34 KevinMarks also playing the 'where the heck did I register that domain?' game
tilgovi, hupili, smus, tpinto, LauraJ, tobiastom, cweiske and andreypopp joined the channel
# 07:33 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
smus and Jihaisse joined the channel
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# 08:51 neuro` KevinMarks: DNS setup works like a charm here.
# 08:52 KevinMarks this was a long and tangled path, eventually leading to a godaddy account I'd forgotten about
tpinto and smus joined the channel
# 09:30 KevinMarks I had the email admin set to a domain I don't have control over any more;
LauraJ joined the channel
dpk, earplugs, smus, bnvk, andreypopp and tpinto joined the channel
# 09:59 KevinMarks pondering Ghost and whether giving them the full indieweb markup makeover is worth it
# 10:15 cweiske I like it because you have so much more possibilities of marking up things
# 10:16 cweiske we use it to write docs for our software @work, convert it automatically to wiki formats (e.g. confluence) and deploy it automatically to our customer's wikis
bnvk, barnabywalters and smus joined the channel
# 10:28 barnabywalters but feel free to use my fork of Casper as the basis of an indiewebified theme if it’s any help
tpinto joined the channel
# 10:40 pdurbin I always use autolink in markdown if it's supported
bnvk joined the channel
# 11:00 tommorris barnabywalters: some kind of mashup of Ghost Caspar and Wordpress' P2 would be interesting ;)
# 11:09 pdurbin cweiske: we just moved our docs to sphinx so I'm trying to get into rST a bit. Markdown seems so much more simple. I like Markdown's "plain text email" philosophy.
josephboyle, bnvk, tpinto and ttepasse joined the channel
# 11:57 pdurbin Jihaisse: I'm not sure what you mean. I can edit markdown in vim
# 12:26 Jihaisse pdurbin: in a blog plateform, why using a markdown is better than using a wysiwyg editor ?
# 12:29 cweiske Jihaisse, I don't like to use a mouse when writing text
# 12:35 tommorris WYGIVRTWYT - What you get is vaguely related to what you typed.
tantek joined the channel
# 13:43 tantek KevinMarks - congrats on getting KevinMarks.com back!
# 13:43 tantek is there anything about that process you can document publicly to help out other indieweb folks?
brianloveswords joined the channel
# 14:12 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
bnvk joined the channel
# 14:49 tantek hey bnvk - how's your post / reply-context markup going?
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# 14:52 bnvk tantek: I haven't worked on it since yesterday, I'd like to get to it over the weekend but it's unlikely since there is a huge music festival taking over Reykjavik and I have friends from US in town for it :/
# 14:54 tantek bnvk - say hi to the folks in Iceland from the SF Embassy for me ;)
# 14:56 tantek bnvk - seriously - with barnabywalters and me here, it should take you mere minutes to update your microformats2 markup on your permalinks
# 14:56 bnvk whoa, this is the first i'm hearing of this week
# 14:57 bnvk there's so much going on in lil Reykjavik
josephboyle, sfarthing and dybskiy joined the channel
# 15:12 bnvk tantek: barnabywalters: is there any strictness about nesting of containers with MF or does it look recursively
# 15:12 tantek bnvk - they work just like nested HTML elements
# 15:13 tantek barnabywalters - that's a *very* confusing statement.
_6a68 joined the channel
# 15:13 bnvk right right, but I mean- can I do the "p-author p-name" x number of children deep inside of the "h-entry" ?
# 15:14 barnabywalters child microformat root classnames can be on any descendant HTML element of the parent root classname
# 15:14 bnvk "can be on" or rather "can be inside of" ?
# 15:15 tantek bnvk you can put microformats property class names on any descendant inside a microformats root class name element, WITHOUT any intervening microformats root class names in the descendent chain
# 15:16 tantek however you CANNOT put a microformats property class name for its root class name on the *same* element, e.g. this is wrong: <span class="h-card p-name"> <-- won't work.
# 15:17 tantek when you put a microformats property and root class name on the same element, it embeds that root microformat as a value of that property class name, which then is a part of whatever root class name is above it (nearest ancestor root class name)
# 15:17 bnvk tantek: yah, I get that part about multiple MF on same element
# 15:18 tantek bnvk - it's not about multiple microformats on the same element
# 15:18 tantek so that makes me thing there's still confusion
# 15:18 bnvk well, MF with a hierarchy is more what I mean
# 15:18 tantek bnvk - from that pin13 URL - you're putting h-cite and h-entry on the same element, which is not what your post means
# 15:18 bnvk I get that multiple MF which are different "levels" can exist on the same element
# 15:19 tantek bnvk - they can, but the uses for that are quite rare
# 15:19 tantek if you're doing that, you're likely making a mistake
# 15:20 tantek e.g. this is wrong: class="note-reply-context p-in-reply-to h-entry h-cite"
# 15:20 tantek it's making the error I pointed out above about <span class="h-card p-name"> <-- won't work.
# 15:20 tantek you're putting "p-in-reply-to h-entry" on the same element which is wrong
# 15:20 tantek p-in-reply-to is supposed to be a property of the h-entry
# 15:21 tantek which means it must go on an element *inside* the h-entry
# 15:21 tantek or rather, the h-entry must be *outside* the element with p-in-reply-to
# 15:21 bnvk hrm, I was copying that "p-in-reply-to h-entry" on the same element from barnabywalters implementation
# 15:22 tantek bnvk - sounds like a misreading of barnaby's implementation
# 15:23 tantek note that the h-entry is OUTSIDE the p-in-reply-to
ozten joined the channel
# 15:26 bnvk I think the confusion (for me) stems from a seeming incongruity with the following: "h-entry > h-cite > p-author" then the author of the actual post is just "h-entry > p-author"
# 15:26 bnvk rather than having it's own more granular container
# 15:26 tantek h-cite > p-author is the author you are citing, not you
# 15:27 tantek the property applies to the nearest root ancestor. where's the incongruity?
# 15:27 bnvk but, the reply context is 3 levels deep to get to the p-author where as for the normal (non reply entry) it's only 2 levels of "required" MF tags
# 15:27 tantek in both cases there are only two levels. the root class name element, and the property class name element.
# 15:28 tantek any intervening elements don't matter (as long as they themselves don't have root class names)
# 15:28 bnvk no, the from the "root" being h-entry in the reply context p-author is 3 levels?
# 15:28 tantek bnvk - no. only element with microformats class names on them add to "levels"
mikeal joined the channel
# 15:29 tantek the reply-context h-cite's p-author has NOTHING to do with the h-entry above
# 15:29 tantek from the h-entry's perspective, it just has an embedded h-cite, it knows/cares NOTHING about what's inside it
# 15:29 bnvk I think i'm just thinking about this wrong
# 15:30 tantek each h-* class wrap all the p-* inside it so any further up the chain h-* parents don't see them
# 15:31 tommorris I have a footer on the page with my details. I want to link to it rather than have an embedded hCard in each post
# 15:31 tantek in that case maybe you mean: <a rel="author" href="/#me">
# 15:32 tommorris tantek: no, on every page, at #me there's a footer element which is an hCard
# 15:33 tantek I don't think we support doing anything with any fragments in the current authorship algorithm
# 15:35 bnvk yah, i think i've got the structure about right
# 15:35 bnvk trying to fix my datetime value and add a url
# 15:36 tantek barnabywalters - I'd dump the rel=tag suggestion - we have evidence that mixing rel and class confuses authors, and they're unlikely to get the URL structure right for a rel-tag anyway.
# 15:37 barnabywalters at some point we’re either going to have to make editing it easier or link off to the wiki everywhere
# 15:37 tantek bnvk - you should use "p-in-reply-to h-cite" instead of "p-in-reply-to h-entry"
# 15:38 tantek it's not an h-entry because it's not your content. it's you citing someone else's content so that's why it should be an h-cite
# 15:40 tantek barnabywalters - would be cool to add reply-context checking to the valid-h-entry too!
# 15:40 tantek if it finds an in-reply-to property, it can suggest marking it up as an h-cite
# 15:40 barnabywalters tantek: it’s next on the list! gets a bit complex as it’s basically the same thing nested
# 15:40 tantek and if it finds it improperly marked up as a p-in-reply-to h-entry, then it can flag that as an error!
# 15:41 tantek barnabywalters please add these to microformats.org/wiki/validators
andreypopp joined the channel
# 15:44 tantek in other news - was just seriously badly bitten by Gmails new inbox sorting
# 15:44 tantek turned it off and finding all kinds of critical stuff I missed because it got auto-filed in Promotions
# 15:45 aaronpk wonders what kind of critical emails tantek receives given his strong dislike for email
mikeal and benprew joined the channel
# 15:51 bnvk I'm working on a blog post outlining that very thing
smus and benprew joined the channel
# 15:53 bnvk barnabywalters: hrm, I can't seem to get the validator happy with publication datetime
# 15:55 bnvk I'll come by the office in a few minutes
bnvk joined the channel
# 15:58 tommorris I really want to reference the one on the page already. ;)
smus, ryana, _6a681 and npdoty joined the channel
# 16:02 tommorris barnabywalters: handy. but we really need to sort out microformats-2 include pattern - itemref or object or something
# 16:02 tommorris having an hCard in every entry when there's already a page-level author seems DRY violating to me
# 16:02 barnabywalters tommorris: my biggest issue with the include pattern is recursion, and JSON’s inability to do recursion
# 16:05 tantek barnabywalters - would adding fragment support to the authorship algorithm be too hard? we already have fallback to rel-author
# 16:05 barnabywalters tantek: I’m meh about mf fragment parsing. fragments are intangible, tricky to understand
# 16:05 tantek barnabywalters - yeah, I tend to agree that <body class="h-entry"> is the right answer to permalink pages
_6a68 joined the channel
# 16:06 barnabywalters I like the mf approach of “a page is a thing” as opposed to the more Semweb approach of “each thing on a page with an @id or @resource is a thing”
# 16:07 barnabywalters and putting root classnames on the body element just strengthens that approach
# 16:07 tantek barnabywalters - agreed about strengthens approach.
# 16:07 tantek also the <body class="h-*"> pattern is a path out of the OGP metacrap mess.
bnvk joined the channel
ozten, npdoty and glennjones joined the channel
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# 16:38 tantek glennjones - do you have mockups for how you want your checkins to look?
# 16:38 tantek the UX of a checkin post is more important than the markup
# 16:40 glennjones tantek it simple geo(as a map), date time venue name(optional) and comment(optional) - feels like an event
# 16:42 tantek a checkin can be a post that there *was* an event, but a checkin is no more an event than a Tweet is an event
cweiske joined the channel
# 16:43 tantek a checkin is merely a *note* with a *location* that's an explicit *venue*
# 16:43 tantek at least last time aaronpk and I brainstormed about this
# 16:43 tantek also - how is tommorris marking up his checkins?
# 16:45 tantek interesting, tommorris, consider adding p-location to this: <div class="h-card checkin">, e.g. <div class="p-location h-card checkin">
# 16:45 tantek to make it explicit that the post happened at that location
# 16:46 glennjones A checkin does has a strong like between the date time and location, I just think that h-event expresses that. The two other unsaid things is that I was there and its in the past
# 16:47 tantek barnabywalters - you were looking into checkins at some point too
# 16:47 tantek do you know if we put checkin markup / guidance brainstorming somewhere else?
glennjones joined the channel
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# 17:02 tantek.com edited /Falcon (-489) "/* Working On */ got this working a few days ago: pre-fill in-reply-to field with p-in-reply-to URLs from h-entry of the current post. not really a feature, just one fewer inconvenience." (
view diff )
benprew, mikeal, tobiastom, josephboyle and smus joined the channel
# 17:19 bnvk okie, that's enough MF tinkering for today
# 17:20 bnvk "it'll just take 5 minutes" he said... ;)
# 17:21 tantek it would have - but there was pre-existing confusion we had to overcome ;)
paulcp joined the channel
# 17:34 tantek barnabywalters - what are the tools/code you have that does original-post-disocvery and rel-syndication discovery?
# 17:35 barnabywalters rel-syndication discovery and validation is in indiebify.me but it’d be trivial to move to a new package
# 17:35 tantek.com edited /Falcon (+559) "/* Working On */ reclarify original post discovery and rel-syndication implementation tasks, reprioritize them higher since they should be easier to implement, and immediately improve posting interface for me (reduce steps & stress)" (
view diff )
# 17:35 barnabywalters which reminds me, I need to convert the pseudocode algorithms on the mf wiki into prose algorithms people can actually recreate
crossdiver joined the channel
# 17:37 barnabywalters tantek: original post discovery? at the moment my code is horribly messy and non-spec-compliant
# 17:46 tantek lots of details to get right, especially with POSSE involved
# 17:46 tantek making more sense why no one has previously figured out real workable blog to blog commenting before.
crossdiver joined the channel
# 17:48 tantek barnabywalters, rel-syndication discovery should be easier
# 17:48 tantek since the indieweb person controls the source side of the rel-syndication parsing challenge
glennjones joined the channel
# 17:49 tantek original-post-discovery is hard because you're trying to discern information from a silo permalink which we have no control over the markup thereof
ShaneHudson joined the channel
# 17:53 tantek.com edited /Falcon (+369) "/* Working On */ subheads since working on so many things, move rel-syndication to top, a few minor edits" (
view diff )
# 17:53 tantek also I'm trying to document the reasoning for each step of implementing replies so that the next person/people that come along will hopefully both understand it better, and feel that the work is justified by actual needs / uses
# 17:57 tantek writing all this out makes me even more impressed with all the stuff you guys (aaronpk, barnabywalters, tommorris, etc.) have gotten working
benprew, tilgovi, jschweinsberg and tobiastom joined the channel
# 18:16 _6a68 tantek: wow, that's a really good point. how do you even go about doing that? post in the forum with a permalink back to your site?
# 18:16 _6a68 i'd never thought about POSSE forum/stackoverflow/etc posts, but it's a great idea
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# 18:32 _6a68 tantek: related question: if you POSSE to forums, what about IRC?
# 18:33 tantek at least freenode IRC and #indiewebcamp in particular
# 18:33 tantek logs are archived publicly so anyone can get them
# 18:33 tantek but yes - a corporate IRC channel / server would make sense as a POSSE destination as well
# 18:33 _6a68 right, there's no canonical link and no central control of the content in the case of freenode
# 18:34 KevinMarks now I have my domain back, I can get to self hosting, which is why I looked at Ghost.
# 18:36 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 18:36 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
smus joined the channel
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# 18:47 tantek tommorris - is it open source that people are running on their own domain?
mikeal joined the channel
# 18:48 tommorris tantek: any open source. I'm documenting a vim plugin at the moment, but documenting our own stuff is good too
# 18:49 tantek I'd say documenting the stuff you live & breathe is far more important than any other open source
# 18:49 tantek bnvk - couple of suggested improvements for your h-cite
# 18:49 tantek the <a class="p-summary p-name p-content" href="http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk...
# 18:49 KevinMarks a checkin is an event for as long as you're still there - this is the foursquare case. If you have an endtime, RSVPs make sense until you leave
# 18:49 tantek should be <a class="p-summary p-name p-content u-url" href="http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk
# 18:50 KevinMarks or the neo-dopplr one where it indicates arrival in a city for a few days
# 18:50 tantek bnvk - and the publisher reference: <a class="u-url p-author p-name" href="https://brennannovak.com/people/thetelegraph" target="_blank">The Telegraph</a>
# 18:51 tantek bnvk should be: <a class="p-publisher h-card" href="https://brennannovak.com/people/thetelegraph" target="_blank">The Telegraph</a>
# 18:51 tantek bnvk though I noticed that that link just goes to your home page which isn't the best experience, so this would be better in that case: <span class="p-publisher h-card">The Telegraph</span>
# 18:56 tantek there are some duplicates in there you may want to take a look at
# 18:56 tantek but most consuming applications I think will handle that np
glennjones, bnvk and snarfed joined the channel
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# 19:07 mikeal !tell caseorga_ i can't make it to LA this weekend for FarmhouseConf, the logistics and cost ended up being too much
# 19:07 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
eschnou joined the channel
# 19:10 tantek heads-up KevinMarks - benwerd and I are conspiring on an indieweb dinner in SF on Friday night.
# 19:10 KevinMarks "kevinmarks, your current position in the Top Journals is: 2,786,781"
# 19:11 crossdiver Would writing a PESOS-style backup for Disqus make it all better?
# 19:11 crossdiver trying to do comments on my site, but want non-indieweb folks to still be able to comment easily
# 19:14 KevinMarks "Comment Posted Success Your comment has been added. According to this journal's settings, it was marked as spam."
# 19:15 bnvk tantek: cool, thanks for the protips :D we should update IndieWebifyMe to denote duplicate entries
# 19:15 tantek this is all a good learning experience for learning about indieweb/microformats itself
# 19:17 bnvk aaronpk: yah, I definitely will get around to indieauth, one of these days :)
# 19:18 KevinMarks so LJ successfully lets me login using openID with IndieAuth, but decides I'm a spammer anyway
# 19:22 KevinMarks I had to change prefs to turn off spam filtering, then it 'screened' the comment with a 3 step 'are you sure' process to let it though
# 19:24 bnvk aaronpk: I mean adding it to my site so I or others can site in with IndieAuth
# 19:25 tantek bnvk - why not take the 30 seconds it takes to swap out myopenid for indieauth for your delegation at least?
# 19:25 aaronpk you can change your openid tags in like 30 seconds and get off myopenid
# 19:25 bnvk oh, ok. I was unaware it was that easy
# 19:26 KevinMarks yep, it was way faster than actually getting the comment to post.
# 19:26 bnvk additionally indieauth continues to be really fickle for me signing in anywhere else due to the fact I'm using https and it's caching or something... that persistent bug
# 19:26 aaronpk I thought I fixed that in the last batch of changes?
# 19:26 KevinMarks now I need to fix my external accounts to point to kevinmarks.com instead of kevin-marks.com
# 19:27 bnvk my only URL that keeps showing a green is Twitter
# 19:27 KevinMarks my google+ one works because that has loads of rel-me's out so I can auth with any account
# 19:27 bnvk I always test signing in to IndieWebcamp
# 19:28 bnvk that works just fine with Twitter on indieauth.co,
# 19:28 bnvk but on indiewebcamp.com it's still totally broken for me
# 19:29 bnvk i'll happily screen share / help debug this
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# 19:29 bnvk yes, that is what I enter "https://brennannovak.com/"
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# 19:53 benwerd !tell tantek Thanks for the Disqus note - I haven't altered my old WP install at all. I should probably deactivate it (all Disqus comments are copied to my local WP db)
# 19:53 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
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# 20:05 aaronpk I wonder what it would take and/or if it would be a good idea to try that with a really simple indieweb thing, like indieauth, or an h-card on your home page
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# 20:15 bret aaronpk: I would wager that would be a good tactic. When I was learning html5 half the fun was looking at all the shiny websites
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# 20:34 benwerd aaronpk: I like the idea of an h-card in particular. Something like an indie-technorati like in anil's post could be a great hook
# 20:35 aaronpk really simple directory of people, you added a photo, your name, two tags, and a link to your site
# 20:37 aaronpk it got picked up a ton in portland. started out with just "designers" and "developers" and they quickly had to add tags for artists, musicians, etc
# 20:37 aaronpk i'm thinking it would be fun to do that again but pick up all the name/photo/tags from the URL you enter. so the only thing you'd type in is your website.
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# 20:40 aaronpk the key is it has to a) look really good and b) needs to be part of some community, either geographic or topical, so people want to add themselves to the list
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# 21:03 benwerd aaronpk: I like that very much. A simple "we are independent" directory might be a nice step, along the lines of that site
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# 21:15 benwerd weareindependent.com: ours at an affordable $2195. I guess I'm saved from another random domain buy.
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# 21:19 aaronpk the TLD as part of the word is cute, but rather hard to say
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# 21:20 Loqi tantek: benwerd left you a message 1 hour, 26 minutes ago: Thanks for the Disqus note - I haven't altered my old WP install at all. I should probably deactivate it (all Disqus comments are copied to my local WP db)
# 21:21 benwerd tempted to buy weareindie.tv and use it as a challenge to implement indie-video
# 21:24 benwerd Man, I need to sort out that karma score. Must log into the channel more. (I finally finished my project that's been taking me away from idno this weekend!)
# 21:25 benwerd hoping to actually participate and build stuff again. been a while.
# 21:28 tantek and dangit here I thought maybe I had a chance of catching up ;)
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# 21:33 tantek what's weird is that you even have the <meta property="og:image" content="http://indiewebcamp.com/wiki/skins/indieweb/images/indiewebcamp_logo_color.png" /> markup in there and it doesn't seem to help
# 21:37 benwerd apparently the og image needs to be at least 200x200
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# 21:37 benwerd so I guess they just arbitrarily ignore it otherwise
# 21:37 benwerd while picking another image that is also smaller than that
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# 23:56 benwerd the state of video on the web otherwise makes me weep internally on a daily basis
# 23:56 KevinMarks that animated GIF is the de facto format depresses the crap out fo me
# 23:56 benwerd the trick is still that point of upload - but you can possibly mitigate it if you *capture* the video right there using web technologies
# 23:56 benwerd uploading a pre-existing video is likely still to be very hard
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# 23:57 benwerd animated GIFs were really cool in 1994 when I was making them, I swear
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