#aaronpkwell in this case it's hosted on soundcloud, so not ideal. but I imagine I wouldn't necessarily give the audio its own canonical URL even if it's hosted on my site.
#aaronpki'm not sure, it's still something I'm trying to figure out. so I'm just doing whatever in the mean time and I'll see what sticks.
#tantekaaronpk - nice to see you expanding the boundaries with new post type experiments
caseorganic joined the channel
#shanersaaronpk: when you're here for fhc/iwc, can i get a few minutes of your time to look at my flickr archivr setup, please? i'm doing something wrong and would like an extra set of eyes on it.
#aaronpkthis is why I needed to save the "trips" slug for my URLs
#aaronpkI want to send you a URL with my trip itinerary that shows my flight in, my hotel info, the farmhouseconf and indiewebcamp events, and my departure
#shanerstrips is a kind of meta collection of "jaunts"?
#aaronpkit would basically look like my tag pages, showing all the various posts for that trip
#tantekso the friends re-use from Twitter is not something I can work with
#tanteksharing your trips is *very* different than following someone on Twitter
#tanteksure there is some overlap, however there are plenty of (most?) people that the opposites apply
#aaronpkagreed. currently I have 3 trips published on my site publicly. however, I'm waiting to make sure I've implemented authenticated trips properly before adding more flights.
#aaronpkalso I plan on showing various levels of detail for each trip and flight depending on who you are
#tantekaaronpk, I could also see wanting to change the "public"ness of trip information based on future / past
#aaronpkthe main purpose I'm using my travel permalinks for already is telling people when I'm arriving or when I'll be in town
#aaronpktantek: interesting point! hadn't considered that yet.
#tantekaaronpk - agreed - that's what Dopplr was really good for
#tantekI'll likely make most of my *future* trip info *private*, and then as I return home, make most of my trip info *public*.
#aaronpkit's funny that already in the day and a half these links have been live I've already shared them with 3 different people and avoided sending them emails or super long text messages
ryana joined the channel
#tanteklower security threat model for past trips than for future trips
#aaronpkyeah, I can totally see hiding flights/trips until after they're over. also the flight number is not really relevant after the trip is over either.
thatryana joined the channel
#aaronpkand showing my seat is really only relevant to people i'm traveling with, so nobody else should see it even though it's not a "security" or "privacy" thing
#tantekaaronpk - seat and flight #s are a security thing because of griefing potential
snarfed joined the channel
#aaronpkwow you'd have to be pretty hardcore to track down my flight # and seat and buy a ticket next to me to grief me
#tantekaaronpk - unfortunately there are other attack vectors.
#KevinMarksa list of friends implicitly has multiple urls per friend due to rel-me
#tantekKevinMarks - rel-me itself may form the basis of a graph, but that result is still a single node when you're talking about "people", which "friends" is a special case thereof.
#tantekthus a friend list is still a list, not a graph, for any/all computational purposes.
#KevinMarksthe challenge is what the unambiguous representation of the friend is
#KevinMarksif you want to do set logic on the lists (friends in common etc)
#tanteksounds like you're making it harder than it needs to be
#tantekI think when you focus on a specific use-case, the problem is greatly simplified
#tantekso rather than solving anything in abstract, e.g. "friends in common", just code what you need for your next important use-case for yourself and see what you figure out.
#KevinMarksI'm still fighting my own domain DNS crap :(
#KevinMarksalso playing the 'where the heck did I register that domain?' game
tilgovi, hupili, smus, tpinto, LauraJ, tobiastom, cweiske and andreypopp joined the channel
#cweiskeI like it because you have so much more possibilities of marking up things
#cweiskethey have a defined structure for extensions
#cweiskewe use it to write docs for our software @work, convert it automatically to wiki formats (e.g. confluence) and deploy it automatically to our customer's wikis
#pdurbinI always use autolink in markdown if it's supported
bnvk joined the channel
#tommorrisbarnabywalters: some kind of mashup of Ghost Caspar and Wordpress' P2 would be interesting ;)
#pdurbincweiske: we just moved our docs to sphinx so I'm trying to get into rST a bit. Markdown seems so much more simple. I like Markdown's "plain text email" philosophy.
#tantekhey bnvk - how's your post / reply-context markup going?
smus joined the channel
#bnvktantek: I haven't worked on it since yesterday, I'd like to get to it over the weekend but it's unlikely since there is a huge music festival taking over Reykjavik and I have friends from US in town for it :/
#tantekbnvk you can put microformats property class names on any descendant inside a microformats root class name element, WITHOUT any intervening microformats root class names in the descendent chain
#tantekhowever you CANNOT put a microformats property class name for its root class name on the *same* element, e.g. this is wrong: <span class="h-card p-name"> <-- won't work.
#tantekwhen you put a microformats property and root class name on the same element, it embeds that root microformat as a value of that property class name, which then is a part of whatever root class name is above it (nearest ancestor root class name)
#bnvkI think the confusion (for me) stems from a seeming incongruity with the following: "h-entry > h-cite > p-author" then the author of the actual post is just "h-entry > p-author"
#bnvkrather than having it's own more granular container
#tantekeach *does* have its own granular container
#tantekh-cite > p-author is the author you are citing, not you
#tantekbarnabywalters - I'd dump the rel=tag suggestion - we have evidence that mixing rel and class confuses authors, and they're unlikely to get the URL structure right for a rel-tag anyway.
#barnabywaltersI like the mf approach of “a page is a thing” as opposed to the more Semweb approach of “each thing on a page with an @id or @resource is a thing”
#glennjonesA checkin does has a strong like between the date time and location, I just think that h-event expresses that. The two other unsaid things is that I was there and its in the past
#tantekbarnabywalters - you were looking into checkins at some point too
#barnabywalterslooks like I’ve got h-entry > p-location.h-adr.h-geo
smus joined the channel
#tantek.comedited /Falcon (-489) "/* Working On */ got this working a few days ago: pre-fill in-reply-to field with p-in-reply-to URLs from h-entry of the current post. not really a feature, just one fewer inconvenience." (view diff)
benprew, mikeal, tobiastom, josephboyle and smus joined the channel
#barnabywaltersrel-syndication discovery and validation is in indiebify.me but it’d be trivial to move to a new package
#barnabywaltersit’s only in there for convenience during development
#tantek.comedited /Falcon (+559) "/* Working On */ reclarify original post discovery and rel-syndication implementation tasks, reprioritize them higher since they should be easier to implement, and immediately improve posting interface for me (reduce steps & stress)" (view diff)
#barnabywalterswhich reminds me, I need to convert the pseudocode algorithms on the mf wiki into prose algorithms people can actually recreate
#tanteksince the indieweb person controls the source side of the rel-syndication parsing challenge
glennjones joined the channel
#tantekoriginal-post-discovery is hard because you're trying to discern information from a silo permalink which we have no control over the markup thereof
ShaneHudson joined the channel
#tantek.comedited /Falcon (+369) "/* Working On */ subheads since working on so many things, move rel-syndication to top, a few minor edits" (view diff)
#tantekalso I'm trying to document the reasoning for each step of implementing replies so that the next person/people that come along will hopefully both understand it better, and feel that the work is justified by actual needs / uses
#KevinMarksa checkin is an event for as long as you're still there - this is the foursquare case. If you have an endtime, RSVPs make sense until you leave
#tantekshould be <a class="p-summary p-name p-content u-url" href="http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk
#KevinMarksor the neo-dopplr one where it indicates arrival in a city for a few days
#tantekbnvk - and the publisher reference: <a class="u-url p-author p-name" href="https://brennannovak.com/people/thetelegraph" target="_blank">The Telegraph</a>
#tantekbnvk should be: <a class="p-publisher h-card" href="https://brennannovak.com/people/thetelegraph" target="_blank">The Telegraph</a>
#tantekbnvk though I noticed that that link just goes to your home page which isn't the best experience, so this would be better in that case: <span class="p-publisher h-card">The Telegraph</span>
#bnvkadditionally indieauth continues to be really fickle for me signing in anywhere else due to the fact I'm using https and it's caching or something... that persistent bug
#aaronpkI thought I fixed that in the last batch of changes?
#Loqibenwerd: tantek left you a message 5 hours, 40 minutes ago: Ok I wrote up the disqus controversy on the wiki page to make it easier to find, since searching for "disqus" in Google (even Google news) just brings up every site that *uses* Disqus: http://indiewebcamp.com/Disqus#Displays_ads_on_site_to_public_but_not_owner
#benwerd!tell tantek Thanks for the Disqus note - I haven't altered my old WP install at all. I should probably deactivate it (all Disqus comments are copied to my local WP db)
#aaronpkyou know how people make shiny things like http://humanstxt.org/ and get everyone excited about adding it to their site really quick?
LauraJ and smus joined the channel
#aaronpkI wonder what it would take and/or if it would be a good idea to try that with a really simple indieweb thing, like indieauth, or an h-card on your home page
#aaronpkit got picked up a ton in portland. started out with just "designers" and "developers" and they quickly had to add tags for artists, musicians, etc
#aaronpki'm thinking it would be fun to do that again but pick up all the name/photo/tags from the URL you enter. so the only thing you'd type in is your website.
scor joined the channel
#aaronpkthe key is it has to a) look really good and b) needs to be part of some community, either geographic or topical, so people want to add themselves to the list
squeakytoy, caseorganic, caseorga_, bnvk, bnvk_ and fmarier joined the channel
#benwerdaaronpk: I like that very much. A simple "we are independent" directory might be a nice step, along the lines of that site
#@aral…and IndieWeb, like Open Data, is so important for Indie Data that I can’t even imagine how much harder Prometheus would be to do w/out it. (twitter.com/_/status/395299023273623552)
tantek joined the channel
#Loqitantek: benwerd left you a message 1 hour, 26 minutes ago: Thanks for the Disqus note - I haven't altered my old WP install at all. I should probably deactivate it (all Disqus comments are copied to my local WP db)
#benwerdMan, I need to sort out that karma score. Must log into the channel more. (I finally finished my project that's been taking me away from idno this weekend!)
#tantekwhat's weird is that you even have the <meta property="og:image" content="http://indiewebcamp.com/wiki/skins/indieweb/images/indiewebcamp_logo_color.png" /> markup in there and it doesn't seem to help
#@giyomImagine the #indieweb equivalent to banking: #indiebank i.e. ppl pooling deposits w/ open source software to drive resilient pymt innovation (twitter.com/_/status/395304854488223744)