benwerdI remember the whole GIF licensing controversy, too. If everyone would just pick up something license-unencumbered, we'd be golden. But yes, JS dynamic codecs could well be the answer.
KevinMarksI remember m'colleague at Apple modified a hardqware y2K countdown clock for the Unisys patent expiration so he could check gif into QuickTime
KevinMarksmaybe the silo metaphor does work - 'The switch from horizontal to vertical storage can increase milk production totaling well over $100/cow/year*(7)'
tantekWhat are the silos? Control. The silos are computer-generated dream worlds built to keep us under control in order to change a human being into this. [holds up chart showing clicks on ad units]
pdurbintantek: 'Anything pitched as a single project by name, e.g. "Tent server can connect to any other Tent server" [emphasis added] is likely to inevitably descend into a monoculture' -- ... but isn't Tent supposed to be a protocol? i.e. "SMTP server" or "DNS server"
tantek!tell benwerd an indieweb tagged post aggregator would be cool - but as pointed out in that thread - unless you have a new approach to the spam problem - don't bother.
rtaibahbarnabywalters, well seems like I am in a pickle. This is hosted on mediatemple, I wanted to move away from them (after the GoDaddy acquisition.) Now they suspended my account and asking me to pay for the next year...grrr
rtaibahMemoryKloud: The assumption is that you don't really need to own or preserve everything, but only the memories that you cherish (wedding, newborn, graduation...etc)
rtaibahpdurbin, yes of course it does! Images, videos, microblogs, blogs, sound bites....etc all take a part. The problem is that these are fragmented between platforms/users
barnabywalters, crossdiver, bnvk, julien51 and ttepasse joined the channel
rtaibahpdurbin, no not anti at all, where did you get that from? I haven't looked at Thinkup for a while. But MemoryKloud's (my grad school final project I was talking about) idea was that it depended on user-defined events. i.e capture anything that has to do with my newborn from all these networks. Then create a scrap book out of it or something.
Loqitantek: barnabywalters left you a message 33 minutes ago: RE facebook OPD, I added a basic shim for facebook permalink post pages. Brrr disgusting markup.
tantek!tell benwerd what would it take to convince you to put ( 2013-10-30-t1) style (or shorter) permashortcitations in the POSSE copies of your notes posts on FB, Twitter etc.? cc: barnabywalters [original-post-discovery] <- old school tag.
tantekbarnabywalters - I'm working on my rel-syndication parsing/discovery code and I'm wondering what's the best current PHP approach to extracting that stuff from potentially messy markup. Would like to avoid regex/scraping if possible.
barnabywaltersis there a #microformats wiki page about consuming mf data? I’ve been learning a ton of stuff about it recently, and solidified much of it into useful functions in mf-cleaner
snarfedhey barnabywalters, i've been using php-mf2 from the command line to get a fast testing loop - which is great, thanks for writing it! - and i'm seeing odd results
rtaibahOk, so I've been through the website, read the getting started, any other readings you guys recommend. I heard Jeremy Keith on The Web Ahead talk about this, I want more of where that came from.
barnabywalterssnarfed: I made a new test case from the source of your site, and it parsed fine using exactly the same version as your command line script was
Loqibenwerd: tantek left you a message on 10/29 at 6:33pm: an indieweb tagged post aggregator would be cool - but as pointed out in that thread - unless you have a new approach to the spam problem - don't bother.
Loqibenwerd: tantek left you a message 10 hours, 38 minutes ago: do you know when you started supporting rel=syndication links? FYI I added them 2013-06-23, day 2 of IndieWebCamp 2013.
Loqibenwerd: barnabywalters left you a message 4 hours, 20 minutes ago: RE facebook OPD, I added a basic shim for facebook permalink post pages. Brrr disgusting markup.
Loqibenwerd: tantek left you a message 3 hours, 14 minutes ago: what would it take to convince you to put ( 2013-10-30-t1) style (or shorter) permashortcitations in the POSSE copies of your notes posts on FB, Twitter etc.? cc: barnabywalters [original-post-discovery] <- old school tag.
benwerdit's on my list. Just need to carve out the time to do it, and figure out what the most sensible / shortest syntax is, given I don't use your style of permalink.
benwerdRe: links - It's on my list. Just need to carve out the time to do it, and figure out what the most sensible / shortest syntax is, given I don't use your style of permalink.
barnabywalterssnarfed: I added fetch-mf2 and parse-mf2 commands to the dev version of php-mf2, they turn up in vendor/bin if you install using composer. One fetches from a URL, the other parses from stdin, both output pretty JSON
snarfedthanks. i edited and started already. just finished installing composer via homebrew, but it's not seeing that it's installed. debugging that now.
Loqiaaronpk: tantek left you a message 11 hours, 46 minutes ago: do you know when you started supporting rel=syndication links? FYI I added them 2013-06-23, day 2 of IndieWebCamp 2013.
aaronpk!tell tantek what do you mean "supporting rel=syndication links"? When I started publishing them or when I started following them on other peoples' posts?
snarfedaaronpk, benwerd: agreed re permashortcitation (missing slash) links. i don't have a good alternative suggestion though, especially for places like silos where you can only control content, not markup.
snarfedyeah, i use the explicit link attachments for FB and G+, which is similar. it's valuable real estate for rendering inside silos though, so i may switch to last text link
barnabywalterssnarfed: in the FB UI I can’t see a place to explicitly add a link (automatically determined from content) — can you only do that via the API?
Loqitantek: aaronpk left you a message 2 hours, 17 minutes ago: what do you mean "supporting rel=syndication links"? When I started publishing them or when I started following them on other peoples' posts?
tantek!tell benwerd - and the other questions? when did you start publishing rel="syndication" markup? and does idno look for (consume) rel-syndication links when you're posting a reply?