b0bg0dit's the canonical-ish implementation of the methods, protocols and formats in JS. just add identity (domain) and data (tbd) and you're riding the indie web.
breti've beein using prose.io for a while, which lets me edit my jekyll blog all client side in browser, but that depends on the Github api to write to a remote git repo
snarfedto your higher level point, from the little i know so far, it seems like indieweb people are definitely aware of the unhosted ideas, and like them, but haven't done a lot of concrete integration work yet
bretclient side editing and storage, backed by remote storage! All you need now is a webapp that pulls in the data like the client does, and make a website out of it
tantekhey snarfed, I think there's at least a rough passive consensus that u-like is the way to link to thinks that are liked, and that a post (h-entry) containing a u-like *is* just a "like" post. (rather than having an explicit "like" type post)
brianloveswordsMy friend just asked me “Do you have any good books / posts you would recommend on the subject of federated networks?” – anyone have any recommendations?
tommorrisoh sure. I know that the OpenID people thought it very important to include compatibility with SAML and LID and XRI and a bunch of other things nobody cares about much anymore. ;)
aaronpkwhich makes it really handy because you can auth users against an auth server which is inside a firewall and doesn't actually have an internet connection
barnabywaltersRE why “federation” is distrusted — IMO it’s because the default path a whole bunch of “federated” projects went down caused their focus and goals to shift further and further away from actual interoperability
aaronpkpdurbin: imagine you have your own SAML provider sitting on your home network, and you don't expose it to the internet, it only has a local IP address
aaronpkyou visit my site and I ask you to sign in using your SAML provider. Assuming I've pre-negotiated a few things, I just direct your browser to your local IP address.
pdurbinaaronpk: so in this scenario you're running a SAML Service Provider (SP) in the cloud (from my perspective) and I'm running a SAML Identity Provider (IdP) on my local network
aaronpknot sure if there's been much work done to try to bootstrap that part automatically. I imagine there's some RFC extension to SAML sitting around somewhere for it.