#pdurbinaaronpk: at least for higher ed in the US, there's InCommon, where institutions trust other member institutions: https://incommon.org ... I'm just learning about it though... fuzzy on the details... but I've been asked "Is your Service Provider already registered with InCommon?"
#XgFJWT is how you sign an assertion. SAML is how you sign an assertion
#XgFOf course the whole JOSE committee are a bunch of retards
#XgF(Hey, we're designing a spec in the 21st century! Of course mandate support for RSA with PKCS#1v1.5 padding, that hasn't been broken for OVER A DECADE!)
#KevinMarks_"However, as a rich and highly extensible framework with many optional components, on its own, this specification is likely to produce a wide range of non-interoperable implementations."
#aaronpkthat was one of Eran Hammer's last edits to that document
#XgFThe sensible members of the IETF basically said we're not publishing it unless you rename it a framework and point out that everybody's version of OAuth 2 is different
paulcp, caseorganic, snarfed and tantek joined the channel
#tantekbrianloveswords there are no good books on the subject of federated networks because there are no good federated networks. yet. email may have had a glimmer but it being crushed under overwhelming spam and will die as a result.
#tantekthere are many aspirational posts about federated social networks (such as the one hadleybeeman pointed out) but few and far between are actual good posts about them. here is a list of a few: http://indiewebcamp.com/Posts_about_the_IndieWeb
#tantekaaronpk, choosing what to minimally build and build it is hard. I'm hoping that /Getting_Started and /IndieMark help with that.
#tantekand deploying something minimal and incomplete on your own site is scary. I'm hoping all the "IndieWeb examples" sections on all the building blocks help with that by showing that it's ok to be awkward and incremental.
#tantekit's so much easier and safer to simply brainstorm APIs.
#XgFBecause it often includes a title which is just a duplicate of the content
#tantekbarnabywalters - the simple algorithm is if the name of the note is the same as the content, don't show the title
#barnabywaltersmf2 structures always have name properties due to implied parsing. better that it’s explicitly defined by the author than left to whatever the innertext of the root mf element is
#barnabywalterstantek: in theory that works, in practise it isn’t
#aaronpktantek: thats the problem, determining whether they are the same
#tantekyou can add to that: if the name of the note ends with an ellipsis (… or … (unicode)) then drop the ellipsis and if the result is a prefix for the content, then don't show the name
#barnabywaltersprobably because of whitespace collapsing inconsistencies in the parser
#barnabywaltersbut that can be normalised by the consuming code anyway
#tantekbarnabywalters - alright, that sounds like a challenge to write up the algorithm and start collecting issues based on real world examples
#tantekthis: " It didn’t seem worthwhile to spend a lot of time learning how to configure it correctly and create a complex theme, when what I really wanted to do was quickly manage my design and focus on writing. Enter static site generators."
cweiske joined the channel
#tantekXgF - have any of those supposed activitystreams selfdogfooders bothered to update the AS wiki pages accordingly? and if it's all pump.io - that sounds almost like an implementation specific technology.
scor joined the channel
#XgFtantek: There are other people using AS, but Pump is the only big "public" deployment
#tantekXgF - then why isn't it documented on the AS wiki?
#XgFThe wiki pages are a bit tumbleweedy, mostly because what needs saying gets said in the specs
#tantekI guess I'm not taking your word for it in IRC
#tantekwell - lack of documentation of implementations is a problem
#tantekit indicates insufficient critical mass / community IMO
#tantekthe specs themselves are bit of a tldr mess
#tantekthat would benefit from broken into a modular set of minimal pages on the wiki
#XgFThe JSON serialization spec (the "core spec") is pretty simple (and can easily be grokked in a single reading). The base schema spec could do with better organization, yes
#XgFI'll investigate that (though I need to find out whats happening ATM
#XgFthere was talk of the W3C wanting to adopt ActivityStreams as an official workgroup)
#snarfedto be fair, the google+ API's data format could arguably count as AS too
#snarfedbut it is tweaked, and it's only the data model, not any of the API itself, and the API is extremely limited…so it's not much
#tantekXgF - the talk at the osfw3c meetup in August was a bit of a disaster
#tantekthe Google schema folks were called out for bullying changes in ActivityStreams
#tantekand meanwhile the JSON-LD folks were pressuring the AS folks into adopting JSON-LD
#tantekit had all the makings of a bureaucratic trainwreck
#tanteksnarfed- yeah - Google+ API's data model is a conceptual fork of AS
#XgFTo be fair w.r.t. JSON-LD, the initial starting point for "AS 2.0" was to build it as a profile of JSON-LD
abrereton joined the channel
#tantekJSON-LD is a massive distraction for anyone who wants to ship/iterate/interoperate ASAP
#tantekbecause the crowd behind JSON-LD do not actually ship/iterate/interoperate on their own projects/sites with it.
#tantekpaying attention to JSON-LD is not technical nor practical, only political
amz3 joined the channel
#XgFTheres certainly /utility/ there. You could within about ~25 lines build a JSON-LD context which would map ActivityStreams JSON to "ActivityStreams RDF"... but yeah, I want to avoid the Schema.org quagmire
#tantekFWIW, mapping to "ActivityStreams RDF" is not really "utility". that's just mapping between things that have no innate utility themselves
#tantekinteresting about your perspective/experience that " RDF as a data model. It's certainly easier to work with as a "database storage format" than JSON in some ways"
#tantekusing URLs for references to people, posts etc. seems to get around that problem
#XgFDocument stores tend not to be ACID, so don't do normalization too well
#tanteksticking all the data as strings inline in every instance seems to be the problem
#amz3XgF I know what cyclic graphs, I don't understand the first part of the statement «RDF database become easier», why do you mean by easier? Since they handle ACID acrod entities, it makes things easier?
#Loqiamz3 meant to say: XgF I know what cyclic graphs, I don't understand the first part of the statement «RDF database become easier», what do you mean by easier? Since they handle ACID acrod entities, it makes things easier?
#XgFRDF becomes easier to work with than JSON because your ORM can do the lookups for you
#XgFtantek: Will do as soon as I unbreak my rel=me auth :-)
#tantekXgF - unbreaking your rel=me auth is easier than any RDF :)
#amz3I never understood the value that brings a RDF datastore, except the RDF query languages that I never studied deeply but seemed very cryptic and difficult to learn, not very scientific, yet I prefer graph databases
paulcp joined the channel
#XgFtantek: I finally got sick of Wordpress and MySQL, so my website is now (provisionally) migrated to idno. I haven't yet figured out what benwerd did to get his profile on /...
#XgFamz3: The single biggest benefit (IMO) is the distinction between strings and links
#bretI'm starting to eye http://docpad.org/ as a next step for my site, but part of me wants to do it from scratch to avoid not fully understanding someone elses project