barnabywaltersyou started from flat files and are moving towards DBs, I started storing everything in the DB and am getting progressively more and more sick of them
cweiskemy blog software has articles in plain html files, but for generating the stuff around it (index page, feeds, tag pages), I import them into a in-memory sqlite db
barnabywalterscweiske: I thought I would want to do tonnes of querying over my notes. turns out I actually want to do three, maybe four things: before/after datetime pagination, tagged filtering, deleted post filtering. maybe access control
barnabywalterscweiske: getting the pagination right (matching the API I want) was surprisingly awkward with SQL, though that might be due to my lack of knowledge
aaronpki'll try to document the others when I think of them again, Iusually open up my code and try to do something, then get frustrated at how long it will take with querying flat files and move on to something easier
tantekaaronpk: The reasons you give re deleted posts is one of the reasons I chose one bim per file rather than one post per file. I can almost always get everything I need with one file system access to read one file.
aaronpkI have a lot of things that can create posts for me. my posting interface, import scripts from jawbone, etc, and I only plan to increasse the number of these things
aaronpkin my case quite probable, imagine scrobbling songs to my server while uploading step counts live from devices on my wrist while writing a blog post
aaronpk I would have to switch to a URL scheme that is guaranteed to never generate colliding URLs (probably using microsecond-precision of the timestamp would be good enough)
barnabywalters aaronpk: probably a stupid question, but surely writes are quick enough that you could lock the resource, making concurrent writes block until the previous one finished?
aaronpk barnabywalters: sorta-ish... some of my writes grab data from elsewhere, like looking up my location to add geo context to posts, and those may be HTTP or at least redis calls
aaronpk also if I have to make a locking mechanism I would be super annoyed. if the filesystem blocked on the fopen for the write for me it would be better
barnabywalters tantek: currently Taproot stores them in post YAML files, but I’m moving to a separate archive inspired by aaronpk’s one, but which stores multiple copies of resources over time
tantekaside: speaking of tag aggregations (I think aaronpk mentioned it as a use-case), my goodness FB's /hashtag/ pages suck. I get empty results nearly all the time.
tantekalso, aaronpk, barnabywalters - do you know/remember when you started linking hashtags on your posts/notes to tag aggregation pages on your own site?
tanteknow that we have a bunch of us POSSEing with permashortlinks or permashortcitations of the form (ccTLD postID) or (ccTLD/postID), what if we formalize that as community-driven Twitter Annotations reborn?
tanteke.g. what if we got Twitter clients etc. to start to "read" our "annotations" and do things with them, e.g. display full content (ala Weave, but in every Twitter client).
tantekis considering switching from (ccTLD postID) or (ccTLD/postID) to see if he still gets complaints from folks about the link being clickable in tweets even when there's no more content.
Loqitantek meant to say: is considering switching from (ccTLD postID) to (ccTLD/postID) to see if he still gets complaints from folks about the link being clickable in tweets even when there's no mtoe content.
tantekwhat if we explicitly include the protocol in permashortlinks when there's more content? e.g. (http(s)://ccTLD/postID) - but still keep the whole thing in parens? That would cause it to auto-link in more POSSE destinations (e.g. FB).
tantek!tell benwerd since you most recently implemented and iterated on permashortlinks/permashortcitations, interested in your thoughts on moving them forward in a more unified fashion in this way:
mathpunkI hid from the internet for a few years when it was really starting to get interesting and now I want to return to alternate 2003 and build from there :D
mathpunkStep Now: Staring blankly at emails re: my domain name transfer from godaddy to hover and not at all sure what they're asking me to do... hm. [ ]
snarfedesp if you're interested in frontend stuff like JS, i'd definitely suggest trying out SemPress and the wordpress-webmention plugin to get microformats2 and webmentions out of the box
snarfedyou were right about the twitter etiquette of link meaning additional content, but it looked like only a small fraction of people ever actually felt strongly about it
mathpunksnarfed: I have not administered my own WP site... I just flapped my hands at a friend. Sooo... I guess I need to figure out how to point my domain at my vps, somehow without breaking its Google Apps connection.
snarfedand you don't necessarily have to give up google apps. private applications you use, like gmail, google calendar, etc, don't exclude owning your own public-facing identity on
snarfeddomain is the most important part. then comes putting the public (or semi-public) content you create and publish on it instead of (or in addition to) silos like FB and twitter
snarfedmathpunk: yup, looks right. consider maybe doing it with your friend, either virtually in person, since it sounds like they helped set it all up at the beginning
mathpunkhurm. but I've never made a dreamhost account. soooo, this must mean that Eric (friend in question) set up hosting there back when I was all, "ugh i don't wanna know just make it do the thing"
aaronpkit's not hard once you get your head around it, it's just that there are a whole bunch of pieces to learn in the first place and no good way to make sense of it quickly
mathpunkI think this is less worse than when I first decided I wanted to get into this webdev thing, and there were all these frameworks to make things "easier"
tantek.comedited /permashortcitation (+626) "add notes about benwerd's switching between permashortcitations and permashortlinks and then dropping them about a week later." (view diff)