#Loqiaaronpk meant to say: they're not quite h-event posts, and I can't remember exactly but there was some weirdness if they were straight up h-entrys
#aaronpktantek: no, the order of the indexes is post order, not sure i'm happy with that but so far I haven't posted more than one event on a day so it hasn't mattered
#aaronpkmathpunk: TIL DNS servers in Dubai return whatever the hell they want and should not be trusted
#tantekI figure there's well established conventions for event listings
#aaronpklet me continue debugging this from my home internet
#aaronpktantek: yes, that's why I said i'm not totally happy with it. I switched to second-precision URLs for my "metrics" posts which makes them always in chronological order
#tanteksnarfed - bring a friend or two who have expressed in interest in working on their own website - any level ok
#snarfedagreed. i'm 0 for 3 so far :( but i'll keep trying
#aaronpkmathpunk: ok so I'm not getting any answer for where your site is
melvster and HereticLocke joined the channel
#mathpunkaaronpk: I'm trying to stop myself from monkeying with everything simultaneously. components include: I have a vps that I know how to ssh into so, obvsly I'm pretty l33t. I have mail.mathpunk.net which is identical to what I get when I go to mail.google.com.
#aaronpkyou changed your nameservers to hostvirtual, did you do anything in hostvirtual to set DNS records?
#mathpunkaaronpk: No, I was just looking at the DNS tab and realizing I dunno what DNS is
#aaronpkmathpunk: your email is about to stop working
#aaronpknow hostvirtual is serving all your DNS records. so when anybody says "where the hell do I find the server for mathpunk.net?" hover says "go ask hostvirtual you dork"
#tantek.comedited /Falcon (+107) "/* POSSE Details */ clarify what types POSSEd, how replies are POSSEd" (view diff)
#mathpunkstatus: mathpunk.net goes kerplooey (unsurprising, it has nothign running but the mongo), mail.mathpunk.net goes kerplooey, mail.google.com works as usual
#mathpunkaaronpk: Ok! Now everything is successfully broken. "Break down to build up"
#tantekaaronpk - adding a new post type to Falcon is sufficiently difficult that this time I'm working through all the details/difficulties and documenting them in an Implementation Design section the wiki while adding "event" post type support.
#tantekin the hopes that doing so will help reveal where it can be simplified
#tantekand maybe provide a model for others to improve upon
#aaronpkmathpunk: keep in mind that every change you make takes a while to propagate
#mathpunkthat would be great-- we could use the Colbert Principle. In the green room he tells his guests, "You just be yourself, and remember that I'm an idiot."
#tantekmathpunk - would be great if you could summarize the problems you're running into and link to the respective screenshots here: http://indiewebcamp.com/DNS#FAQ
#tantekhopefully will help others in the community that may encounter similar problems
#tantekand the knowledge isn't then lost in IRC archives
#aaronpkmathpunk: ok any time after 12/4 I am free. planning to take some full days off work too since I've been putting in so many overtime
#tantekmathpunk - even if you just start by copy/pasting what you wrote in IRC about the problems you're having, that would be a good start.
#bnvkaaronpk: but your funny setting default can be changed- I've seen it happen
#aaronpkright now i'm just running DNS queries from my SSH connection to my home server
#tanteksuccessfully updates his .htaccess without breaking his permalinks or archive pages
#aaronpkmathpunk: I think everything is working now!
#tantekrealizes he's implemented more archive pages than he thought he had.
#tantek(even though they're not linked to from anywhere)
#mathpunkI don't understand why "www.mathpunk.net" is still showing the wp site, though... I thought that'd be broken by now
#aaronpkmathpunk: at least as soon as your DNS cache clears
#aaronpkthere are a lot of places DNS can be cached
#aaronpkmathpunk: oh wait you mean you have a new site that is not the wordpress site?
#mathpunkwell, no-- I want one, made of bespoke organic HTML that I can learn to JS up.
#aaronpkyou mentioned a VPS on the hostvirtual thing
#aaronpkis that the place you want your new site to live?
#aaronpkyou also said mongo, i'm pretty sure I heard mongo at some point
#mathpunkYes. The VPS is running a mongo db until we replace it with something that's not mongo db. I want to run the site on my VPS. I can ssh into it and put files on it and stuff. And I have a tunnel set up on a vpn, though I can't really recall what that means.
#barnabywaltersaaronpk: oh, RE wanting to have a vpn to your home — have you come across sshuttle?
#barnabywaltersit tunnels all your local traffic over a ssh connection
#barnabywaltersI just alias woosecureinternet to sshuttle -r bwserve 0/0 ;)
#aaronpkmathpunk: ok so... right now your mathpunk.net domain is pointing at the dreamhost server still, which is cool, cause it means you still have a site
#tantek.comedited /Falcon (+1622) "separate implementation design, add Routing section for how URLs get routed to what implementation files" (view diff)
#aaronpkif you want to work on a new version of your site on your VPS, you should do something like make an A record for new.mathpunk.net to the IP address of your VPS
#aaronpkthen you can work on that in parallel and not break your site
#tanteke.g. start with blog.example.com routing to Tumblr, and then want to setup/work on a new self-hosted blog without breaking their Tumblr in the mean time
#tanteklowering that switching cost (cognitively even) is important
#mathpunkbtw guys, (a) thank you SO freaking much, and (b) I am very inspired by the POSSE principle... cause there's lots of places that seem like fun channels, but not at the expense of them being yr studio, to extend the TV metaphor, dig?
#aaronpktantek: right, it's something you do so infrequently that there is no incentive to learn it
#tantekright, no incentive to learn it = there should be an easy step-by-step instruction document for how to do it
#tantekwhich any of us would reference when we need to do it
#tantekand as you said, it's clearly an opportunity for a business-model
#tantekto improve upon the current state of things
#mathpunktantek: I agree on saving what we've written today but, again, I dunno how to modify the wiki to save my chat logs. this is the most irc I've done in 10 years btw
#aaronpkI *have* been looking for something indieweb-related to do as a business... this feels like something worth tackling at the moment
#tantekmathpunk - we have to get you setup with a simple static home page with h-card + rel-me first
#barnabywaltersmy bad for mixing IRC commands with domain-relative URLs :)
#mathpunkCan I set up a static site from what I've got now? if I make that site-breaking change referenced above?
#aaronpkmathpunk: it depends on what's running on your VPS
#aaronpkassuming the IP address is, I don't see any web server running there yet
#mathpunkhrm, of course I dunno how to scroll back to what that was....
#barnabywalterson which note — I figured out the solution to the indiearchive browsability vs accuracy problem! just inject a <base> element into the document with the archive base. that way you can leave all the links untouched, but they still go to archived things
#mathpunkah. sooo, I need to start a server daemon of some kind. and it will have... a... port.
#barnabywaltersand you can always redirect from non-archived URLs to the real thing, so non-archived things don’t break
#bnvkis it to represent the timezone you are in when you start your travel?
#aaronpkbnvk: it's the timezone that displays on the item in the list view (carry-over from notes/articles/etc, redundant in the travel post because the timezone is in the start date too)
#bnvkever since I added "private" ideas it's done that... thanks ;)
#@tdesign Qs when coding a new #indieweb post type: * how should it look as a page? * a feed entry? * in a list of posts? (ttk.me t4T91) (twitter.com/_/status/403310204894199809)
#tantekbnvk - heh - I just use indiewebcamp.com to capture my ideas like that
#tantekor sometimes when they're constrained I'll write a short note - like ^^^
#bnvkyah, my ideas are basically pages with some other categorical data tags
#tantekif I get wiki pages working, and then private / shared wiki pages (maybe ACL per page) then I think I'll be able to start keeping my notes on my own site
#tantekand with offline support, I could do so when disconnected too
#tantekwell I don't have event posts working yet, but I have simplified adding new post types to a small set of visual/interaction design problems - which is a good place to focus the work.