2013-11-20 UTC
bnvk and KevinMarks3 joined the channel
# 00:34 tantek KevinMarks3 have you been cloning yourself? ;)
# 00:35 KevinMarks3 Signing in on more than one android + the chromebook
# 00:36 KevinMarks3 I dead to do so on the macbook in case it adds even more clutter to notification centre
thatryana joined the channel
# 00:41 CheckDavid tantek, I do actually have a personal website
# 00:41 CheckDavid checkdavid.com
# 00:41 CheckDavid But that's not the reason why I came here
# 00:41 CheckDavid I was talkign with some guy about the possibility of an open source website
# 00:41 CheckDavid maybe using wordpress and he linked me to your website
# 00:45 tantek CheckDavid - very good. having a person website is a good reason to be in #indiewebcamp
# 00:48 CheckDavid tell me other reasons tantek
mathpunk, pfenwick and ozten joined the channel
# 00:59 CheckDavid tantek, is this basically a way to help people host themselves
# 00:59 CheckDavid A philosophy around that at least.
# 00:59 tantek CheckDavid and a bunch of shared resources and a whole supportive community to help you do so and help inspire each other do so.
# 01:00 tantek where you say "host themselves" we say, own your online identity and data
# 01:01 CheckDavid I actually wanted to know how to build a website for a possible upcoming event, in a way that it could be open source
# 01:01 CheckDavid Not sure if this makes sense
# 01:01 CheckDavid And not sure if this is the best place to discuss it
# 01:01 tantek well we do work on figuring out how to post events on your own site
# 01:02 CheckDavid tantek, fun coincidence =)
# 01:03 CheckDavid What I want to do is actually very related then
# 01:03 CheckDavid Because most people today are publishing their events on facebook etc
# 01:04 tantek CheckDavid - that's right. FB is typical for events these days. A few on G+. And years ago a lot of us used to use Upcoming.org (sadface)
# 01:05 CheckDavid Well, what me and a partner wanted to do is a bitcoin event, of course we are not going the low tech route
# 01:05 CheckDavid like... just social media event posts
scor joined the channel
# 01:10 CheckDavid Well, nice place I found then.
paulcp, tantek, pfenwick, b0bg0d, tilgovi, smus, scor, snarfed, shaners, tpinto, bnvk, josephboyle, smus_ and pfenwick1 joined the channel
# 04:50 tantek is working on event posts support. But first documenting existing support.
obensource_, smus, tpinto, catsup, bnvk, josephboyle, KevinMarks, pfenwick and abrereton joined the channel
# 06:25 tantek so do we really only have two people/sites/implementations of indieweb events?
# 06:27 aaronpk what counts as implementing indeiweb events? h-event markup + handing rsvp replies?
# 06:29 tantek ideally that receives webmentions and displays RSVPs & comments
# 06:29 tantek but I'm thinking of deploying even with manual webmention handling
# 06:29 tantek e.g. checking my webmention.io queue manually and copying RSVPs in
# 06:40 bret tantek: I have events on mine but no rsvp handling... just webmention
# 06:41 tantek bret when did you post your first event post?
# 06:42 bret i resued a note and just put an event inside
bnvk joined the channel
# 06:46 tantek I OTOH am trying to build a proper event post type
# 06:47 tantek (which are basically just replies that happen to start with "going to "
# 06:49 bret The event data is stored in the YAML which is nice, and I have a posting interface which aids in creation of the post via prose
# 06:52 bret ill still plan on updating the wiki with more unhosted info from the weekend. I have been super busy early this week
b0bg0d joined the channel
tpinto and b0bg0d1 joined the channel
# 07:35 tantek drat I couldn't get event posting finished tonight
Jihaisse joined the channel
# 07:43 aaronpk I have tons of search terms piping to various IRC channels
bnvk and netweb joined the channel
# 07:49 tantek aaronpk I rarely go to Twitter either except to check @-replies on my tweets
# 07:49 tantek which I suppose eventually I'll just use snarfed's code to auto-retrieve.
bear joined the channel
# 08:02 tantek I'm off to sleep for now but good to see you here
LauraJ and smus joined the channel
andreypopp, bnvk, LauraJ, friedcell, smus, tpinto and melvster joined the channel
barnabywalters joined the channel
# 10:29 aaronpk also realized that I need to basically move all my "presentation" posts to "events" since they are more like events
KevinMarks2, smus, bnvk, tpinto, barnabywalters and melvster joined the channel
bret, squeakytoy, andreypopp, bnvk, scor, brianloveswords, CheckDavid and josephboyle joined the channel
obensource_, LauraJ, snarfed, bnvk, bnvk_, smus, _6a68, jonnybarnes and mathpunk joined the channel
# 16:43 bnvk looks like it, from your travel page :)
# 16:44 bnvk I'm going to make my own travel page right now- as I've got bit of movements happening this month
srushe joined the channel
# 16:45 bnvk aaronpk: did you just do that all my hand or did you make a lil module?
LauraJ joined the channel
ozten joined the channel
# 16:48 aaronpk not sure yet. I tried a couple things, asked tantek a couple questions, and ultimately gave up in favor of just getting the html published
# 16:49 aaronpk they're not quite h-entry posts, and I can't remember exactly but there was some weirdness if they were straight up h-entrys
# 16:49 Loqi aaronpk meant to say: they're not quite h-event posts, and I can't remember exactly but there was some weirdness if they were straight up h-entrys
# 16:50 bnvk are you just adding blobs of HTML manually at present?
# 16:50 barnabywalters i.e. in a calendar view, on a timeline, on a map, or a regular h-feed type view?
# 16:51 aaronpk barnabywalters: I want them to show up well in a calendar, which means all dates need to be marked up as start/end times
# 16:51 bnvk ah, so you're publishing them out of p3K as normal notes or posts or whatevers- ok!
# 16:52 bnvk is there a special form for the flight data that I could reuse the HTML from?
# 16:53 bnvk as the time fields / airports are pretty specific data
# 16:54 barnabywalters was thinking it might be interesting to make our “new post” UIs public (but obviously prevent random people from making new posts)
# 16:55 barnabywalters I had a public version of my old autocomplete running at one point for people to play with, but it’s broken now
npdoty and andreypopp joined the channel
benprew joined the channel
# 17:01 aaronpk oh yeah I should add that... I don't actually know my flight yet tho
tilgovi and ryana joined the channel
# 17:10 bnvk aaronpk: cool, i'll be heading to Hawaii at some point- might have to stop through :)
LauraJ, smus, BjornW, tantek, paulcp, mathpunk and icco joined the channel
b0bg0d joined the channel
paulcp joined the channel
# 18:03 mathpunk I have changed a bunch of nameservers! I wonder what that means! wheeeeee
snarfed joined the channel
# 18:04 mathpunk sweet, deterministic functions are for loserz
# 18:05 aaronpk wat. no seriously what did you do, this is really weird
# 18:05 mathpunk Okay, I'm going to explain exactly how little I know now.
# 18:06 mathpunk omg i have the best internet
# 18:06 mathpunk WE'RE NUMBER!!
ryana joined the channel
# 18:06 mathpunk previously, on mathpunk.net...
# 18:06 aaronpk maybe these arabian DNS servers are screwing with me
# 18:06 mathpunk My page was a wordpress that a friend set up for me, so I could try and become "An A-list blogger jerkoff" in 2007
# 18:07 mathpunk The site was hosted on my friend's crusty old server, and had a domain registered through godaddy
# 18:08 mathpunk @kronda and @li3n3 helped me get the domain hosted on hover instead
# 18:08 mathpunk which listed as its nameservers, nsN.dreamhost.com
# 18:08 mathpunk for N = 1, 2, 3
# 18:08 tantek aaronpk - how did you decide on your event URLs?
# 18:08 mathpunk moments ago, I changed those nameservers to nsN.hostvirtual.com, which bothers me a little bit because hostvirtual's site is vr.org
# 18:09 mathpunk but it's what friend-with-crusty-server suggested
# 18:09 mathpunk and, as I may have mentioned, I have no idea what I'm doing
# 18:09 aaronpk tantek: they are based on the day of the event, with the index like my articles and notes
# 18:09 mathpunk what I have not done, I realize, is used my vps's IP address on any of these pages (hover/hostvirtual)
# 18:09 aaronpk mathpunk: ok so far so good... but how does hostvirtual play into this? are they hosting your site/
# 18:10 mathpunk yes! hostvirtual is where I have my vps
# 18:10 mathpunk and I have not told hover about that ip address
# 18:10 aaronpk WTF ok seriously... something between me and the real internet is changing the DNS reply to return
icco joined the channel
# 18:10 tantek aaronpk - did you do anything special about ordering? since events are often in the future?
# 18:10 aaronpk even when I do `dig a mathpunk.net @` I get
# 18:10 mathpunk so maybe i should do that-- not, mind, that I have a server running... on my server... or have an index.html on it...
# 18:11 mathpunk uhoh ((starts getting confused))
# 18:11 aaronpk tantek: no, the order of the indexes is post order, not sure i'm happy with that but so far I haven't posted more than one event on a day so it hasn't mattered
# 18:11 aaronpk mathpunk: TIL DNS servers in Dubai return whatever the hell they want and should not be trusted
# 18:11 tantek I figure there's well established conventions for event listings
# 18:11 aaronpk let me continue debugging this from my home internet
# 18:11 tantek people expect to see a list of what's next in time order
# 18:12 snarfed tantek: let me know if i can help with anything tonight
# 18:12 aaronpk tantek: yes, that's why I said i'm not totally happy with it. I switched to second-precision URLs for my "metrics" posts which makes them always in chronological order
# 18:13 tantek snarfed - bring a friend or two who have expressed in interest in working on their own website - any level ok
# 18:13 snarfed agreed. i'm 0 for 3 so far :( but i'll keep trying
# 18:13 aaronpk mathpunk: ok so I'm not getting any answer for where your site is
melvster and HereticLocke joined the channel
# 18:13 mathpunk aaronpk: I'm trying to stop myself from monkeying with everything simultaneously. components include: I have a vps that I know how to ssh into so, obvsly I'm pretty l33t. I have mail.mathpunk.net which is identical to what I get when I go to mail.google.com.
# 18:13 aaronpk you changed your nameservers to hostvirtual, did you do anything in hostvirtual to set DNS records?
# 18:14 mathpunk aaronpk: No, I was just looking at the DNS tab and realizing I dunno what DNS is
# 18:14 mathpunk aaronpk: yaaaay
paulcp joined the channel
# 18:14 aaronpk mathpunk: do you know the IP address of your VPS?
# 18:15 mathpunk aaronpk: Yes! but all it has is a patiently running mongo instance
# 18:15 mathpunk ah see that's the thing I haven't changed--
# 18:16 aaronpk ok you know how to log in to hostvirtual thing right?
# 18:16 mathpunk ok. am I telling hover to "forward" to my IP or am I telling it that its "DNS" is that IP?
# 18:16 mathpunk yep, I'm looking at the console now
# 18:17 aaronpk ok. forget hover. you already told hover that the nameservers are hostvirtual
# 18:17 aaronpk now hostvirtual is serving all your DNS records. so when anybody says "where the hell do I find the server for mathpunk.net?" hover says "go ask hostvirtual you dork"
# 18:18 aaronpk but right now hostvirtual has no clue because you haven't told it anything
# 18:18 mathpunk oh, oops... I was NOT looking at the hostvirtual console, I was looking at the hover console. forgetting hover--
# 18:18 aaronpk so in hostvirtual, figure out how to add a DNS entry
# 18:19 aaronpk you need to add: 1) an A record for mathpunk.net to and an A record for www.mathpunk.net to
# 18:19 mathpunk is, "add your zone" a likely thing?
# 18:19 mathpunk I'm g uessing yes, b/c it wanted a domain and ip
# 18:19 aaronpk and 2) an mx record for mathpunk.net to aspmx.l.google.com
# 18:20 mathpunk fields for mx are Name, Points to, Priority
# 18:20 aaronpk name: mathpunk.net points to aspmx.l.google.com priority 0
barnabywalters joined the channel
# 18:22 mathpunk status: mathpunk.net goes kerplooey (unsurprising, it has nothign running but the mongo), mail.mathpunk.net goes kerplooey, mail.google.com works as usual
# 18:23 mathpunk oops, I missed the A records...
icco joined the channel
# 18:27 mathpunk aaronpk: Ok! Now everything is successfully broken. "Break down to build up"
# 18:29 tantek aaronpk - adding a new post type to Falcon is sufficiently difficult that this time I'm working through all the details/difficulties and documenting them in an Implementation Design section the wiki while adding "event" post type support.
# 18:29 tantek in the hopes that doing so will help reveal where it can be simplified
# 18:30 tantek and maybe provide a model for others to improve upon
# 18:32 aaronpk mathpunk: keep in mind that every change you make takes a while to propagate
# 18:33 aaronpk can you send me a screenshot of your DNS console?
# 18:35 mathpunk yyyyyes... where do cool kids upload their screenshots to?
obensource_ joined the channel
# 18:38 aaronpk I use old-skitch which uploads to flickr automatically. but there are like a zillion apps that do the same. dropbox, cloudapp, etc etc etc
# 18:39 mathpunk duh, why didn't i use dropbox-- ohwell, DEAR FRIENDS LOOK AT MY DNS
# 18:40 mathpunk "The problem with learning computing alone," said a friend, "is you end up with the equivalent of outsider art."
# 18:40 aaronpk mathpunk: ok you can ignore all the DNS stuff on hover, since you already told hover to point to hostvirtual to answer DNS quesries
# 18:42 tantek aaronpk,mathpunk - do we need a DNS FAQ? sounds like a lot of things to be confused about.
# 18:43 mathpunk tantek: Yesplz. Is DNS one of the burrito layers?
smus joined the channel
# 18:44 mathpunk tantek: In fact, I had this idea where I wanted to do a webcast with someone who knows stuff, but who has time for that. I mean, I do, but--
# 18:45 aaronpk you can provide the humor, I can provide the facts
obensource_ joined the channel
# 18:45 mathpunk cool. we should enumerate a list of steps from stage zero.
# 18:45 mathpunk that would be great-- we could use the Colbert Principle. In the green room he tells his guests, "You just be yourself, and remember that I'm an idiot."
# 18:46 mathpunk ha! I'll be back in town approximately 12/1
# 18:46 mathpunk you are magic-- fix0ring
# 18:47 tantek hopefully will help others in the community that may encounter similar problems
# 18:47 tantek and the knowledge isn't then lost in IRC archives
# 18:48 aaronpk mathpunk: ok any time after 12/4 I am free. planning to take some full days off work too since I've been putting in so many overtime
# 18:48 tantek mathpunk - even if you just start by copy/pasting what you wrote in IRC about the problems you're having, that would be a good start.
# 18:49 bnvk aaronpk: but your funny setting default can be changed- I've seen it happen
# 18:54 mathpunk gah, the console keeps doubling the name and I have to edit after the fact.
# 18:55 tantek mathpunk, arronpk are these domain registrar or webhost specific problems?
# 18:55 tantek something about this sounds far too complicated
ryana joined the channel
# 18:55 tantek can we capture this information then particular to the domain registrary and/or webhost?
# 18:56 aaronpk the problem is each registrar and host treats dns slightly differently in tersm of what they name their labels and how they treat input
# 18:56 tantek almost as a warning of dealing with those specific service providers?
# 18:56 aaronpk also each tries to abstract out a slightly different aspect of it with things like "DNS cloaking" and BS
# 18:56 tantek right - so let's start collecting how they treat dns slightly differently
# 18:56 aaronpk maybe this is a thing I could actually make. a registrar and DNS host that doesn't try to screw you over.
# 18:57 barnabywalters aaronpk: that would be very cool. it would be great to run something like that as a charity
# 18:57 tantek from this conversation, I wouldn't want to direct anyone to these specific registrar and webhost
# 18:57 aaronpk I wouldn't place the blame on hostvirtual so fast, I haven't really seen anybody do it any better
ryana joined the channel
# 18:58 mathpunk tantek: V. important to note that my problems come from taking ZERO responsibility and asking friends to "plz just make it go"
# 18:58 tantek mathpunk - yes - and that's what *A LOT* of beginners on the indieweb are likely to do
# 18:58 tantek which is specifically why I'm asking *you* to help document this
# 18:58 tantek because your perspective here is *super valuable*
# 18:59 mathpunk um, I don't actually know how to save this log, btw
# 18:59 tantek aaronpk - we should document the existing state
# 18:59 aaronpk barnabywalters: I'm thinking maybe low markup on domain registration as a way to cover costs
# 19:00 tantek thanks barnabywalters - that's a start at least
# 19:00 aaronpk tantek: hah yeah, domain registration isn't even on there yet
# 19:00 mathpunk Right, I can't login to the wiki because I have no rel=me on my site (and no site)
# 19:01 aaronpk GAH I can't trust the stupid hotel DNS server. not sure if I should blame the hotel or the UAE
# 19:01 aaronpk I don't like having a different view of the internet from here
# 19:02 aaronpk right now i'm just running DNS queries from my SSH connection to my home server
# 19:02 tantek successfully updates his .htaccess without breaking his permalinks or archive pages
# 19:03 tantek realizes he's implemented more archive pages than he thought he had.
# 19:03 tantek (even though they're not linked to from anywhere)
# 19:03 mathpunk I don't understand why "www.mathpunk.net" is still showing the wp site, though... I thought that'd be broken by now
# 19:03 aaronpk mathpunk: at least as soon as your DNS cache clears
# 19:04 aaronpk mathpunk: oh wait you mean you have a new site that is not the wordpress site?
# 19:06 mathpunk well, no-- I want one, made of bespoke organic HTML that I can learn to JS up.
# 19:06 aaronpk is that the place you want your new site to live?
# 19:07 aaronpk you also said mongo, i'm pretty sure I heard mongo at some point
# 19:08 mathpunk Yes. The VPS is running a mongo db until we replace it with something that's not mongo db. I want to run the site on my VPS. I can ssh into it and put files on it and stuff. And I have a tunnel set up on a vpn, though I can't really recall what that means.
# 19:09 barnabywalters aaronpk: oh, RE wanting to have a vpn to your home — have you come across sshuttle?
# 19:11 aaronpk mathpunk: ok so... right now your mathpunk.net domain is pointing at the dreamhost server still, which is cool, cause it means you still have a site
# 19:12 tantek.com edited /Falcon (+1622) "separate implementation design, add Routing section for how URLs get routed to what implementation files" (
view diff )
# 19:12 aaronpk if you want to work on a new version of your site on your VPS, you should do something like make an A record for new.mathpunk.net to the IP address of your VPS
# 19:12 aaronpk then you can work on that in parallel and not break your site
# 19:13 tantek aaronpk - sounds like a good transition approach worth documenting
# 19:13 tantek since many folks start with one approach and switch to another
# 19:13 mathpunk aaronpk: I'm making a very weird face and having acronym fatigue-- back in like 10 to let my meatcache clear
# 19:14 tantek e.g. start with blog.example.com routing to Tumblr, and then want to setup/work on a new self-hosted blog without breaking their Tumblr in the mean time
# 19:14 tantek aaronpk, so your advice about "if you want to work on a new version of your site on your VPS" should be captured somewhere
# 19:15 mathpunk I almost want my site NOT to be up because it is naive and, ugh... I'm not proud of my non-twitter presence
# 19:15 mathpunk all my pages are neglected tbh
# 19:15 aaronpk it's also the kind of thing that you do once when you get your domain and never look at again because once it's running it just works
# 19:15 mathpunk barnabywalters: I STAND BY MY SELF-DEPRECATION
# 19:16 aaronpk mathpunk: if you want to re-break your site, change the A record from 66.*** to which I think is the address of your VPS
# 19:16 tantek aaronpk - until you decide to switch web hosts
# 19:16 tantek lowering that switching cost (cognitively even) is important
# 19:16 mathpunk btw guys, (a) thank you SO freaking much, and (b) I am very inspired by the POSSE principle... cause there's lots of places that seem like fun channels, but not at the expense of them being yr studio, to extend the TV metaphor, dig?
# 19:16 aaronpk tantek: right, it's something you do so infrequently that there is no incentive to learn it
# 19:17 tantek right, no incentive to learn it = there should be an easy step-by-step instruction document for how to do it
# 19:17 tantek which any of us would reference when we need to do it
# 19:17 mathpunk re no incentive... something like an ansible playbook? I can't wait to know enough to try al3x's sovereign
# 19:17 aaronpk the problem is there are relatively few conventions across providers
# 19:18 tantek and as you said, it's clearly an opportunity for a business-model
# 19:18 mathpunk tantek: I agree on saving what we've written today but, again, I dunno how to modify the wiki to save my chat logs. this is the most irc I've done in 10 years btw
# 19:18 aaronpk I *have* been looking for something indieweb-related to do as a business... this feels like something worth tackling at the moment
# 19:19 tantek mathpunk - we have to get you setup with a simple static home page with h-card + rel-me first
# 19:19 tantek mathpunk - the chat logs are already saved - hence the /topic (see the "topic" in whatever IRC client you're using)
# 19:21 mathpunk "/topic" did a thing
# 19:21 mathpunk "/dns" did not do a thing. What context is /dns in?
# 19:22 mathpunk Can I set up a static site from what I've got now? if I make that site-breaking change referenced above?
# 19:22 aaronpk mathpunk: it depends on what's running on your VPS
# 19:23 aaronpk assuming the IP address is, I don't see any web server running there yet
# 19:23 mathpunk hrm, of course I dunno how to scroll back to what that was....
# 19:23 barnabywalters on which note — I figured out the solution to the indiearchive browsability vs accuracy problem! just inject a <base> element into the document with the archive base. that way you can leave all the links untouched, but they still go to archived things
# 19:23 mathpunk ah. sooo, I need to start a server daemon of some kind. and it will have... a... port.
# 19:23 barnabywalters and you can always redirect from non-archived URLs to the real thing, so non-archived things don’t break
# 19:24 mathpunk there is a server listening on one port to run my index card server that @etymancer set up
# 19:24 mathpunk but I can't recall what that port is
# 19:25 mathpunk *shrug* I have l33t friends
# 19:26 mathpunk ok, afk for real-- I'm internet-dizzy
# 19:26 mathpunk thanks again!
# 19:26 aaronpk ok bye! i'm serious about getting together in portland tho!
# 19:30 aaronpk maybe the new crazy TLDs will bring an end to the current DNS model too
LauraJ joined the channel
b0bg0d and squeakytoy joined the channel
# 19:57 bnvk aaronpk: what are you using the "timezone" value to represent
# 19:58 bnvk is it to represent the timezone you are in when you start your travel?
# 20:05 aaronpk bnvk: it's the timezone that displays on the item in the list view (carry-over from notes/articles/etc, redundant in the travel post because the timezone is in the start date too)
tantek joined the channel
mathpunk joined the channel
# 20:13 tantek is rewriting some Whistle code to be more post type generic.
LauraJ, tpinto, tantek, b0bg0d and caseorganic joined the channel
# 21:09 bnvk aaronpk: are you polling some other data source with the int airport codes?
# 21:10 bnvk for the "Amsterdam, Netherlands" type data?
jp, tilgovi, paulcp, abrereton, tpinto, b0bg0d, friedcell, smus, obensource_, andreypopp, tantek, _6a68, mathpunk, caseorganic, caseorga_ and lukebrooker joined the channel
# 23:35 bnvk aaronpk: this data is fun to play with- Google has super easy flight lookup query now
smus and andreypopp joined the channel
# 23:51 snarfed hey bnvk…unrelated, but the links in the ideas section of your web page both seem to redirect to /
# 23:52 bnvk snarfed: ahh, yah, that's a bug I need to fix
# 23:52 bnvk ever since I added "private" ideas it's done that... thanks ;)
# 23:55 tantek bnvk - heh - I just use indiewebcamp.com to capture my ideas like that
# 23:55 tantek or sometimes when they're constrained I'll write a short note - like ^^^
# 23:55 bnvk not all my ideas are "indie web ideas"
# 23:55 bnvk I'm having a lot of fun with this travel data
# 23:56 tantek bnvk - do you have permalinks for each flight?
# 23:57 tantek I want to get the point where I can easily post any random ideas (even undeveloped) to my own site
# 23:57 tantek will probably happen as a side effect of implementing wiki pages
# 23:57 bnvk Yah- that's also some of my private ideas
# 23:58 bnvk yah, my ideas are basically pages with some other categorical data tags
# 23:58 tantek if I get wiki pages working, and then private / shared wiki pages (maybe ACL per page) then I think I'll be able to start keeping my notes on my own site
# 23:59 tantek and with offline support, I could do so when disconnected too
# 23:59 tantek well I don't have event posts working yet, but I have simplified adding new post types to a small set of visual/interaction design problems - which is a good place to focus the work.