2013-12-06 UTC
# 00:00 aaronpk ok this may be the tipping point for me to finally get a DB backend for p3k for better indexing/searching
# 00:00 snarfed they include info on webmention HTTP requests and responses, original post links discovered, etc
# 00:00 tantek aaronpk: re: "augment the reply on your site with a syndication link" you mean augment the *comment* on your site with a syndication link right?
# 00:02 tantek I mean, when you receive webmentions of replies to your posts you could go get their rel-syndication links directly from the reply permalinks
# 00:03 tantek aaronpk - or rather, when you get the webmention for the twitter copy, you can find that you already have it!
# 00:03 barnabywalters it’s very useful e.g. for showing tweet actions or determining whether or not POSSE replies can be made
# 00:03 aaronpk oh I guess I already have that too since I store the full HTML and parsed JSON of external pages
# 00:04 aaronpk speaking of which... that folder's gotta be getting huge by now
# 00:04 tantek but we're talking about storing the rel-syndication urls for *comments* from *other people* on *your posts*.
# 00:04 tantek I don't know if there is anything to do with them
# 00:05 tantek but using a webmention backfeed proxy like this gives sufficient reason to store them
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# 00:10 tantek snarfed - does Bridgy backfeed likes/favorites also? or only comments?
# 00:11 snarfed please point me to any examples in the wild of sites that handle webmentions for favorites
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# 00:13 tantek took your explanation and expanded just a bit
# 00:13 aaronpk super excited about Bridgy! a great example of a service that supports all the indieweb ideals
# 00:14 aaronpk no reason to rebuild that code into everyone's sites!
# 00:15 tantek we can certainly use Bridgy to postpone building this code into our own sites
# 00:15 tantek and perhaps postpone it so long that eventually we don't need to because of silo turnover?
# 00:16 snarfed i'm all for some sites to do this themselves too though. not feeling too territorial. the more backfeeding, the better!
# 00:17 tantek realizes he has an iOS app for compositing images and could have done that rather than stitch images with markup
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# 00:21 snarfed thanks. i have to admit, i'm a little embarrassed at the cutesy domain
# 00:25 snarfed btw all (aaronpk tantek barnabywalters KartikPrabhu), please don't advertise bridgy too widely just yet, i'd like to let it soak for a few days and fix more bugs before announcing more loudly
# 00:26 tantek ok no problem - wasn't going to do anything more
# 00:26 tantek just thought it looked real enough to deserve its own wiki page
# 00:26 KartikPrabhu snarfed: sure thing. btw very cool tool you have built. will investigate more when I've done my physics paper for tomorrow!
# 00:27 tantek snarfed - please feel free to add more warnings and such on the wiki page :)
# 00:27 tantek so anyone that stumbles upon it is warned accordingly (however you feel appropriate)
# 00:28 snarfed thanks. for now, i'm good with the red "use with caution" language on the site itself
# 00:30 tantek hmm seems all my iOS apps for photo composition only support square save proportions :(
# 00:30 snarfed heh, everyone loves squares and circles these days
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# 00:35 snarfed oh definitely. especially since you'd have to detect user agent to really do the intent-style URLs right
snarfed, caseorganic, alaricmoore and tpinto joined the channel
# 01:07 snarfed !tell barnabywalters hey, just to check, looks like you revoked bridgy on the twitter side? totally ok if you did, and my fault for not allowing deleting yet, but i just wanted to check, since my code is getting auth errors.
# 01:07 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
lukebrooker, fritzy, tantek and skinny joined the channel
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# 01:28 acegiak oh yeah i keep forgetting to add those things to the wiki
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# 01:35 peat I think that means it's time to leave work and find something to eat.
# 01:45 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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# 02:08 tantek.com edited /Falcon (+149) "/* mobile home template header icons folders */ wrap mockups in grey borders to better indicate grouping into single prototype images" (
view diff )
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# 02:30 tantek we're having good times rethinking personal mobile website UIs :)
# 02:38 tantek good question and yeah I asked that question when we were brainstorming - because it depends on a *website* being able to push a badge notification to a mobile device.
# 02:39 tantek I think it's coming in iOS - I don't have the URL offhand
# 02:39 skinny i think the whole thing will fall apart if there isn't a way to see when you have a message from that person
# 02:40 tantek I think there's sufficient benefit in just making this work for your personal mobile website that it has legs regardless
# 02:41 tantek and I'm excited by the potential of how this could work in FirefoxOS with newer WebAPI support (WebRTC, Push notifications etc.)
# 02:44 skinny what does one do who has two sites? personandplace.com and crystalbeasley.com?
# 02:46 skinny is this intended to include a rss feed of blog posts? or just 1 to 1 comms?
# 02:46 tantek skinny what does one do who has two IMs? two emails? two phone numbers?
# 02:47 tantek scroll down to see what happens when you tap the "Contact" icon folder
# 02:47 skinny wow that's some nascar
# 02:48 tantek it's basically a more usable re-organization of my "Elsewhere" section in my sidebar, with direct comm/message options tossed in
# 02:48 skinny yah, i got that.
# 02:48 skinny whether it's more usable is still up for testing ;)
# 02:49 tantek skinny - every iPhone home screen is ALL NASCAR
# 02:49 skinny i know right. i love that this moves away from that
# 02:49 tantek plus we hide the app options behind people instead of vice versa
# 02:49 skinny the ux team had a brainstorm for features of fxos. I said it should leave me the eff alone.
# 02:50 skinny in better words, it should support a peaceful brain, not jangle me out of concentration every time there's a notification
# 02:50 skinny basically, exactly what you said in your post
# 02:51 tantek and finally with the person-face-icon-home-page idea it clicked
# 02:51 skinny have you looked into the windows phone experiments in this direction?
# 02:51 tantek I realize my viewpoint is likely heretical with all the app-store centric perspectives.
# 02:51 skinny they have you set fave people on your home screen
# 02:52 skinny how does this extend to things like shopping lists and evernote and such like that have little or no social aspect
# 02:52 tantek I think there's something different happening when we split that across both parties
# 02:52 tantek so that the callee has the choice of showing which comm channels they're ok with *right now*
# 02:52 tantek just focusing on solving messaging / message interruptions with this
# 02:53 tantek this doesn't address/effect mobile "tool" apps like Maps, Transit, Running, Shazam, Weather
# 02:53 tantek those still make sense as direct icons on your launch/home screen
# 02:56 skinny agreed. just a thing to acknowledge when we write about it. it's not either/or. you can have apps and people.
# 02:58 skinny yah. it's just that your screenshot shows only people, no mapping or browser, etc.
# 03:02 tantek skinny - yeah - actually completely reorganized my iPod home screen(s) Sunday night while writing this post. Took about an hour to think through and do.
# 03:03 tantek first screen is all "urgent access" tools. As mentioned. Camera, Music, Flying etc.
# 03:03 tantek and also why I only showed home screen screenshot fragments
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# 03:48 skinny problem is, you can't turn off notifications entirely for things like mail. you can prevent push, but the red badge will still show up.
# 03:49 skinny would be nice to be able to say "when peter send me a message via any channel, make my phone make a noise" instead of "when anyone from twitter send me a dm, make a noise."
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# 03:52 tantek skinny indeed. I want to turn off the red badge on Settings and App Store and I can't :(
# 03:53 skinny i want a noise customized to person, not channel. No matter how Peter sends me a message, make it chirp like a cricket. When Kat, make a meow.
# 03:53 Loqi gives skinny a noise customized to person
# 03:53 snarfed i have to admit, i now appreciate that my android phone doesn't do unread badges
# 03:54 skinny what happened with loqi? i'm confused
# 03:54 skinny how are you seeing the notification shade play into this?
# 03:55 tantek Loqi sometimes responds to things people say in funny ways.
# 03:55 skinny i want a chocolate glazed donut
# 03:55 Loqi gives skinny a chocolate glazed donut
# 03:56 tantek snarfed - I like that there's a diversity of platforms and approaches that we can compare and learn from.
# 03:57 snarfed including ff os and others, even historical ones, not just the two party system :P
sparverius, jschweinsberg, fritzy, npdoty and thatryana joined the channel
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# 06:13 kylewm Evening all, I asked this last night but it was right before a meetup started, so I'm not sure if anyone saw :) Are any indiewebbers actively syndicating to status.net or pump.io (or any other decentralized service)?
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# 06:22 kylewm hmm, I guess I shouldn't have said "service" ...
# 06:23 neuro` Can be blog comments considered as a service then?
# 06:25 kylewm yeah, I'd be surprised about Pump I/O, it doesn't seem like too many people are using it in general. I was more hopeful about SN sicne there are a couple of mentions of it on the wiki
# 06:27 kylewm I was kinda hoping there'd be some automatic magic way to publish there :)
# 06:31 tantek kylewm - there was never a need to syndicate to Status.net
# 06:31 tantek users on Status.net were able to directly subscribe to *external* sites in realtime if they supported PuSH
# 06:32 tantek the only reason to POSSE to a service is if a) you have friends on that service (otherwise you're just spamming), and b) that service only allows people to subscribe to local-to-the-service accounts.
# 06:33 tantek Status.net was ahead of its time (still kind of is)
# 06:34 kylewm i have not figured out how to subscribe to an external site, maybe that feature has gone away?
# 06:35 kylewm that is only if the other site is explicitly running statusnet software though, no?
# 06:35 tantek that should work with my URL for example, http://tantek.com/ since I have both an Atom ActivityStream and PuSH support for it (both discoverable)
# 06:36 tantek it only required that the other site support Atom with at least ActivityStreams object type markup, and PuSH
# 06:36 tantek so yes, you could subscribe from one statusnet server to another
# 06:36 tantek but because it just used building block standards
# 06:36 tantek it worked with *any* site that supported those building blocks
# 06:37 tantek so go to your profile page there and click "subscribe"
# 06:40 kylewm there is a subscribe link for me to subscribe to him
# 06:40 kylewm (quitter being another instance of statusnet)
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# 06:43 tantek ah, my old identi.ca/t account is gone since it got transitioned from statusnet to pump
# 06:44 tantek anyway, kylewm - there should be a Remote Subscribe button or option somewhere in the UI - hunt for it
# 06:44 tantek and it gives you a text box for the URL of the remote site
# 06:44 tantek into that text box put a URL of a site that supports AtomAS + PuSH
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# 06:47 tantek ouch - with the pumpio transition looks like all the old *.status.net links broke :(
# 06:47 kylewm *.status.net is just transitioning over like this week
# 06:48 kylewm it sounds like they have been down for quite some time
# 06:49 tantek note how when he reposted notes from tantek.com, and then syndicated those reposts to Twitter, it converted the reference to tantek.com to @tantekcom
# 06:49 tantek that was not a real account on Twitter until I went and created it so that it would link to *something* on Twitter :)
# 06:50 tantek yes this was long before we figured out all the POSSE details (or even had come up with the term)
# 06:51 kylewm You know, ever since I started following @t on twitter, it is recommending that I follow all the other @[a-z]'s
# 06:52 kylewm I'll be happy to add to the wiki page if I can figure out exactly what is or isn't supported at this point
# 06:53 kylewm thanks for your help :) i'm going to sign off, have a good night!
# 06:53 tantek even just capturing questions like that would be helpful!
# 06:53 kylewm re: capturing questions, gotcha, good point, will do
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# 08:03 Jeena Oh Loqi already got this, nice, I hoped that this pingback would show up on Tanteks post too, not sure if it would need to be a webmention or something.
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# 09:48 jonnybarnes ah poo, I want to use markdown on my notes, but if I start a note with a hashtag the whole note turns into a title :(
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# 09:50 jonnybarnes I suppose I could do straight swap on the note changing <h1>, </h1> to <p>, </p>
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# 10:07 Loqi barnabywalters: snarfed left you a message 8 hours, 59 minutes ago: hey, just to check, looks like you revoked bridgy on the twitter side? totally ok if you did, and my fault for not allowing deleting yet, but i just wanted to check, since my code is getting auth errors.
# 10:09 barnabywalters !tell snarfed RE revoking bridgy keys, yep I did — been wanting to try the “revoke keys” thing for a while :) will totally sign up again when I’ve implemented POSSE copy de-duping
# 10:09 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
friedcell, fritzy, glennjones, ryana, srushe, KartikPrabhu, andreypopp, igalic, abrereton1, KevinMarks, eschnou, eschenal, Acidnerd, pfefferle and dentonjacobs joined the channel
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# 12:23 yatil2k Hi there! Is there a github repository for the indieauth.com website? I have identified an accessibility problem in the sample HTML code and would like to contribute if possible.
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# 13:10 Jeena oh yatil2k is Eric Eggert? didn't see you here yet and I was confused to see german words told by Loqi :D
# 13:11 yatil2k Yep, it’s me :-D
# 13:12 Jeena nice, the internet is a small village :-p
fritzy, LauraJ, skinny, glennjones, ryana, acegiak and scor joined the channel
# 13:43 acegiak pfefferle: what are you currently using for your blog? are you using the semantic linkbacks plugin? I'm trying to work out if there's stuff I need to do on it further
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# 14:04 barnabywalters jonnybarnes: thanks! still a work in progress, as ever, but I’m much happier with the new version, both styling and code
# 14:10 barnabywalters jonnybarnes: no, in general using well-known URLs for things like that instead of discoverable rel values is a bad design pattern
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# 14:20 barnabywalters no *hash* tags, but there are some other tags, either manually or automatically added
# 14:21 barnabywalters I use hashtags as visual, textual gestures, then the tags box is basically a rapid prototyping and experimentation area
# 14:21 barnabywalters also a command line — e.g. notes tagged with 'notweet' aren’t POSSEd, but I don’t want that showing up as a hashtag
# 14:22 barnabywalters then if I find I use these little tag patterns often enough I solidify them into proper, more easily discoverable UI controls
# 14:23 barnabywalters also I cheat and automatically add tags, e.g. reply for replies, quote if the content contains a <blockquote>
# 14:23 barnabywalters in that case tags are being used to experiment with new post types without having to write any new code
# 14:29 jonnybarnes is the fact its on jonnybarnes.net not pretty telling of who the author is?
# 14:30 barnabywalters jonnybarnes: looking good! you should mark up the published datetime using the <time> element with an ISO8601 datetime so it can be parsed
# 14:30 jonnybarnes also I'm thinking of putting class=p-category" straight on the tag itself?
# 14:30 barnabywalters e.g. <time class="dt-published" datetime="2013-12-02 10:00">2 days ago</time>
# 14:33 barnabywalters RE authorship, in an ideal indieweb world yes we could assume that domain.com/note was authored by domain.com — in practise that is not true
# 14:34 barnabywalters but you don’t have to put a full h-card on your note pages if you don’t want to — a simple rel=author link back to your homepage is fine
# 14:41 barnabywalters oh, you should add an explicit p-name on the same element as e-content, so reader applications can easily tell whether or not to show the name as well as the content
# 14:48 pfefferle ufff... thought that i released a mis-formatted version of sempress once again
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# 15:20 barnabywalters I think if there’s no h-entry on the page then the authorship algorithm just tells you who authored whatever *is* on the page rather than trying to figure out *what* it is
# 15:31 acegiak pfefferle: oh cool thanks that gives me something to work off
# 15:32 acegiak hitting the sack atm, will have a go in the morning
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# 15:35 Loqi snarfed: barnabywalters left you a message 5 hours, 26 minutes ago: RE revoking bridgy keys, yep I did — been wanting to try the “revoke keys” thing for a while :) will totally sign up again when I’ve implemented POSSE copy de-duping
# 15:36 acegiak pfefferle: i also put a widget area in the top of my sempressp so i could add contact links like tantek's suggestion
# 15:38 acegiak oh as in i should make a child theme that isnt horribly broken, yes. yiu are right
# 15:48 jonnybarnes how does twitter handle unicode? when a twet is limited to 140 chars, is that actual chars, or bytes?
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# 15:53 jonnybarnes woah, you can combine a diacritical mark with the space character?
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# 16:23 tantek I've been getting and (remembering) examples of folks doing clever contact-like things on their personal site home pages
# 16:28 tantek barnabywalters - yay for putting a stream on your home page!
# 16:35 barnabywalters tantek: unsure about how to implement a composite stream — might try how tommorris does with expandable articles
# 16:35 barnabywalters also not sure how music fits in a composite stream, and whether or not I want it to
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# 16:42 tantek barnabywalters - since I come from the old school of blogging when we used to put our full blog posts on our home page, for me it was a matter of figuring out how to add notes ;)
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# 16:46 tantek barnabywalters - yes I'm finding that even I am using my "last 3 blog posts" section to quickly reference what I've blogged about
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# 16:48 tantek barnabywalters - yes I'm mixed about including replies on my home page stream. I do included them now, but I also like how on Twitter it hides @-replies on someone's profile page by default (unless you follow them I think?)
# 16:49 barnabywalters tantek: that (hiding replies if they’re directed at someone the reader doesn’t follow) is the responsibility of the client IMO
# 16:49 tantek I also need to update my replies to properly use a different post type since I have a shortcode letter reserved for them "r" (also for reviews - basically any posts that are a *response* to *something* or a *regarding* something in particular - e.g. bookmark posts would be "r" for me)
# 16:49 tantek however I prefer to optimize for a higher signal to noise experience by default, even for new visitors
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# 16:50 tantek she's come a long way from when you brought her as your apprentice to indiewebcamp 2011!
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# 16:52 tantek barnabywalters - been using flatfiles for "storage" (ie not just static files) since 2010. so far so good ;)
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# 17:35 tantek key difference I'm envisioning with the indieweb approach: a *split* of the people-focused UI between the user and who they're looking to contact.
# 17:35 tantek Putting the callee/messagee in control of preferred methods of contact, comm-channel-availability, and whitelisting who can contact them how. Much more "peer *and* peer" rather than just a self/device-centric approach.
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# 18:15 tantek barnabywalters - added to homepage page as you suggested
# 18:15 tantek !tell barnabywalters - added to homepage page as you suggested
# 18:15 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
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# 18:46 snarfed apologies for the humblebrag, but i have to admit…
# 18:47 snarfed (the old bridgy had been doing the same backfeed for a while, but the new one is much nicer. among other things, the commenters' pictures show up!)
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# 18:49 tantek snarfed - well done! great example of backfeed in action.
# 18:50 tantek especially love the permalinks to the original comments
# 18:50 snarfed thanks! now to nudge you into automating webmentions on tantek.com so you can use it too :P
# 18:50 tantek (though I would have linked the datetime to the original - odd to create a second permalink for someone else's comment)
# 18:51 snarfed yeah, it made it take longer, but i'm glad i did the little polish stuff.
# 18:51 tantek I think UX polish is essential for the indieweb
# 18:51 snarfed agreed, the second wordpress permalink is weird, but kinda reasonable. it's a general drawback with posseing and pesosing, there are multiple copies of things, even beyond what we expect with normal webmention replies
# 18:51 tantek UX polish is one of the big reasons FB, Twitter etc. crushed "feed readers" and other previous attempts
# 18:52 snarfed definitely! it's important across the board, which includes us
# 18:52 snarfed hopefully i can eventually get a more frontend/UX person interested in bridgy
# 18:53 tantek yes - and I hope we as a community and continue to emphasize UX as one our distinguishing aspects compared to previous / other open source / protocols efforts
# 18:53 tantek this feels doable with some CSS (and maybe just a tiny bit of JS)
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# 18:54 tantek yeah I'm hoping it feels super seamless when accessed via mobile browser. we'll see :)
# 18:54 snarfed ignore me, ignore webmentions, at least for now. keep pushing on that stuff!
# 18:54 tantek I want it to look and feel beautiful to really showcase what is possible with open personal web based design / interaction.
# 18:55 tantek ok - off for a quick run but I wanted to show you those screenshot mockups first to at least share my thinking while I'm building.
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# 21:20 aaronpk snarfed: here's a fun one for you... what to do with hackernews/reeddit comments on a post?
benatkin, brianjesse and tantek joined the channel
# 22:00 snarfed i'm guessing you don't mean you'd like to implement backfeed for comments on reddit or hackernews…?
# 22:09 snarfed if so, it's hopefully straightforward for anyone who knows python to add a new silo to bridgy
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# 22:30 tommorris tantek: I now have a 'People' folder on my iPhone homescreen. :)
# 22:37 acegiak josephboyle: my homepage has my DOB wrong and atheist spelt wrong
# 22:42 tantek aaronpk - do you really think backfeeding hackernews/reddit comments to your own site would improve the signal to noise or experience?
# 22:43 snarfed tantek: you're probably right, but i can see a few different motivations for backfeeding, and improving signal to noise is maybe just one
# 22:44 snarfed e.g. capturing/centralizing the discussion is another, if you care more about that than curating each comment for quality
# 22:45 snarfed i love that about webmention, that it decouples capturing and archiving from deciding whether/how to display back to users
# 22:48 tantek instead of having to actually go visit those sites
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