#aaronpkI know tantek left a note on one of the items in my wiki-list version, but that was the only other time someone has interacted with my list on the wiki
#tantekplus the changes would show up on RecentChanges on the wiki
#aaronpkso I do like the community aspect of having this on the wiki
#aaronpkand having updates in RecentChanges is a huge plus (assuming people actually read RecentChanges)
#tantekwell they do because recent changes show up here automatically
#tantekso when someone is adding things to their itching or implementing things, little automatic updates happen here in the channel
#tantekI think that's a really nice community-positive aspect of putting some of this stuff in a shared space like that.
#tantekit simultaneous gives a greater feeling of camaraderie and peer pressure ;)
#KartikPrabhujulian`: I am also used to dd-mm-yyyy. I would have a date picker so people can explcitly pick days and month but then store it in database in the standard iso-format
#KartikPrabhuor maybe a hint text in the form about the format?
#julian`and also since month is written fully its pretty obvious which field they should insert the month into
#KartikPrabhujulian`: good idea! using HTML to provide a good UI
#KartikPrabhuwould love to see the finished form if that is possible. Just for my own educational purpose
fritzy joined the channel
#bretaaronpk there is taskwarrior for CLI todos, its very well done, but its almost too complicated and it does not allow for directory level list overides, and their is no mobile client
#julian`only problem im gonna have is not being experienced enough to change the options to display the correct amount of days for a given month.. leap years etc lol
#julian`bots like to follow me to say the least lol
#bretjulian` find your <a href="http://twitter.com/9">here</a> link, and add a rel="me" so it looks like <a rel="me" href="http://twitter.com/9">here</a>
#bretjulian`, the idea is that you use an auth provider you feel comfortable linking to your home page. Obviosly a personal website with a CV etc linking to some anonomous twitter handle would be silly. Github tends to be fairly consistant with a peronal website in terms of the level of identity they tend to reveal
#bretIndieAuth is all about your domain as an identity, thats its primary purpose.
#julian`im just worried about kids ringing up my university and causing hassle lol
#julian`i want the value=" " to be i and also i inbetween the options
#KartikPrabhujulian': about ading to list - log in with indieauth and click edit at the bottom of the page and add yourself in the same format as others
#aaronpksimilarly, would also be useful if someone develops bestwritingapp.io and other people could sign in and allow it to create posts on their site
#aaronpkright now, IndieAuth is only about identifying who someone is. it's not a far stretch to take what OAuth has done with authorizations and apply it there.
#tantekaaronpk - yes - things you intentionally create proactively, excluding things you "create" *reactively* to others' creations (likes, comments, replies)
#tantekRSVPs are an interesting edge case / hybrid - they're in reaction, and yet, making plans in the physical world is a proactive act.
#poppyi'm learning some things for private messaging involving even more PKI which might work for indie auth but, you know, would probably take browser changes
#Loqipoppy meant to say: i'm learning some things for private messaging involving even more PKI which might work for indie auth but, you know, would probably require browser changes
brianloveswords, benprew, smus, fritzy, sammyjunior, fritzy_, snarfed, tilgovi and bnvk joined the channel
#snarfed!tell sandeepshetty thanks! belatedly. btw likes and reposts are next on my list, and you and barry frost may have the most experience w/handling incoming u-likes and u-reposts, so i'd love to test against your site. please sign up! :P
_6a68, npdoty_, glennjones, KartikPrabhu and sandeepshetty joined the channel
#Loqisandeepshetty: snarfed left you a message 6 minutes ago: thanks! belatedly. btw likes and reposts are next on my list, and you and barry frost may have the most experience w/handling incoming u-likes and u-reposts, so i'd love to test against your site. please sign up! :P
sandeepshetty, paulcp, _6a68, sandeepshetty_, fritzy, smus, squeakytoy and bear joined the channel
#snarfedsandeepshetty: yup. same for fb likes, g+ +1s and reshares, instagram likes, etc. i'm comfortable with the silo API side, i was just curious about any best practices on the mf2 side
#sandeepshettysnarfed: I've been away for a while... but looking at the examples should be enough...
#sandeepshettyhmm... thinking links to wiki pages should always be to a specific commit (I do this with github all the time - when I link to source code it's always to a specific version)
#sandeepshettyin my move to flat files I'm leaning more towards a bliki.. so this is interesting for me.. I might have permalinks to point to specific rev
#sandeepshettyso its just the fragment URL's that I need to worry about... turns out I do the same thing on github.. it's only when I'm pointing to a specific line that I use the commit url
#aaronpkyeah I do the same when pointing to a specific line, because it's pretty obvious that the line is going to mvoe in a later commit
#tanteksandeepshetty - I actually do use posts and wiki pages quite differently from an intention and semantic point of view.
#bnvktantek: aaronpk: did either of you respond to Aral's email yet?
#aaronpkI don't think I documented this anywhere, but for a while my whole site was wiki pages and I eventually got frustrated with the burden of keeping the wiki pages up to date
#tantekI create wiki pages when either A) all I have is a loose collection of thoughts/links that don't make sense yet in a serial narrative prose (yet), or B) when I intend to have a page represent "the current" state of something
#Loqitantek meant to say: I create wiki pages when either A) all I have is a loose collection of thoughts/links that don't make sense yet in a serial narrative prose (yet), or B ) when I intend to have a page represent "the current" state of something
#aaronpklike tantek says, having posts as a snapshot is great because it's totally ok to leave them unchanged after creating them and write a new one instead
#tantekand also having a datetime stamped reference to cite
#tantekexcept I strongly disagree with "in a very Jobsian way" - Jobs would actually SHIP the products the same day (if sometimes within weeks) that he announced in exciting keynotes
#tantekhas a serious distaste for vaporware/conceptware.
#tanteksorry but indieweb and indiewebcamp have always been very focused on SHOWING rather than TELLING. on shipping code and prototypes to figure stuff out.
#tantekin that regard, IndiePhone goes against those principles of the indieweb
#tantekvote with code running on your own site. everything else is just talk.
#bnvkmaybe that's why he didn't mention it, as he got that sense from our community and felt alienated by those principles- not that that is a bad thing, just a thing.
#bnvkdesignery minded ppl (from where I original hail) tend to wait on things until their polished and impressive- I fight this urge constantly
#tantekbnvk - it's ok if talkers get alienated by our principles, as by their very nature since they don't ship anything they don't actually make a difference. a bit harsh, but remember that other thing Steve Jobs said.
#tanteksandeepshetty - you've used MediaWiki on indiewebcamp.com :)
fritzy joined the channel
#tantekwhat do you mean in what way? I can just paste in HTML among the wiki text while editing a page and most of the time it just works. (in MediaWiki).
#Loqisandeepshetty meant to say: I meant I haven't used MediaWiki much (except for the occasional edits). Have been playing with doku for a bit now on my laptop
smus joined the channel
#sandeepshettytantek: i have a flaky connection so my replies are coming out of order...
#tantekat this point I wouldn't bother with any wiki software that didn't at least use MediaWiki syntax or markdown (or some improved fork of it). That's enough "plain text" syntaxes.
smus_ joined the channel
#sandeepshettyI'm just looking at it to see how they solve some of the flat file problems I forsee
#tantekand docuwiki makes up its own syntax - so that makes it a non-starter for me personally for any new uses. I put up with the CSSWG wiki because of legacy, though I'm moving stuff in bits to the W3C wiki (which uses mediawiki)
#sandeepshettyand it helped to go through the source to clarify my thoughts
friedcell and thatryana joined the channel
#tanteksandeepshetty - I don't know about "foresee" any flat file problems. so far I'm charging ahead with flat files in Falcon pretty well.
#tantekso far I use *zero* indexing in Falcon for anything
smus joined the channel
#sandeepshettyI might be going with sqlllit for the index and keeping the content in files by quater like you
#sandeepshettyI'm outta here.. want to start on my flat file branch of converspace
#sandeepshettyget all tags used, get post by a specific tag, etc.
#tanteksandeepshetty - to be clear, I'm not doing "by quarter" (approximate 4ths of a year), I'm doing "by bim" (nearly exact 6ths of a year) which makes a difference because you can use math more easily to do lookups.
#tantek"get all tags used" sounds like a good use for a cache (which is simply updated upon request with posts made since the last request)
#sandeepshettythis stuff works right now on my db backed site so I need these when I move to flat files
#sandeepshettyI know. I'm just approximating to a quarter since I'm not going down the new calender way
#tantek"get posts by a specific tag" works by getting posts one bim at a time starting with most recent bim and working backwards (since such queries are nearly always time ordered recent first)
#tantekapproximating to a quarter may make things more complicated/confusing since they won't map to existing calendar quarters.
andreypopp, smus, jschweinsberg and obensource joined the channel
#brettantek: re: arals indiephone: it seems like contributing to firefox os would be give him more of an actual chance at realizing some form of his vision. It seems unlikely any individual would ever be capable of putting together a phone through crowd funding. His examples against FFOS could all be addressed easily
smus joined the channel
#bretrephrased, it seems a 'phone' is a much larger project than any one individual can put together, and thus, the 'indie' label seems inappropriate
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