2013-12-15 UTC
bnvk, pfenwick, tpinto_, melvster, fmarier, obensource, KartikPrabhu, skinny and Acidnerd joined the channel
tpinto_ and catsup joined the channel
dentonjacobs, tpinto_, brianloveswords, snarfed, fmarier, jschweinsberg, kylewm, caseorganic, melvster, andreypopp, LauraJ, skinny, eschnou, bnvk, otterdam, XgF, obensource, squeakytoy and friedcell joined the channel
bnvk, snarfed and friedcell joined the channel
# 16:30 snarfed coffee in hand, purring cat in my lap, hacking likes and reposts into brid.gy…shaping up to be a good morning
# 16:30 snarfed aaronpk: hmm, looks like indiewebcamp.com is down?
kylewm and barnabywalters joined the channel
# 16:47 Loqi barnabywalters: tantek left you a message on 12/13 at 10:29am: always fun when someone I know discovers one of my random domains.
tantek joined the channel
# 17:03 Loqi tantek: snarfed left you a message on 12/14 at 2:26pm: hey, i'm thinking about p-like and p-repost as possible experimental properties on h-entry, as embedded likes/reposts of the parent h-entry. parallels the existing experimental p-comment property. thoughts? if so, mind giving User:Snarfed edit privileges on the mf wiki? thanks!
# 17:05 tantek tried a curl webmention to it (of that one post I linked to a short domain) and got a 202
# 17:07 tantek but you're not showing comments on articles yet right? perhaps you can check to see if my webmention got processed ok for that article?
# 17:07 tantek snarfed - you should already have edit permissions for the microformats wiki - it may just be a specific page that's been locked down a bit. which page were you trying to edit?
# 17:09 snarfed iirc it said i didn't have edit privs because i didn't have create privs, which sounded odd, but meh
# 17:12 tantek try now. btw - feel free to lurk in #microformats as well - wiki edits go there too
# 17:17 tantek as using to point to things which themselves are likes and reposts is the inverse of how Sandeep is using u-like and u-repost
# 17:17 tantek and technically the prefix is just a parsing directive
# 17:17 tantek there is only one "like" property and one "repost" property
# 17:17 tantek sandeep is using u-like to point to the URL that is being liked
# 17:18 tantek similarly with u-repost - to point to a URL that is being reposted
# 17:18 tantek I'd say for embedded "embedded likes/reposts of the parent h-entry" just keep using the existing p-comment property
# 17:19 tantek otherwise it parses as if *your* blog post is a like of the likes
# 17:19 snarfed so an embedded p-comment with a u-like would be interpreted as a like instead of a comment?
# 17:20 tantek no it would be interpreted as a like of the thing you're linking to
# 17:20 snarfed my use case was being able to connect an h-card with the u-like
# 17:20 snarfed but if i just reuse embedded p-comments, that works
# 17:20 tantek sandeep is using u-like and u-repost to link to the thing being liked or the thing being reposted
# 17:21 tantek well it sounds more like you're trying to indicate the *type* of the post rather than a relationship
# 17:22 tantek the "object-type" of the nested h-entry in AS terms
# 17:22 tantek so for indicating object types, a few of us have been using h-as-* on the same element as the h-entry
# 17:22 tantek so another approach could be to just keep extending that
# 17:23 tantek which you can use *both* on likes that you post, and on likes that you embed as comments
# 17:23 tantek in the only thing is that it neither case does it indicate what you are liking
# 17:24 tantek to indicate that relationship like u-in-reply-to
# 17:25 tantek which better communicates the relationship to the URL that is being linked to
# 17:25 tantek perhaps we can convince sandeep to switch to u-like-of and u-repost-of
# 17:26 snarfed it seems like there are so few uses of u-like and u-repost in the wild that migrating wouldn't be hard
# 17:28 snarfed idno, sandeep, barry frost…and then i start running out fast
# 17:28 tantek yeah - and for all of them it's maybe one or two lines of code
# 17:32 tantek I'd say since there are so few implementations, feel free to implement the counterproposal, and then we can have a discussion about both methods
# 17:34 snarfed brid.gy should hopefully be sending them in a day or two
eschnou joined the channel
eschnou joined the channel
andreypopp, barnabywalters and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 19:00 Loqi KevinMarks: tantek left you a message on 12/12 at 6:12pm: that TRON-like intro on the youtube of your talk is hilarious. And your talk is AWESOME! Well done.
# 19:01 Loqi KevinMarks: bret left you a message on 12/12 at 8:08pm: enjoying your talk :)
andreypopp joined the channel
# 19:04 KevinMarks !tell tantek - that was the intro branding for all of Le Web this year - nicely over the top producttion
# 19:10 ShaneHudson !tell tantek - almost got lost in the archives of your site! So many hidden gems that I missed or forgot about! :)
eschnou, julian`, andreypopp and bnvk joined the channel
# 19:33 bnvk Why on god's earth does Google+ STILL not have a status update write API?
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 19:35 snarfed answer #2: it doesn't, because they're deathly afraid of spam, where spam is broadly defined as anything that degrades the timeline experience
# 19:36 snarfed (moments API works but is a slightly second class citizen)
# 19:36 snarfed answer #3: it does, and it's closed to "partners." whee!
# 19:41 KevinMarks iirc moments API is effective archival - like the phot sync form android. You then need to manually decide whom to share it with
# 19:42 KevinMarks there is a share on G+ button, so there is a JS API, but it's obfuscated
# 19:42 snarfed i thought users could do that (share moments) per type though, as opposed to per post?
andreypopp joined the channel
eschnou, melvster, CheckDavid, abrereton, snarfed and obensource joined the channel
# 22:34 snarfed so…it looks facebook likes don't have permalinks. nor do instagram likes, twitter favorites, or g+ +1s
# 22:47 KartikPrabhu snarfed: I think that is true. AFAIK, all these actions are not considered separate 'posts' but as actions on the parent post
lukebrooker joined the channel
skinny joined the channel
fmarier, diarchy, kapitula and obensource joined the channel