tantekacegiak - would be great if you could note that about soundcloud on a page on the wiki, e.g. even a brief note about how soundcloud embeds work here: http://indiewebcamp.com/SoundCloud
acegiaktantek: sure, I'll make a small note of it. also: indieauth doesn't like me putting ?rel=author on the end of my link to my google profile which google likes for the purposes of authorship
Loqijonnybarnes: tantek left you a message on 12/13 at 10:35am: re: "do not break at %`'"&.!?^" because for each of those frequently thier uses are contextually relevant and breaking at them (or removing them) changes the meaning of the text too much - could produce misleading text for the reader.
Loqijonnybarnes: tantek left you a message on 12/13 at 10:36am: re: "do not break at %`'"&.!?^" because for each of those frequently thier uses are contextually relevant and breaking at them (or removing them) changes the meaning of the text too much - could produce misleading text for the reader.
Loqijonnybarnes: tantek left you a message on 12/13 at 12:48pm: re: "do not break at %`'"&.!?^" because for each of those frequently thier uses are contextually relevant and breaking at them (or removing them) changes the meaning of the text too much - could produce misleading text for the reader.
jonnybarneshas anyone ever thought of double tweeting? As in if the note to be syndicated fits do Note-part1... (1/2) then Note-part2 (2/2) (permashortcitation)
bnvkjonnybarnes: i've thought about that... would probably want to set a 2x tweet limit tho... but, also IMHO it's kinda against the goal of POSSE / IndieWeb
tantekpersonally I do try to make my notes fit in <118 chars or so, but if they go over, I try to add a sentence or two to make the clicking through worth it
tanteksnarfed, jonnybarnes I personally am not a fan of the "serial tweet" - in particular since Twitter provides no affordance for navigation back/forth across tweet permalinks from the same person.
tanteknote their cynical treatment of Diaspora and Freedom Box: "while both projects met their fund-raising goals and drummed up a good deal of hype, neither came to fruition."
tantekright now that's about the best we can hope for. either journalists are confused, and thus ignore it, or they see our successes, and document them.
tantekbnvk - this has been quite the epic year for indieweb achievements too. like we finally got peer-to-peer stuff working across numerous implementations. that's a pretty big deal.
bnvkI think I have a license to some app that does it- if you collate a few URLs that highlight crucial moments, I'll start doing the capture & editing
tantekbnvk - makes sense. perhaps leave !tell messages asking the creators of the videos to help you with your video project. (e.g. benwerd, aaronpk, etc.)
tantekproblem with email for tasks like this is that the very medium itself (longer messages) encourages scope creep, and then you end up never getting it done
tantekbnvk, and if it is a multi-step "project", then it's probably worthy of capturing those steps/outlines on a wiki page and iterating there accordingly
bnvkwhat about bold? italic? link? img? headers? every time I jump into a page to contribute / edit my brain has to shift gears to recopy the snippet that someone else did
bnvkI really like trying to organize my thoughts and ideas with those details, but just find a lot of friction between the wiki and my processes for everything else I do
barnabywaltershowever I haven’t built a “photo” post type yet, and right now would rather make a slightly more general UI which can then be distilled down for single-photo posts
tantekjulian` I'm not an nginx expert myself, however there are a few folks here that have been documenting solutions on the wiki. Perhaps briefly describe your problem here and they can help: https://indiewebcamp.com/nginx#Questions_and_issues
julian`bobbabooth.com and www.bobbabooth.com go to the correct place but www.julian.so somehow goes to the bobbabooth index but julian.so alone goes to the correct place (so weird i know...)
barnabywaltersjonnybarnes: meh. basically test whatever needs testing, either because you need to be able to verify that it still works once you’ve made changes to it