2013-12-18 UTC
skinny, joeysim, abrereton, poppy, dentonjacobs, KartikPrabhu, tilgovi, melvster, barnabywalters, _6a68, bnvk, tantek, npdoty, snarfed, dvirsky, skinny_, tpinto, fmarier, kylewm_ and Acidnerd joined the channel
# 05:21 snarfed current status: spent a couple hours trying to write a userstyle (background: http://userstyles.org/ ) that highlights and renders a site owner's h-card in a standard way
pfenwick joined the channel
# 05:22 snarfed might be more doable with a JS userscript, or by someone with more CSS fu than me
# 05:24 snarfed (the genericons font URLs are hard-coded right now, but that's the least of its problems)
fritzy joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
# 06:13 KartikPrabhu snarfed: do you have a mockup of what you are trying to do with the userstyle?
# 06:15 snarfed i'll write up a brief description of the problems i ran into and add it to the file itself
eschnou joined the channel
# 06:19 tantek gcal being a piece of crap is more motivation to work on getting personal indie events working
# 06:22 snarfed tantek: agreed re gcal, historically at least. check your webmentions, i replied. :P
# 06:23 tantek snarfed - I checked my webmentions - nothing new from you
# 06:23 tantek snarfed, did you fix your rel=webmention discovery?
# 06:24 snarfed of course not. that would be the polite thing to do.
# 06:24 snarfed i proceeded to forget about it and assume it would fix itself
# 06:24 tantek was just doing a mental playback of the last time we had this conversation ;)
# 06:26 snarfed KartikPrabhu: i suck at photoshop, but to verbal describe the goal of that userstyle: i was going for basically the same kind of icons that ben has on http://werd.io/ , pinned to the top left with position: fixed. the icons themselves would be inserted automatically based on the h-card properties, via CSS and Genericons, and the rest of the h-card would be hidden.
# 06:27 snarfed the goal is that you can toggle it on when you go to someone's site, and you always see the contact methods in their h-card rendered the same way. (and clickable if they've made them links.)
pfenwick and eschnou joined the channel
# 06:43 snarfed tantek: debugging now. any chance you know a page of yours that webmention.io has a mention for, for comparison?
# 06:44 tantek snarfed - doesn't matter because that's orthogonal as those could show up via a simple curl
# 06:45 snarfed oh i know. i'm debugging my site's discovery, and i'm using webmention.io's api to check that my site sends a webmention
# 06:45 snarfed good point though, i can look at the last one i sent manually
eschenal joined the channel
# 07:04 snarfed !tell aaronpk webmention.io feature request: allow some safe html in comment content, e.g. links. right now it strips all tags. :/ …i guess i should file it in github. off to do that now!
joeysim and snarfed joined the channel
tantek, eschenal, LauraJ and eschnou joined the channel
# 07:30 tantek snarfed - saw your reply in my webmention.io queue
# 07:30 tantek and wow I'm disappointed even more in the gcal workaround
# 07:31 tantek first a need to make a manual setting for what should be automatic, seamless, and obvious
# 07:31 snarfed if the recipient email is attached to your google account, that should be enough
# 07:31 tantek and second, this is completely wrong: "Event responses will display as coming from **your Google Account**, not the alternate email address which was originally invited to the event"
# 07:31 snarfed i harassed them about this a long time ago when i worked there, and they agreed that it's dumb
# 07:32 tantek the developers/designers that made these design decisions were being either lazy or stupid or both.
# 07:32 snarfed basically, gcal hasn't really been staffed for years and years
# 07:32 tantek oh so it's going to get shut down then like reader
# 07:32 tantek I know, let's drop gcal and make everyone use G+ events!
# 07:33 snarfed right. i thought it would die too, but it got a life extension since some of it is used as infrastructure for g+
# 07:34 tantek so in Gmail Settings / Accounts / Send mail as:
# 07:34 tantek (*) Reply from the same address the message was sent to
# 07:34 tantek and that took me like, what, under 60 seconds to find?
# 07:36 tantek snarfed, what I don't understand is, don't people at google use gcal for their own meetings?
# 07:36 snarfed right. it's an org problem, not an actual product challenge
# 07:37 snarfed yes, but people at google don't use lots of different work email addresses :P
# 07:38 tantek snarfed - odd - most google people I know use both gmail.com and google.com addresses
# 07:38 snarfed their personal emails aren't invited to work mtgs, or vice versa
# 07:39 snarfed in general this problem is more likely to bite personal events, not work events
# 07:39 tantek more and more I'm thinking there shouldn't be separate work identities
# 07:40 snarfed some people feel strongly your way, some people feel strongly to keep them separate, some don't feel strongly
# 07:40 tantek the homebrew computer club reunion really made strong points about that
# 07:40 tantek snarfed - well, I like putting the user in charge
# 07:40 snarfed just like some people are inbox zero, some aren't. it's not a choice you want to force on users
# 07:40 tantek if the user wants to create a second email for work purposes, then they should be able to
# 07:41 snarfed uh…well, that gets into org IT policy, which is a separate question
# 07:41 snarfed it just happens that in practice, google corp doesn't, so their employees don't have this particular itch
# 07:44 snarfed eh, just tradeoffs, as usual. it'd be easier if more things were black and white :P
# 07:45 tantek it's not black and white at all - it's an ideal
Jihaisse joined the channel
# 07:47 snarfed sure. the tradeoff is, in practice, users bring all sorts of malware, etc inside the org's firewall, and wreak havoc
# 07:47 snarfed security people have a hard enough time with real threads like spear phishing and APTs
# 07:48 snarfed but anyway. better discussion for in person. and i'm sure you've already had it many times before. :P
# 07:52 tantek yes - times have gotten more complicated since the early days of Homebrew Computer Club
# 07:53 tantek nowadays even USB sticks could have compromised firmware
bnvk joined the channel
andreypopp, eschnou, eschenal, tantek and tpinto joined the channel
cweiske, icco, zaal, anselm, srushe, jancborchardt, hadleybeeman, lmjabreu and pfefferle joined the channel
bnvk, icco and tpinto joined the channel
barnabywalters, bnvk, friedcell, pfefferle, skinny, adactio, dentonjacobs, brianloveswords, melvster and Phae_ joined the channel
nloadholtes, bnvk, jonnybarnes, laurente, CheckDavid, snarfed, npdoty, melvster, andreypopp, eschnou, _6a68 and jschweinsberg joined the channel
fritzy, tantek, KevinMarks, adactio, npdoty, tilgovi, snarfed, snarfed1, bnvk, jschweinsberg, zaal, anselm, srushe, jancborchardt, hadleybeeman, lmjabreu and caseorganic joined the channel
# 18:18 bret what are all the popular event sits? meetup, eventbrite?
# 18:19 snarfed1 bret: definitely those. not sure of others, but i don't use them much
# 18:20 bret I should probably post the HWC PDX event on those
snarfed joined the channel
# 18:21 snarfed morning indiewebcamp! homebrew web site club mtg tonight. yay!
# 18:21 bret aaronpk posted to calegator this time I think
# 18:21 tantek bret - you know what works better than popular event sites? personal invitations (like txt/IM/email your friends)
# 18:22 tantek and then just be sure the calagator URL links to the indiewebcamp event URL and vice versa.
# 18:22 bret this is true, i have been trying to rep it in the pdxtech channel
benprew, npdoty, dvirsky, bnvk, eschnou, fritzy, tpinto, paulcp, eschenal, jonnybarnes, caseorganic, KartikPrabhu, tantek, _6a68, CheckDavid, fmarier, andreypopp, voxpelli, squeakytoy and jchivers joined the channel
# 22:01 jchivers hello, I wanted to drop by the SF homebrew meeting later - added myself to the RSVP section of the event wiki page - was there anything else I need to 'do' - or just show up? :)
# 22:03 jchivers groovy, thanks tantek (you can discard my email of course :) )
dvirsky and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 22:37 Loqi [@chloeweil] @keithbelfast There are people who have implemented reply contexts though
fritzy, fritzy_ and _6a68 joined the channel
caseorganic joined the channel
# 23:13 voxpelli tantek: I don't think I have any idea about how to do that ;) Not very used to the wiki yet
# 23:14 tantek vopelli - it's ok. just copy/paste what others have done and change accordingly ;)
skinny joined the channel
lukebrooker, tantek, dvirsky and squeakytoy joined the channel
# 23:49 bret it might be pretty quiet this evening, I didnt get to promote it very much this week due to finals
# 23:51 dietrich might be just some hacking and conversation, which is a-ok with me :)
# 23:51 bret i was just about to ask :) That should work better than an iPad mic
# 23:55 bret I'll probably spend some time setting up meetup and eventbrite pages this evening too
# 23:57 bret peat, I know you live in PDX, you interested?