barnabywalterstantek: btw, today I discovered that my old-ish feature phone supports people-focused home screens with photos+names, and (!!!) web feeds for those people
tanteksnarfed - so here's my question about the 2nd degree favoriting showing up on your post - how come the tweet itself that linked to your post didn't show up as a mention?
snarfedwhen i looked at that a while back in a survey of POSSE posts, adoption of it was lacking at best, and i didn't want people's first experience to be webmentions of their POSSE posts, so i went the more aggressive route
snarfedon a related note, one next big feature for bridgy is to accept webmentions against silo posts and post them into the silos (as comments, faves, etc) using the APIs
tanteksnarfed - I think I get it now - you are posting everything you post on to twitter, and no "original posts" directly to Twitter - you just don't post that often to!
snarfedbtw, apologies again for the bug! should be fixed now. expect rough edges, e.g. the welcome msg, but you should be able to sign up and use it at least
tantekI think if I implemented (I mean *when*) I may switch back to always having a clickable permalink on my twitter POSSE'd posts - because there would be a very good chance that the permalink on my own site would include much more interaction (including FB comments) than the tweet.
Loqitantek meant to say: I think if I implemented on (I mean *when*) I may switch back to always having a clickable permalink on my twitter POSSE'd posts - because there would be a very good chance that the permalink on my own site would include much more interaction (including FB comments) than the tweet.
snarfedyeah that message is ugly, and deleting won't work until i push this next fix, but otherwise hopefully it'll work. sigh, live debugging. thanks for finding it!
tantekas you get more likes snarfed you may want to consider compressing them into "n people liked this" style presentation that FB does where it shows the most recent 5 or so mini icons
aaronpk!tell snarfed I'm super into tracking down the bugs with and bridgy. unfortunatley am traveling this week and will not likely have much time to poke at it
Loqisnarfed: aaronpk left you a message 1 hour, 32 minutes ago: I'm super into tracking down the bugs with and bridgy. unfortunatley am traveling this week and will not likely have much time to poke at it
tantekKartikPrabhu - it's a wiki page, by definition it's the latest unless you want to investigate any of the items/links and update it with newer information!
tantek!snarfed - ah looks like @-replies get caught eventually by bridgy - very cool. certainly a bit surreal to have my POSSEd copy show up on your blog - but whatever works!
tantek!tell snarfed - ah looks like @-replies get caught eventually by bridgy - very cool. certainly a bit surreal to have my POSSEd copy show up on your blog. Ideally bridgy could do original post discovery on @-replies and give you the original rather than the Twitter POSSE copy. :)
tantek!tell snarfed - also - is your blog deliberately showing UTC timestamps? any reasons to show those rather than local (to you or to the reader) timestamps?
Loqisnarfed: tantek left you a message 11 hours, 25 minutes ago: I tried @-replying to your @-reply to see if that worked to add a comment to your post (just as favoriting your @-reply added a favorite)
Loqisnarfed: tantek left you a message 11 hours, 1 minute ago: - ah looks like @-replies get caught eventually by bridgy - very cool. certainly a bit surreal to have my POSSEd copy show up on your blog. Ideally bridgy could do original post discovery on @-replies and give you the original rather than the Twitter POSSE copy. :)
Loqisnarfed: tantek left you a message 10 hours, 59 minutes ago: - also - is your blog deliberately showing UTC timestamps? any reasons to show those rather than local (to you or to the reader) timestamps?
bnvk, ryana|away and schalkneethling joined the channel
voxpelliaaronpk: the code won't be available outside of peoples local boxes and the pings will be towards peoples local webmention receivers - tricking them into accepting a faked mention from you so that they can ensure that their code can handle such a mention if it were to be real one day
snarfedaaronpk: i suspect the problem may be SNI. it was cheaper than a VIP, so i went with it, but it requires that you pass the hostname when you connect. browsers do, but it looks like openssl doesn't by default
snarfedthe other possibility is that the cert includes the CA root cert, which it doesn't need to, and which s_client and qualys lightly complain about
snarfedi replaced the cert just now with one that has chained intermediate certs from the CA. it looks like the earlier one didn't have them. could have sworn i uploaded the one that did, but maybe not