#barnabywalterstantek: btw, today I discovered that my old-ish feature phone supports people-focused home screens with photos+names, and (!!!) web feeds for those people
#tanteksnarfed - so here's my question about the 2nd degree favoriting showing up on your post - how come the tweet itself that linked to your post didn't show up as a mention?
#snarfedit ignores "original posts." it only sends replies, likes, and reshares of them
#ShaneHudsonShould be changed to 'If you have an idea, Tantek has already done it' :P
#tantekShaneHudson - that's just a particular school of thought ;)
#tantekShaneHudson - not done it, maybe wikified it. And not "already" but likelier, as t->∞
#snarfedwhen i looked at that a while back in a survey of POSSE posts, adoption of it was lacking at best, and i didn't want people's first experience to be webmentions of their POSSE posts, so i went the more aggressive route
#snarfedon a related note, one next big feature for bridgy is to accept webmentions against silo posts and post them into the silos (as comments, faves, etc) using the APIs
#tantekplease upload and embed in /icon (along with what steps you followed on your phone to make them appear)
#barnabywalterswill see if I can borrow a sim with data and try the web feed feature
#tanteksnarfed - I think I get it now - you are posting everything you post on snarfed.org to twitter, and no "original posts" directly to Twitter - you just don't post that often to snarfed.org!
#tantekwe're definitely starting to blur the lines here
#snarfedbtw, apologies again for the bug! should be fixed now. expect rough edges, e.g. the welcome msg, but you should be able to sign up and use it at least
#tantekI think if I implemented (I mean *when*) I may switch back to always having a clickable permalink on my twitter POSSE'd posts - because there would be a very good chance that the permalink on my own site would include much more interaction (including FB comments) than the tweet.
#tanteks/implemented/implemented brid.gy on tantek.com
#Loqitantek meant to say: I think if I implemented brid.gy on tantek.com (I mean *when*) I may switch back to always having a clickable permalink on my twitter POSSE'd posts - because there would be a very good chance that the permalink on my own site would include much more interaction (including FB comments) than the tweet.
#snarfedi've had that for a couple years with the last version of brid.gy, but just for comments. likes etc are more common
#tantekheh: "Added Twitter: Tantek Çelik. Refresh to see what we've found!"
#snarfedyeah that message is ugly, and deleting won't work until i push this next fix, but otherwise hopefully it'll work. sigh, live debugging. thanks for finding it!
#tantekas you get more likes snarfed you may want to consider compressing them into "n people liked this" style presentation that FB does where it shows the most recent 5 or so mini icons
acegiak, squeakytoy2, squeakytoy, pavelz, the_merlin, otterdam, edsu, skinny, pfenwick, bnvk and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#aaronpk!tell snarfed I'm super into tracking down the bugs with webmention.io and bridgy. unfortunatley am traveling this week and will not likely have much time to poke at it
#Loqisnarfed: aaronpk left you a message 1 hour, 32 minutes ago: I'm super into tracking down the bugs with webmention.io and bridgy. unfortunatley am traveling this week and will not likely have much time to poke at it
#snarfedaaronpk: no worries! not at all urgent. have a good trip
#tantekKartikPrabhu - it's a wiki page, by definition it's the latest unless you want to investigate any of the items/links and update it with newer information!
#KartikPrabhutantek: just curious. will investigate later. thanks
#tantek!snarfed - ah looks like @-replies get caught eventually by bridgy - very cool. certainly a bit surreal to have my POSSEd copy show up on your blog - but whatever works!
#tantek!tell snarfed - ah looks like @-replies get caught eventually by bridgy - very cool. certainly a bit surreal to have my POSSEd copy show up on your blog. Ideally bridgy could do original post discovery on @-replies and give you the original rather than the Twitter POSSE copy. :)
#tantek!tell snarfed - also - is your blog deliberately showing UTC timestamps? any reasons to show those rather than local (to you or to the reader) timestamps?
CheckDavid, bnvk, paulcp and snarfed joined the channel
#Loqisnarfed: tantek left you a message 11 hours, 25 minutes ago: I tried @-replying to your @-reply to see if that worked to add a comment to your post (just as favoriting your @-reply added a favorite) https://twitter.com/t/status/419376018303238144
#Loqisnarfed: tantek left you a message 11 hours, 1 minute ago: - ah looks like @-replies get caught eventually by bridgy - very cool. certainly a bit surreal to have my POSSEd copy show up on your blog. Ideally bridgy could do original post discovery on @-replies and give you the original rather than the Twitter POSSE copy. :)
#Loqisnarfed: tantek left you a message 10 hours, 59 minutes ago: - also - is your blog deliberately showing UTC timestamps? any reasons to show those rather than local (to you or to the reader) timestamps?
bnvk, ryana|away and schalkneethling joined the channel
#voxpelliaaronpk: the code won't be available outside of peoples local boxes and the pings will be towards peoples local webmention receivers - tricking them into accepting a faked mention from you so that they can ensure that their code can handle such a mention if it were to be real one day
#aaronpksure thing, did you have an example post in mind?
#snarfedaaronpk: i suspect the problem may be SNI. it was cheaper than a VIP, so i went with it, but it requires that you pass the hostname when you connect. browsers do, but it looks like openssl doesn't by default
#snarfede.g. this works: openssl s_client -servername www.brid.gy -connect www.brid.gy:443
#snarfedsimple fix is probably just for me to serve sources from the appspot.com host
#snarfedoh! if it works with those as sources, then yeah, that's an existence proof
#snarfedthe other possibility is that the cert includes the CA root cert, which it doesn't need to, and which s_client and qualys lightly complain about
#aaronpkalso interestingly, it only seems to be an issue when making requests from my web server, not my mac
#snarfedi replaced the cert just now with one that has chained intermediate certs from the CA. it looks like the earlier one didn't have them. could have sworn i uploaded the one that did, but maybe not
#snarfedbut that was before your latest failure, so clearly it didn't help
#aaronpkoh this is interesting, the stacktrace shows it's using a "net-http-persistent" gem
#aaronpkI wonder if I can force it to not use persistent connections