#indiewebcamp 2014-01-03
2014-01-03 UTC
bret …Cat Bush. Lol http://chloeweil.com/note?id=411971182594760704

jchivers joined the channel
tantek.com created /events/2013-11-20-homebrew-website-club (+215) "stub and notes on how to backfill this page" (view diff)

edwardasykes joined the channel
tantek.com edited /events/2014-01-15-homebrew-website-club (+344) "add Previously section" (view diff)

paulcp_ joined the channel
tantek so far we have three folks publishing indie events posts: http://indiewebcamp.com/event

tantek is anyone else considering this or working on it? I am, but the design and coding has been taking me longer than expected. My notes so far: http://indiewebcamp.com/Falcon#event_posts

tantek I think benwerd did invitations in one of his events but I can't find it: http://indiewebcamp.com/event#Invitations

tommorris joined the channel
hugoroyd_ joined the channel
@shawnokeefe RT @t: Easy #indieweb 2014 resolution: Post more on your site than Twitter, FB, etc. Like @neilhimself http://journal.neilgaiman.com/2013/12/where-did-i-go-out-what-did-i-do.html (ttk.me t4Ts3) (twitter.com/_/status/418904646480973827)
the_merlin oh hey! hello benwerd
hadleybeeman joined the channel
the_merlin so I'm a tad confused - took a look at the site and it looks like it's for one specific event, but you're advertising other events (including the homebrew website meetup) on the same site?
the_merlin ^ tantek perhaps?
caseorganic joined the channel
rknLA joined the channel
tantek.com edited /event (+1460) "/* Design Brainstorming */ add a POSSE section with some thoughts on where and how to POSSE" (view diff)

CheckDavid joined the channel
@mcepl Don’t you know how to archive messages from Google Groups? http://luther.ceplovi.cz/blog/2014/01/scrapping-of-the-google-groups/ #indieweb (twitter.com/_/status/418907792150237184)
the_merlin ah-haaaa thanks for the infoes :)
snarfed joined the channel
the_merlin bret: tantek shot me a link to the homebrew website event
fmarier joined the channel
the_merlin danke! I'll try!
@teamidno Idno will be at the Homebrew Website Club at Mozilla on January 15th. You should come too! http://indiewebcamp.com/events/2014-01-15-homebrew-website-club #indieweb (twitter.com/_/status/418912563699519489)
aaronpk oo new site http://hello.idno.co/

caseorganic joined the channel
tantek Hmm - I would have expected this to be an RSVP post: http://hello.idno.co/2014/idno-will-be-at-the-homebrew-website-club-at-mozilla (but it looks just like a note)

tantek benwerd - whoa the URL is invisible until I hover over it: http://hello.idno.co/2014/idno-will-be-at-the-homebrew-website-club-at-mozilla

poppy joined the channel
tantek.com edited /rsvp (+263) "/* Aaron Parecki */ note implementation of autosuggest for RSVPs (as noted in IRC)" (view diff)

tantek aaronpk - is this about right? want to add any more details? http://indiewebcamp.com/rsvp#autosuggest

aaronpk interestingly, since i'm almost done with my indieauth todo list (http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2013-12-30/line/1388444098) I will actually be able to allow others to sign in to p3k and use my posting interface to create content on their own site

@t @chloeweil well deserved! Long way since @indiewebcamp 2011. For 2014 add @-replies to your site like this ... http://tantek.com/2014/002/t5/add-replies-your-site (twitter.com/_/status/418919612173266944)
Loqi joined the channel
KevinMarks Wells Fargo used to require you to use your social security number as username

KevinMarks So they may be trying to stop that now

squeakytoy, caseorganic and skinny joined the channel
aaronpk fascinating time capsule http://homescreen2014.tumblr.com/

tantek e.g. see the reply-context here: http://tantek.com/2014/002/t6/next-suggest-reply-contexts-webmention

tantek hmm - why didn't Loqi get that tweet? https://twitter.com/t/status/418934460051382272

Loqi https://twitter.com/t :: @chloeweil a-ha you do have replies! Awesome!

@t @chloeweil a-ha you do have replies! Awesome! Next may I suggest reply-contexts and webmention http://indiewebcamp.com/reply-context (ttk.me t4Ts6) (twitter.com/_/status/418934460051382272)
tantek, squeakytoy2, snarfed and skinny joined the channel
@djp1974 RT @t: Easy #indieweb 2014 resolution: Post more on your site than Twitter, FB, etc. Like @neilhimself http://journal.neilgaiman.com/2013/12/where-did-i-go-out-what-did-i-do.html (ttk.me t4Ts3) (twitter.com/_/status/418943082076184576)
bnvk, CheckDavid and skinny joined the channel
poppy that was my resolution 2 years ago
poppy turns out i just stopped putting things on the internet for the most part
squeakytoy, Loqi, melvster, igalic and KevinMarks joined the channel
aaronpk this post http://aaron.pk/m4Tsvp5 was created from my new indieauth-enabled iphone app! https://github.com/aaronpk/PushupCounter-iOS

squeakytoy and mcepl joined the channel
cweiske joined the channel
pfenwick, squeakytoy2, melvster, squeakytoy and bear joined the channel
@kartik_prabhu #Memory: I was once accused of not having a web-presence 'coz I didn't have an account on #Orkut! #Irony: Posted on #Twitter #indieweb (twitter.com/_/status/419006355572129792)
pfenwick, tantek, KartikPrabhu1 and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
@Brironic @aaronpk I don't think StackOverflow supports OpenID 1. Will IndieAuth support OpenID2? (twitter.com/_/status/419010244522430464)
@aaronpk @Brironic I'm able to sign in to stackoverflow just fine, did you encounter an issue with it? #indieauth (http://aaronparecki.com/replies/2014/01/02/1/indieauth) (twitter.com/_/status/419011792866508800)
Loqi [mention] http://aaronparecki.com/replies/2014/01/02/2/indieauth linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/IRC (webmention)

@aaronpk @Brironic Now I'm confused. Are you on IRC? Might be easier to continue the discussion there... http://aaronparecki.com/replies/2014/01/02/2/indieauth (twitter.com/_/status/419013299036901376)
KevinMarks, LauraJ, eschenal, mcepl, schalkneethling, glennjones, pfenwick, igalic, adactio, melvster, barnabywalters, BjornW, CheckDavid, bnvk, pasevin, snarfed, eschnou, tantek, jchivers and jchivers_ joined the channel
Loqi [mention] http://christopheducamp.com/b/2014-01-03/lifelog-decouverte-de-dayone/ linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/IndieMark#Level_1 (pingback)

bpayton joined the channel
Loqi [mention] http://christopheducamp.com/b/2014-01-03/lifelog-decouverte-de-dayone/ linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/note-fr (pingback)

@kevinmarks @anildash @waxpancake @xuhulk @t and @benwerd and @aaronpk are RSVP conf http://indiewebcamp.com/rsvp (twitter.com/_/status/419149438183931904)
benwerd joined the channel
barnabywalters csvconf.com not transmitted as text/csv

barnabywalters dr

tantek barnabywalters - I don't see any mediatype information: http://web-sniffer.net/?url=http%3A//csvconf.com/

barnabywalters perhaps not, but they’ve included a <style> element in the body

barnabywalters so the source isn’t actually csv whatever the media type

barnabywalters didn’t know about web-sniffer.net, that’s handy

KevinMarks joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
barnabywalters got it

barnabywalters DHTML! there’s a term you don’t often hear

barnabywalters that’s a nice little blob of history

ShaneHudson Talking about history... what do you all think of changing design for old content? I know the bbc, tantek and zeldman all do a good job of keeping the old designs active for old content

Acidnerd joined the channel
ShaneHudson Should I attempt to do that, bearing in mind I'm using Wordpress?

ShaneHudson Mine wouldn't be so much year based as use this theme for the dates between this and this, use current for others

ShaneHudson Not sure if there is any point, but I like keeping a good archive

ShaneHudson yeah true

benprew joined the channel
Loqi [mention] http://christopheducamp.com/b/2014-01-03/lifelog-decouverte-de-dayone/ linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/IndieMark#Level_1 (pingback)

Loqi [mention] http://christopheducamp.com/b/2014-01-03/lifelog-decouverte-de-dayone/ linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/note-fr (pingback)

barnabywalters tantek: “theme” referring to CSS+JS+HTML?

ShaneHudson Oh right, that makes sense :) I'm thinking about redoing mine in flexbox but I might wait a few months before I do a major overhaul on design

ShaneHudson currently focusing on content and content navigation, currently mine is awful for that

ShaneHudson Yeah, since I am using Wordpress that isn't so much of a problem as the theme handles the markup and style, I would do a major change in a new theme

ShaneHudson Though not actually tried it to see if it is possible to use both haha

jacook joined the channel
ShaneHudson yeah that's true

ShaneHudson I've been planning to move to Ghost but better off staying on Wordpress for now since I know it so well and don't have much time

ShaneHudson Still want to get web mentions working, never fixed the problem I had trying to make the plugin

snarfed (post details https://github.com/snarfed/snarfed.org
barnabywalters well, with microformats+HTML templates and archives of CSS that could be quite easy…

barnabywalters provided all your previous content was marked up with microformats

barnabywalters just parse the older version and render it into the latest version

barnabywalters tantek: cool! really looking forward to seeing that in action

barnabywalters so, is a group a shared tag?

barnabywalters but then you have joining and moderation stuff, which is difficult

barnabywalters tantek: in what case have you wanted to do that?

paulcp joined the channel
barnabywalters so in this case (wanting to post something to a group which is public to anyone who looks at the group) the actual desired effect is for it *not

barnabywalters s/*not/not to be visible in listings on your own site

barnabywalters apart (maybe?) from people logged in to your site who are also in the group

barnabywalters it’s often nice for outsiders to be able to see that kind of stuff, so that they can become insiders if they want

barnabywalters unless it gets overbearing

barnabywalters and clutters up your “main” stream

barnabywalters equally, if people can’t see the conversation they can’t join in, which can be abad thing

barnabywalters tantek: likewise

barnabywalters benwerd: like a indiewebcamp.com/commons?

barnabywalters tantek: to a certain extent that even applies to private content, depending on whether or not you trust the recipient(s) not to copy/paste private content into a public area

bnvk joined the channel
barnabywalters benwerd: rel=prev on a h-feed?

barnabywalters point is, security is a computer problem, privacy is a human problem

barnabywalters with all the fuzziness and inconsistency that carries with it

barnabywalters tantek: heh, true

barnabywalters so the closest thing we have to this at the moment is probably indienews

barnabywalters tantek: was referring to the canonical copy thing, where on indienews it’s the creator’s copy

barnabywalters off for sushi, bbiab

benwerd right, so if I create a group, it lives on werd.io or wherever I chose to create it. I can then allow other people access not just to post to it, but also to invite other people and (eg) add other people as admins so they can change its behavior. copies can exist, and members interact on their own sites, but they're always pinging back to that original version

benwerd I totally get you, and agree. I just also think that, for example, FB groups are made more valuable by those other membership activities. I'd argue that posting, joining and inviting should all be possible in your own reader interface. Ideally administering and toggling membership permissions (if you have the ability), too.

pasevin joined the channel
pasevin joined the channel
glennjones joined the channel
benwerd_ joined the channel
pdurbin reminds me a little of http://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/bostonhiking/info

tantek public indie groups are a good place to start. clearly public groups "work" for some set of use-cases - as illustrated by https://www.facebook.com/NovemberProjectSF

squeakytoy joined the channel
pdurbin sorry, i meant your group's domain... http://groups.indiewebcamp.com

pdurbin of course I'm reminded of this... Groupware Bad - http://www.jwz.org/doc/groupware.html :)

tantek barnabywalters, benwerd, pdurbin - here's an attempt at a start to capture some of this on indie groups, please add more http://indiewebcamp.com/group

edwardasykes, barnabywalters, eschnou, benwerd, tantek, CheckDavid, paulcp and jchivers joined the channel
KartikPrabhu does anyone why http://indiewebify.waterpigs.co.uk/validate-h-entry/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fkartikprabhu.com%2Farticle%2Fblogging-dead does not show the p-name?

KartikPrabhu damn! missed barnabywalters by 2 mins

edwardasykes joined the channel
tantek.com edited /group (+1070) "see also hashtags, and braindump contrasts between groups and hashtags" (view diff)

benwerd joined the channel
dvirsky joined the channel
KartikPrabhu more loss of hosted content: http://holdenweb.blogspot.com/2014/01/bliptv-deletes-python-content.html

pdurbin !tell barnabywalters you mean you aren't going to http://dhtmlconf.com ? ;)

tantek joined the channel
tantek maybe you could add some tips here? http://indiewebcamp.com/Google%2B#Searchability

edwardasykes, dvirsky_ and barnabywalters joined the channel
Loqi barnabywalters: pdurbin left you a message 18 minutes ago: you mean you aren't going to http://dhtmlconf.com ? ;)

barnabywalters pdurbin: LOL

schalkneethling joined the channel
barnabywalters KartikPrabhu: RE no p-name, it’s because that validator is currently very focused on notes rather than named posts

KartikPrabhu aah i see! good to know

poppy joined the channel
barnabywalters raised an issue: https://github.com/indieweb/indiewebify-me/issues/10

christopheducamp.com edited /selfdogfood-fr (+4493) "[fr: translation sync'd with original]" (view diff)

christopheducamp.com edited /selfdogfood-fr (-4) "[fr ''Ce contenu a démarré sur [[selfdogfood]]'']" (view diff)

christopheducamp.com edited /selfdogfood-fr (+73) "[fr: sync with original : section voir aussi ]" (view diff)

paulcp joined the channel
tantek Great post Ryan! http://snarfed.org/2013-05-31_fighting-information-overload-and-beyond Really like the prune & batch suggestions. Absolutely right about minimizing context-switches. Blogged about pruning a little over 10y ago: http://tantek.com/log/2003/04.html#L20030421t1700

icco joined the channel
tantek indiewebify finds the author, content, permalinks, datepublished just fine: http://indiewebify.waterpigs.co.uk/validate-h-entry/?url=http%3A%2F%2Findiewebcamp.com%2Firc%2F2014-01-03%2Fline%2F1388788648

barnabywalters tantek: indeed, I need to sort it out with bnvk

barnabywalters tantek: thanks! we have various improvements in the pipeline

barnabywalters distraction^2

pdurbin tantek: maybe link to this question/answer of mine: http://webapps.stackexchange.com/questions/17980/how-can-i-find-my-comment-on-a-google-post-when-no-one-has-commented-after-me

edwardasykes joined the channel
pdurbin hmm. RelParser::InsecureRedirectError at /auth/start

barnabywalters snarfed: where’s the h-entry not being found? http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2014-01-03/line/1388788648?

barnabywalters latest version of php-mf2 finds it okay: http://pin13.net/mf2/?url=http%3A%2F%2Findiewebcamp.com%2Firc%2F2014-01-03%2Fline%2F1388788648

barnabywalters but there’s no *link*, only the URL in plaintext

snarfed and the client side code that looks for it is complicated: https://github.com/snarfed/wordpress-webmention/blob/master/webmention.php#L391
barnabywalters because it’s marked up as p-content not e-content

icco joined the channel
barnabywalters especially with the new e-* parsing rules, there’s no particular reason to use p- for content any more

barnabywalters as the p- parsed version will always be available

KevinMarks joined the channel
barnabywalters thinking of abandoning the whole /notes /articles /music URL thing and just having posts, which can be navigated in chronological order, by “type” or tag

tantek !tell aaronpk there's a rough consensus that the indiewebcamp IRC archive h-entry markup for individual lines should be using e-content instead of p-content: http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2014-01-03/line/1388789951

barnabywalters tantek: yeah, that could be a good evolutionary way of looking at it. maybe draw some inspiration from flickr for variously scoped previous/next navigation, e.g. prev/next “thing”, prev/next thing *of this type*

barnabywalters reasoning is: currently there’s too high a barrier to adding new types of things to post, and too much to maintain

Loqi aaronpk: tantek left you a message 4 minutes ago: there's a rough consensus that the indiewebcamp IRC archive h-entry markup for individual lines should be using e-content instead of p-content: http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2014-01-03/line/1388789951

tantek possibly Twitter? if so, your home page needs to link to https://twitter.com… not just the http: version

tantek found pdurbin's home page via /irc-people :)

pasevin joined the channel
barnabywalters wishes colloquy could easily be extended to make /name a shortcut for http://indiewebcamp.com/name

barnabywalters aaronpk: not that I was aware of, but maybe

barnabywalters aaronpk: the new e-parsing rules allow consumers to see properties as the original HTML or the content parsed as if it was a p-* element, i.e. “safe”

barnabywalters so you can put whatever you like in e-*

barnabywalters aaronpk: looking good!

barnabywalters tantek: why? xml compatibility?

barnabywalters htmlentities() possibly, though that might use named ones for some things

jchivers joined the channel
icco, benwerd and caseorganic joined the channel
caseorga_ joined the channel
barnabywalters it would be so cool if github could link to language symbols e.g. function or class names

KevinMarks joined the channel
Loqi https://twitter.com/jasonkneen :: Reading an article about indieweb and thinking wtf?

tantek snarfed - fascinating - my favorite of your tweet just mentioning your blog post showed up as a favorite of the blog post itself! http://snarfed.org/2013-05-31_fighting-information-overload-and-beyond#comment-1171124

ShaneHudson Anyone know why when I run my site through indiewebify.me it says neither my email or twitter can be fetched? Despite having rel="me"?

barnabywalters ShaneHudson: currently indiewebify.me h-card validation only looks at microformats properties, not rel values (apart from for rel-me detection)

ShaneHudson barnabywalters: Ah, ok. So my site isn't broken? Lol Thanks!

ShaneHudson Hmm just read that twitter conversation between Paul, Jason and benwerd... shame they don't get it. Perhaps it is worth talking to Paul and perhaps writing a html5rocks article about it?

ShaneHudson Haha it is not a closed silo though, fully open source and non-exclusive right to post articles so could be POSSed

ShaneHudson that's a fair point :)